Monday, December 20, 2010

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 Product display and sell goods on display show a basic knowledge of
display area of display spaces + Product + + All items are clearly marked + POP advertising price = standardized display = sales, performance, profits
the number of display surfaces, not only directly affect sales, but also the portrayal of similar products in market position, product display surface must be greater than the emission surface of the main competing products.
1. try to expand and increase in product display location:
expand and increase the display position:
l decided on the second display location:
l display position for the second place: the best selling product specifications and strong seasonal
2. as to maximize the product display surface:
product display surface: is the consumer-oriented packaging surface.
display the influence of surface: not only directly affect sales, but also a portrayal of the status of similar products in the market.
the display surface of three or more is necessary, often have a display surface is block the price tag. display surface should be stable place, not easy to Daofan. If it is the supermarket display shelves, often leaving a gap on display.
specifications display a large display of the basic concepts: a mountainous pile of boxes of product showcase outstanding stock code called Duitou
display: general use in the central area, with the car, baskets, boxes and other display related products to do the base, prominent display to attract customers
shelf gold head-bit :60-160cm visible, easy reach, the sale rate accounts for 50%
second position (second bottom side) :160-180cm ,30-60cm, accounting for 30%
selling rate of the upper and lower side: 180 cm or more, 30 cm below the sale rate products accounted for 15%
vivid: the beautiful neatly arranged by product, matched with POP (paste painting, handwriting POP, hanging banners, show cards, large packing boxes, etc.) and reflect the product's price tag and so vivid, can cause consumers to pay attention, there is beauty,Discount UGG boots, inspired improvisation and consumer desire to buy.
stick surface display: display of surface changes caused by changes in sales. display surface is very important to keep competitors often face crowding your display .
terminal maintenance work: not simply add to the shelves of goods, including: neatly arranged, promotions news release, cleaning and maintenance, the price tag eye-catching, FIFO, product vivid, new OTC, sale display the benefits of standardized service
(1) to increase product sales, improve sales performance
(2) to maximize the display space, stimulating consumers to buy
(3) to strengthen the product shop and sale of the goodwill of staff
(4) to increase brand awareness and reputation
(5) speed up the flow of goods, so that point of sale to increase profits,
good display = sales + profit
Second, how do display and sell goods work
1. terminals vivid sense
l do not see the products consumers will not buy: no shelves of products to sell (unseen is unsold)
l companies and owner lost profits and sales
l lost sales opportunities will never come again
l vivid is the bounden duty of business people, is the last and most important to increase sales and build brand image means.
2 . terminals vivid management process
3. displayed on four factors: ① location, ② appearance (advertising, POP tie) ③ price card, ④ product placed the order and proportion.
4. shelf display bits
shelf usually has several height, parallel with the line of sight, look see, reach, knee, love is the only.
shelves of different heights on the sale is:
(1) Shelf from the reach of and the height of the height change to the knee, and sales will drop 15%;
(2) from the knee to reach the height-for-height, up 20%;
(3) from the reach height of up to look into the highly visible increase of 30% ~ 50%;
(4) can be seen from the straight to the knee height-for-height, a decrease of 30% ~ 60%;
(5) from look into the highly visible change to reach the height, a decrease of 15%.
5. supermarket display the best position
(1) line of sight with the target consumers as high shelves;
(2) the largest channel the flow of people, especially the flow channel on the left shelf space, because people have the right as the first left after the habit of depending;
(3) shelves at both ends or corner wall shelves;
(4 ) has the cash register at the entrance and exit channels;
(5) close to the big brands, name brand position
(6) change the landscape display as a vertical display, because a person's vertical field of vision than horizontal field of vision.
6. shelf display
(1) display the same kind of product concentration, the more exclusive side, the more sales opportunities, sales and exclusive surface is proportional to the display surface of each species preferably not less than 6 months. more 6 can increase the company's other products, exclusive surface must be greater than the emission surface of the main competing products, while not out of stock.
(2) give priority to display the greatest potential, and he tried to promote sales of products;
(3 ) the same specifications of the product packaging on the shelf at the same level as the level of display;
(4) the same brand of products on the shelves according to different specifications of the vertical display;
(5) adhere to FIFO each visit, to avoid product be long-term sun, timely cleaning products, remove bad products, to ensure that front-line (shelf) adequacy, and promote post-Line (supermarket stores in the temporary storage) short positions;
(6) All products trademarks Chinese outward;
(7) price tag is the best advertising, price not to mistaken identity, the same store with the same kind of product prices;
(8) Avoid long-term sun exposure (packaging fade, quality impaired)
(9) display products and display tools should cooperate fully with the new tools used in the sample display;
(10) should be maintained at all times and display shelves for cleaning products, to prevent dust and dirt, to avoid affecting sales;
(11) placed in next best-selling products, not to aliens together;
(12) and the shop staff to maintain good customer relations, and strive to prominent product display location.
7. on the cargo requirements
(1) all display The company's products on the shelves to open packaging, so that consumers pick up Every time I go shop, taken off the shelves immediately found defective;
(2) as much as possible the use of customer relations to help the shop salesperson personally on the goods, to increase the discharge side,
(3) in the promotion of new products, it is necessary to ensure that new products accounted for 1 / 3 of display space, each new product launch, to be carefully planned to promote the success of each new product, can increase So be sure to let the consumer market saw sales of new products.
8. floor display
(1) unless specified promotional items, a floor is better displayed in the same package, is limited in space, the only choice combination of multi-display packaging
(2) for the supermarket or wholesale store display box, Duitou display.
(3) island on display: the main channel in the passenger can get the products from the four directions, in addition to the lower layer, all of put me exposed trademarks;
(4) ladder display: tiered storage (back wall) can get the following three products;
(5) Pyramid display: square type, the next multi-layer on the small circle around a large display;
(6) all have a clear floor display clear price direction and advertising stickers;
(7) when they visit each display area clean, remove each package of non-marketed products;
(8) adapted to local conditions, buy replica handbags, eclectic. to use all the positive factors that highlight your products;
(9) complete the display, the deliberately leaving a gap row surface to Display product sales situation;
9. for the best display location
supermarket / cheap shopping
(1) positive door, entry-see places,
(2) and high-shelf line of sight on,
(3) flow up the channel on the customer as much as possible before placed in the flow direction (such as when flow is from left to right for the left position) must pass through, sand-lime brick, such as export, import , cashier,
(4) shelves at both ends of the forward (side frame)
10. to avoid the bad location.
(1) warehouse, toilet entrance;
(2) a strong odor Commodity next
(3) dark corner;
(4) high or low position;
(5) and shops on both sides of the dead
11. Other Considerations
(1 ) Feel free to check the date of manufacture and shelf life;
(2) as far as possible pick up of goods on the convenient location of the target consumer;
(3) POP can not cover the products of other exhibits.
12. Advertising Commodities tips
(1) advertising material shall not be invested in trademark ashtray toilet location
(2) large billboard ads must be produced by standard market commissioner, can not release any pictures and that the subject has agreed be released.
(3) all advertising materials must highlight the main colors, using a simple font.
(4) POP: point of purchase
English meaning of Chinese meaning: the time of purchase point of sale advertising
Broadly speaking: the place of purchase advertising to promote the sale of goods on
l advertising the brand and packaging design must be consistent with point of sale products sold by the regular loss
l POP to be new, and with the promotion synchronization < br> l POP have the right brand and the packaging sequence
l POP display the location of choice to refer to the location choice rule
l POP posting quality and posted positive relationship between the number of non-absolute
l to highlight the corporate image < br> l local conditions, to facilitate the sale, can be hand-POP, please use the simple and tempting the demands of the text
POP points:
l effect of the performance demands of
l price of seasonal themes appeal
l sell plant atmosphere demands
l demands
(5) advertising material should be devoted to product display area at the entrance or proprietary shelf, Duitou side frame;
(6) advertising on the quality of the grade should be and the overall style of the shop, fitting the tone consistent.
information gathering point of sale terminal behavior as the ultimate place to buy it, but also all the places where the convergence of market information, so the company is gathering information terminal the most basic information system is the most important part.
(1) through a terminal survey to keep track of sales of our products and sales trends, control of the market situation, to provide basis for decision making.
(2) in the terminal by a salesperson or personal observation to understand some of the important consumer cases, knowledge of the existence of obstacles to consumption at this stage to observe the consumer psychology of buyers, purchasing characteristics, and characteristics of consumer behavior first-hand information.
(3) through a terminal survey can grasp the situation of competing products, understand competitive performance, to develop appropriate countermeasures.
(4) through a terminal survey to a certain extent, the implementation of advertising and marketing strategies to evaluate the effect of making basis.
14. to communicate with the staff
(1) the implementation of communication with the staff to be broken down to the implementation of the different point of sale should also accept the way to master each other's programming. For example, some middle-aged sales staff are advised to first introduced after the emotional type of communication product knowledge, similar product analysis and comparison; young salesperson knowledge can be discussed, exchange, and then seek each other's views, must not regard themselves as experts, others as lectures to students, so easily lead to resentment of others, until the offensive. early goal to reach before to answer in the form of awards to enable them to participate in activities to increase their understanding of the brand, the company's support terminal.
(2) emotional style of communication is through the people to handle, such as the form of some clubs regularly organize activities, focused on part of the salesman, do some recreational activities, or the lucky draw form. through the salesman to get the best display location.
there is a way, as we have organized some of the news media and entertainment variety show, please square from the front-line salespersons to participate in the form of new and all and welcome. also use media outlets for some of the advanced Class A store clerk recognition, good pre-event publicity to let everyone know everyone is eager to participate, but must Note that if some of the participants did not have a negative effect. a very important aspect is that we usually end sales staff and communication staff should take the initiative, enthusiasm, understanding, we have sales promoters work with the point of sale.
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