Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good for the world is so beautiful! (English group director)

 Yesterday the weather is cool, refreshing, sitting on the bus, enjoying the green landscape street, after a pleasant thing. The car to a stop sign paused, came a girl, wow, the dress is too fashionable! About two Ten early, wearing dark glasses, blond hair and set high, and with a big earrings, wearing a white T-shirt, short little skirts; matched with a pair of beautiful sandals, when the mouth is not chewing gum is really a super girl avant-garde, it seems I'm a bit out of date, there is a generation gap, and his heart still can not accept this kind of dress, a little disgusting, huh, huh!
looked around, she got into the car, then sat in front of me an empty seat. not too much different appreciation of the girl, or more attractive outside of my natural scenery, this elegant green dress our world continue to embrace with nature, listen to great natural sound !......< br> went to a station, then the car up a pair of middle-aged couple, but also helped with a nearly eight years late grandmother, help elderly people sit, the man Men turned from a trouser pocket, but did not change, is the whole money, bus there are provisions not to give change it! President did not three dollars, which can be difficult for the two, the men just stood coin box at the eyes with a prayer watching you.
I rolled my bag, only one dollar coins, not enough ah! that's help, no bother! just want to get up, little girl sitting in front of me suddenly stood up: There are two dollars, to you! is just a little girl, dressed in their contempt and anxiety, then immediately have a dollar to his uncle to the hands, and then went straight back seat, at the moment I put down the heart of the unrest, the vote to praise the little girl smile She also told me a beautiful smile hh
a trivial matter, sufficient to demonstrate the quality of a person. fashion girl, dress avant-garde, it is an individuality, perhaps with too much similar to the world , alternative dress is sometimes a kind of beauty. beautiful she has a good heart, a willingness to help a beautiful soul!
long as everyone sacrificed a piece of love, the world will become better tomorrow is! , carries a good heart, makes us feel this community is so warm and wonderful! carries a kind heart, make our world a more gentle, friendly and harmonious emitting light; carries a kind heart, It will purify our mind, for us the one leading to the front of the Shining Path!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

VeryCD or off license for failing to obtain audio-visual

 Click here to see all news pictures

photo VeryCD founder Huang Yimeng microblogging

1 23 News Following the fate of China's first P2P BTChina after the end of the portal, the famous P2P download sharing sites VeryCD or to be closed, the current music channels have been off the assembly line, can only watch online download is about to close. According to incomplete statistics, the BT has been off more than 400 home sites.

VeryCD not obtained due to the closure of the audio-visual services SARFT license.

VeryCD The Micro Bo Huang Yimeng founder, said . can do now, Victoria has to face reality, ready courage, even if all down all over again, we must never give up.

administrator said, according to VeryCD, VeryCD will begin to fully transition to the school network, happy network that SNS dating site, based on the accumulation of the popular perennial VeryCD to build com /). The eMule download section will close this month.

present, without the audio-visual services SARFT license is about to be banned sites include: film and television empire, VeryCD, Pig Paradise, the holy city homes, birds Shadow Court, all film and television, CHD Union, the Garden of Eden , the film Paradise, BT home, TLF Forum, long a bird, Promise BT, BT carefree, BT myth of illegal audio-visual services to more than 200 sites.

previous year, the Ministry of Culture issued a 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Taiwanese fishing boats hijacked by Somali pirates freed after six months

 Global Network reporter Li Zongze widely reported, according to Law News Network January 25, 24 am, hijacked by Somali pirates more than six months (May 7 last year, was hijacked) China Taiwan fishing boat also. That night, the Marine Equipment by seafarers on board the mainland to the family telephone to report. According to China Maritime Search and Rescue Centre, the feedback information to the family, now deployed to Somalia, the vessel from China in there to escort naval vessels patrolling the distance of 500 nautical miles, the mainland government is coordinating escort and supply issues.

reported that, after the efforts of all parties, to 24 Tuesday night, China Maritime Search and Rescue Center notified the families of the crew has been contacted in the Indian Ocean's

According to Continental Maritime Search and Rescue Centre, the feedback information to the family, now deployed to Somalia in ships from China to escort naval vessels patrolling there are 500 nautical miles from the mainland government is coordinating escort and supply issues.

May 7 last year, the Taiwan Fisheries Co., Ltd. Taian owned fishing vessel 28 fishermen on board, unless there are nine Chinese mainland fishermen, and another seven Kenyan fishermen, four Indonesian fishermen, three Filipino fishermen, three Vietnamese fishermen, two Mozambican fishermen.

According to Taiwan's require the delivery of a ransom. Taiwan correlation analysis,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Experts 43 example shows Google's new Android Java code copying

 1 22 message, according to foreign media reports, an intellectual property experts found 43 examples to prove that in the latest version of Google's Android operating system, Java code is copied without permission .

this evidence might refute Google Android with Oracle in the Java patent and copyright infringement of legal disputes to do for their own defense.

closely following the case and create NoSoftwarePatents (not software patents) FlorianMueller organization said in a blog, this discovery process is very productive for Oracle, for Google, is very scary.

Mueller examined the Android code, in addition to Oracle in the lawsuit referred to a file, he also found six files are very similar with the Java files. These files are in Android2.2 version and the 2.3 version found.

In addition, Mueller pointed out that the code in the Android Thirty-seven files contain some tips, saying that this code is Sun's proprietary code.

Mueller said that no matter what Google says, the copyright header file that the code should be re-authorized under the Apache software license before you can use. Google is licensed under the Apache user to use Android operating system. Some people say that Oracle Instant / Sun after the GPL license will be provided based on this file (which I have not found conclusive evidence), that would not allow this change in license.

Although Google is using Java code with the original code a little bit of difference, however, Mueller found that the difference is the result of using a compiler. When he called JAD using the Java compiler and decompiler against seven different files, he found the results to the files found in Android is almost the same.

Google did not comment on Mueller's argument.

Oracle on Google last August to prosecute alleged violations of Google Android operating system, the Java copyright. Oracle's acquisition of Sun won the Java copyright. Google said the lawsuit is unfounded, and denied the violation of copyright.

If you find that Google infringed copyright, Google will sell each for the Android phones to pay license fees to Oracle. Google this cost can be passed on equipment manufacturers. However, this will reduce the Android operating system as a free attraction.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hebei banks cut credit lines to cancel the first part of the banks offer loans

 2011 opened in years, not many people apply for mortgage loan policy was relaxed, but more nervous than the end of last year, the most obvious change is: First Suite loans interest rates do not discount. Reporter learned yesterday from the capital of banks, as the deposit reserve rate raised again and again, the banks cut credit lines, many banks began to

capital yesterday, the reporter consulted a number of banks and found that some banks have lifted mortgage interest rate concessions, began implementation of the benchmark interest rate; there are some banks, though not specifically announced the cancellation of interest rate concessions, but the set up round after round of the threshold, the applicant would like to enjoy the benefits even more difficult. Shijiazhuang Branch of China Merchants Bank, the relevant officials said they are now on the mortgage interest rate policy is, without concessions; Shijiazhuang Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, a mortgage, say, in accordance with established policy, the first interest rate loans can play Suite 8.5 fold, but the line of credit is very tight now, they must give priority to lending to the non-discount customers, this way, customers want to enjoy the discount rate is basically no chance. There are some banks are lending policies of the new year to discuss, not yet reached a final conclusion, a bank's mortgage department manager said, although it is not formally issued a document, but look at the overall trend, the discount will be less and less, December began, the first suite not played discount rate on loans, this year looks like there will be no concessions had. constantly raising the deposit reserve ratio are not unrelated. Recently, the People's Bank of China announced that from January 20, 2011 from financial institutions raised the deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points, which is seven times a year raised the deposit reserve ratio. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The central bank raised the deposit reserve rate hike before the Spring Festival substantially reduce the probability of

recent media reported in early January, construction workers and peasants in the total amount of new loans, the big four has already reached 240 billion yuan. Last December, four lines of new loans is only about 1600 million.

Data Figure: China's central bank announced the evening of 14, from 20 January 2011, the raised deposit-taking financial institutions of RMB deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points. Vegetation agency issued photo

political commissar, chief economist at Industrial Bank, said this raised the deposit reserve ratio of excessive credit growth with no necessary link. The main reason is that central banks need to hedge financial deposit outflows, hedge foreign exchange as well as open market operations to supplement the weak.

Lu political commissar of the forecast, Q1 2011, the deposit reserve ratio rise at least once a month. The end of 2011, large commercial banks raised the deposit reserve ratio, or 23%.

central bank last raised the reserve ratio is 20 December 2010. Analysts pointed out that since the New Year, China's state bank credit rose sharply, so that regulators alert. However, this raised the deposit reserve ratio, the probability of a rate hike before the Spring Festival has been greatly reduced.

China news agency, Beijing, January 14 (Reporter Zhou Rui) - the evening of 14 China's central bank announced that from January 20, 2011, the raised deposit-taking financial institutions of RMB deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points. After the adjustment, large commercial banks deposit reserve ratio will reach 19% of the record, the freezing of funds is expected in 4000 billion.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mandela microblogging

 1 15, on the Twitter micro-blog rumors of 92-year-old suddenly former South African President Nelson Mandela has died. This news spread rapidly on the network, and soon became the most popular topic on Twitter. 16, some supporters launched the Twitter One user wrote:

has denied that the Nelson Mandela Foundation, spokesman for the Kazakhstan Church (Sello Hatang) said in a statement: ruling

Mandela is South Africa's anti-apartheid fighter, won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2004, he gradually fade out of public view. Mandela established the Nelson Mandela Foundation, UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela & Rhodes Foundation, dedicated to charity.

said Mandela had not been rumors of life, he and his wife Graca Machel is currently in Cape Town on vacation. Mandela's grandson Peter do not want to be interviewed, he only said,

friends and relatives, according to the relevant
This is not the first time Mandela October 2007, when U.S. President George W. Bush for the Iraq policy during a news conference heated debate gaffe, saying Nelson Mandela a

According to the Mandela's family have denied that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Beijing International Film quarter held in April next year

 Beijing Morning News (press Yanglian Jie) Beijing Municipal Government Information Office announced yesterday in Beijing next April 23 to 28 hold the first Beijing International Film season. International Film quarter to mix domestic and international film resources, structures showing the exchange trading platform in the future, Beijing will become a regular international film events.

According to reports, the film will be the opening quarter, the Beijing screening, the film charm of Beijing Forum, Beijing Film negotiation, movies, concerts, events and closing ceremony of the main film) collection, movie posters, signs and collection season, the selection of the film season ambassador, film exhibitions and other related activities constitute a collection. Beijing Student Film Festival, the Beijing Youth Community Film Festival, the Beijing National Film Festival will also be included in the film season. Beijing International Film quarter will highlight the international character of the film invites a wide range of international agencies, directors, actors and other famous people to participate in the film industry, will also invite famous Chinese and foreign directors on the dialogue in the film season, through the collision of ideas, enhance our high-end character of the forum. In addition, international screenings of about 100 units will be screened at foreign film, to show the world's multi-cultural charm. (This article Source: Beijing Morning Post)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Aoi Miyazaki film partner, Masato Sakai,

 Aoi Miyazaki, Sakai Masato

m1905 Movie Network license reports published Jan. 12 was made by the Thai Harada Norika Fujiwara and NHK Japanese TV drama series starring about to start shooting the film version, actor and actress Aoi Miyazaki and finalize Masato Sakai, Miyazaki and Sakai is from the river elegant drama

film based on novelist writing Hosokawa mink mink the best-selling novel penned, as in the book related to modern diseases, is a breakthrough 300 000. About her husband suffering from depression (Sakai Masato), a wife in the comic (played Aoi Miyazaki) and encouragement, and gradually get rid of the disease bravely face life's touching story. Has been directed by the director,

Aoi Miyazaki as the wife said excitedly, Masato Sakai husband admitted that this time he played with the Xiaokui couple will play husband and wife with the image of different rivers, Sakai Ya said Sakai also revealed by starred in the film Ya, so he never had contact with depression had a deeper understanding, make him feel benefit.


(This article Source: m1905 Movie Network authorized for issue)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Risk of hepatitis B virus carriers with kissing up

 Risk of hepatitis B virus carriers and kiss you
PLA 302 Hospital, Chief Physician, MD Liu Shijing (100039)
by the Hong Kong star Andy Lau and mainland actress Fan Bingbing starred in a popular feature film taken a number of media exposure of the film in a group shot, one photo is starring Andy Lau and Fan Bingbing in water deep kissing scenes, the situation in accordance with past experience, nothing like the lens, film and television works appeared between men and women kissing scene, It is too common, but now it is different, this picture raises new problems, a month ago, Andy Lau as the representative of the image when the control of hepatitis B admits that she is a hepatitis B virus carriers, people admire the entertainment industry star of courage and frankness, the will to make such a question: Liu King starred in more than the kind of film and television work, with many actresses have had kissing scenes, so that hepatitis B virus carriers with a kiss will not be infected hepatitis B? The answer is no. the latest development of the Chinese Medical Association's exposure to life as an office work (including shared computers and other office supplies), shaking hands, kissing, hugging, sharing a dormitory, dining and sharing the same toilet without the contact of blood exposure is generally not transmitted hepatitis B virus. It is Why? not to say that hepatitis B is highly infectious diseases do, and why kissing and so can not be transmitted? In fact the mode of transmission of hepatitis B and infectious people have been misunderstood, hepatitis B infection is not so terrible.
1. exposure to hepatitis B virus is extremely common, universal thing, not terrible. living in today's society, no contact with hepatitis B virus is not possible, in your living environment, the hepatitis B virus often can be met everywhere, of chronic hepatitis B virus carrier the total population were 1 / 10, they are widely distributed in all areas of society, hepatitis B virus carriers with body fluids, blood may be contaminated, and the remaining items in their contacts, such as hotel tableware, bedding, hospital medical devices, the bus handrails, etc., even if you re-cautious, it is difficult to ensure that will not come into contact with a hepatitis B virus, once exposed to the hepatitis B virus containing the article, it is possible the formation of hepatitis B virus infection, hepatitis B virus is often in contact with inadvertently when the infection is also possible to occur when it inadvertently. If exposure to hepatitis B virus at a time when the skin, mucous membranes are damaged (such as surgery, acupuncture treatment, gingival bleeding, trauma, etc.), the virus come into contact with the damaged wound to can enter the bloodstream, resulting in hepatitis B virus infection, once infected, there will be some people after a few hours a month or so about the potential, the cause of acute hepatitis; there are a few people (especially children) infected with hepatitis B virus does not cause overt disease, but rather to adolescents, adults), hepatitis B virus infection will rely on autologous mature, normal immune defense mechanisms, gradual removal of hepatitis B virus, such a process are also mostly in the Most people were positive for hepatitis B antibody natural causes. Having said that, in order to have hepatitis B, or links to go through three stages, first exposed to hepatitis B virus, followed by the blood infection, and finally a small number of infected people would lead to incidence of chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis B virus to carry the majority of those infected, but also rely on their own immunity to clear the virus completely. Since then the inevitable exposure to hepatitis B virus, how to prevent infection after exposure, the incidence is the critical priority, if immune preventive measures in place in time, may prevent the occurrence of hepatitis B virus infection, whereas no preventive measures in advance to implement immunization, once the virus is likely to cause chronic disease or a virus to carry, or threat of injury to the body. If a newborn, in after birth, the need for hepatitis B vaccination as soon as possible, so that the next generation will basically put all the incidence of hepatitis B; if the young people, adults, you can check the hepatitis B virus indicators, identify themselves not infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV five indicators are negative), this time, also need to fight hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible, so that you can successfully prevent hepatitis B virus infection; if a sudden case of contact with broken skin wounds to the hepatitis B virus, in need of immediate inoculation of high titers of hepatitis B immune globulin, hepatitis B block invasion of the virus. Any person, as long as the vaccinated hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B surface antibody produced, suggesting that the success has been to obtain immunity against hepatitis B virus, in this case, no matter how and hepatitis B patient contact, will not be transmitted on hepatitis. That being said, the hepatitis B virus infection, in the face of active immunization in place, it can succeed without the Viagra.
2. Hepatitis B in the end of so many is how come? What is the spread of hepatitis B in the end of? our existing hepatitis B hepatitis B virus carriers and patients more than one hundred million people, so many ins and outs of hepatitis B has its own characteristics, which is different from other countries and regions, belonging to our own national conditions. pathogenesis of hepatitis B is different from other infectious diseases , it is usually not due to hepatitis B patients and one contact (such as a dining, living together, shared utensils, etc.), a pass ten, a hundred such transmission. the most important ways of transmission of hepatitis B is a family of genetically-based Link of vertical transmission, such as vertical transmission, such as the parent infant vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus carriers and more at an early age by parents has been good faith the advantages conferred by strain, long carry, but not made in the cited state of immune tolerance after a long period of More than half of hepatitis B virus carriers are from vertical transmission. there are still some patients with childhood, when the immune system is not perfect, are infected with hepatitis B virus (lost tuck, injections, dental, acupuncture and so on occasion), also can cause hepatitis B carry the virus, as adults, infected with HBV was not so terrible, because adults tend to the immune mechanisms, immune recognition ability, and hepatitis B virus enters the human body, the normal function of rabbits infected defense enough to destroy invading enemy, adults infected with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B disease caused by chance less than 5%. hepatitis B patients and their spouses, from morning till evening for many years, one party has hepatitis B, the other rarely have hepatitis B, we randomly surveyed 263 hepatitis B couples, couples with only 6 for the hepatitis B % left and right, the long-term hepatitis B couples living together, in close contact degree of self-evident, so are not in close contact with each transmission, can think that the general staff, friends even more difficult for each transmission. can see the most important need to guard against transmission of hepatitis B family vertical transmission within, but also pay particular attention to young contact during infection, we must guard against these two areas is good, the best strategy is to all newborns, regardless of whether the family members of patients with hepatitis B, should be injected with hepatitis B vaccine, to prevent a slipping through the net, so will the number of annual decline in hepatitis B, hepatitis B finally put a large drag the adverse situation in the country. As for hepatitis B patients and contacts, such as shaking hands, sharing meals, work, talk, play, will not be infected with hepatitis B, and mosquito bites Hepatitis B transmission is basically saying is negative, can be seen in the past for a number of misconceptions infectious hepatitis B, these stereotypes and misunderstandings, resulting in the terrorist community hepatitis B, hepatitis B patients has led to society's discrimination and prejudice that control hepatitis B and propagation and features that will help set things right.
3. from China's actual situation, decide whether to have hepatitis B depends on several factors, 1. polymorphisms in susceptible populations. the level and incidence of hepatitis B race, genetic factors are closely related human genes. China is multi-ethnic country, every nation is fundamentally different incidence of hepatitis B, according to statistics, China's Tibetan hepatitis B virus infection by the highest percentage of people who reach 25, the Han center, about 15% Uygur the lowest, 2.3%, obviously mixed race, the incidence of hepatitis B are different. familial aggregation of hepatitis B is widespread, random survey of recent hospital admission, 136 patients with chronic hepatitis B, with a clear family history to reach 112 people (82%) in-depth investigations around the complete hepatitis B in which families (three generations or four generations) 12, confirmed the spread within families has obvious kinship to a blood relationship (mother, father and son, brothers and sisters) most significantly, two unrelated (uncle, aunt, beginning, Auntie, Uncle, cousins, etc.), followed by unrelated persons (wife, husband, brother, wife, siblings, etc.) with the hepatitis B who have not yet discovered. can be seen to be hepatitis B patients, racial and genetic factors, need to first consider the .2. infected with hepatitis B virus of age. has confirmed the age of infection with hepatitis B virus is closely related with the prognosis, hepatitis B virus infection in the younger, more dangerous, the formation of chronic the greater the chances that future treatment will become increasingly difficult, such as intrauterine infection of fetus, birth place of the birth canal during the entire perinatal infection and infection occurs, almost always channel into the hepatitis B virus latent, long-term carrying the virus in the whole childhood, the immune system, the establishment and development is not perfect, the body is no recognition of the thousands of hepatitis B virus and the ability to judge, in the immune tolerance phase of paralysis and hepatitis B virus is easily hidden down into the liver cells and place cells in joints .3 . infected with hepatitis B virus, the immune function in a disordered state. hepatitis B virus replication itself does not cause inflammation or degeneration of liver cells, hepatitis B virus infection must be the body's immune response, can cause disease, and to disease progression, immune function disorder and hepatitis B virus replication echoes possible cause of hepatitis B disease, hepatitis B virus infection is external, the body's immune dysfunction is internal. if immune function or tolerance in a state of paralysis, although the liver cells of hepatitis B virus replication within , while the body lacks an effective immune response, this time, there is no or only mild liver damage, characterized by long-term hepatitis B virus carrier. If the immune dysfunction, hepatitis B virus antigen is poor, can not cause significant immune response, viral not completely cleared, subject to certain liver cells against intermittent, usually presents with mild chronic hepatitis. If the body's immune function, hepatitis B surface antibody and anti-S antibody formation before the deficiencies and can not effectively and in hepatitis B virus in the blood circulation, cell toxic T cells can not destroy and remove the liver cells of hepatitis B virus; body suppressor T cell function is also low, can not prevent hepatitis B virus and liver cell membrane to produce specific antibodies, leading to continued damage to liver cells, while a large number of antigen-antibody complex formation of the liver cells and other organs are also forced by the persistent, serious damage at this time, more performance for the moderate or severe chronic hepatitis. If a serious imbalance in immune function, early specific cellular immune response enhanced invasion of a large number of hepatitis B virus and infected liver cells a strong immune response, resulting in a large number of liver cell necrosis, followed by cellular dysfunction, manifested as severe hepatitis. other people with other diseases such as kidney transplantation, cancer, leukemia, immune function in hemodialysis patients with common low, then infected with hepatitis B virus chronic easily formed.
short, exposure to hepatitis B virus infection in hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B may be completely different on the three stages, three have some causal relationship, but by no means inevitable development process , then the inevitable exposure to hepatitis B virus, and if you have played hepatitis B vaccine, and the corresponding antibodies have been produced, no matter how exposure to hepatitis B virus, it will not be infected; If you've never played hepatitis B vaccine, exposure to hepatitis B virus, may lead to hepatitis B virus infection (60% probability), even if infected with the hepatitis B virus, and only a few get on the cause of hepatitis B (probability of less than 10%). Hepatitis B is mainly transmitted through blood relations within the family and the vertical transmission of childhood Hou's blood when the pollution (injection, infusion, trauma, etc.), usually with exposure to hepatitis B patients (especially adults), such as shaking hands, working, etc., occur rarely causes hepatitis B, acute hepatitis B in China really very few cases, and The basic acute hepatitis B can be recovered. Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease, nor is inconsistent and the actual situation in China, because hepatitis B is spread primarily through sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and so abnormal sexual behavior, which is rare in China, a large number of statistical Data show that the spouses of patients with hepatitis B hepatitis B rarely have to. On the spread of hepatitis B claims mosquito bites, there is no scientific basis. In fact, the main route of transmission of hepatitis B, including vertical transmission, medical, blood pollution, general contact does not spread. whether What transmission, regardless of how strong contagious, now have a fully effective preventive measures, that is, hepatitis B vaccination and the high price of hepatitis B immune globulin to prevent almost 95% probability of success for the community, fear of hepatitis B virus and its time infection, as timely vaccination, spend little, prevention in place, the antibodies have been produced, and hang of? in today's science is so advanced, so advanced immune measures, effective cases, the majority of citizens still talk about the mere mention of hepatitis B virus, really worthy of reflection.
hepatitis B prevention and resolution, , all categories of staff, time and hepatitis B vaccination to prevent the success rate of 95% or more. Given the fear of infectious hepatitis B, hepatitis B vaccine injection in time why do not it? only 8 yuan each vaccine, all infants are free hepatitis B vaccine, hepatitis B vaccination no obstacles and difficulties, lack of awareness of prevention only. If a correct understanding of the mode of transmission and prevention of hepatitis B properly, should come to an end discriminatory practices in hepatitis B patients. Other countries do not discriminate against the limitations of hepatitis B patients. All the world over 400 million hepatitis B cases, Southeast Asia, East Asia is high incidence, Africa, South America is not uncommon, the United States, Europe, countries with low-fat, but for hepatitis B patients, these countries have no restrictions on hepatitis B patients and other people, normal life work. Why is that? Is not afraid of foreigners contagious? In fact, infectious hepatitis B is limited, general contact does not spread, which is basic common sense, every citizen should be clear. For all the restrictions lifted hepatitis B patients will help clean the current treatment of hepatitis B market. the right treatment, ease the minds of the pressure, eager to avoid medical treatment, random seek treatment, all under the guise of the treatment of hepatitis B in order to get money for the purpose of the clinics, medical institutions and individuals, conspiracy to succeed opportunities will be much smaller.
Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau admits that he is the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B virus carriers then how it is, you need to how to deal with, how to prevent it?
our existing hepatitis B virus carriers 100 million people, their blood tests check the basic condition is hepatitis B virus surface antigen positive, and sustained more than six months time, but all items on a regular basis liver function, were within the normal range, the patient's own body without obvious discomfort, can be normal engaged in various work and study. Hepatitis B virus is the most important function of the conditions for continuing in a normal state, rather than intermittent or intermittent normal, patients with such conditions need long-term regular monitoring of liver function every 3 months or six months to monitor Once, only always normal, to be counted as virus carriers.
of more than 100 million carriers of hepatitis B virus can be divided into two categories, one is positive for hepatitis B virus replication target carriers, and the other is the hepatitis B virus replication carriers of negative indicators. the so-called positive for hepatitis B carriers of viral replication index is positive for hepatitis B virus DNA, hepatitis B virus e antigen (Virus DNA-negative, hepatitis B virus e antibody-positive (The principles and strategies completely different, only the first is the type of patient identification, and then can only generate response.
negative hepatitis B virus replication index carriers (non-active hepatitis B virus carriers) is relatively good, this part of the people do not need drug treatment, can engage in all kinds of work, but the need for medical observation, regular testing of liver function and hepatitis B virus indicators, attention to changes in the indicators, if one is always the same, you can rest assured that work and study; if she changes , changes in liver function or viral targets, should be timely investigation to see if the disease has shifted from the treatment to treatment.
positive for hepatitis B virus replication target carriers, need to be big in the hospital for a conditional liver biopsy Check to determine whether drug treatment, if the liver biopsy suggest wearing hepatitis activity index greater than 4 or level of inflammatory activity or hepatic fibrosis more than two, should be given anti-viral and anti-liver fibrosis treatment. If the liver through pathological examinations showed hepatitis activity index less than 4 or level of inflammatory activity or degree of liver fibrosis than two, you can temporarily untreated, periodic review and close monitoring. transhepatic positive for hepatitis B carriers of viral replication is very important indicators, especially the young people living with HIV, because many information, many of these groups of liver histology in patients one way or another potential problem, although they had long-term normal liver function, but the severity of liver tissue may range from inflammation of the internal changes , some patients with liver cirrhosis and even to the extent, if only by liver function test results or the patients sense of self, to mistakenly believe that a In addition to the medical monitoring of virus carriers, but also good to note the following strategies: 1. regulate the state of mind. a good mood is the protection of rehabilitation, some people know they are carrying hepatitis B virus, the preoccupied, moody, thought the burden of heavy, is not conducive to rehabilitation of the disease. a good mood, than ten good medicine to relieve physical fatigue and pain, therefore, had liver disease, the first to regulate their feelings, maintain a healthy spirit of optimism , as well as the strong will to fight disease, and confidence, it is important to overcome the psychological factors of liver disease. Hepatitis B virus carriers can work and learn, you can also dry out the excellent performance, Andy Lau is a good example, hepatitis B virus carriers can not give up life and living, we must strive to become the life of strong, successful career .2. Healthy Living: Right now there are many problems people's way of life, nightlife flooding, diet structure is irrational, personal disorders, the pace of work fast, great work pressure, more and more important entertainment habits, exercise less and less opportunities, officers instant success, more and more obvious tendency of greed, which for adverse healthy people, for the majority of hepatitis B virus carriers, the unhealthy is shortened by way of the culprit. Hepatitis B virus carriers usually have to endure loneliness, not the most fashionable, not greedy for money, Tanse, Menthods, be sure to ascetic living there often, normal life .3. to strengthen the body exercise. Hepatitis B virus carriers, should not lie in bed all day, not daring to move, which is not conducive to recovery from disease. to work and rest, appropriate activities, but not overworked, moderate exercise is very important. At the same time have a regular life to ensure adequate sleep .4. the protection of privacy, not free to reveal their situation. Hepatitis B virus carriers in order to avoid all kinds of social discrimination encountered the need to protect personal privacy, Do not make people talk about their illness, should try to control knowledge of the range, .5 to do security work. rational and ingenious treatment of important life events. Hepatitis B virus carriers will encounter in life studies, job, marriage and other important life events, to address these critical life events, from national law perspective. hepatitis B patients in the face of these events, and other healthy people is no different, but the actual environment, this or that may encounter resistance and obstacles, which requires that the carriers be able to deal with rational and ingenious, can not act recklessly .6. Do not believe any ads, do not use any Pianfangyanfang secret, do not go advertising doctors, private hospitals, private hospitals and contracting nature of the hospital. All these units and publicity, and actions for the money, hepatitis B patients can be the robbing of money and the prey, optimistic about the disease in these areas the possibility of zero .7. a reasonable diet. This is the rehabilitation of the liver is also very important. may be based on the specific circumstances of my diet and eating habits to adjust. appropriate increase in protein and vitamins , but not excessive. excessive intake of protein, sugar and fat, will not help the rehabilitation of liver disease, it will increase the negative consequences of the liver, causing symptoms such as indigestion and bloating, and even lead to fatty liver disease. Therefore, we should pay attention to adequate and balanced nutrition, eat. liver disease should not drink, alcohol can directly damage liver cells, increasing the progress of liver disease. Some studies show that alcohol and hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus are synergistic effect, even if the normal amount of intake alcohol, will accelerate the process of liver fibrosis. So to be alcohol liver disease.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Benevolent, courageous and boundless love

 I speak only a brief, minor additions and deletions, as the opening of my blog. Welcome to call our friends patients, the second, is the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and the China Charity Federation, China, Breast Cancer Fund, jointly set up the opening of the LIMA radical surgery. I, as a teacher, two months after surgery radiotherapy, and return to the podium, and then side to side lectures chemotherapy and endocrine therapy.
l cancer r, the word, my into a new area, into a new group, made many new friends. this area has its own enthusiasm for cancer patients and cancer patients for community service volunteers. I, like many of my friends , is a member of this group. I remember mother's teachings:
my obligation for the cancer patients were 13 years of service.
I have seen some of my, she has to face death every day, when they struggle with death every .13 years of acquaintance, friend of friends, they dip me! that I have the courage and perseverance to adhere to patients 13 years of service.
As breast cancer is unfortunate, but I was lucky, because in 13 years time, according to medical definition, I has been a breast cancer patients! matter what happens in the future, I will tell you is this: the rehabilitation of breast cancer patients, it is entirely possible!
breast cancer the disease has its particularity, the patients emotional exchange between the land has special needs. many of the families, friends and relatives, and even hard to tell the doctor all the questions, but you can talk to their patients and ask trusted. around that patients gradually increased, and I also unconsciously to take on this can be their treatment is: the best doctors, accept that: the best treatment, taking is: the best medicine; but different from other cancer patients is that breast cancer is still a little point on the survival of the pursuit of a more perfect, we would like to know, we were diagnosed with breast cancer after local surgical treatment if we can have more choices, especially, my younger sisters who. to allow them to As a perfect woman, a woman Jiao Yan, a confident woman, to face the future life, to confront a loved one.
cancer patients in my 13 years service, I also witnessed the joy The rapid progress of medical, pharmaceutical innovation, so that many breast cancer patients prolong life, but also to meet us as women, as wives, as mothers and the pursuit of dignity.
However, as our non-medical people, clearly able to understand his own, she has provided more should be: specific treatment programs or drug use and other aspects of clinical profession, but earnestly consult their doctors recommended she has. experiences and lessons in selfless devotion to you, so that she has in the rehabilitation of the road detours, no detours.
rational in the face of calls she has breast cancer treatment, I hope that we the majority of medical workers able to provide patients with more subtle sophisticated, more personalized service, give us more care and love, after all, we entrust to you our beautiful and fragile life! Here I also take this opportunity to Director Jiang Zefei express my gratitude, I was his patient. thank him for the majority of our diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer patients with and without micro-well care, but also for his work in extremely busy we just opened for the guidance and support.
in the past 13 years, each and every patient's health affects all of my heart, thoughts and deplore this, often in sicker patients are young or too when the news of death, become particularly strong, stayed up all night! deeply condemn their early breast cancer prevention, early detection, early diagnosis of early treatment, standard treatment of advocacy work is not doing enough, not good enough, incompetent took my younger sisters of these fresh and beautiful life! But I also know the power of individuals, after all, is small, limited attention to all aspects of society to promote the most effective of all the Chinese women's breast health cause.
Here I also particularly My good friend Miss Ye Danyang to express my respect for her illness, the courage the lens at yourself and she has recorded these extraordinary women and extraordinary performance in breast cancer fight: from weak to strong, from sad to happy, for many breast cancer patients brings hope and comfort. Danyang feat has aroused the concern of many aspects of breast cancer.
more gratifying is that the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, Chinese Medical Association science branch and AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. jointly issued the .
so I particularly like where the majority of women through the media called attention to their own breast health. to care for the breast, love life, early prevention, early detection, early treatment, standard treatment, so that healthy women from breast cancer, let a woman beat breast cancer! (Thank you, media friends)
the last to briefly Chinese Dictionary ; the word, are the to literally, and willingly, without complaint, the do the quiet things.
volunteers must always bear in mind every eight characters: l benevolent, courageous, big love boundless r!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Map of Shanghai and the surrounding barbecue Raiders

 Field, country, countryside, wilderness, wildly hh excluded a wild impulse to exclude, and Korea, and spring is spring in the micro-smoked around the corner. Too much formality and restraint, of course, will not be the tone of spring. Spring is to raise one's arm high shouted The stay in the local, country outing also have to find some general fun than mm such as barbecue.
types of urban Korean restaurant, the Brazilian-style barbecue somehow a small terrace barbecue at home, it seems already begun Shenmeipilao people may feel minced creak on, You Wangwang brushes whirling back and forth on them, and finally to a sticky sauce all painted, as if to make the body SPA. appetite has long been hung up, after waiting for the sense of smell you will be a taste of the peak, there is strong enough, there are enough wild.
Dongping National Forest Park: BBQ bonfire party
End staged the most northern part of the park has a BBQ area for tourists barbecue buffet, which can accommodate up to 200. taking into account the protection of forest resources, visitors are not allowed here comes with the stove, there must be a one-time loan charcoal, the cost is 30 yuan / only, no time limit. In general, 4-6 people, by a stove to it. 5 yuan a cup of oil.
here to provide up to 50 varieties of grilled food, beef, squid, sparrows, lamb chops and a variety of chicken ingredients, such as chicken wings, chicken legs, chicken feet, chicken heart and so on. If your cooking is not very confident on the taste and high demand, you can buy a chicken and the like Hong Chuan semi. The most popular is the the same paragraph. here is very much sauce, cumin, pepper, salt and pepper, etc. are all available. like sweet honey can be added, like the acid in tomato sauce to meet you, like it spicy, chili sauce and chili powder can make you fun.
If you have a private car, choose grilled foods can be built. or the first supermarket to buy some at the south gate and then into the park. But this is the case, in addition to paying the rent equipment, have 8 yuan to pay the site fee per person.
before the barbecue if you would like to garden, the ingredients can be parked in the BBQ area, and then all the way south to the Garden. very human right.
barbecue during the day comes to an end, at night can open campfire fun. barbecue area has a concrete floor near the square, up to 300 people in the party office. sound, then park for free. But we must self-scouring pockets of fire, a bonfire party charges 200 yuan, few people many people are the same. Therefore, in terms of the program more affordable for large groups.
wildly Tip:
Chongming Island Park is located in north-central, from the south gate of the Harbour (town) 12 km, and construction of the southern border town of East and West farm adjacent to the north and east of Shanghai.
take the treasure from the Jiangwan Yang terminal line, 116,51, and then ride on the ; South River Line Chengdu North Road viaduct, from Gonghexinlu, Sheng Yun Chuan Road, turn right to Stone Road (Shidongkou garment factory), straight hole to open half a kilometer to the south gate of stone Qidu. Qidu every 40 minutes (20 minutes a week classes), 80 minutes to get to (but line up needs 30m60 minutes) .1 t 49 per vehicle fee / vehicle, other than the driver, board staff of 12 yuan / person, the premium is 5 yuan / vehicles. park with a parking lot .
park tickets 40 yuan for adults, free of charge for children under 1 meter, half fare for children under 1.4 meters, telephone 59338028.
mm in the park picnic lawn so high, do not want to barbecue paved with sheets of plastic tablecloths can be a out of large bags and eat them. be sure to pay attention to safety and environmental protection, not free to discard garbage or into the fire.
going to eat two meals a wish in the park picnic, meal restaurant. because here the hotel can provide City district can not eat countryside dishes. Lakeview Park Center Hotel is located in that specialty, but Chongming Top Ten Chongming famous White Mountain lamb cooked flavor Such is Life.
camping mm in a large tent on the lawn next door to the barbecue area, can play overnight camping. tent double of 100, four of the 200, six 350 dollars. inside sleeping bags and mats give you ready.
to bring their own camping equipment if also, then spend the night, each received 8 per site fees.
Wild mm parks great, too lazy to walk to a charter on the lake or rent a bike, bicycles have both single and double. want to play the field a little more exciting if there is shooting, rock climbing and paintball allows you to choose.
undoubtedly the most distinctive ;, which can be regarded as signs Dongping Forest Park project. need to wear special shoes, foot two roller chain, holding two sticks to control the body balance grass skiing. a coach to teach from scratch in half an hour's time, inside, it was learned quickly, while others progress slowly. to participate in such movements must be bold and not afraid to fall. In other words, fall a mud that is also called Park: lake beach barbecue, early summer
barbecue area on the lake in summer in the park area. big umbrella and grill is located in an artificial sandy beach to nearby cabins. come here will have barbecue early summer or in tropical illusion.
the barbecue area which can accommodate 50-60 people, a barbecue stove arrayed four seats. in accordance with 60 rent a grill, is 15 yuan per capita.
here offers a dozen ingredients, including chicken, lamb, beef, chicken wings and a variety of vegetables, if the average price of 5 yuan / string. Of course, you can also choose to bring their own food, barbecue pits only pay the rent, no additional costs. But there does not provide food services parked.
Park 17 points were closed, so visitors are generally here in the afternoon barbecue. night, and if a team wanted to barbecue can be, but to advance appointment only. < br> Although it is composed of nearly 5,000 tons of man-made sand beach, shore, tall palm trees, fake palm tree is immersive, but these do not prevent you from the lake, in the vast quiet truly .4 cool back sooner or later the cold at noon, so you may be a short dress made entirely BBQ girl. care for someone to take the camera at you Oh, in his eyes, and you live is a beautiful sculpture of the vivo blazing.
Finally, I suggest you go in the morning, clouds of summer madness a jumping area, or had enough chances to jump no more. jumping cloud is a more than ten million park took the introduction of recreational facilities, 24 hours inflatable, 10 In all not a bad jump. Such wildly Tip:
Park address is Shanghai Sheshan National Tourism Resort tree-lined New Road (Park Avenue) 1158.
Tourism One line, the South She lines of She lines, on the line She, West SHE Line, Shanghai Chen line, lines, and so on can reach the bus lines.
self-driving case, from downtown to Sheshan, about 30 km. from the Yan'an Elevated Road Sheshan on the A9 motorway exit and turn left into the forest along the Jiasong Road 2 km turn right boulevard that is to the left for the parking lot.
Park Tickets are 80 yuan / person, half price on Tuesday. telephone.
mm picnic in the park's periphery has a new look very modern restaurant on the lake treasures, but the restaurant is the flagship of the vegetable farm in Jiangxi. , in order to facilitate the storage and transport, to do a dry and refrigerated processing. The taste, taste is relatively light because the people of Shanghai, so here's some chefs to use less seasoning, farm practices with little difference between the mountains, still the road is slippery mouth Xianla. If you like the spicy Jiangxi, you can ask the kitchen hot sauce add oil, you definitely fun to eat.
soil Songjiang very tasty chicken soup, the waiter will help end the guests were divided into small portions up. see you through, and would also ask whether or not to add another bowl of very friendly attitude.
price point here is not expensive, do not point the wild turtles and other dishes, then 50 per person is sufficient. to sauté some vegetables, soil were added chicken broth, do some more whole grains staple food, health benefits have flavor. also parking spaces outside the restaurant, car owners can rest assured.
camping mm parks open from 9 am to 17 points, so under normal circumstances Camping is not allowed visitors. want to spend the night, then most recently Le Méridien She Shan.
rustic charm mm jumping on the back of the cloud there is a huge tree house. tree gigantic false banyan together constitute up to 12 meters, as if the Queen or the Prince of forest elves. how artificial heart wild enough to OK.
crazy enough to suggest that you sit in the park to open the book club. on the eastern shore of Lake in the month, a small mountain at the foot of Sheshan. here displays of various types of popular best-selling book, Chinese and foreign classics, and fashion magazines, make the heart return to peace.
green travel the world: around the big stove barbecue
play moon lake, grass Ting Wai, there is an open-air area. This is a very fit team barbecue. barbecue area is located on 3,600 acres of lawn, while providing 200 barbecue, send teams out, then, can accommodate up to 800 people.
main push here is 50 or more items Team BBQ set, the park offers all the barbecue equipment, food and other raw materials, charging 80 yuan / person.
Bang Bang on the menu are grilled chicken, lamb skewers, chicken wings, string, green peppers, string, string balls, fresh mushrooms string, string pork balls, chicken gizzard string, string, etc. corn, as well as Taiwan, sausage, shrimp live strings and Australian beef. salad bar offers lettuce, tomato, cucumber, red cabbage, carrots, small bean sprouts, raisins and Thousand Island dressing. snack area there are Western, Chinese dim sum of all 3. another with home fried rice noodles, fruit plate, and Coke, Sprite.
more special is the enormous size barbecue pits here, you can have 20 people together around the same time a barbecue with one swing of the festive enthusiasm.
barbecue if the individual also wanted to come here, you must bring their own food. a grill rent is 300 yuan, it must have at least a dozen people together, only cost-effective.
The most complete that can express Horse for teaching horses, and with good quality over national professional equestrian coach someone special custom designed horse programs, the level of staff at all levels can play riding. In particular, is attractive not only to free tickets, but there is still free activity test ride it.
wildly Tip:
Park is located in Songjiang District, Chen Hua Highway 338.
in the People's Square, Cultural Square, Stadium, West Station, or take the Shanghai Song Line One Line Tourism Hashimura off in the flower can be reached.
Sheshan from export drive in the A9, the T-junction turn left to Jiasong road, turn left after reaching the e-Hualien Highway, traveling the world to reach the green.
Park Tickets are priced at 30 yuan / person, telephone
picnic in the park and another forest cafe mm and can accommodate 600 people, a super Chinese Restaurant (lobby can take 400 people).
own fish barbecue food to go Tong tried his hand. 10 per rent rental fishing rod, fish Er 2 Yuan / pack, catch up, then sell 8 yuan / kg.
camping mm because the park is open from 9 am to 17 points, so safe, not allows visitors to tent camping. but given the tourists there is a demand, the park has established Sen Lin Xiaomu housing and rental projects. Sen Lin Xiaomu estates 400,600,800 three grades. a small villa has two double standard room, two bathrooms, a two-storey hall and a chess and card room, complimentary buffet breakfast the next day, 6,000 yuan / night. If your going to live green park hotel, standard room 460 yuan.
Wild mm Park with a racing club, forest bathing, fishing area, tandem bicycles, lawn racing, water bikes and other entertainment.
around a small waterfall, small fountains and other components of the forest corridor, and grandmother bridges, small garden and other landscape can to show people in the heart of nature.
wearing camouflage uniforms, may in the center can play paintball is very safe and exciting simulated war game. national defense education bases there are many to enable children to play with your fill.
last recommend 298 yuan / person. additional gift is worth 128 yuan of cash coupons park rides, green hotel dining cash coupons, and green travel the world ticket.
Huating people: go fishing with barbecue pits people
Huating Jiading is a relatively new attractions, more suitable for home appliances barbecue prepared to do a couple or small family Family Fun.
barbecue area is located near the water shed of the The barbecue pits, the land can accommodate a total of more than a dozen people. In addition to equipment, you also need to bring their own ingredients, ingredients. so the relative freedom more, like what to bring anything. But the site costs 15 yuan, or to count the cost in to go.
If you have confidence in your fishing techniques, and may wish to go to the park's ponds to try their luck. fishing pond rental fee is 20 per rod, the fish catch would have to buy home price of 10 yuan / kg. It is said that the two put a pond 60 kilos of fish, do not know who has skill to catch them.
In addition, there is a full accordance with the design and construction of wind, the only watch Koi fish ponds. the air is the common carp Japanese film wind flag dance, garden pavilion, stone and bamboo water tankers are simply exquisite presentation in front of the leading koi pond huge size, the largest The body length of nearly 1 meter! colorful koi fish, body color from red, white, black, gold, silver, yellow, light blue and other colors of the different markings and form, as if swimming in the water of gold and silver jewelry. koi fish in Japan is an auspicious symbol of long life, can live the longest life expectancy of 200 years! pond are a pair of the most distinguished quintana golden koi, worth 5 to 100,000 yuan. There is also a small koi for sale There 20,30,50,80,100 these prices.
wildly Tip:
park address Frost Huating Town, Jiading District, 518 Bamboo Road.
North line of direct bus ride north of China Hu Jia line or sitting, the new line to Jiading District Jia Jia visit after the transfer line, Jiatang line to the attractions of China. Jiading District by car in the A12 exit, go to Jia Jian Highway, Liu Xiang, highway, after reaching the north, along the Cream Bamboo road ahead, turn right to reach the Huating people.
15 yuan tickets, telephone, 59970515.
picnic mm Huating people's vineyards, melon shed shed and to provide organic vegetables picked, plucked must buy home. Another piece of vegetable fields let you experience the joy of peasant woman, a lightly loaded vest bag, as long as 5 yuan. the ground has a small green lettuce and vegetables, if you like, bake and eat right away, no one would object to .
mm away from the rustic charm of camping near the island has built several cabins, which is used exclusively for residential customers. standard room 180 yuan / day, Suite 280 yuan / day.
wooden home side opened the tea water. the middle of a dragon boat parked tea, the following pool rearing some small koi. window seat to see , there is a place where ancient people burn incense and pray God, so ;, Longjing tea in the 68 yuan / pot, Tieguanyin 58 yuan / pot.
Wild Wild mm resembling Botanical Garden here, the venue is not, can grow a lot of knowledge to be. park the physical description of a weaving technique chart, there is kind of straw slippers, bags and hats. boss is most proud of the work compiled by the curtains of corn leaves.
smoke flavor with a taste of the food, so that inter-Sauvignon tasteless the mystery and joy yourself entangled in the tongue between the mind, then with the fragrance of tea or beer Qinglie, barbecue city people so fascinated enough by eating fine food and wayward stomach. in the repeated heating and cooling wet spring, we invited a few friends or family, find a beautiful place not far not near his own vote in the carbon frame to barbecue stove, experience a different kind of warmth and fun.
Xiangshan Shipu: hands on fishing eat seafood grilled seafood
Elephant is a good place to enjoy the sea breeze blowing sand is also a good place for barbecue. whether it is a 1800 meter long sandy beach of the Chinese fishing village of Song Imperial City, located in the foothills of five lions or the Folk Culture Village, Xiangshan both natural beauty of the Song Lan Shan beach camps are specifically made available for the barbecue for the visitors area for large Gourmet Kitchen, called the barbecue is the most central location in Xiangshan.
Folk Culture Village, Xiangshan tickets for 40 yuan / people, including a complete set of barbecue tools, including a one-time carbon heaters and cooking oil. a one-time use of charcoal for 10 people. Chinese fishing village of tickets for 60 yuan / person, barbecue food and tools must be added another 35 yuan. Song Mt area tickets 10 yuan / person not including barbecue costs, but offers barbecue sites and oven lease, require additional fees, the above three places offer grilled food purchasing services, but are provided by conventional barbecue food, such as the wings, beef string, string fillet, squid, etc., the price is slightly more expensive than own, the proposed food-owned.
If you want to try seafood barbecue, we must take Shipu leisure boats. Visitors can view sea on board, pulling nets, and even their own Shanghai eating fresh fish grilled side. fishermen to recreational sea fishing vessels sailed out of Shipu, planted a small network for sea fishing show. Visitors can also go after the person pulling the nets on deck, pulled several large baskets full of fresh seafood: ferocious crab, huge pomfret, such as the doll-meter long fish, mantis shrimp will bounce, everything. and then immediately processed on board or direct cooking barbecue restaurant. directly pulled from the sea of fresh seafood in particular, sea breeze, drinking beer is a big tub in front of a big tub of the mantis shrimp, sea seeds hh delicious'll never forget. attention must bring their own meat and vegetables, less than 20 charter, day trips 5,200 yuan, per trip net twice, caught seafood and owned by all visitors free of charge processing. Picnic 3200 yuan, a net per trip, including all costs.
wildly Tip:
to Shipu two to three days to play the proposed arrangement, if not too tired, three days is the most suitable. can be arranged from Shanghai to the first day of Xiangshan county, about 5 hours, in the movie Elephant tour meal, the afternoon tour Songlan Mountain Beach Resort. night to eat seafood in the Seafood City in Song Lan Shan camping or stay in the guesthouse. The next morning take a boat out to sea Shipu leisure, play and enjoy half-day barbecue at sea, ashore visit the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasty buildings Shipu fishing port area, or the ancient city of China Marine Culture and Leisure Town fishing village, the night back to Shanghai or Ningbo city continue to play .
from driving to Shipu, crossing back and forth across the bridge will cost about 400 yuan; oil costs about 500 yuan. to go Elevated - Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed - High Speed Ring Hangzhou - Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, too, after Ningbo on the same three highways, exit to the Elephant, the Elephant to Shipu. a distance of about 350 km, the road of 4.5 to 5 hours. backpacker train from Shanghai to Ningbo Railway Station and then to the south bus station take the bus to Xiangshan county, Ningbo and then transferred to the Shipu Pakistan.
tickets for the Chinese fishing village, 60 yuan / person. Xiangshan Folk Culture Village tickets for 40 yuan / person. Songlan Mountain scenic spots, 10 yuan / person,
Elephant beach picnic mm is full of picnic, but the food stalls or more characteristics of the sea. Shipu seafood street food stalls in the form of all-are shops, every house near the water, one meal, and everyone is filled with guests attracted from . Here is a more flavor in seafood, steamed and boiled in the majority. It is understood that Shipu seafood including 400 species of fish, 100 kinds of crustaceans and 80 kinds of shellfish, such a diversity of species, and endemism of the cookery method, enough to make your taste buds a little in the end, while the per capita consumption is only 30 yuan.
night camping mm Songlan Mountain camping when you can go to the beach, camping facilities available inside the base, there are camping supplies can be rented, price is 80 yuan to see the business may be. Tan Head, more remote, but certainly no natural development, is the real camping, if you want to go fully prepared to do so. Dan City has rented tents.
In Shipu overnight, there are many unique hotels to choose from. the ordinary three-star hotels such as Shipu hotels, and city with in a way; a fishing port characteristics of Qianlong No. Water hotel converted from a fishing boat, downstairs a place to eat seafood, there are some rooms upstairs rental, you can really experience the life of fishermen in the water; then there is the Chinese fishing village, the Pacific Hotel, is a group of Mediterranean-style villa, people prepare a sense of leisure. these hotels Pacific Hotel accommodation needs in addition to 400 yuan a room, the other is generally around 120 dollars a night.
Wild mm Shipu fishing boats along the bypass, large and small islands and reefs are busy people and equipment accounted for a neat fishing . Fishing Island master can go fishing, there is a hope by the sea water, standing high on the rocks, you can catch the small abalone, oysters, etc., might be able to catch a morning on the dozens of fish. Fishing After fish can go ashore and take their catch directly on the reef on the barbecue. This is the fun of fishing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Flooding in northeast Australia turned the basketball court Noah's Ark

 Northeastern Australia since January floods inundated parts of cities and towns in Queensland, a large number of residents to evacuate, and Central Queensland University's basketball court has become the legacy of the animal shelter,

AFP reported that due to the rapid rise in flood level, some residents rush to leave, can not take beloved pets, so the animal welfare organizations for help. RSPCA animal welfare organizations are busy dispatching ambulances and trucks in the hard-hit city of Rockhampton patrols will be covered with wet, frightened cats, dogs, birds and other animals sent to the placement of this basketball court.

The animal welfare inspector   chief, said: Bridgman said

Lancaster, domestic pets, with good adaptability in general, However, some agricultural livestock, the flood means disaster.

He said last December for the first time the flood hit Rockhampton City, he saw about 30 head of livestock were swept away, most of them were injured or killed.

Australian Red Cross volunteer told AFP, for some residents, to see their beloved pets safe and sound is a psychological compensation. Two men camping in the basketball floor from the bed support, and their dogs to sleep together. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

As all the children

 As all the children
text / Blue Moon Leisure
just one week, the class long-distance running in winter has reached more than four thousand laps laps, the equivalent of thousand kilometers to the speed of two weeks to complete school mandate. school registration where it thick and red columns and high sign, like Optimus Prime, majestic sacred, people have a sense of reach; also deemed the banner, clear attention, people are proud courageously at the head in the enlightened .
, and run so much, is really God! over two laps. really ran out of the question in trouble, I vision is sometimes uneasy. , but see them laughing as usual, full confidence, a little at ease. added. a miracle (at least to me is so understanding). tell the truth, to take over flights now, I never fight for the kids set the first goal, after all, seventeen classes, everything must be won if He Qinan men, Besides, I'm not a belligerent person. I'm just the children, we do not fight first, but do your best, work hard, you can no regrets. did not expect, but it is especially disappointing the children, who started two semester, my class are thousands of points system-level section of the first contest, this semester is to win week in and week, ranking among the highest in-class section. the other, everything is wonderful. The long-distance running in winter, should the original idea that I It is nothing but the top five paragraphs into the column level only, and that mind does not know the children, did not expect hh
may have a friend who would say, will be well-behaved children in my class, Not so; may also friends say, will be worse is that my teacher, and that more are not. I'm not arrogantly how the potential class, my teacher how I can not boast of competence. If I said that this winter, long-distance running really first class, I think, that because I have done kids. Yes, the case should be able to speak.
last week's Top Ten long-distance running star (men and women of all five), most results are not good students, such as square, Jun, Wei, who, etc., this being in long-distance running, they not only enjoy the weekly Star Yao, but also enjoy the additional per wing; not only enjoy the excitement and the appreciation of percentile enlightened, but also enjoy the students to keep pace with the top Endeavour's pride and contentment. do not, the group's freedom of combinations to cast away the achievements of superiority and inferiority, high and low, only the gas, and only collaboration, promoting the phase, phase forward, the members are united; reasonable reward requirements to explore the potential for increased cohesion, and only active, only the competition, Xiang Xie, phase lines, the synthesis of every child to Make Iron Steel.
teaching for many years, I have come to a conclusion: if it does not see the merits of the results Every child, you will find that every child has its good points. At this point, I could not help but think, And if we are willing to fulfill every child in every aspect of our education work is less and less will be far fewer boring joy of life is more bitter than many many more happy? our education will be much less bumpy the road is far fewer thorns are many more flowers more than a lot of light? as all the children, in many ways, the results will be, let me again Think hh

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sina quoted from the excellent Notes Li Chengpeng

 Yu Jianrong, smiled Shu two independent investigations in the organization, they are very good, these things had nothing to do with their hair, just a normal human on the same concern, just the pursuit of truth. but I am pessimistic, even the judiciary is not independent, we want to have to go independent, how it is not independent, not independent of each department was first isolated. on behalf of the Crown altercation with another party, it is meaningless, dead, most importantly, those of us little people the right to speak to the ghosts of the deceased have a account, these hard-won right to speak is given by the people, not easy to use, it will hell, this is the car I drove to send the petition with the families of the old Communist Party members to study. If you could not explain because of capacity issues, they have to stop the country tomorrow, such a thing, living their essence is to let each person better off, rather than on an ordinary trip Street are afraid of being out of traffic accident.

pose as a dead car accident gymnastic difficult, indeed a common traffic accident. with people such as grass-like fly, as police announced that only 70 yards. Here, we The most difficult battle is to convince their common sense to modify primary school class, have to believe drinking water is dead, bathing is drowning, and in another moment, Newton is not here so that we had not hit his head on the Apple In fact, his head hit the apple is.

short Xinqiao Village junction in a large jump just dance. you will find that each individual, are exactly what can be grudgingly accepted , but this series is just a very small probability together with the walking on a stone is hit on his left foot on Mars, like the third toe. I think we are all about common sense, if the guards went into the toilet sinus day, I trailing into the room a short while out of my safety, but a short while we found him in headlong in the pit. just that no one else can shot the toilet, just check that people can not naturally fell off unless there is a big arm to press down, monitor just bad, I told him just the holidays or for the bubble economy a little girl had a fight ... ... I say this thing does not matter to me, that you just pick dentures uphold the struggle for the fall, you just believe you. I hope you do not believe, or not sinus with chapters, is sinus wrongfully.

: (- just _ _ Li Chengpeng Sina blog

There is a saying very boring, like , that is disinformation. Police said that 70 yards, you have to let their kids drink himself five trimeric milk kidney stones, to believe this is tainted milk. not at the scene, because there are common sense, we are told are many ways to the truth, do not have to after the judge sentenced the way to pretend suddenly realized that more loading force, in that case is not installed in mind to spend the brain, but the Ti Hua. In addition, all laws are upgrading from the accumulated knowledge of life out in the end have to about common sense. So do not say the default position of journalists, in fact, the default first site you just have to hit our site the default stance, only that. One reason is that if everything had witnessed the scene before express their views, called sealing. If every time reporters just in from the murder scene, the reporter called accomplices. by sinus with chapters allowed to express their views is not the logic of the scene, the most pleasure is precisely the murderer, and XX (I'm just here This can not write, I'm afraid that you secretly report).

I write usually do not scratch or break the framework because it will be some deliberately, some correction made much meaning. suddenly felt that some passages of the sinuses above the chapter containing some fierce, and I'm sorry. but time is not modified, one that's not you, but a civilian mental, the other draft does not change every time I finished, because there may be a modified correction made to the middle. I was a lot of shortcomings, but I believe the heart and temperament, if offended or information do not blame me. The other reason I think the author thought that some more, think Yu Jianrong, Wang X Shan, Zhao Lihua, Hung, Shu and I laughed so clamor it seems to be utilitarian, as in fact we have a lot of income, do not need to go to get this utility, the issue of its company background and strong strength, to force us to install more easily by lightning, rivers and lakes must have to our many years of mixed chicken thief , do not play this game. Do not try more, at least in me, just want to put a fart to let the body comfortable, you might also have put me as like a fart out.

--- Li Chengpeng
of (2010-12-29 07:06:28)

celebrities also do not tell me to calm, and you then egg, which I teach you a painful example of the egg: the United States occurring in the family star OJ Simpson murder case, house, only two of Simpson and his wife, the law did not sentence him to a criminal, but insisted the civil sentence, the jury said, including us all know who it is, we just can not find the most direct evidence, but I can not avoid the existence of a common sense, civil law must punish him. and all the American journalists in reporting on the OJ Simpson has never avoided a murderer's point of view, no U.S. commentators to criticize everyone in the Xinhua News Agency rumors, because this is common sense. Do not the responsibility of judges to impose a reporter, the reporter disclosed in the former, the judge ruled in the post, this is recognized around the world through the normal procedures (Xinhua excluded), rather than the government released the first, reporters in the post, and what is propaganda. as related to the judge if the reporter can only iron-clad case reports and published analysis of the newspaper world does not exist, only the court, no news, just red tape, which is the world's disaster, more than we're insecure.

I am sure I and my kind, In fact, that ass. pretending to yourself.

Chinese real estate and land development, is not a problem but the money right business interests of the community, local government is central in the kidnapping, tangled chain of interest. I wrote the real estate column has been seven years, know many details, not to mention our emotional, in fact, the emotional One solution is to build of the. so in the end I still say their views, Walled Bridge village conspiracy, money goes to die very strange, the police outright it was not the final truth of the matter, hoping to develop in people satisfied with the premise.

fact, some people have a misunderstanding, that I was a traitor, no, I really oppose the division, against all independence, against war, who invaded country if I must join the army defend the motherland. Here is a more practical reason, if you do split, I went to see my dad had a visa trip, my mother is old and cold legs, Pao Lu must be a thoroughly inconvenient, my son, very handsome, very young tennis to reach the professional level, I hope he can grow up to defeat the foreign athletes on behalf of China, even if the price is high but it must marry a wife in China. In short, I and other young people than I actually hope and believe that tomorrow will be a good country, we do not believe what a mess of ideas or doctrine, we are real life people, art people, rivers and lakes of people, normal people willing to participate in the construction of the motherland, not criticism, but, some things not so logical, and could not help but to say it. you when we are in a good fart, and put the fart, the motherland's body will be Some smooth.

I stand by my point of view, you can stick to your point of view, even people who do not express their views and I have great respect, we can not let microblogging China Jour large collection of it, you see, I'm forced to in the article who have never certain position, each person has their own life. At this point in Qinghai Yushu meet with teachers and students, the sky has stars, extremely cold, smiled out, he will outright without speaking, fear of being forced ordinary, just the ... ...

pure and beautiful flowers to give you December 30, 2010
message someone to ask: You do not say to die for their point of view. I say: do not die, but some frustrations. many people in China are like me, they intuition and judge the potential, like fart, like birth, like a fart as dead, and hold a place, unworthy of the life of the people fart.

Well, I agree with you, but that is a normal traffic accident : That money just received a mysterious cloud will call out, and just charge the right to bypass Liangyu retrograde to the left to the garbage, just do not see that he can see a garbage umbrella, large living (just vision a little biased, as the bar), such as the police say the driver hit the left baffle man and knocked the scratches, but it just did not put people Zhuangfei (baffle just practicing Xixingdafa) to just the person to breathe wheel below the cloud would just like to use the money kneeling extraordinary died when the driver hit the brakes just jam man's neck. at this time is 9 am, just roads Monitor does not start due to technical reasons, more than two But just hours after the start (because of the siege of the police to facilitate the collection of trouble-making evidence of arrests). was precisely, usually the police did not see two or three hours five minutes after the police swarmed, and equipment are suitable for siege was just people, exactly the money goes will be witnessed by the villagers disappeared on the road, just upload a picture of a female college students are gone, just that the drivers are undocumented workers, and drug use, of such person who controls the actual subject you're just afraid to speak out ... ... there are many exactly, please add.

die, but is a strange old man to be fair in rural areas, but to comply with what the basic physical principle, a man named sinus Xinhua commentator said, with chapters I, Yu Jianrong, Zhao Lihua, etc. in the incitement and disinformation. Do not keep inciting sedition, incitement is not the word that we all legs straight animals come and apes, and Shui Yebie learn bird flapping in the air flap . You are too flattering, to this were on the progress of the times, with or without the Internet, to incite the masses have not so good, they have a mind than you and me. but also not to mention some of the professors in particular I was very calm and opinion leaders, I actually put forward their views to the leaders, infinite royal under too much charm monster rampage. is some common sense, Guiqiu above informed.

if only an ordinary traffic accident, the witnesses and daughter-daughter taken away women do, of course, you can say they wounded six police officers, yes, a few unarmed villagers heavily armed police officers injured This is a wrong sentences. The villagers practice what magic, if you do not practice a martial art can be thought to what extent their anger. If was an accident, why the monitor is also the only failure of the witnesses disappeared, yes, giant flowers eye in the sky configuration information can only browse the system can not store that they had just a pile of safety at the junction telescope, binoculars, ah, is a wrong sentences, not to encourage traffic accident What next ... ... I do not say, such concerns everyone There are many, there are concerns that need to keep up with a truth I say it will never be the same will eventually be punished for ordinary traffic accident, that is called money into Wei's will changed to say that some people have never witnessed the press and rolling, female college students would deny that picture from her hand out of the money goes there will break the law will hurt the village's evil deeds exposed, the next step is to expose an opponent of the villagers died in the clouds of money, which is dead can not check against. Believe me, my every times made it very standard. from 70 yards to the bus to the Porsche to the fire to the Tang Fuzhen are potential match-fixing anti-crime ... ... you know, so that the higher authorities to check the suspect's lower, I mean tomorrow, who by into the pit, allows the judge is not my dad I did, good or bad. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Five independent of you and me

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depression back to school, to the Xiaoyang students greeting cards, and handed him the small students, Hu students, students of mine has made him a greeting card
Paste the three posters to help, is really interesting, and hard work, oh
then the three of us, holding a borrowed census card, and sit back free school bus school bus playing
Q version of the three killed were sharp words to the care of students, be a small embarrassment it
the driver is always very careful snow, and high-tech all the way inside the block
blocking ah school bus sitting in the last row, Akira Huangyou You had a strange among the ambiguous dream
know is false, then woke up, really interesting full of life
master more than an hour away by car, I mess for over an hour < br>

did not think last year, before the arrival of the first snow, but also said that once a Xi'an Lower Dir, must be time to go somewhere
down when the snow when that day actually something could not get away body
blink of an eye Another year, sighed only time off really fast, even the opportunity to not give, thinking no
After looking at just under 20 days in Xi'an and then be home for winter break < br> back in late February after the Chinese New Year Xian, 40 days after the flash, and less than 60 days and Xi'an
may say goodbye, think of this two and a half days off, uh.

EVE's that passed this year, can not really flat no matter how dull the
usually not this alone, no matter how lonely, lonely
not today, though not by what is and eight of section, can we have in the past
contrast, set off out of something really thoroughly

snow drift, to float a number of love
snow fly, fly Love
the number of how many sweet, how many remember, Woods fly, fly sky
- Faye Wong / p>

Xi'an, the first snow of winter, to the really time, December 24
caught up with a snow CHRISTMAS EVE, do not know is a comedy or tragedy. < / p>

snowy weather is not cold, snow fell only a very small tiny place, and instantly turned into a pool of a pool of water
stained shoes, people very uncomfortable, go outside for a long time, looks like a little cold feet
miss the warm house, lounged in bed all the way
distal to do in the eyes detail, all in heart. big full stop.

school do not know who is so boring, anonymous gifts, sick of it, but
just know who, the mood change is not so complicated, not that kind of messy a
Danru water, Danru water. I want to Danru water.

attached: the year in the fashion market see, L students to buy, I did not sell. shot late last month that two, pregnant with meaning ah

cup with the invincible, funny funny @

thought calendar to heartache.
2010 calendar, the little red books that people like the tight
in Xi'an, when the fall season is not carefully in a corner lost, or thrown into the trash or perhaps a word is not the

one above for the special day precision and do not remember all there are some small diary
hook are also readily cross were written hook up, and all together lost in
toss to the west from the high Shangougou Pizza Hut, who is also a lot of new festivals this
pizza is not bad, perhaps themselves for a long time without eating it. just miss
thank fellow students and Pan Gu tangled students
people is to know when the checkout calendar sold out in 2011
mother, a good bad mood Can not let me so back, ah, how long to back?
just came in time should talk to, and did not eat it can not come in the evening meal
Taobao shot 2, must not be lost a

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 China E-commerce does not give power to the power of Aspects

 2010, e-commerce site performance is not cold. Early, buy website sells quietly, leading the new trend of online shopping industry; Singles Mall Taobao, Taobao billion sale of Circuit City promotional miracle performed; painstakingly years Mecoxlane Dangdang finally Log into the fast lane of the capital market; Dangdang Jingdong showed the 220 million outstanding marketing card New Year. e-commerce market is still your Changba me play, and the play a pick one. Next, we count on for everyone The most eye-catching 2010, e-commerce performance.
one, buy website blowout, credit certification twists and turns
Looking back throughout 2010, e-commerce is undoubtedly the star of U.S. dollar, buy the market was completely lit passion. Whether portal Sohu, Tencent, SNS in Thousand Oaks, or focus on the U.S. delegation, handles, etc. are in progress monopoly. However, due to buy state, a variety of consumer disputes and to buy Paolu behavior had a negative impact. After the bubble burst in the first round, left behind or those who have financial strength, able to operate on the intensive cultivation of the U.S. Mission Network, handles network, rice groups, and other basic first-line status Army determined. The love of family groups Sohu, Tencent QQ group, together Taobao cost, but also is gathering strength, conspiracy among the front-line position.
However, with the the rapid development of the industry buy, trade management without chapters, cohabitation, credit problems highlight the interests of consumers can not be effectively protected. to protect the interests of consumers, the Commerce Department on Sept. 26 launch of integrity qualification and classification standards , require the applicant to buy certified site must accurately complete the relevant material information. However, in the implementation of the credit certification process is being questioned, the certification process of twists and turns.
buy the industry in the ascendant, to industry estimates, 2011 will shuffle buy, how development, we will wait and see.
Second, the major strength of the vertical B2C style all their own cakes
Throughout 2010, China's online shopping market in the country, B2C business changed over the past bland state, began to enter the rapidly rising channel. for the domestic B2C for the year 2010 is hoping to grab the cake. major vertical B2C websites have step by step, doing all they could take effective terrain.
10 months, the McCaw successful NASDAQ Lin, China B2C E-Commerce .11 shares listed on the first 1, Jingdong Mall channel began books on-line, Jingdong Mall Amazon hired former Vice President in charge of library books taken Jingdong Mall Shi Tao as a marketing vice president, Jingdong Mall department store from the Internet to the book market penetration. On the same day the birth of more than two years of the B2C platform Taobao's declaration of independence domain Taobao mall operator, also announced that within 3 months were also invested 200 million yuan, of an independent promotional programs.
12 8, Dangdang New York market, the first day of listing shares surged nearly 90%, then, Jingdong Mall announced that all books are 20% cheaper than competitors; not far behind Amazon , as in the afternoon of December 16 announced a 15 per vouchers returned over 100 activities; Dangdang to be outdone, announced the launch of bargains. three B2C giant year-end total of more than 2 billion price war, to the 2010 painting of e-commerce on a busy period.
the new year, as Gome, Suning, and other traditional retailers to enter the B2C, B2C and more intense competition in the field, what will develop into what kind of situation, we wait and see.
three , not willing to rebel when the porter Express
whatever e-commerce, logistics is an investment in around the foundation is not in the past. Whether or shares self logistics third party logistics, Jingdong goods, Taobao and other large guys who are all means to solve the logistics shortcomings. and subject to the upper reaches of the courier company press who have begun to put on the Jedi fight back, moving into e-commerce, no longer content with being a the other a 2010 drama of e-commerce, is home delivery, Shen Tong, tact, good luck trying to e-commerce field. express delivery company's e-commerce sites have begun to show. the face of red hot domestic e-commerce market, especially much higher than the courier business, e-commerce business, profit margins, with distribution capabilities and resources of the many natural advantages such as courier companies could not be touched, certainly from a slice.
This is the courier for the industrial chain in the upper reaches of the move. courier in the downstream industry chain, ; goods, logistics service providers have the option of express dominance. From an operational perspective, the wait
IV, economic recovery, foreign trade, urged SMEs to enter human B2B
after 2010, showing the development of SMEs outside the potential blowout. This is closely related with the external environment changes. The financial crisis, the traditional trade One area of change.
with B2B platform for SMEs to promote their products is not new, but some new business owners have been dissatisfied with a simple pay to advertise to let others help promote the model. They need to be promoted to master pace and rhythm, traditional B2B membership annual fee is no longer welcomed by these owners, they called for human B2B platform.
some bold foreign trade B2B websites and innovative ideas to seize the initiative in this reform . innovative pay-per-click, pay-by inquiry, to break the system of members of the drawbacks of the annual fee, so that the actual consumption patterns more flexible and humane. One of the most representative is from Hong Kong, the nations of the Business Network (www ., network operators through a unique currency system to on-demand consumption patterns to attract small and medium enterprises. Customers can choose the currency with network operators to promote model, how to promote all the time by the business owners to promote mastery to meet the business owners, of business opportunities, public enterprises have to enter the traditional e-commerce. But the development of talent but can not keep up the pace of development of the industry, the lack of a suitable e-business talent to become the voice of the majority of traditional companies in general.
end of this year, called million annual salary can not find the Director of Operations, more than 200 million, this figure does not include many of the ecological chain of e-business demand for talent jobs.
Interestingly, although nearly a thousand universities in China opened the e-commerce professionals, but students generally can not be directly for employment, employment rate is 20%, far lower than the other professional colleges and universities 84% employment rate. For this phenomenon the industry explained that the original e-commerce marketing environment marketing environment is different with the traditional attributes of talented people do not know the customer and advertising approach. talent is on-line e-commerce and interactive way people are very understanding, but the lack of understanding of the product. And no shortage of pure Internet e-business elite, but may lack the traditional background of the people, would need to hire some more the traditional supply chain, product brand has deep experience of people, today's complex e-commerce needs is professionals, school personnel training can not hit a single type of enterprise requirements. talent shortage will become a great e-commerce development major obstacles
2010 period is about to draw, but not the least bit competitive e-commerce died down signs, Dangdang Jingdong 220 million outstanding sales price war set off ahead of 2011, e-commerce war. We can expect e-commerce 2011 will more intense competition will be staged battle.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Street Ball Mythology - Introduction goat

 The Legend of it. Ball count as street bully? Chick - an interview with Hearn regarded gossip? when the br> Wenzhou Zhou too hard and too long, even his high school teachers are not allowed to read, they were cut into, A great dunk of his hands, said King. Goat, reason, young man, the during the day was high school, college and even professional players have occupied the children only through street in the early morning and evening practice a ball game, looking forward to playing balls and fast long-standing one day be able to challenge adults. Some passersby stopped to laugh Goat ; the height of 1 meter 85 is the humble, and he's jumping height actually reached an incredible 50 inches --- 127 cm! grab rebounds and people bet coins on the edge has always been his forte, who until then the whole block and he did not dare bet, the .
golfers who soon became, jointly crack down on the streets. the court, the vibrant city, but always alone Kareem aloof temperament, and the same famous on a lot of bad habits. high school last year, the school grounds to smoke marijuana to had smoked marijuana in high school.
1964 Locke All-Star Game. Germany quickly back on defense, the two stood side by side basket space, hand ready to cover. height of 1 meter 85 of the forced to interrupt.
in care and discipline. In the end, Mr. Locke recommended by their own, the between the unknown Negro College --- John - Smith College.
Unfortunately, the to the high school students. NBA draft pick, signed a million contracts, title, author Ake Zealand won the New York Knicks history in the record of release, steel spring people, Pak. when Webber and when he jump, Weber hit his head the ball into the ring. forgive my humble words can not reproduce the scene was wonderful, but ;
fragmented body dragging, br> Soon after, King Brothers, and later double champions Mario Rockets Spurs - Sven is born In the summer, he failed to understand the abolition of his own league start date, and drove a group of friends bound for the Bronx district. A few hours later, he was shackled his hands --- the attempted robbery and six million dollars. this time 24 months classrooms.
after release of the Please return to New York, back in control of . New York City to commemorate his efforts to promote the game of basketball, the 99 Street and Amsterdam Avenue in the basketball court named the legacy of the legendary New York street ----in. legend fraction of double-dunk count it? This show has gone beyond the scope of the basketball earth, entirely another time! NBA's Double Dunk