Sunday, October 24, 2010

you have no dinner

 Ideal 19:46:11 Hello, you have no dinner? 
human life is a mystery! Say to God must be believed, because I understand that this is God's guidance, to be faithful obedience, the truth and immediately implemented, that God wanted me to die, can not have the slightest complaint, either completely at the mercy of God! Because God has led two times I've ever had, completely by crossing over the myth, if not accompanied by the power of God, simply to live to see today. Not faithful unto death, sincerity and bear the hardships of this living death, the body can not overcome their weakness, God, and if the slightest intention of individual transactions, is definitely a dead end. All Glory to God! 
difficult one to do what you like, is added to give you the power of God! 
mystery of human life, thank God! Amen! Were also willing to forsake everything for God, for God's interests suffer death proactive work, sincerity and with God, or God in the human body can not work, and God will not be all that is real live human life , the glory of God who had become an empty talk. God is the witness of God himself, here to bring this fact in his description of a problem), he was able to core business plan of God, the Father always pray and seek the Father's will. He prayed: Father, what! If you fulfill your purpose, but you do not according to what I mean to, but to act according to your plan, although the weakness Why should you be mindful of people? In your hands, like ants, people like How worthy of your blessing ? In my heart, only willing achievements you will, may you be able to according to what you mean to me made you want to make the. Jesus to Jerusalem on the road, mind if Daojiao painful, but that did not go back on his mind meaning, there is always a powerful force to dictate the place to be crucified. In the end he was crucified, the image of sinful flesh, and completed the work of salvation of all mankind, all dead Yin detached Oppression, death, hell, hell in front of him was that he lost power over. thirty three years of his life, always according to God's workmanship and endeavor to meet at the heart of God, without personal gain and loss, the total for the Father's mind and intention. So God said, after his baptism: by how much suffering, I do not know by how much the test, I do not know how many Satan, but he never discouraged nor cold. God love him, trust him, only then the task so much to him, so God himself said: br>

mystery of human life, this is a myth, I have been to Jesus, sincerity and love of God to serve God as their intention to follow in order to achieve the benchmark to meet God, there is, after the end of Christ as God's will to be fulfilled, the pain suffered ups and downs of human suffering, the reproach of the world rejected and the second for us the humiliation suffered by crucified, it is my desperate courage, invincible to break through all the people, things, objects, dead Yin dominion over the power! When you see Jesus myth describes the love of God, sincerity and myths Amen! God also said that the aspects are essential, with more people, more to the standards required by God to touch the Holy Spirit more workmanship. people actually meet with God's work in order to produce the actual experience, resulting in substantial knowledge of the myth, and gradually this experience, and finally produce a complete man. God does things for the transcendent, the people are concerned that God Almighty, God all things are made, people wait passively for the results, do not look at the word of God, nor prayers, specifically the Holy Spirit, etc. moved. and pure people receive is that: I am with where, for where God, God workmanship results in me to what effect, is to see how I match, when God's words out, then go out into the go I know enough, this is when I do.

more instability in the network, and a sister of the dialogue, the following is the love of God to lead today, the myth of home selections.

said, people have been living under the shadow of power in the dark, can not truly love God. So, who wishes to love God, Satan must be off the corruption of nature, naturally, conceited, arrogant, conceited, etc. all belong to Satan's temperament. Off if these people are all doped the love of love, are Satan's love, can not get the praise of God. If not directly fulfill the Holy Spirit to deal with, broken, repair, discipline, spanking, and will refine, no one can truly love God, if you say you represent a certain part of the nature of God, so a true love of God, then you this If people are arrogant people who say it is absurd jump to people, so who is the archangel! Human nature can not be directly representative of God, have to take off through the sake of God, the mind through the things of God to satisfy God's heart, and through the Holy Spirit's work, and so can represent the live of God. People who live in the flesh no one can directly represent God, unless it is used by the Holy Spirit, but to such a person can not say that his temperament, his live is fully representative of God, and can only live out his dominated the Holy Spirit to the human nature can not be completely representative of God.

If you say you are the representative of God, you are living ecstasy, then you have the love of God to a point where people can enjoy in the ground like in the days of life, but also said, not you

is God incarnate his love, suffering, sincerity and justice, obedience, humble hiding are direct representatives of God. This is because the time did not bring him to the crime, and is directly from God, not through the processing of Satan, but Jesus is the image of a body of sin, does not mean that crime. So he did, every word, so that achievements in the work before the crucifixion (including the time of the crucifixion) are direct representatives of God. Case proof of Jesus: Those who are with a sinful nature can not represent God to man

inside, so many people lack the nutrients needed by the Spirit. You want to be gods sake, have to learn to go through in everything, in what came to be able to get a turn on, each came to one thing, whether good or bad can make you profit, can not make you a negative,bailey UGG boots, regardless of How can you stand on the side to see what God can not stand people's point of view analysis, research (which is through the deviation.) If you experience by this method, your heart will be a personal possession of the burden of life, always live in the God of light, being bias is not easy to implement, so that the NPC have a future. The opportunity is too much sake of God, to see whether you are real people who love God, you have allowed Liu to be God sake, by God was with,

bear the blessing of God, under God's industries.

When you come to this point of time, you will be able to know in the end what is believed in God, how can we believe a good God, and faith to the will of God, so that you have made in obedience to God, no complaints, no conclusion nor analysis, but do not study, so that you can be obedient to God to death, like sheep led by God, like any, any God to kill, so that each of you can become the nineties, Peter, on the cross can also God love to the extreme, with no complaints, it is the only live out the decade's Peter styles. You are now seeking to serve on the mind of God, is to achieve this.

If you reach this far, this level, you will serve on the mind of God.

who serve God should be the friend of God is pleasing to God, loyalty goes only to God Who has the right to serve God. Regardless of the people behind to do, or do in front of people, can be God in the joy of God, before God can stand firm, no matter how people like you, you always go their own way to go to caring the burden of God, this is the friend of God. Friends of God to serve God directly because of his power of God, God the burden of his heart to the heart of God, God's burden to bear, without regard to future gains and losses, even if the future of nothing, empty-handed, dark picture, could not take anything, but he always love God's God is God, somebody bends friends, only God somebody bends to serve God, God urgent needs, would like to think of God, though physical pain is weak, but able to reluctantly part to meet God, to put more burden on to such people, God made by people like published. So you are pleasing to God, is after God's heart to serve God, the only way people can reign with God in power. When you really become friends of God, when is your relationship with God,UGG boots cheap, when the king came to power.

God made a lot of things among the How many generations. Today God is still for the making of his work for him did not complete the work because he has not yet entered into rest. From the creation God made a lot of work today, but you know the work of God for today's work than ever for more, but the laborers are more ambitious scale, so I said God in the middle made a great thing. God made every job is important, whether human or are important to God, because God made each of the work is about people.

God for the work for both the vain nor felt, but not for the world see, how can a big thing? So what is the big thing to do? Of course no one can deny that all the work of God can be known for great things, but why the things of God for today is a great thing? That God made a lot of things that many people will never understand the mystery in which we may wish to tell us.

Jesus was born in a manger, born in one and not allow him to survive the times, but the world did not stop him, and he looked after the God in the world living under the thirty-three Spring and Autumn. So many years of life in the body, he tasted the bitterness of earth, the taste of the life miserable life. He served as the important task of all mankind crucified Redeemer, He redeemed under the right to live in the Satan of all sinners, his resurrection of the body eventually return to his resting place. By now the beginning of the new work of God, which is a new era began, God who brought salvation to his people back home to start his new rescue work. The rescue work more thoroughly than ever before, not the Holy Spirit to make changes in the human body makes its own, nor is the body of Christ among those who appeared to be in the job, but not to borrow to make this work in other ways, but the Shinto flesh personally conduct their guidance, do so in order to lead people into being a new workmanship. This is not a big thing? God is not borrowed as part of this work for people, not to be a prophet, but God himself in person. Some people might say this is not a great thing, and not very ecstatic. But I will tell you God for not only this kind of work, but more work than this.

not the spirit of God to conduct their physical body but a very common and is the second incarnation of God's body, the flesh is of God to return to the body, is a very common body, have you He could not see a unique place, but you get from him was the truth you've never heard of. On such a small body of all truth is God's incarnation of the words is the work of God's commitment to end of the world, and also the knowledge of God made all of temperament. Do you really want to see the sky God? Do you really want to know the God of heaven it? Do you really want to see the fate of humanity it? He will tell you this has never been able to tell you the secret, he will know the truth you do not tell you. He is the door you enter the country, but also guide you into a new era. A common body that many people can not fathom the mystery, he did not make you measure through, but his goal to make all the work done enough to see you people think he is not a simple body. Because he represents the mind of God at the end of the world, he represents God cares for humanity in the last days. Although you can not hear what he said as earthshaking general, though you can not see his eyes like fire, though you can not under his control Tiezhang, but you heard from his words of angry gods, but also know God have mercy on mankind and saw God's justice temperament, which saw the wisdom of God,UGG boots, but also a taste of God cares for the feelings of all mankind. Made after the end of the work of God is to make people able to see heaven on earth among the living God, people can know God, obedience to God, fear God, love God, so he was the second time to return to the flesh. Although people today are like people to see God, people see is a nose with eyes of God, to see God is a very humble, but ultimately God does not want you to see the existence of heaven and earth to be the person changes, there is no such person should be dark sky, the earth to chaos, famine, plague human being should live in. Let you see the end of the world is not God incarnate to save you, then God had to destroy the people being in hell, and no existence of this body is always the culprit you will, will be forever dead. You should know that without the existence of entire human body is difficult to avoid a major catastrophe, it is difficult to escape the human end of the world God heavier punishment. Without this common body of the birth of you all can not live nor to die, there is no survival of this body that you can not get the truth today, came to the throne of God, but are due to the sinful and punished by God. You know what? If it were not to return to the flesh of God that have no chance of any one person shall be saved, and it is the flesh if God had come to an end the old era. In this way, you can reject God's second incarnation it? Since the common people have so much benefit to you, then you why not?

for the work of God is that you can not understand, you only see through their choice is correct, do not know whether the success of God's work, then why do not you try your luck and see The ordinary people are not helpful for you to see if God is not made a lot of work. However,UGG shoes, I still have to tell you, people who eat and drink marry Noah to the point where God is difficult to see, God used a flood to exterminate all of them, leaving only Noah's family of eight with a variety of animals, In the left end of the world God is faithful to God in the end all people are equally God could not bear to witness the extreme corruption of the era, are equally corrupt does not recognize God, the human-based, God puts the era of Noah exterminate people. The same is extremely sad to the point of God, but the end of the world who endure But God has it in the end is why? You never thought of it? If you really do not know that I will tell you, God can not the end of the world who have dealt with end of the world's people who corrupt than Noah was shallow, not the end of the world's people the meaning of repentance to God, but not the end of the world's advanced science and technology God is not willing to exterminate, but God wanted him in the latter group of people have a job, is God incarnate himself as the hub of work, and God chose this group of people to the middle part of the object of his rescue, as his business crystallization scheme, but with these people into the next era. So, anyway, God has paid all costs are for the eschatological incarnation of workmanship and prepared. You can have today are because of the body while others. By God you are alive in the flesh with a chance of survival is obtained, it is because of all the blessing that obtained with the ordinary people. Moreover, the nations will worship the final ordinary people, all thanks to this little person, must obey this little person. Because he brings the truth and the life, the road to save all mankind to ease the contradiction between man and God, shortening the distance between God and man, communication of the divine and the human mind, but also his God was a greater glory, that an ordinary person not worthy of your trust, not worthy of your admiration for it? This is called a general body deserve Christ? Such an ordinary person can not become God in the middle of the released it? Eliminates the need for such a disaster, people who are not worthy of your love is not worth you retain it? If you reject the truth of his mouth made, but also hate him live among you, that your fate will be what is it?

God's work is in the end of the world by virtue of the common people, he will give you all that he can better determine your all, such a person can be a simple as you think is worth mentioning Debu people? His truth is not enough to make you convinced? He served as the eyes can not make you? Or the way he does not deserve to lead you to go? In the end which will enable you to him as his offensive and rejected, to avoid it? The truth is that the person released, the supply of truth is this person, so that you have Road feasible and this person, you do not find among these truths of God from the traces of workmanship it? No human can not conduct their Jesus down from the cross, but not today, the Incarnation, the person down from the cross is always in God's praise, never entered a new era, not so the arrival of an ordinary person, you not eligible to never have a chance to see the real face of God, because you are long overdue demise of the object. Because of the second channel of God's coming into the flesh, God forgive you, God have mercy on you, no matter what I eventually want to tell you is that sentence: the Incarnation of the common people is critical to you, This is the God who has made the big middle of things.

So God in every age, the rise of different people to run around his busy work to shepherd the churches. That is God's work must be fancy by God, and God's people to experience for him, which must be preferred by some people to make the work of the Holy Spirit, and then the sake of the Holy Spirit of God directly work, so that the work of the flesh is the place for the Spirit of the laborers. That is, the spirit to be made of, say, made it through the flesh, because the ability of poor people receive, so that must be used by God to shepherd the people, as the frequent use of God, as in Many often find it by the appropriate body parts were available, to take that step to make the work of God. Today God is direct and serve him in spirit of the people who work, and released him, and he shall be made to do, so that all people with the guidance of this stream. Made in this step is part of the Holy Spirit can use to direct control, meaning that people are not mixed with the Holy Spirit edge domination, with the attendant side of the part not used for sake of the rest. In this step, work, and Holy Spirit, who preferred to use only part of the part not used for the sake of just constantly, without lessons or someone else to enlighten others, directly receiving guidance from the Spirit, is leading the way to go is not led by others, but under the guidance of the Spirit, direct contact with the Spirit

access work is direct contact with God. So God said to serve the gods of the people directly, that is directly affected by the spirit that dominated the matter said.

for God in every age, are by most people to be combined, so that the fruit of the Holy Spirit workmanship more facilitating role. If God is not so effective as to reach the fruit can only be a hold on the past, the old light, old practices, can not put people into the new reality, the only man ruined, people are compliance article, only old people hold on things a stage, but can not enter in a new way of workmanship. Stature because of the people is too small, poor quality, it must be God who raised up to shepherd, to guide, lead the way, so as to achieve the will of God, to achieve the desired outcomes. If no one shepherd, who can only hold on book knowledge, the right path but not translucent, so the rise of God in every age, many people come to work, and things are not about God but the God of his testimony, though God is the rise in the last days, but with Paul, John, Watchman Nee students, often by not the same, should look at this matter.

loving home is the declared: July 2, 2008 the actual incarnation of God House of authority granted to love, and painstaking workmanship of God himself in the house of love, and love of God in the House have been fully and completely to wrest from Satan the glory of God This is iron-clad facts never change! Those who have the Holy Spirit live in the same God in the light of the latest man of God, read the above myth, combined with the love of God House of workmanship in the real life experience to obtain testimony is absolutely not deny this fact.

all glory to the Almighty actually praises God after the end of Christ, our dear Father! Amen! 

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