Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Disease kills 3-year-old young mother said her daughter did not want to see the children suffering

 3-year-old daughter suffering from congenital heart disease, but also by the elevator Jiaoduan hand, teachers can not face his mother, killed his daughter; this reporter by a lawyer and his ; kill the child the mother Qin, the two lawyers said they have preliminary judging.
three months before the early morning of April 25, Union Hospital in Wuhan murder occurred in the building. Jingmen teachers killed congenital Liu Qin heart disease, high-hui son daughter.
the night the day before, Union Hospital doctors hours continuous operation, and ultimately failed to keep the high-hui was the elevator Jiaoduan child's hand (May 11 newspaper reported version A11). < br> killing 3-year-old daughter, Liu Qin brandished a knife and committed suicide, cuts across the neck and wrists. In the end, she was rescued out of danger.
dialogue on April 15 morning, Union Hospital of the stairway, a personally killed a young mother her daughter under 3 years of age.
the face of her disability may be right,UGG boots cheap, she chose to pull off, almost cruel that way. She said she had done, only , she really was thinking?
three months after the incident, this reporter has been trying to interview Liu Qin. However, she was in the detention center, in addition to his defense counsel, other people can not meet. < br> Reporter to issues to lawyers, the lawyer met with Liu Qin repeated after completion of the entire conversation.
At first, Liu Qin on any subject are not willing to talk about. raised would like to talk. pain > Even so, she still believes that he killed his daughter , she never made any room with the supervisor referred to her experience.
now the most miss their parents
well, I was the only one child.
Yangtze River Daily: Where do you hurt, how the injury now?
Liu Qin: neck and hands and wrists are more serious hurt. Before, in Union Hospital's intensive care unit treatment for some time, to a lesser extent, the only to go to the detention center.
not yet fully recovered, especially in the wrist, it can not force. but my injury did not want my parents to know, for fear they are worried about .
Yangtze River Daily: This is what a few months in the detention center have?
Qin Liu: In addition to recuperate, the more time on the study. the detention center, there are many books, especially on the legal aspects books. I carefully read the relevant charges with their own law books,UGGs, may be subject to the penalties I have a basic understanding.
Yangtze Daily: After the incident, I went to your home seen your parents Jingmen, They are all very worried about you. you miss most now is what?
Liu Qin: I most miss the people, or my parents. they are too old, and, poor health, I am the only one child. their lives I hope in a person. I have become like this, there is no way to take care of them, have to let them worry about me.
Yangtze River Daily: your parents, husband and her in-laws who have forgiven you, plea to the judge to write material, but also you hire a lawyer, tried every means to hope you get a lenient sentence.
Qin Liu: I'm sorry parents and in-laws, I am not worth for me to do so. I just want this matter as soon as possible settled early to give me a verdict.
Yangtze Daily: knowing what the penalties might be you?
Qin Liu: I know I may be liable to very heavy, after all, is my own personally kill dead daughter. However, if possible, I hope that the Court sentenced me to ten years or less. Now, children do not, I just hope I can be good parents.
waiting for me out of prison, I want to take good care of them .
Yangtze River Daily: You have three months later, will reflect on their practice at the time you?
Liu Qin: do not know. I never thought I would live up to now.
daughter too painful
the incident was, what made you make such a decisive and daughters and their behavior?
Qin Liu: I love my daughter. was painful watching her daughter looks like, I do not accept this reality. < br> Yangtze River Daily: Have you ever thought her son's idea of high-Hui? even the dead are not afraid, and you worry about it?
Qin Liu: she was too painful, I know. rather than let her live in pain, death, may be a relief.
Yangtze River Daily: She may be disabled, but for her children, such a small, dead, what it means, and she know?
Qin Liu: In the evening, After the operation finished, the doctor said the child's hand can not be saved, and, after multiple operations to be done, the end result can only be disabled. for her speaking, too painful.
Yangtze Daily: Why to take such a cruel way? knife is where they come from?
Liu Qin: 10 pm the same day minutes, to Union Hospital, children from Jingmen, when the situation is very dangerous .11 o'clock, near the hospital I a fruit store to buy a fruit knife hidden in the body at around .12, I sat in the hospital corridor, a good suicide note written using a mobile phone.
I do two kinds of preparation, if the surgery were better, I will be able to go back to life. Once a child's hand can not be cured, I'll die with her.
result, the child's hand does not heal. The next morning, I Zhizou a father, daughter to hold to the hospital stairwell.
Yangtze River Daily: In between life and death and his daughter, what you really after a struggle, considering how long?
Liu Qin: The daughter to Wuhan, I have been think about this question, I'm just waiting for the result of an operation. I was to alleviate her pain.
Yangtze River Daily: According to the staff of Union Hospital, said the incident when they heard the child crying. When you When her daughter's cries, there is no thought of stopping their behavior?
Liu Qin: Everything can not be changed. I do not intend to live by, and the kids just want to relieve her pain. < br> Yangtze River Daily: If there were family members accompany you on your side, whether it can stop your behavior?
Liu Qin: Maybe.
disabled daughter's hand, and in the future will be discriminated against. I have a child before the class, but there is a birthmark on the bottom, he often laughed at by small partners, other children are not willing to play with him. Business Daily: family people say that you love your daughter, and that you are a kindergarten teacher.
Qin Liu: Just because I am a kindergarten teacher, I was never a better understanding of a child, I know, means a child with disabilities something.
disabled daughter's hand, and will be discriminated against, I've seen this situation. I have a child before the class, but has a birthmark on the bottom, he often laughed at by small partners, other children are not willing to play with him.
Yangtze River Daily: because of self-blame you, because you take the child led to her injury?
Liu Qin: no one blame me, but I blame. I took my kids out to play when the accident, all the results have to be borne by the me.
Yangtze River Daily: whether children with congenital heart disease are also relevant?
Qin Liu: Yes. My husband and I are very fond of children. Hui child was born, did your family happy. but subsequently was found suffering from congenital heart disease. she was born with not the same as other children, born to pain.
Yangtze River Business Daily: in the mobile phone prior written suicide note, never thought he would survive?
Qin Liu: Yes. I can not forgive myself. the child is so small, to suffer such a big sin, I must take her leave.
Yangtze River Daily: You are highly educated people, is no thought of the consequences of doing so?
Qin Liu: No much thought, I never thought he would survive. I who so many stab wounds, I thought he did not have survived.
will take the initiative to divorce her husband
divorce, I will take the initiative to propose. and the same room does not monitor what people talk about their own. I am particularly depressed, do not know who said this to.
Yangtze River Daily: I heard that you originally had a younger brother.
Liu Qin: the death of his younger brother a year old I also still small, was not much feeling. However, since his brother left, I have a home to children, parents, all hope is a man in my body, I need something, parents will find ways to meet me. I a lot of pressure.
Yangtze River Daily: What happiness of family life after marriage?
Liu Qin: also. my husband and in-laws get along pretty good.
Yangtze River Daily: Your family and husband are waiting for you to go back and live a good
Qin Liu: I'm sorry husband. I do not want him waiting for me, I do not want to incriminate him. he should go to find their own happiness, forget me. no matter what the final verdict, even if He did not ask for a divorce, I will initiate.
Yangtze River Daily: the face of the upcoming penalties, are you afraid you?
Liu Qin: this time, I saw a lot of this book, I understanding of their offenses. However, I still hope that the Court consider my actual situation, can I be given a lighter sentence.
Yangtze River Daily: If you back the morning of April 25, will be how to choose?
Liu Qin: You have no choice. I never thought he would survive.
Yangtze Daily: One day, you can get rid of the shadow of her daughter, live like a normal person do?
Liu Qin: I A strong self-esteem people, this shadow will be there forever.
Yangtze River Daily: What would like to do?
Qin Liu: I hope parents take care of themselves.
Qin Liu said: death of her daughter is to reduce the pain.

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