Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Binhai New Area has the potential of China's most dynamic economic zone the most attractive

 12   3  (Wednesday) morning at 9:30, the State Council Information Office held in Tianjin Binhai New Area Administrative Committee of the State Council Information Office of the theme of commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening press conference interviews. Press conference by the State Council Information Office Deputy Secretary presided over a long Huaqing, please Municipal Committee, Working Committee of Binhai New Area, Gou Lijun, director of the CMC comrades overall situation and answered questions from reporters.
Tianjin Municipal Standing Committee, Working Committee of Binhai New Area, Gou Lijun, director of the CMC
Deputy Secretary State Council Information Office news Huaqing:
you Correspondent friends, Good morning! State Council Information Office of the organizations to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of reform and opening-series theme interviews conducted in Tianjin Binhai New Area has been a day of interviews Through all the interviews we believe that the development and opening up of Binhai New Area has a lot of new knowledge and understanding. In interviews about the end of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, Working Committee of Binhai New Area, Gou Lijun, director of the CMC with the comrades we specifically to meet Chinese and foreign journalists to introduce the development and opening of Binhai New Area of progress and answer questions of interest.
We now call upon Mr. Gou Lijun, the situation.
2008-12-03 09:30:56 Tianjin Municipal Standing Committee, Working Committee of Binhai New Area, Gou Lijun, director of the CMC:
Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, today is very pleased to meet you. I, on behalf of Tianjin municipal government and the Binhai New Area Administrative Committee to the Members Members of the media has long been the concern of the Tianjin Binhai New Area, support and help to express my heartfelt thanks. Tianjin is the largest in north China's coastal open city, but also the economic center of Bohai Sea, after thirty years of development, reform and opening up three decades development of the country, like Tianjin and historic changes have taken place. to the end of last year, the GDP exceeded 5,000 billion, per capita GDP reached $ 6,050, respectively, financial income and industrial output exceeded 120 billion and 1 trillion . recent position by the central government, Tianjin will be gradually built into our national economic prosperity, social civilization, science and education development, facilities and beautiful environment of the international port city and economic center of northern eco-city. This is one of the State Council, Tianjin positioning.
2008-12-03 09:44:20 Gou Lijun:
September of this year is a golden season of Tianjin is also a month of gold, in Tianjin has undergone three major events, the first is September 27 at Summer Davos Forum was successfully held in Tianjin, the world leader in more than 1,500 came to the new Tianjin, launched a full discussion, especially for the current economic situation has made various useful exploration. The second thing is that China Following the Government of Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, and later co-mm in a major cooperation projects to start the construction of new eco-city in Tianjin. The third thing is that China and the European joint venture of Airbus A320 family of Airbus aircraft into production in Tianjin, which is the world's fourth largest aircraft manufacturing plant, a large aircraft manufacturing plants civilian.
2008-12-03 09:50:27 Gou Lijun:
these three important activities, the State Council have attached great importance to Premier Wen Jiabao to attend the meeting. Tianjin Binhai New Area has become the most potential, the most dynamic and most attractive of the modern economic zone, subject to various aspects of attention. Binhai New Area is located in the center of Bohai Bay, also in eastern Tianjin coastal areas, now that the population is 172 million, 153 km coastline, planning area is 2,270 square kilometers, the area equivalent to two Hong Kong now, so cities in the world which is very rare, in this 2270 square kilometers are 1214 km2 is available in the development of saline wasteland, so early as 1986, Mr. Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of reform and opening up here when he said, between you and the port in the urban areas so it is very large tracts of wasteland big advantage, something to be courageous to develop a little faster. This year, under the leadership of the central authorities, in accordance with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of Three Represents, and the scientific development concept, we have accelerated the pace of development and opening up. < br> 2008-12-03 09:54:06 Gou Lijun:
in Binhai New Area, there are some natural resources, such as in our Dagang Oilfield, Bohai oilfield has proven reserves of oil reached 100 million tons, natural gas reserves of 190 billion cubic meters, annual exploitation of geothermal 2,000 million cubic meters, our annual 240 million tons of crude salt, so the advantages of natural resources is relatively abundant.
talked about the advantages of Tianjin Binhai New Area, I think there are Several aspects of such.
2008-12-03 09:58:24 Gou Lijun:
The first is natural resources. Tianjin Port throughput reached 310 million tons last year, exceeded 7 million container TEUs, according to throughput computing in the world is in the sixth.
second is traffic. Tianjin Binhai International Airport expansion has been completed and is now building the second runway, is the largest air cargo airport in northern China, especially this year, August 1 Beijing-Tianjin intercity high-speed railroad from Beijing to Tianjin, only 29 minutes of time, and extends to the Binhai New Area, 40 minutes, the two mega-cities of Beijing and Tianjin integration is increasingly apparent, so the advantage will change in Beijing Tianjin has become dominant.
third is the industrial base in Tianjin. We formed a seven in the Binhai New Area, the leading industry, mainly electronic information, automobile, shipbuilding, equipment manufacturing, oil and marine industry, seamless steel tubes and modern metallurgy, bio-pharmaceuticals, new materials, new energy there is green, the seven leading industries. particularly in recent years, aerospace, finance, logistics, service outsourcing industry is also the advantage of the new rapid rise in Tianjin Binhai New Area .2007 industrial output value of 628.3 billion, of our high proportion of the output value reached 47%.
2008-12-03 10:03:53 Gou Lijun:
The third aspect is the increased openness. National all open to the situation, such as state-level development zones, bonded zones, high-tech zones, export processing zones, bonded logistics park, and this year approved the comprehensive Free Trade Zone, in particular, is the largest and highest degree of openness, the East Bonded Port Area has Jiancheng put into operation.
reform and opening up of Binhai New Area has introduced a total of more than 15,000 foreign-invested companies, including Airbus, Motorola, Otis Elevator Company, Toyota Motor, Samsung Electronics, a total of more than 120 Fortune 500 companies , a total of 300 billion dollars foreign investment, domestic investment in our region with the highest rate of return.
fourth area is more intensive scientific and technological resources. We live in the Tianjin Binhai New Area in Beijing, including Hebei, part of the general accounting senior technical personnel in 27%, 1 / 4 or more, but also the intelligence, talent one of the most intensive, the Binhai New Area is now national and provincial-level 31 engineering centers, corporate R & D center 70, as well as foreign investment in R & D centers, 41 post-doctoral workstation 52, the most noteworthy is the development of vocational education in Tianjin, is the national vocational education reform pilot area, we and the German Government, the Spanish government to each of a large number of high-quality training skilled workers, so people of various levels of support.
I tell you this is the first, including the basic situation of Tianjin and Tianjin's advantage .2008-12-03 10:03:54 Gou Lijun:
The second big area to talk about why the state to promote the development and opening of Binhai New Area. in the new century and new stage of opening up our country from south to north, from east to west, gradually, in the last century, 80 years, countries decided to develop the five special economic zones of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, led to the development of the Pearl River Delta, 90 Shanghai Pudong New Area development and opening up led to the development of the Yangtze River Delta, so that the gap between North and South, East and West of the gap between the show, carrying out in-depth implement the scientific concept of development of this new historical period, the overall Middle and North and South on the harmonious development of our current economic and social development is an important task, so the Binhai New Area is a Shenzhen, Pudong and later a new economic growth pole.
us that accelerate the development and opening of Binhai New Area is conducive to the Bohai Rim in northern China and the coordination of development and to enhance the eastern part of Beijing, Tianjin, and the lead in realizing modernization, so as to drive the central and western regions, especially in central and western regions in Northern interact, complementary, coordinated development of a common pattern.
2008-12-03 10:06:21 Gou Lijun:
2005 年 10 months, the CPC Plenum distinctive proposed to continue to play special economic zones, Shanghai The role of the Pudong New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area and other areas of development and opening up better conditions; May 2006, the State Council issued the and basic requirements, and functional orientation; last December 31 is the last day of last year, President Hu Jintao's visit to Tianjin, Tianjin, two aspects required forefront of the country to promote sound and rapid economic development, promote social harmony in these two aspects forefront of the country, requiring the development of Binhai New Area to become the vanguard of science; at September 27 this year, Premier Wen Jiabao in Tianjin Binhai New Area, listened to during the development and construction of the report, giving full recognition to require the Binhai New Area To lead in raising the level of opening, the first change of economic development, the first to enhance independent innovation capability.
we want to have expectations and demands of the central leadership for the development and construction of the Binhai New Area provides important guidance. in accordance with the positioning of our country, the Binhai New Area mainly relying on Beijing, Tianjin, services, Bohai Sea, northern China to strive to become a window opening, advanced manufacturing and R & D transformation base, the northern international shipping center and logistics center, and strive for economic prosperity, social harmony and beautiful environment ecological new city livable.
2008-12-03 10:08:34 Gou Lijun:
third major area I'd like to tell you about the new era, a new phase of implementing the scientific concept of development, how to speed up the development of Binhai New Area, development and construction of our current economic globalization and regional economic integration, the background is to comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development under the new requirements, and the development of Pudong, Shenzhen, compared to the year, conditions , the environment and requirements have been greatly changed. We have to learn the advanced experience of home and abroad, and pay attention to summing up our own experience, combine to create a new experience. We present the most fundamental core of scientific development is to implement the requirements of the concept development and opening up the entire process and every step to achieve a higher level.
in the development of the model, we are talking about a five-point support services, capacity building, development of environmental safeguards, City, eight industrial functional areas three ecological function of urban and industrial areas of eight of these eight functional areas including advanced manufacturing industry, industrial zone, Binhai New Area, airport industrial zone, port industrial zone, is still planning to build the South Industrial Area, focusing on the development of aviation aerospace, electronic information, petrochemical, equipment manufacturing and high-tech industries, to create a prominent feature of modern manufacturing clusters and the pilot area of innovation. in the central business district, the harbor logistics zone, the coastal tourist area in finance, logistics, trade , these modern service-oriented tourism, bringing together people, materials, capital flow and information flow, and build the development of new advantages.
development in the functional areas, we are considering this, the project focused on parks, industrial clusters, intensive use of resources, functional integration building. focus on the overall situation and long-term development, improve resource and industry cluster effect.
2008-12-03 10:11:40 Gou Lijun:
fourth major aspect is the introduction what we focus on the work of the Binhai New Area in full progress, has also entered into a point to face, from the local to the overall, comprehensive development and construction of a new historical stage. Binhai New Area over the past two years is mainly the construction of development zones, Construction of Free Trade Zone, Tianjin Port point of development, now entered from point to plane, from the local to the overall comprehensive development and construction, accelerate the development of such a new historical stage.
First, construction of major projects in full swing. we include Airbus A320 series aircraft, a new generation of carrier rockets, one million tons of ethylene, a thousand tons of oil refining, shipbuilding and a number of three million tons in speeding up the construction of major projects, especially after the formation of the China Aviation Industry Group, is one of the original group, two Group has identified the helicopter after the formation of the R & D and manufacturing bases on the Tianjin Binhai New Area is now 5,000 yuan or more construction projects including industrial, services, and a total of more than 360 infrastructure projects, total investment reached 700 billion . We basically completed within three years, significantly enhanced the overall strength of the Binhai New Area and international competitiveness.
function of the second industrial zone development. Industrial Function Zone, including the development of the Western Zone, Airport Logistics Processing Zone II period, Harbor Industrial Zone, Binhai New District, Central Business District, there are Nankang Industrial Zone, coastal tourism areas are in the development of construction, development and construction of the total area of approximately 400 square kilometers.
third infrastructure. infrastructure is now our 25-ton deep-water channel, 30-ton crude oil terminal, a number of key projects have been completed and put into use, and now to speed up infrastructure construction in new area, create a favorable investment environment, particularly services, and the Bohai Rim in northern China's development, we start the implementation of the Binhai New Area of infrastructure construction projects for three years, focusing on promoting the road (traffic, rail, road, highway), water resources, energy, environment four systems engineering. Estimated total investment will reach 320 billion yuan over a period of about three years build a scientific comparison of three-dimensional transportation network and improve the public service supporting system.
2008-12-03 10:16:22 Gou Lijun:
This year we built A total of 66 projects, including the Beach Boulevard, Central Avenue, set Shugang Road, Tianjin Airport runway two key projects throughout the year to complete 45 billion of infrastructure, more than 68% more than last year, as the new promenade north to Caofeidian to the south of Huanghua Port, through the center of the Bohai Bay, up and down eight lanes, the local 25 km elevated road, so that our services throughout the Bohai Sea region.
Fourth, technological innovation system. enhance the independent innovation capability is the coastal New development and construction of the core strategy, we now focus on the layout of the Binhai New Area, joint construction of development zones, Airport Logistics Processing Area, the three high-tech zone of marine science and technology innovation park, the formation of a Technology Development District, Park layout, we are building the aviation technology industrial base, the National Biological Medicine International Innovation Park, the Chinese Academy of biological evolution into industrial centers, 12 national science and technology innovation platform, as well as artificial cell engineering, electric vehicles, 20 provincial-level R & D center, there are 10 traditional transformation of the industrial sector R & D centers and 56 major high-tech industrialization projects, and strive to build the Binhai New Area to undertake the advanced technology and proliferation, the original land and high-tech industrial base.
fifth is a comprehensive Reform. We are now developing three-year implementation plan for comprehensive reform, the development of ten key areas of reform projects twenty, fifty-specific projects. Now the way is fifty this project, this fifty specific issues into specific projects, with a way of grasping grasping the reform project, the implementation of a mature one.
in the financial sector we have set up 200 billion of the total size of the Bohai Industrial Investment Fund, 200 million in the shipping industry through investment funds, as well as 20 billion coastal venture capital fund of funds, since last year attracted 108 private equity funds and venture capital funds, the establishment of China's first comprehensive Climate Exchange, Binhai International Equity Exchange operations are unveiled.
we foreign economic Dongjiang Bonded Area has to undertake a number of administrative functions and 200 approval items, functional development is actively promoted. offshore center business pilot program is complete, land management, planning, urban-rural integration, administrative systems and mechanisms the operation of these reforms are being.
2008-12-03 10:20:02 Gou Lijun:
sixth construction of ecological city. New Area in the development and construction which give full consideration to resources and environment carrying capacity, vigorously develop the circular economy, the full implementation of clean production, so that each park should be built into the ecological park. Binhai New Area yuan GDP energy consumption last year reached 101 million tons of standard coal, down 5% over the previous year, urban sewage centralized treatment rate of 70 %, the two largest total of more than 500 square kilometers of wetlands are effectively protected, but also implemented a large-scale comprehensive environmental and green, the new district's green coverage rate reached 36%, more than 19 square meters per capita public green space, better air quality two days of more than 300 days.
other services in improving radiation, the Binhai New Area a positive attitude to integration into the regional development, regional development services, and promote regional development, more than a dozen cities around our economic agreement signed in in the overall city planning, industrial division of labor, infrastructure links, science and technology talents, ecological and environmental protection has carried out fruitful cooperation. We have also set up for six inland dry port cities, as provinces and municipalities to improve services. This is not to achieve the port city of Tianjin port in the local customs in the release, the export of goods, imports of goods in the territories in Tianjin customs clearance, so that 30% of Tianjin Port's cargo is the city, and 30% in Beijing, 40 % of the Bohai Sea and northern China, which improve efficiency, reduce costs to implement the construction of dry ports, the international market for the provinces to create a green channel.
2008-12-03 10:22:25 Gou Lijun:
fifth aspect I tell you about the current economic and social development. This year, the world financial crisis, the impact of Tianjin Binhai New Area is also shown, in this context, we follow the central and municipal requirements, a positive response, while avoiding disadvantages, to maintain stable and rapid economic development. In the first ten months, the GDP of Tianjin Binhai New Area 253.4 billion, an increase of 23%. The industrial output value of 642.1 billion, an increase of 31.3%. fixed assets investment increased by 43 126 400 000 000 %. 52 billion revenue, an increase of 30.3%. The actual use of foreign capital $ 4,080,000,000, an increase of 32.6%. import and export volume is 468 billion dollars by 17.3%.
how to look on the current situation, we believe that the current challenge is unprecedented, but the opportunity is unprecedented. seize the opportunity in addressing the crisis, the rise in overcoming difficulties in the development, the key to our work. Binhai New Area to seriously implement the central authorities to expand domestic demand and promote growth in major initiatives and a series of municipal government policy decisions and plans taken from the eight specific measures to ensure the realization of more, higher level, more effective development.
is to strengthen the eight aspects of a business service; the second is the introduction of investment; the third is to speed up the construction of existing projects; fourth is to increase innovation and structural adjustment efforts to support; fifth is the development of industry, functional area; the sixth is the small towns and rural areas the pace of urbanization, development of specialized agriculture; s Seven environmental remediation efforts; the eighth is the development of education, health, culture and other social services, better services and further improve the environment and lives of the people, in this regard, the Government increased the input.
to achieve sound and rapid development of Binhai New Area We must unswervingly deepen reform and opening. I heard you were yesterday in the Binhai New Area to visit, I hope you feel the majority of builders in the New Binhai New Area Director entrepreneurial passion, feel the potential for the development of Binhai New Area, more to publicize and promote the Binhai New Area, I hope this visit will impress everyone, we are all welcome to the Binhai New Area, and thanks once again, thank you! 2008-12-03 10:26:39 Wah Ching:
Thank you, Gou Lijun, secretary, and the remaining time to the reporter's question, the following questions please, ask questions about where, when the unit reported.
2008-12-03 10:28:59 Phoenix TV reporter:
would like to ask In fact, the Binhai New Area is integrated in the foreign investment is very high, in the current financial crisis, the Binhai New Area on how to overcome the impact in attracting foreign investment? Thank you!
2008-12-03 10:29:18 Gou Lijun: < br> Binhai New Area, I think so, the impact of gradually appearing, but we are confident response to the crisis is reflected in the Binhai New Area, a relatively high industrial level, we work all these years to construct a high-end, high-quality, high technology industrial structure, so companies the ability to respond to the crisis is still relatively strong; Second, we are more large enterprises, both foreign-funded enterprises, there are state-owned enterprises, joint-stock enterprises central business there. In addition, these large enterprises industrial product structure is relatively good; Third, we continue to introduce new projects, some companies may be shrinking, but most new projects in the continuous construction and development which, we are confident response to the crisis and achieve continuous, smooth, rapid development.
2008-12-03 10:34:06 Taiwan's CTI TV reporter:
Gou Lijun, secretary of the Hello, I'd like to, Tianjin, due to geographical environment, as many Korean business to Tianjin key investment areas, we would like to help us about the secretary of Korean firms investing in Tianjin, the situation, as far as we know there are some large enterprises, and even the local tax of the top three in Tianjin, please help us to explain, now south Korean firms already have some of the plant closure, and a significant removal of conditions in Tianjin, such a situation? Tianjin on the Korean vendors have some of the measures? We would also like to ask the Taiwanese, the Taiwan Tianjin on what measures have ? Thank you!
2008-12-03 10:34:28 Gou Lijun:
Tianjin advantages because of geographical location, we have been the focus of Korean investment in Tianjin area, and now accounted for Korean investment in Tianjin, the third basic , in particular, South Korea's Samsung Group has 11 factories in Tianjin, roughly three billion dollar investment in the level of Korean enterprises in Tianjin, large enterprises, but also small and medium enterprises, we are now Samsung Electronics development is still relatively good, particularly Samsung mobile phones to reach 70 million this year, the growth rate is relatively high, is the key enterprises in Tianjin, Tianjin Korean enterprises we have not found significant problems with depression and collapse, it has not happened yet.
Taiwan Business investment in Tianjin has now reached more than 2,600 companies, like Taiwan's Ting Hsin International Group, Taiwan's United Group in Tianjin, there are more investment, and we and Taiwan investment and trade continues to develop, in the mid-month, Tianjin and Taiwan ports and airports have direct flights will achieve our charter and container ships to be originating from Tianjin to Taiwan, which significantly shorten the distance, space and time, to narrow the distance between Taiwan and Tianjin This will be investors is a very good news.
the same time, we are still this month, held in mid of this month in Tianjin Investment and Trade Fair in Taiwan, I think there will be a number of politicians and entrepreneurs to Tianjin to to attend the Fair.
2008-12-03 10:34:50 Taiwan's CTI TV reporter:
we have measures in Tianjin is now up for Taiwan?
2008-12-03 10:36: 28 Gou Lijun:
we are now is that, for all the investors are the same, to support the development of enterprises. Our compatriots in Taiwan, because of cultural comparison and close to the same geographical are more popular, so more conducive to communication, a more conducive to the development of Binhai New Area in Tianjin. We have recently in order to promote enterprise development, improve the investment environment, the various functional areas in the existing policies and regulations issued on the basis of co-ordinating the views of the eight support enterprise development, we can look at the log in Tianjin Binhai New Area Network .
2008-12-03 10:37:51 CCTV:
Hello, Gou Lijun, secretary. Please tell us about the Binhai New Area, major projects under construction in progress, thank you!
2008-12 -03 10:38:12 Gou Lijun:
Binhai New Area now has more than 360 projects are under construction, including industrial, services, infrastructure projects, such as speaking from the industrial projects, large aircraft, the Airbus A320 in August this year has been the 18th production, Premier Wen to attend the start Anzhao ceremony to count, that is, September 28 put into production, the initial annual output of 44 large aircraft Airbus A320, which range from the Airbus A319 to the A321, from 130 to 180 aircraft and a range of roughly 6000-7000 km route aircraft, the aircraft is currently the best market prospects, but also one of the largest ownership model, we produced in 2016, 284 aircraft before, and now 50% there is a contract to produce the aircraft's.
new generation of carrier rocket assembly plant is under construction, to the end of next year will be put into development and production. million tons of ethylene, million tons refinery construction is tight, next year in September enter the pilot production stage. There are also 300 million tons into the construction phase shipbuilding. while we still have a number of projects, for example, bases in northern China, ZTE, Huawei in Shenzhen, Beijing, Datang Telecom, China Electronics Group Three have investments in Tianjin, Tianjin, their projects have been entered in the construction phase. Our Toyota, Vestas of Denmark such a large wind power projects, in addition to Denmark's Novo Nordisk insulin were at the capital increase expansion, in the current situation, Novozymes insulin replenishment project is still $ 450,000,000, which is under construction.
infrastructure, we are now in order to further expand domestic demand, but also the infrastructure needs of the Binhai New Area, next year infrastructure investment in the Binhai New Area will be over 1000 billion. 2008-12-03 10:41:10 Nihon Keizai Shimbun reporter:
Hello, Gou Lijun, secretary. Tianjin is the largest port city in northern China, Japan and South Korea are China, near the country can say that China and Japan and South Korea are connected, in Northeast Asia but also including North Korea and Tianjin in the future will be gradual in the region What is the role? Thank you!
2008-12-03 10 : 42:09 Gou Lijun:
the location and environment of Tianjin also determined that we and the Northeast Asian countries in the region very close relationship, we and Japan, South Korea, North Korea is across the sea, Tianjin, and Japan's economic ties always very large, and the exchanges between the parties is relatively close, Kobe, Japan, Chiba and so on, and Tianjin are sister cities, in recent years, we and Northeast Asia cooperation has been deepening, such as a city in Northeast Asia Mayor to hold a meeting every year to discuss the region's development. Northeast Asia Economic Forum held in Tianjin every year, and the forum is still actively promote the realization of Northeast Asian Bank.
I would like to Northeast Asia regional cooperation and development Tianjin Development is our opportunity, but also other countries in Northeast Asia and regional development opportunities, we want this cooperation and development also need to continue to be, and continue to be more closely linked.
2008-12-03 10:45 : 35 China Daily:
Thank you moderator, I would like to ask a question, secretary Gou Lijun, the current worldwide economic crisis has finally begun in the financial sector, the current financial crisis and economic crisis on the Binhai New Area, further reforms in the financial sector and development What kind of opening, we will not adjust the direction of financial reform, the establishment from the OTC market, the establishment of private equity funds, if any, will be how to adjust.
addition, you mentioned earlier in this case, we have measures in eight areas, how to attract foreign investment and how to respond to further adjust the industrial development, thank you!
2008-12-03 10:45:59 Gou Lijun:
should be said that the economic crisis has an impact on the world , the impact on China as if from now I see the trend analysis is the impact from the south to the north continued, the Binhai New Area has also been some impact, but we should say that these responses continued to maintain stable development, but also rapid pace of development. we do not see in the end, the forecast for next year how to further analysis which is still in this process is to unswervingly push forward our comprehensive reform, especially reform of the financial sector, finance is core of modern economy, the financial revitalize and enhance the economic vitality of a very important influence and role. We are mainly in the financial sector is to create financial development environment to attract more domestic and foreign banks and non-bank financial institutions to the Binhai New Area to development. For as the modern financial companies, leasing companies, equity funds, investment funds, venture capital funds, and so we are giving strong support to Tianjin is also continuing to gather.
We have also successfully organized two Finance Fair, two fairs have received very good results, financial institutions around the world gathered in Tianjin, so that financial institutions and industrial enterprises and other enterprises to build a good platform to promote the infiltration of all areas of finance to to support the various fields. on the OTC market, the national program which, Tianjin is seeking OTC market, for which the work is still, when we have to hear mature views of national authorities.
eight aspects of the measure, I give an example, say to support the development of enterprises, the development of modern enterprises, especially small and medium prominent difficulties, how do? We ask the competent authorities to grassroots cadres at all levels, as production and operation of these enterprises solve difficulties and problems; the second approach we take, for example, different functional areas of business to supplement some way, with the discount approach, there are other ways to mix the way we want to support the development of enterprises, such as a corporate guarantees, loans, interest subsidies, subsidies to support these approaches the development of enterprises, and we further upstream and downstream products for enterprises to build a platform to facilitate market development.
now we are still further of some other way to support the development of enterprises, such as issuing bonds, so in some other aspects of project finance to support the development of enterprises. one of our measures is the infrastructure construction, infrastructure construction that we are applying to the state treasury bonds, issuers There are various ways to bond to promote infrastructure construction, has been spotted for now, like infrastructure, supporting advanced building functional facilities should be appropriate to create a good environment for investment.
2008-12-03 10: 56:50 Tianjin radio news broadcast journalists:
Hello, I want to ask about the East Bonded Port Area has closed the operation, and now eastern Xinjiang has been one year old, and it ...

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