Monday, October 18, 2010

Freshmen how to deal with specialized courses, public courses and elective courses


of specialized courses of study should be clear and specific objectives of the initiative to overcome learning difficulties, increasing interest in learning; to treat common course, to recognize that fact, with the value of efforts to interest the public into the indirect lesson direct interest in learning; of elective study, attention should be overcome only stay in the shallow understanding and informed of the phenomenon.

one of the specialized courses of study, should be clear and specific objectives of the initiative to overcome learning difficulties, increasing interest in learning. Students of different professions have different courses, but students of different professional courses of study towards the professional attitude should be the same. That is, whether you like it or not, should try to learn the specialized courses. Specialized courses in learning when the learning objectives should be clear and specific, increasing motivation and interest in learning, active learning difficulties to overcome, so that direct and indirect interest in learning the combination of interest in learning.

Second, the treatment of public courses, to recognize that fact, with the value of efforts to interest the public course into a direct of indirect interest in learning.

Overall, the students learn lessons of public enthusiasm as specialized courses in general, a considerable number of students to cope with a negative attitude, learning purposes unknown, unclear goals, motivation is not strong, mainly to see the teacher's interest in learning the standard of teaching the class if the teacher speaks and lively, they are willing to listen, interested in learning. However, this interest in learning is mainly a direct interest in learning, and most remain at low level, only to class to enjoy the lectures as a professional course or on the swap.

Therefore, freshman to correct the attitude of the public courses, public courses to be fully aware of the practical value and significance of their efforts to the indirect interest in the study gradually transformed into a direct interest in learning, some practical public class (such as foreign language) as a professional course to learn.

III study of elective courses, should pay attention to overcome just stay in the shallow understanding and informed of the phenomenon.

elective courses students learn to treat high general interest, that the elective courses can be an eye-opener, long experience, expand their knowledge. Strict requirements and elective courses of study, college students have little reverse psychology. But elective position in the eyes and weight of students, after all, not as specialized courses and public courses, students learn very little real input. More fuzzy learning objectives, learning motivation is not strong, not passive learning is not very positive, focused attention in class is not high, and less cognitive ability into full play.

Therefore, freshmen learning on the elective courses should be careful not to just stay in the shallow understanding and informed, and also to put an end to fish for elective credits only certain courses, normal. Mental health standards


(1) to maintain a relatively strong interest in learning and desire for knowledge.

(2) to maintain a positive self-awareness, self-acceptance. Self-consciousness is the core of personality, a person of their own understanding of the relationship with the surrounding world and experience.

(3) to coordinate and control their emotions and maintain a good state of mind. Mental health often can maintain a happy, confident, satisfied mood, good fun from the action sought, full of hope for life, emotional stability.

(4) to maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships, willing to exchange.

(5) to maintain a complete and unified character. The ultimate goal of mental health is to keep the integrity of personality, culture personalities. Integrity is composed of qualities of personality, ability, character and ideals, beliefs, outlook on life and other aspects of balanced development.

(6) to maintain a good environment, including ability to adapt to a correct understanding of the environment and deal with individual and the environment.

(7) psychological and behavioral characteristics consistent with the age. A person's psychological behavior often a serious deviation from the characteristics of their age, are generally unhealthy psychological performance.

common psychological distress to return Students

increasing attention on psychological status and social importance of their own, in order to help students on mental health awareness, we simply introduce the students common Mental disorders and mental distress.

first neurosis.

neurological disorder is a group of brain diseases with mild disabilities in general. It refers to the spiritual (mental) aspects of disease, rather than physical aspects of disease, belong to the scope of mental disorders,cheap UGG boots, and it is relatively minor, nor is a specific type of disease, but the general term for several diseases. Typically, the nerve disease can be divided into neurasthenia, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobia, hysteria, depression, neurosis, hypochondria and so on. Let us look at college students more common among species of the type of neurosis.

(1) nervous. Also known as neurasthenia, neurosis, is excluded from a variety of physical disease and other neurological disorders and depression than in the lightest degree of neurosis in a qualitative suppression of neurosis. It mostly occurs in adolescents during school and employment,UGG shoes, especially young students and young intellectuals species of higher prevalence. Usually presented malaise, sleep disturbance, headache, attention and lax, forgetfulness, depression, loss of appetite, etc., work or study and inefficient.

(2) anxiety disorders. It also called anxiety neurosis, it is the spirit of continuing high tension as a result of the panic attack state, the plant showed significant neurological disorders, and the emergence of varying degrees of dizziness, palpitations, difficulty breathing, dry mouth , frequent urination, urgency, sweating and other physical discomfort. Major examination of this phenomenon, such as the entrance is easy to see.

(3) obsessive-compulsive disorder. Also known as compulsive neurosis, obsessive-compulsive symptoms it is the center of a neurosis, obsessive-compulsive symptoms is subjectively felt some irresistible, not the concept of self-restraint, mood, intention and behavior exist. Although patients recognized that these meaningless, but difficult to control and overcome, resulting in serious internal conflicts and associated with strong anxiety and fear. For example, repeated hand washing, always worried about the door unlocked,UGG boots, so there is always the idea of lingering.

(4) phobia. Neurosis, also known terrorist, it refers to some particular environment or produced by intense fear of things or the inner experience of nervous, and there's a nerve disease avoidance response. Its main feature is a particular thing, activity, or a continuing situation of fear and unnecessary, and was forced to take evasive attitude, can not be controlled. If the opposite sex phobia, the crowd phobia, animal phobia, school terror.

(5) depression. Refers to a state of mind dominated by long-lasting depression and with anxiety, emptiness, fatigue, physical shock and sleep disorders neurosis. Its mainly for: (a) conscious feelings of depression, frustration, sadness, depression, etc.; (b) reduction of interest in daily activities; (c) pessimistic about the future; (d) failing to think the worse; (e) consciously lazy , lack of energy, mental retardation, slow response; (f) self-evaluation 下降; (g) do not want to take the initiative to interact with others, but the passive good contact; (h) the idea of a wish to die, but the heart is full of contradictions, irritability, irritability ; (i) from the view that a serious condition, but want to cure, requiring treatment. Mainly as physical symptoms: fatigue, headache, tinnitus, palpitations, chest tightness, abdominal distension, constipation, insomnia, dreams, loss of appetite, distraction, forgetfulness, etc., but these symptoms can be improved to reduce due to emotional or even disappear.

(6) hypochondria. That too much attention because of their health, but suspected he was suffering from a stubborn low-severe disease in some unwarranted and, therefore, worry and fear caused by a neurological disease. The important feature is their own health and function of a part of the body too much attention, a suspect suffering from physical or mental illness, in fact, is completely incompatible with the actual state of health, even get a doctor's explanation or objective diagnosis can not eliminate the inherent bias .

second personality disorder.

personality disorder is started from childhood or adolescence and continue the significant deviation from the normal life of the personality. It is a mental illness in the normal range between the behavior. Often engendered eccentric, unusual, stubborn, emotional instability, unkind and not easy to get along with others, often selfish and even dog in the manger, mischievous fun in their own, often painful to the people around them, or hate, etc., but it can not be attributed in the mental category. Often divided into paranoid personality disorder, affective, schizoid, fulminant, compulsive, hysterical type, anti-social type. More to see a paranoid, compulsive, emotional, personality disorders.

(1) paranoid personality disorder, which is mainly sensitive to the performance of paranoid personality disorder. Its characteristics are: (a) suspicious sensitive, do not trust others, easy to put other people's good intentions as malicious, hostile; (b) jealous strongly on the achievements of others, honor and so nervous, aggressive, blaming and complaining; ( c) easy to feel aggrieved, frustrated, underappreciated, and often have attacked the heart of retaliation; (d) arrogant, pretentious, pride and ask others to focus on their own pursuit of power; (e) subjective stubborn, good sophistry, often protest opposed to others, can not easily be persuaded is true even in the face facts and evidence; (f) lack of sympathy and enthusiasm of others, never joking, vigilance is high, and often fear of being cheated, plot, always beware of others, and so on.

(2) compulsive personality disorder, which is defined as the deliberate pursuit of perfection and too much self-concern, with a perfect sense of personality disorder. Expressed as: (a) work hesitant, indecisive, worried, cautious and stick into cumbersome details; (b) to do is to ask the perfect, the pursuit of perfection, repeated inspection, modification, until they are completely satisfied, otherwise they will feel anxiety, tension; (c) too strict contests, with a strong self-psychology and self-control behavior, too much restraint and concern for their sense of responsibility is too strong, afraid of making mistakes, ideas are not relaxed, according to their own ideas ask others to impede others free; (d) behave, step by step, rigid, do not think work, encounter new situations can not be flexible, helpless, inflexible, lack of interest in hobbies and sense of humor, not the spirit of innovation; (e) heart is always shrouded in a non- sense of security, often in a strange state of tension and anxiety, normal anxiety, feelings of remorse and more pleasant, less emotional satisfaction. In short, these patients often shows rigid personality, stubborn, stiff, dull, inert, hesitation, restraint, and easy development of obsessional neurosis.

(3) affective personality disorder, which refers to the mood is always high or always low, low or sometimes high and sometimes as the main performance of the personality disorder. Can be divided into three types: (a) mood personality disorder, which mainly are: mood, energy, spirits, favorite contacts, good at laughing, giving optimism, sense of humor, the ability to evaluate their own too high estimates of the difficulties surrounding environment is too low, things often have a lot of plans and ideas, but the lack of careful consideration, not actual, peter out, and sometimes obvious manic performance, which is also known as manic personality disorder. (B) depressive personality disorder, which mainly are: depression, low energy, lack of energy, sentimental, moody, quiet, low evaluation of their own, difficult to overestimate the surrounding environment, for their loss of confidence, always guilty self-blame, for all are not interested in life is full of pessimistic, always complaining about the fate of poor and so on. (C) two-way (or ring of) emotional personality disorder, the main changes in the performance of emotional instability, sometimes high and sometimes low, alternating in a period of time, with a prominent stage and bipolar. Mood, the mood of the performance of abnormal personality traits personality disorder; depression is manifested when the depressive personality disorder abnormal personality characteristics.

Third, other psychological problems.

other psychological problems, such as learning problems, interpersonal problems, psychological problems and sexual love, job and career psychological problems and so on. In contrast, the aforesaid two categories of mental disorders (psychological problems) seem to be a little more serious, is the deviation from normal mental state of psychological problems, and for normal subjects, they often encounter some psychological distress, and here The problems mainly by many real causes of social and psychological factors, are often temporary, through their own initiative to regulate or seek the help of consulting teacher can often be well overcome.

learning problems, students study a common issue mainly as follows: learning objectives, learning motivation, learning methods, learning attitude, and poor academic performance and so on. College, learning is often not as high school as most people get the attention, the purpose is not clear, lack of motivation, bad attitudes constitute the main aspects of learning problems.

relationship problems, often one of the issues students are most concerned about. Compared with the high school, college students on the interpersonal level of concern over the study, students also become a major source of psychological distress. Difficult interpersonal problems often engendered pleasant to get along with others, there is no close friends, the lack of the necessary communication skills, over-eat dirt, as well as the resulting loneliness, boredom, lack of support and care and other painful feelings.

Love and psychological problems, psychological distress is a common students. Generally include: unrequited love, love thwarted, love relationship with the academic, emotional and psychological breakdown of retaliation, but there are common psychological problems: masturbation problems, and from premarital sex, cohabitation and other issues on campus caused fear, anxiety, worry etc., but also the opposite sex addiction, fetish, voyeur and more.

Job and career issues, is the senior college students frequently asked questions. On the threshold of society, they often feel a lot of confusion and concern. How to choose your own career, how to plan your own career, what kind of job skills needed and so on, will bring them more or less distress and anxiety.

Finally, these are our students who may appear in the performance of the psychological problems of a simple introduction, not the strict diagnostic criteria, please do not pigeon-holing. If you do find yourself with one of the above questions or have a lot of similarities between some of the issues, please go to our counseling center, we will provide you with dedicated service.

how to adapt to the social environment of campus? Back

to leave their off-site school, which means into a different social environment, how to take the bus, how to ask the way to others, how the store to buy things, how to bargain and small traders have gradually become familiar.

well adapted to the social environment outside the campus, we must first understand what are the social environment to adapt to the form.

general, to adapt to the social environment in two forms: one is the transformation of the social environment, the environment in line with our requirements, another form of transformation of our own, to adapt to the environment. Whatever the form, must ultimately achieve environmental harmony with our own.

is for a freshman, left home to study in different places means into a different social environment, in this social environment, how to take the bus, how to ask the way to others, how the store to buy things, how to bargain and small traders have gradually become familiar with, otherwise there is always a stranger all the time feeling, this feeling can affect a person's normal life in the new environment.

So, How can we be well adapted to the social environment of the campus outside it?

first to reach out to the social environment. Locked himself inside the university campus, focusing instead on reading, on the outside of the social indifference is never adapt to the social environment. Brave out of the actual location.

Secondly, we must actively adjust, select the appropriate response. Freshmen in the process of social interaction, positive attitude from the subjective, rather than passively waiting for; in reconciling between the social environment and their own contradictions, to assess the situation and conditions to select the conditions to transform the environment, unconditionally select transformation of its own way, so as to neither dreams, nor give up on themselves, to find the best solution.

In addition, the face of possible problems, but also the use of appropriate psychological defense. Transform their environment or whether transformation, should be considered a process of change and, in the process, often there will be some kind of mental distress, to address this kind of problem, you can use the appropriate psychological defenses, to achieve the purpose of liberation.

how to adapt to the interpersonal environment on campus? Back

colleges, teacher-student relationship will become very discrete, students learn to do their own teacher. In addition, the ability to establish good relationships with the students is also a key.

In secondary schools, learning content, learning time or learning programs are arranged by the teacher, learning effects are mainly to be checked by the teacher. And in college, teacher or counselor up to meet every week with the students, teacher-student relationship will be very discrete. Once in college and high school teachers rarely seen side of a month. In learning and life, university teachers only grasp the general direction, most of the specific work or class leader by the students themselves organize and complete, students need to learn to do their own teacher.

order to better adapt to this new relationship between teachers and students, college freshmen have to learn to identify their own learning goals, their own study plans, their own arrangements for study time, their course selection, learning their check, and active to find teachers for advice, invite teachers to help solve problems, to report regularly to the teachers, learning situation, put forward their own plans and to discuss with teachers. The relationships among college freshmen, the problem is still the most between students. As classes and dormitory students were from different families and different geographical, they are ideas, values, lifestyles, habits, etc. There are obvious differences,UGGs, in the face of practical problems likely to occur more often conflict.

difference is an objective reality, each college freshmen have to face it, accept it.

must first learn to recognize Everyone has his own lifestyle and value system, if you live together with others, you have with him (her) with the accepted way of life. If other people's lifestyles have hindered your life (such as watching television affect your night's rest, without moving your things allows casual, etc.), you need to gently put forward views and appropriate self-adjustment (such as adjusting the rest time, adjust the dormitories, etc.).

To deal with the relationship between the students, but also to be wide of the people, not yourself, avoid self-centered. In normal life, to do three initiatives: the initiative and greeted the students, and students take the initiative to talk, take the initiative to help others. In helping others, do not care about other people can too, will reward you.

In addition, to take the initiative to do some public work, to increase the students a good impression on you, the students will be harmonious relationship between the. In comments to the students, it must use our brains, pay attention to methods and techniques. For example, people who love all night with the quarters lying about, adverse effects on the rest. Direct comments to stop them difficult to work, you can adjust their plans accordingly, or delayed bed time, or listen to English tapes. One thing to note is that others must not be put forward their views in front of everyone's face, so as not to embarrass the other side, loss of face.

common types of college students return to

psychopathic personality paranoid personality: mainly as stubborn, sensitive, suspicious, emotionally unstable, impatient irritability, narrow-minded jealous, self-evaluation is too high.

split personality: mainly for the withdrawal, withdrawn, timid, silent and quirks, not gregarious.

affective personality: can be expressed as a persistent low mood of depression, or persistent mood, it can be alternating between the two.

explosive personality: mainly for the mood swings, easily the occurrence of uncontrolled anger, hatred and violence, often for minor mental stimulation and a sudden burst of anger

very strong and impulse, there may even be a very violent aggressive behavior, almost can not control themselves.

compulsive personality: The main manifestations are often in the usual sense of personal insecurity and imperfect, and thus anxiety, excessive self-restraint, excessive self-concern.

hysterical personality: personality development mainly as immature, emotional instability, often deliberately over-contrived, exaggerated and dramatic actions to get attention.

debilitating personality: mainly for the low capacity, lack of initiative and passive obedience to someone else's desire to dominate. They often feel lack of energy, fatigue, volatile emotions, lack of enjoyment of life, often as small sad.

ruthless personality: mainly for the bad faith of the people, not frank, not reliable, would not make social obligations, is an extreme egoist.

unhealthy psychological factors in college students return

now and then if the holy, the mysterious other words to modify universities, the pen may Dayton meal. Ponder what is not difficult to find, in a variety of trends under the impact of the lives of students who have undergone great changes, they have more and more blending and social standards, thinking, behavior and way of life involved in the open tide the clean up being. Many students face the colorful world of the great temptation to become confused, or even lost.

abnormal consumer attitudes: a college student had done some of our consumer surveys, statistics show that average monthly spending of students reached 500 yuan, in fact, many students are more than that amount. This high consumption, money flowers to where to go? In some students worry about tomorrow's breakfast, some students but threw a few gold. Eating out with front things have been common in the university, as summarized on the grounds that variety. Naturally be summarized birthday, received a money order that is see a portion, villagers visit is a dinner party, made a scholarship, with the summary of the opposite sex, and so have become the best excuse. The cost varies from tens of dollars, up to some one thousand. Summarized to a summary of his mouth to the oil, deflated by the parents group of the pockets.

you can always meet in the school wearing a fashionable avant-garde of the students, some of them even do not wear non-designer. Do not ever see a guy with a little lighter around the waist and asked him how much he snapped smartly, said: allowed speechless. Indeed, more than 300 yuan, but it is also possible that some poor students living more than a month.

According to reports, a university has set up the taxi will be allowed to Jinjiao Men, and later the students strongly reflect this provision does not meet the needs of socialist market economy, Ever since, the provisions of less than a month to died. Some boys said:

abandoned their studies: a tough job market strong impact on college students, something was to continue charging the TOEFL test is undoubtedly the most sensible choice. But some students are still

has a They are usually talking about the professor's class is the best lullaby, as in the bedroom, a Open back door to go between the exam, or take risks in the examination room, copying trick after another, under false pretenses. Few years, significant increase in licensing technology, academic abandoned, and some even gave the examination room was caught with degree lost.

part of the students have their own computer, spend some money as an intellectual investment this is a good thing. Engage in dishonest if money is another matter. It is understood that not all students have computers in the use of its learning useful things. Playing games, watching the yellow disc had become the main function of the computer. Some of them connected to the Internet all day immersed in the virtual world, indifferent to things around, to class, do it seems like a very distant.

advance of life: late-night dormitory or a night out more and more students, advance to enjoy life in their values as if there had been recognized. Said a student from the hostel

remove the drain off and the number of condoms although suspected, but no there is no evidence.

With the development, the concept of the ideological and dramatic changes taking place, no longer seems to carry the banner of chastity could not, they advocate to live is to enjoy. Need to wait for true love in the community when called campus cohabitation has no one else to worse. Campus condom vending machines appeared, to some extent living together seem to give them a hint: the community has recognized our behavior, even though it is not in public opinion aroused little debate, no one can deny It brought to an adverse impact on students.

College is a small community, the members came from all different early education, family environment determine their character, quality, etc, the difference, they are easy to make mistakes. I remember someone once said this sentence: In addition to youth crime does not inexcusable. Jieduan not to sneer at them, and the young they need to help, required to guide rational society. psychology graduate students

it? Psychological Problems of how to do? Return

poured acid from Tsinghua University, Liu Haiyang big bear to Tianjin Medical Killing Father Ma Xiaoming, to occur within three months of Hubei, 12 students from committing suicide, looking at these people Some chilling facts, we must ask, holding a diploma in college students, wearing clothes out of the campus degree, into the community, they really do mature and can cope with these more complex and brutal environment of the do ? They are really psychological graduated it?

According to Our intelligence among college students is the highest in our society, one of the highest level of education groups. But as far as 2003, If you do not take appropriate measures to allow its continued development, the consequences would be disastrous.

Today, education in our colleges and universities which have not will be an important psychological counseling courses and a major engineering task. It is particularly worth mentioning is that, basically every college student have been set up psychological counseling centers. However, its role did not really play a few. First, the lack of experienced, professional counselors. Many part-time or only some of the old teachers life experience to the operation by the students and no real emotional counseling role. Secondly, this type of very rigid body mode of operation, there is little depth to the students take the initiative to explore, exchange, students are basically sitting in place waiting for home. But you know, the students first, the psychological problems of their own is not easy to find the so-called Second, even if there are some problems, no proper guidance, students are very sorry some of the personal privacy of the things out for human analysis. Can be seen, the school's emphasis on the psychological problems of students must not only become a mere formality, really approached the students care enough students to allow them to open their hearts, the problem is placed in sunlight. Psychological Problems

how to do?

First of all, can not easily suppress their emotions, must give his bad mood to find just the right release channels. Which are more appropriate: to find the parents to talk to, to find a place where no one cry and so on. In fact, many have serious psychological problems is because some students do not want to vent out of the heart caused by depression, experiencing depression withdrawn when the time is when the breeding of serious psychological problems.

Second, live in self-confidence and should not be casually compared. This is the mentality of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Only believe in yourself, to laugh. Many students actually make life difficult in themselves and their own, can not force yourself to a high degree of movement of line, an idol to a certain line. At the same time lost in this alienation to find our true self. This is undesirable.

Third, refused withdrawn. Friendship is always a lack of sunlight in life can not. And friends share their joy, sharing their pain, as this will truly understand what life is like. Many people are reluctant even to fear with people, this is sure to correct the shortcomings. We live in an interconnected world between people, if forced to tie themselves in a cocoon, it will breed a lot of haze. To believe that bathing in the warm sun of life is that people will not abandon life.

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