Sunday, January 16, 2011

Risk of hepatitis B virus carriers with kissing up

 Risk of hepatitis B virus carriers and kiss you
PLA 302 Hospital, Chief Physician, MD Liu Shijing (100039)
by the Hong Kong star Andy Lau and mainland actress Fan Bingbing starred in a popular feature film taken a number of media exposure of the film in a group shot, one photo is starring Andy Lau and Fan Bingbing in water deep kissing scenes, the situation in accordance with past experience, nothing like the lens, film and television works appeared between men and women kissing scene, It is too common, but now it is different, this picture raises new problems, a month ago, Andy Lau as the representative of the image when the control of hepatitis B admits that she is a hepatitis B virus carriers, people admire the entertainment industry star of courage and frankness, the will to make such a question: Liu King starred in more than the kind of film and television work, with many actresses have had kissing scenes, so that hepatitis B virus carriers with a kiss will not be infected hepatitis B? The answer is no. the latest development of the Chinese Medical Association's exposure to life as an office work (including shared computers and other office supplies), shaking hands, kissing, hugging, sharing a dormitory, dining and sharing the same toilet without the contact of blood exposure is generally not transmitted hepatitis B virus. It is Why? not to say that hepatitis B is highly infectious diseases do, and why kissing and so can not be transmitted? In fact the mode of transmission of hepatitis B and infectious people have been misunderstood, hepatitis B infection is not so terrible.
1. exposure to hepatitis B virus is extremely common, universal thing, not terrible. living in today's society, no contact with hepatitis B virus is not possible, in your living environment, the hepatitis B virus often can be met everywhere, of chronic hepatitis B virus carrier the total population were 1 / 10, they are widely distributed in all areas of society, hepatitis B virus carriers with body fluids, blood may be contaminated, and the remaining items in their contacts, such as hotel tableware, bedding, hospital medical devices, the bus handrails, etc., even if you re-cautious, it is difficult to ensure that will not come into contact with a hepatitis B virus, once exposed to the hepatitis B virus containing the article, it is possible the formation of hepatitis B virus infection, hepatitis B virus is often in contact with inadvertently when the infection is also possible to occur when it inadvertently. If exposure to hepatitis B virus at a time when the skin, mucous membranes are damaged (such as surgery, acupuncture treatment, gingival bleeding, trauma, etc.), the virus come into contact with the damaged wound to can enter the bloodstream, resulting in hepatitis B virus infection, once infected, there will be some people after a few hours a month or so about the potential, the cause of acute hepatitis; there are a few people (especially children) infected with hepatitis B virus does not cause overt disease, but rather to adolescents, adults), hepatitis B virus infection will rely on autologous mature, normal immune defense mechanisms, gradual removal of hepatitis B virus, such a process are also mostly in the Most people were positive for hepatitis B antibody natural causes. Having said that, in order to have hepatitis B, or links to go through three stages, first exposed to hepatitis B virus, followed by the blood infection, and finally a small number of infected people would lead to incidence of chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis B virus to carry the majority of those infected, but also rely on their own immunity to clear the virus completely. Since then the inevitable exposure to hepatitis B virus, how to prevent infection after exposure, the incidence is the critical priority, if immune preventive measures in place in time, may prevent the occurrence of hepatitis B virus infection, whereas no preventive measures in advance to implement immunization, once the virus is likely to cause chronic disease or a virus to carry, or threat of injury to the body. If a newborn, in after birth, the need for hepatitis B vaccination as soon as possible, so that the next generation will basically put all the incidence of hepatitis B; if the young people, adults, you can check the hepatitis B virus indicators, identify themselves not infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV five indicators are negative), this time, also need to fight hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible, so that you can successfully prevent hepatitis B virus infection; if a sudden case of contact with broken skin wounds to the hepatitis B virus, in need of immediate inoculation of high titers of hepatitis B immune globulin, hepatitis B block invasion of the virus. Any person, as long as the vaccinated hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B surface antibody produced, suggesting that the success has been to obtain immunity against hepatitis B virus, in this case, no matter how and hepatitis B patient contact, will not be transmitted on hepatitis. That being said, the hepatitis B virus infection, in the face of active immunization in place, it can succeed without the Viagra.
2. Hepatitis B in the end of so many is how come? What is the spread of hepatitis B in the end of? our existing hepatitis B hepatitis B virus carriers and patients more than one hundred million people, so many ins and outs of hepatitis B has its own characteristics, which is different from other countries and regions, belonging to our own national conditions. pathogenesis of hepatitis B is different from other infectious diseases , it is usually not due to hepatitis B patients and one contact (such as a dining, living together, shared utensils, etc.), a pass ten, a hundred such transmission. the most important ways of transmission of hepatitis B is a family of genetically-based Link of vertical transmission, such as vertical transmission, such as the parent infant vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus carriers and more at an early age by parents has been good faith the advantages conferred by strain, long carry, but not made in the cited state of immune tolerance after a long period of More than half of hepatitis B virus carriers are from vertical transmission. there are still some patients with childhood, when the immune system is not perfect, are infected with hepatitis B virus (lost tuck, injections, dental, acupuncture and so on occasion), also can cause hepatitis B carry the virus, as adults, infected with HBV was not so terrible, because adults tend to the immune mechanisms, immune recognition ability, and hepatitis B virus enters the human body, the normal function of rabbits infected defense enough to destroy invading enemy, adults infected with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B disease caused by chance less than 5%. hepatitis B patients and their spouses, from morning till evening for many years, one party has hepatitis B, the other rarely have hepatitis B, we randomly surveyed 263 hepatitis B couples, couples with only 6 for the hepatitis B % left and right, the long-term hepatitis B couples living together, in close contact degree of self-evident, so are not in close contact with each transmission, can think that the general staff, friends even more difficult for each transmission. can see the most important need to guard against transmission of hepatitis B family vertical transmission within, but also pay particular attention to young contact during infection, we must guard against these two areas is good, the best strategy is to all newborns, regardless of whether the family members of patients with hepatitis B, should be injected with hepatitis B vaccine, to prevent a slipping through the net, so will the number of annual decline in hepatitis B, hepatitis B finally put a large drag the adverse situation in the country. As for hepatitis B patients and contacts, such as shaking hands, sharing meals, work, talk, play, will not be infected with hepatitis B, and mosquito bites Hepatitis B transmission is basically saying is negative, can be seen in the past for a number of misconceptions infectious hepatitis B, these stereotypes and misunderstandings, resulting in the terrorist community hepatitis B, hepatitis B patients has led to society's discrimination and prejudice that control hepatitis B and propagation and features that will help set things right.
3. from China's actual situation, decide whether to have hepatitis B depends on several factors, 1. polymorphisms in susceptible populations. the level and incidence of hepatitis B race, genetic factors are closely related human genes. China is multi-ethnic country, every nation is fundamentally different incidence of hepatitis B, according to statistics, China's Tibetan hepatitis B virus infection by the highest percentage of people who reach 25, the Han center, about 15% Uygur the lowest, 2.3%, obviously mixed race, the incidence of hepatitis B are different. familial aggregation of hepatitis B is widespread, random survey of recent hospital admission, 136 patients with chronic hepatitis B, with a clear family history to reach 112 people (82%) in-depth investigations around the complete hepatitis B in which families (three generations or four generations) 12, confirmed the spread within families has obvious kinship to a blood relationship (mother, father and son, brothers and sisters) most significantly, two unrelated (uncle, aunt, beginning, Auntie, Uncle, cousins, etc.), followed by unrelated persons (wife, husband, brother, wife, siblings, etc.) with the hepatitis B who have not yet discovered. can be seen to be hepatitis B patients, racial and genetic factors, need to first consider the .2. infected with hepatitis B virus of age. has confirmed the age of infection with hepatitis B virus is closely related with the prognosis, hepatitis B virus infection in the younger, more dangerous, the formation of chronic the greater the chances that future treatment will become increasingly difficult, such as intrauterine infection of fetus, birth place of the birth canal during the entire perinatal infection and infection occurs, almost always channel into the hepatitis B virus latent, long-term carrying the virus in the whole childhood, the immune system, the establishment and development is not perfect, the body is no recognition of the thousands of hepatitis B virus and the ability to judge, in the immune tolerance phase of paralysis and hepatitis B virus is easily hidden down into the liver cells and place cells in joints .3 . infected with hepatitis B virus, the immune function in a disordered state. hepatitis B virus replication itself does not cause inflammation or degeneration of liver cells, hepatitis B virus infection must be the body's immune response, can cause disease, and to disease progression, immune function disorder and hepatitis B virus replication echoes possible cause of hepatitis B disease, hepatitis B virus infection is external, the body's immune dysfunction is internal. if immune function or tolerance in a state of paralysis, although the liver cells of hepatitis B virus replication within , while the body lacks an effective immune response, this time, there is no or only mild liver damage, characterized by long-term hepatitis B virus carrier. If the immune dysfunction, hepatitis B virus antigen is poor, can not cause significant immune response, viral not completely cleared, subject to certain liver cells against intermittent, usually presents with mild chronic hepatitis. If the body's immune function, hepatitis B surface antibody and anti-S antibody formation before the deficiencies and can not effectively and in hepatitis B virus in the blood circulation, cell toxic T cells can not destroy and remove the liver cells of hepatitis B virus; body suppressor T cell function is also low, can not prevent hepatitis B virus and liver cell membrane to produce specific antibodies, leading to continued damage to liver cells, while a large number of antigen-antibody complex formation of the liver cells and other organs are also forced by the persistent, serious damage at this time, more performance for the moderate or severe chronic hepatitis. If a serious imbalance in immune function, early specific cellular immune response enhanced invasion of a large number of hepatitis B virus and infected liver cells a strong immune response, resulting in a large number of liver cell necrosis, followed by cellular dysfunction, manifested as severe hepatitis. other people with other diseases such as kidney transplantation, cancer, leukemia, immune function in hemodialysis patients with common low, then infected with hepatitis B virus chronic easily formed.
short, exposure to hepatitis B virus infection in hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B may be completely different on the three stages, three have some causal relationship, but by no means inevitable development process , then the inevitable exposure to hepatitis B virus, and if you have played hepatitis B vaccine, and the corresponding antibodies have been produced, no matter how exposure to hepatitis B virus, it will not be infected; If you've never played hepatitis B vaccine, exposure to hepatitis B virus, may lead to hepatitis B virus infection (60% probability), even if infected with the hepatitis B virus, and only a few get on the cause of hepatitis B (probability of less than 10%). Hepatitis B is mainly transmitted through blood relations within the family and the vertical transmission of childhood Hou's blood when the pollution (injection, infusion, trauma, etc.), usually with exposure to hepatitis B patients (especially adults), such as shaking hands, working, etc., occur rarely causes hepatitis B, acute hepatitis B in China really very few cases, and The basic acute hepatitis B can be recovered. Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease, nor is inconsistent and the actual situation in China, because hepatitis B is spread primarily through sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and so abnormal sexual behavior, which is rare in China, a large number of statistical Data show that the spouses of patients with hepatitis B hepatitis B rarely have to. On the spread of hepatitis B claims mosquito bites, there is no scientific basis. In fact, the main route of transmission of hepatitis B, including vertical transmission, medical, blood pollution, general contact does not spread. whether What transmission, regardless of how strong contagious, now have a fully effective preventive measures, that is, hepatitis B vaccination and the high price of hepatitis B immune globulin to prevent almost 95% probability of success for the community, fear of hepatitis B virus and its time infection, as timely vaccination, spend little, prevention in place, the antibodies have been produced, and hang of? in today's science is so advanced, so advanced immune measures, effective cases, the majority of citizens still talk about the mere mention of hepatitis B virus, really worthy of reflection.
hepatitis B prevention and resolution, , all categories of staff, time and hepatitis B vaccination to prevent the success rate of 95% or more. Given the fear of infectious hepatitis B, hepatitis B vaccine injection in time why do not it? only 8 yuan each vaccine, all infants are free hepatitis B vaccine, hepatitis B vaccination no obstacles and difficulties, lack of awareness of prevention only. If a correct understanding of the mode of transmission and prevention of hepatitis B properly, should come to an end discriminatory practices in hepatitis B patients. Other countries do not discriminate against the limitations of hepatitis B patients. All the world over 400 million hepatitis B cases, Southeast Asia, East Asia is high incidence, Africa, South America is not uncommon, the United States, Europe, countries with low-fat, but for hepatitis B patients, these countries have no restrictions on hepatitis B patients and other people, normal life work. Why is that? Is not afraid of foreigners contagious? In fact, infectious hepatitis B is limited, general contact does not spread, which is basic common sense, every citizen should be clear. For all the restrictions lifted hepatitis B patients will help clean the current treatment of hepatitis B market. the right treatment, ease the minds of the pressure, eager to avoid medical treatment, random seek treatment, all under the guise of the treatment of hepatitis B in order to get money for the purpose of the clinics, medical institutions and individuals, conspiracy to succeed opportunities will be much smaller.
Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau admits that he is the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B virus carriers then how it is, you need to how to deal with, how to prevent it?
our existing hepatitis B virus carriers 100 million people, their blood tests check the basic condition is hepatitis B virus surface antigen positive, and sustained more than six months time, but all items on a regular basis liver function, were within the normal range, the patient's own body without obvious discomfort, can be normal engaged in various work and study. Hepatitis B virus is the most important function of the conditions for continuing in a normal state, rather than intermittent or intermittent normal, patients with such conditions need long-term regular monitoring of liver function every 3 months or six months to monitor Once, only always normal, to be counted as virus carriers.
of more than 100 million carriers of hepatitis B virus can be divided into two categories, one is positive for hepatitis B virus replication target carriers, and the other is the hepatitis B virus replication carriers of negative indicators. the so-called positive for hepatitis B carriers of viral replication index is positive for hepatitis B virus DNA, hepatitis B virus e antigen (Virus DNA-negative, hepatitis B virus e antibody-positive (The principles and strategies completely different, only the first is the type of patient identification, and then can only generate response.
negative hepatitis B virus replication index carriers (non-active hepatitis B virus carriers) is relatively good, this part of the people do not need drug treatment, can engage in all kinds of work, but the need for medical observation, regular testing of liver function and hepatitis B virus indicators, attention to changes in the indicators, if one is always the same, you can rest assured that work and study; if she changes , changes in liver function or viral targets, should be timely investigation to see if the disease has shifted from the treatment to treatment.
positive for hepatitis B virus replication target carriers, need to be big in the hospital for a conditional liver biopsy Check to determine whether drug treatment, if the liver biopsy suggest wearing hepatitis activity index greater than 4 or level of inflammatory activity or hepatic fibrosis more than two, should be given anti-viral and anti-liver fibrosis treatment. If the liver through pathological examinations showed hepatitis activity index less than 4 or level of inflammatory activity or degree of liver fibrosis than two, you can temporarily untreated, periodic review and close monitoring. transhepatic positive for hepatitis B carriers of viral replication is very important indicators, especially the young people living with HIV, because many information, many of these groups of liver histology in patients one way or another potential problem, although they had long-term normal liver function, but the severity of liver tissue may range from inflammation of the internal changes , some patients with liver cirrhosis and even to the extent, if only by liver function test results or the patients sense of self, to mistakenly believe that a In addition to the medical monitoring of virus carriers, but also good to note the following strategies: 1. regulate the state of mind. a good mood is the protection of rehabilitation, some people know they are carrying hepatitis B virus, the preoccupied, moody, thought the burden of heavy, is not conducive to rehabilitation of the disease. a good mood, than ten good medicine to relieve physical fatigue and pain, therefore, had liver disease, the first to regulate their feelings, maintain a healthy spirit of optimism , as well as the strong will to fight disease, and confidence, it is important to overcome the psychological factors of liver disease. Hepatitis B virus carriers can work and learn, you can also dry out the excellent performance, Andy Lau is a good example, hepatitis B virus carriers can not give up life and living, we must strive to become the life of strong, successful career .2. Healthy Living: Right now there are many problems people's way of life, nightlife flooding, diet structure is irrational, personal disorders, the pace of work fast, great work pressure, more and more important entertainment habits, exercise less and less opportunities, officers instant success, more and more obvious tendency of greed, which for adverse healthy people, for the majority of hepatitis B virus carriers, the unhealthy is shortened by way of the culprit. Hepatitis B virus carriers usually have to endure loneliness, not the most fashionable, not greedy for money, Tanse, Menthods, be sure to ascetic living there often, normal life .3. to strengthen the body exercise. Hepatitis B virus carriers, should not lie in bed all day, not daring to move, which is not conducive to recovery from disease. to work and rest, appropriate activities, but not overworked, moderate exercise is very important. At the same time have a regular life to ensure adequate sleep .4. the protection of privacy, not free to reveal their situation. Hepatitis B virus carriers in order to avoid all kinds of social discrimination encountered the need to protect personal privacy, Do not make people talk about their illness, should try to control knowledge of the range, .5 to do security work. rational and ingenious treatment of important life events. Hepatitis B virus carriers will encounter in life studies, job, marriage and other important life events, to address these critical life events, from national law perspective. hepatitis B patients in the face of these events, and other healthy people is no different, but the actual environment, this or that may encounter resistance and obstacles, which requires that the carriers be able to deal with rational and ingenious, can not act recklessly .6. Do not believe any ads, do not use any Pianfangyanfang secret, do not go advertising doctors, private hospitals, private hospitals and contracting nature of the hospital. All these units and publicity, and actions for the money, hepatitis B patients can be the robbing of money and the prey, optimistic about the disease in these areas the possibility of zero .7. a reasonable diet. This is the rehabilitation of the liver is also very important. may be based on the specific circumstances of my diet and eating habits to adjust. appropriate increase in protein and vitamins , but not excessive. excessive intake of protein, sugar and fat, will not help the rehabilitation of liver disease, it will increase the negative consequences of the liver, causing symptoms such as indigestion and bloating, and even lead to fatty liver disease. Therefore, we should pay attention to adequate and balanced nutrition, eat. liver disease should not drink, alcohol can directly damage liver cells, increasing the progress of liver disease. Some studies show that alcohol and hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus are synergistic effect, even if the normal amount of intake alcohol, will accelerate the process of liver fibrosis. So to be alcohol liver disease.

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