Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Beijing International Film quarter held in April next year

 Beijing Morning News (press Yanglian Jie) Beijing Municipal Government Information Office announced yesterday in Beijing next April 23 to 28 hold the first Beijing International Film season. International Film quarter to mix domestic and international film resources, structures showing the exchange trading platform in the future, Beijing will become a regular international film events.

According to reports, the film will be the opening quarter, the Beijing screening, the film charm of Beijing Forum, Beijing Film negotiation, movies, concerts, events and closing ceremony of the main film) collection, movie posters, signs and collection season, the selection of the film season ambassador, film exhibitions and other related activities constitute a collection. Beijing Student Film Festival, the Beijing Youth Community Film Festival, the Beijing National Film Festival will also be included in the film season. Beijing International Film quarter will highlight the international character of the film invites a wide range of international agencies, directors, actors and other famous people to participate in the film industry, will also invite famous Chinese and foreign directors on the dialogue in the film season, through the collision of ideas, enhance our high-end character of the forum. In addition, international screenings of about 100 units will be screened at foreign film, to show the world's multi-cultural charm. (This article Source: Beijing Morning Post)

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