Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I wrote a draft script of new games to the point hope to help recommend to help push ...

 Game description
game lead this important factor of social development. People all the time playing a variety of different game animals, plants also exercise their own game. No game will lose its vitality in the world stop the development.
as a game operator's why you do not want to. Why should I play other people's agent and not let others agent my game. why their game so well and I do not produce better than they. I I thought why not play another game to play my game to others. I must go beyond other similar games.
now mainly in the direction of 3D online games based 2D game era has gradually away from us. now occupied 3D market, mainly fantasy-themed costume game. the theme of modern science fiction only a small part of the game. now the next stage in the growth stage of the market will belong to the theme of modern science fiction dominated by online games. Age is not a permanent replacement for the next era will be 4D 3D era.
most of the content in the game are many lessons to the characteristics listed .2 D.3D online games and various stand-alone computer. PS. movies.'s classic animation, and so carefully designed to modify the game to become more perfect real and interesting. the high level of equipment in the game will certainly be a good fight does not mean victory. Of course, if your grades high. equipped with super good That exception. the game is more focus on people skills and team player in the game because the computer has been enhanced will be more powerful. powerful. smart. flexible.
stand-alone game using the computer < Vice City> full screen view of the vivid 3D sound and mouse and keyboard to control a more realistic way to make players feel more flexible operation. by characters in the employment system so that players can hire non-player of the soldiers. to take risks with the hero and the army to complete the task to defend the homeland. right mouse buttons to use the skills in battle mode allows players to more flexible use of various skills. End of main and auxiliary equipment for home use can be equipped with two different equipment. by film The powerful map. magnificent city buildings. magnificent city offensive and defensive scenarios. so let the game more exciting, more magnificent scenes of the real. the game will not have the points race completely human development is the theme of the future. The game also added Occupational no rules. full-time. game entertainment. new communication system. skills dress. automatic practice. and so the game will put players into a more realistic times.
background stories < br> 3100 AD, the first world war because of some superpower nuclear competition between the outbreak of the energy shortage. decades of war because of nuclear weapons and makes extensive use of chemical and biological weapons, almost took the extinction of mankind. a large number of biological plants (including Fortunately, a number of non-humans) because of the war by the nuclear contamination in the emergence of variation. short period of time from the war into the monster world, and under the threat had come together. to establish a new after the world nuclear war. people finally understand the value of life become more united. the year 3500 a new technology Empire reached an unprecedented peak. Civilization has also been highly developed, scientists using technology to decipher the human brain, God closed the password. awakened sleep in long-term excavation of human brain tissue of different potential. The scientists also use DNA transformation DNA from the new combination of technologies makes the human body become more strong. Life has also been extended. built in this period of human spacecraft has gone beyond the speed of light due to energy shortage and the new high energy found in space. people began to fully develop space technology the construction of a strong began a vast and mysterious exploration of space.
basic operation
Esc menu F1 - F4 left mouse button skills F5 - F8 right people skills F9 F10 Backpack Main Menu entertainment skills F12 F11 1 - 9 weapon of choice Tab key to switch weapons W map Q After the former S E A special multi-functional left-right-key D R and ammunition loading the microphone switch Y T O mercenary Capslock night enjoyed the switch switches take F G picking out weapons and items away to go running to switch ZXC Shitf drug items down the Ctrl Alt B chat box squat box jump up and down left and right mouse button to view 360-degree attack converted viewing figures keypad 0 - 9, the choice of a variety of action games key functions in the various operations set the player can set their own.

terrain topography on an important impact on the game player. and there will be a variety of terrain to affect the players into the game such as terrain. mountains. hills. plain. Basin. topography into the forest. Marsh. river. shallow. sand. grass. wetlands. hard. snow and so on. topography of different degrees of impact vary the speed of action figures. view. attack and the effects of other actions. If. horse walking in the swamp of their speed will be slower than walking the same speed on the landscape. from the lower height of the enemy that attacks will increase lethality. from different places a high jump or fall different life will be lost. even hang directly.

the same climatic conditions of climate change will impact on the game player. wind. rain. snow. fog. and so on. If the bad luck during a thunderstorm Players may also be struck by lightning will lose ruthless different life. too unlucky or too low level players will be lightning about to hang up. a strong wind against the wind will slow the player will be unable to move even On the contrary wind and the line of players but will a faster pace. thick fog will seriously affect the player's field of vision
alternating day and night non-stop day and night change
is one of the important players to the game. If on the night without Visibility will be low visibility will seriously affect the player. sometimes even monsters have to close the player failed to find. can only use a range of lighting tools to light the horizon.

employment figures to add several different game employment of non-player characters function. one is no level requirement as long as money can hire players in battle a soldier can be upgraded. A level requirements are also people not only have money to be employed after the turn upgrade not only in combat but also the same with the players put on a variety of equipment. There is also a guild for established players, but that too few troops out of the employment system allows players to experience the military command of a mighty force
new offensive and defensive sense of the city through the bother to the final scene
have their own city. But do not get too excited just started fighting now you begin to build their own homes. recruit ready to defend any other city. No city's guilds. monsters and a variety of different attacks. If you are a very rich lord it easier you can make a fast escalation city to make it more solid. You can also hire more troops and a variety of heavy weapons to defend. If you are a very poor Santo it was only themselves to hard. No city can be employed on the line will be a strong army and heavy siege weapons to win the city of their choice.
new players exchange.
game entertainment system provides a very rich voice and video communication systems. so that players can fight in the excitement among the more than can fully enjoy the fun. the beginning of the game's frequent talk of maintaining the original also joined the voice chat outside the player can let go of his hands and his comrades or the edge of a loved one chat while fighting. in each city into the inn. teahouse also launched a video chat system players so players can meet and their long side by side The comrades of the true colors. Players can also add their own favorite characters as friends. to friends gossip. up the phone players can also send text messages to friends even if players can not come to the game the same friends stay in touch with the game. < br> The game also added a new entertainment system so that players can enjoy while listening to music and games. If the players are tired of the entertainment system and movies playback or download the player can choose their favorite entertainment. allow players to relax Relax

city in each city the game itself is indispensable. in the game the most important thing is guarded by a few major computer unit can not capture the main host city. Every player wants to have The city has its own particular player guild. the game you want to have their own special city for the players to establish a number of different city. but these are not so good city received.

game audio visual Whether the opening of the animated introduction to music or tasks are deep out of style present. especially now mystery prior to the start of the game gives us a feeling of coming battle. Another monster game characters footsteps. legs across the plant sound. rain and the sound. breeze rustling the leaves. thunder. through the snow. mud shower. water. land. and so many different sounds are clearly visible. the game using the new 3D full-screen view. Players can clearly see the sky clouds of fluttering. breeze blowing the leaves and so on. the real sound with visual allows players to feel more real vision coupled with the mouse to control the direction of the player's field of vision can be more flexible fighting

canceled the game to select a single variety of battle modes for all the fighting mode. cities and towns are no longer a safety zone players are free to PK, but increased security in cities and towns than fixed checkpoints outside the town also joined. territory patrols. If malicious PK will be taken away to be caught drudge. the game no longer focus only on the level of fighting and equipment and pay more attention to the player's technique and teamwork skills to dress

skills allow players to dress expression of a variety of images selected to dress up their skills. If a player money to prop it into effect will be a skill or money to pound the enemy a large practice

automatically want to play but it is playing in the player tired. or something of the situation for the players opened the game and the automatic exercise feature allows players to play tired or something happens in the case could continue in the game themselves.
background story
This is an known intricate cross-bar of the exotic world. No one knows when it appears there is only know who created it is a magical fantasy world. respectively fairy family. dwarves. Savage family. Terran dominated the four races different areas. ethnic groups fighting each other to maintain friendly never lead to peace and quiet has been living this life of ease.
until one day a few dwarves treasure hunt team has been called the foot of the mountain of death found a mysterious cave. in a cave discovered a colorful stone suspended in the air and take it with scream later. People felt the earth shaking violently over the mountain of death afar cloudy thunder. people feel disaster are coming to their respective chiefs of all military people ready to play. then monster. dwarves. Savage prize patriarch received almost the same time a large number of unknown forces by the border monster attacks. and then almost simultaneously received no name too strong to resist the army can not defeat a border missed the news of casualties. then ordered all the chiefs of all the military people all the main city of the full withdrawal of all ethnic groups in the final to defend their homes. goblins of all military and civilian families are fully engaged in the war home to the grantor when the last correct already received the patriarch of the place you want to be head of the brother of a sudden now I do not know why the rebels. This makes everyone feel so shocked and fairy family was in trouble. patriarch is also adjacent to the dwarf got the news. savage attacks have also been only one family Now his brother has not been attacked rebel monster monster family can no longer resist the attack. rogue chiefs ordered to give up resistance under the withdrawal of all ethnic territory into the human family. hobbits can hold their own have been the last time a major city but do not know when sleeping devil in hell below the city. Dirge wake up call that it was led by its zombie army suddenly appeared inside the city in the hobbits hobbits got hit so no longer able to keep losses. So the army chiefs have ordered the tribe to abandon all resistance to withdrawal into the human family territory. The Savage family although I heard a stubborn resistance, but the two communities goblins and dwarves have been compromised, no matter how futile resistance will only lead to more casualties. Last Savage family has chosen to retreat back into the human family's territory.
Terran behind other ethnic groups because so luckily survived the disaster. Terran attacks received while other ethnic groups have been sent to various border heavily defensive powerhouse well prepared. Then the other three communities had received territories have compromised the rest of the tribe are being evacuated to the news of the Terran territory. Terran Emperor immediately ordered that all border doors wide open to welcome all evacuated to the Terran race. Finally, all evacuated to the tribe and family of people who group together a coalition of allies to defend the all this last line of defense is the last hope. And these unknown forces last despite the capture of this exotic world, except one family other than almost all the territory but still paid a heavy price. And the Terrans currently have four families of power and now they want to prompt build up your empire to build more a more powerful army to attack again. Therefore, the human family to suspend the offensive. temporary calm to hit the three communities have been affected by stop to shake can be prepared for more violent attacks next time.
Four ethnic people have begun to discuss these mysterious monsters and legions in the end comes. final only from the family of an elderly goblin heard old people say that the older a kid he ever mentioned. legend was sealed in the death of a mountain want to rule the exotic world of darkness devil it has a strong army of darkness and monsters. But it ruled the world does not know by whom before God with the colorful stone to seal it and its army in the mountain of death. This must Someone opened the seal of the colorful stones and fairy rebel patriarch's brother may also seek refuge in the dark after the devil. the last four families live in the alliance is to protect this last hope will be their homeland and won.
Game description
3D 2D has passed into the era is booming. this game just to build China's first Internet giant's top posts for us. 3D game to a whole new world opened to the players. the game is all designs allowing the player to feel more real. operation more flexible. the game will be more interesting and vivid. to develop more long-term.
most of the content in the game are many lessons to the characteristics listed .2 D.3D and a variety of online games stand-alone computer. PS. movies.'s classic animation, and so carefully designed to modify the game to become more perfect real and interesting. the high level of equipment in the game will certainly be a good fight does not mean victory. Of course, if your grades high. equipment would be super good exception. the game is more focus on people skills and team player in the game because the computer has been enhanced will be more powerful. powerful. smart. flexible.
single use of computer games ; The 3D full-screen view vivid sound and mouse and keyboard to control a more realistic way to make players feel more flexible operation. by characters in the employment system so that players can hire non-player soldiers. heroes and the army together to take risks to accomplish the task to defend the homeland. right mouse buttons to use the skills in battle mode allows players to more flexible use of various skills. End of main and auxiliary equipment for home use can be equipped with two different equipment. by film more magnificent scenes of the real stimulus. The game also added a career not specified. full-time. game entertainment. new communication system. skills dress. automatic practice. and so the game will put players into a fantasy world more real exotic .
Terran race
not like fairies. dwarven magic and witchcraft do not know how to understand the domestication of wild man like all kinds of amazing animals. but they have a clever mind. powerful body. conviction. the resilience and tenacity to survive in this foreign land so that they quickly become the world's largest ethnic group

goblins hiding in the depths of the forest for many years in this exotic world, one of the most ancient race that they know how to use the powerful nature natural magic power. they rarely travel between races with the outside world in the eyes of people from outside their tribe would bring disaster to
a wealthy family of the same race and goblins is the world's oldest exotic Another family they are born mad love wealth. However, due to short stature so they learn from an early age to control powerful monsters magic to help them to do heavy manual labor and fighting. because of their long-term the exploitation of underground mineral and living underground. They built a vast underground kingdom. they go around this catastrophe is also a treasure because of their greed caused.

the most primitive savage ethnic group they are born, and communication and domesticated animals their ability. They agile by grazing, live the life. They have a strong air forces can not be ignored

occupational functions prevent low blood Exorcist
less not good at using the powerful melee Nature has a strong war on magic ability to
low blood like anti-mage as moderate. not good at close combat is not very powerful long-term war. but their magic can summon one or more powerful monsters come to to help them combat anti-
moderate high blood pastor
melee attack is not very high although they can be domesticated and their own magic to each other with the composition of animal fighting
powerful anti-high blood not more than War will not be much good at calling and domestication of human shields but they are typical and have a superior ability to
geography topography on an important impact on the game player. and there will be a variety of terrain to affect the players game such as the terrain is divided into. mountains. hills. plain. Basin. topography into the forest. Marsh. river. shallow. sand. grass. wetlands. hard. snow and so on. topography would be different with different levels of character speed of action. view. attack and the effect of other actions. If. horse walking in the swamp of their speed will be slower than walking the same speed on the landscape. from the lower height of the enemy that attacks will increase lethality. from different heights jumped or fell off the place would lose a different life. even hang directly.
basic operation
Esc menu, F1 - F4 left mouse button skills F5 - F8 F9 right skills, people skills F11 F10 Backpack entertainment main menu F12 1 - 9 of skills to use Tab key to switch weapons, maps Q W D before S left after A special multi-function button to the right E R T microphone switch defensive defense in different directions Y O F mercenary Capslock perform the switch out G picking away weapons to go running to switch items Shitf items ZXC drugs down the Ctrl Alt B chat box squat box jump up and down left and right mouse button to view 360-degree attack converted viewing figures keypad 0 - 9, the choice of a variety of actions .. . and so on. the game features a variety of operating keys to set the player can set their own.

the same climatic conditions of climate change will impact on the game player. wind. rain. snow. fog. etc. . If the bad luck during a thunderstorm may also be a ruthless player struck by lightning will lose a different life. too unlucky or too low level players will be lightning about to hang. strong winds will make against the wind line players will be unable to move slow or even reverse the wind-line players but will a faster pace. thick fog will seriously affect the player's field of vision
alternating day and night non-stop day and night change
player game is also an important influence one. If no visibility will be low on the night will seriously affect the player's visibility. sometimes even monsters have to close the player failed to find. can only use a range of lighting tools to light the horizon.
career without such as rules and players like the reincarnation of
Terran characters but it is like the fairy race career in the game although the points race on each career, but the game is no exact requirement. players must want to and can choose their favorite characters and on can choose their favorite professional bar. characters in the game to reach the required level, can have to turn around. turned to the characters after various skills will be strengthened. will increase the number of new features. such as flight. Employment hero. equipped with wings. etc. Employment
game characters such as
to add several different non-player characters in the employment function. one is no level requirement can be employed as long as a player money can be upgraded in the fighting soldier. A is People not only have the money required level should be employed only after the turn can be upgraded in the battle as players can wear with a variety of equipment. and one is designed to establish a guild, but that too few troops players out of the military command of the employment system allows players to experience the feeling of millions of soldiers and new offensive and defensive
city through disdain to the final scene
have their own city. But do not get too excited now you're just starting the fighting To start building your own home. recruit ready to defend any other city. no city guilds. monsters and a variety of different attacks. If you are a very rich lord it easier you can quickly upgrade it to city become more solid. You can also hire more troops and heavy weapons to defend all. If you are a very poor it is only themselves to hard Santo was. No city can be employed on the line will be a strong army and heavy siege weapons to win the city of their choice.
new player exchange.
game entertainment system provides a very rich voice and video communication systems. so that players can fight in the excitement of being apart can be fully and enjoy the fun. the game early to keep the original band also joined the chat voice chat outside the player can let go of his hands and his comrades or the edge of a loved one chat while fighting. in each city into the inn. teahouse also for the players opened the video chat system allows players to meet the long side by side and their own comrades natural state. Players can also add their own favorite characters as friends. to friends gossip. up the phone players can also send text messages to a friend Even if the game players can not come to the same friends to keep in touch with the game.
game also added a new entertainment system so that players can enjoy while listening to music and games. If the players are tired of the entertainment system also has movie playing function Players can select or download your favorite entertainment.
allows players to relax in each city
city is indispensable to the game itself. in the game the most important unit of guards by several major computer one can not win the main host city. Terran magnificent city built on difficult terrain on the cliffs. savage tribe assembled out with a huge stone stronghold. monster huge family tree in the jungle to build the beautiful kingdom. Dwarf long life on the ground to establish the great underground empire. Every player wants to have their own city in particular has a guild of players. the game you want to have their own special city for the players to establish a number of different city. But these city is not so good get.
visual audio
game opening animation, whether music or tasks are deep style presentation unfolded. special mystery in the game is to give a fight before the start of coming feeling. Another monster game characters footsteps. legs across the plants voice. rain and the sound. breeze rustling the leaves. thunder. through the snow. mud shower. water. land. and so the different voices are clearly visible. the game using the new 3D full-screen view. Players can clearly see the sky clouds of fluttering. breeze blowing the leaves and so on. the true visual sound with the player feel more real plus view with the mouse controls the direction of the player's field of vision can be more flexible fighting

canceled a variety of game modes to select a single battle for all the fighting mode. towns are no longer safe area, but players are free to town PK In addition to strengthening security in the fixed guard post outside the town also joined. territory patrols. If the malicious PK will be taken away to be caught drudge. the game no longer focus only on the level of fighting and equipment and pay more attention to the players operating techniques and teamwork skills
dress dress
skills allow players to choose from a variety of different images to dress up their skills face. If a player money to prop it into effect will be a skill or a large money
pound the enemy in the player want to play automatically exercise
play but it is tired. or something in the case of games and exercises for players to open the automatic feature allows players to play tired or something happens in the case also allows the continuation of the game themselves. 

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