Thursday, June 23, 2011

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Love is not blessed

Previously, in the UK has a poor farm boy and a girl falling in love royal family and nobles.
not a blessing of love ... then it started ...
finally found the girl's father and against, and that they love to an end. One day, the boy that the girl is suffering from terminal illness ... but he could not see her one last time ...
a Sunday morning, the boy finally, around the girl's father requested the hope of see the girls side,
for boys, as long as one is enough afar!
but the girl's father determined not to reject the boy's request ...
girl's mother was touched by the boy's sincere willingness to secretly smuggle a letter for the boy to the sick girl.
But the boy knew that if the letter is a girl's father found her father on the girl's mother must be negative,
so he ...... letter reads as follows:
The great love that I have for you
love I have for you
is gone, and I find my dislike for you
is no longer, and found that I hate you but
grows every day. When I see you,
growing. When looking at you,
I do not even like your face;
I do not like your looks;
the one thing that I want to do is to
I want to do One thing is
look at other girls. I never wanted to
look at other girls. I never thought
marry you. Our last conversation
marry your wife. Our last date
was very boring and has not
is so boring, and did not
made me look forward to seeing you again.
I look forward to meet you again.
You think only of yourself.
You only think about yourself.
If we were married, I know that I would find
If we get married, I believe I will feel
life very difficult, and I would have no
life is so sad, but No
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
pleasure to live with you, I want my heart
to give, but it is not something that
dedication to, but this heart are certainly not the
I want to give to you. No one is more
dedicated to you, no one more than you
foolish and selfish than you, and you are not < br> stupid and selfish, and you did not
able to care for me and help me.
will care for me and help me.
I sincerely want you to understand that
I sincerely hope you understand
I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
sentence from the bottom of my heart, I believe you do me a Busy is
if you think this the end. Do not try
If you think that is the time to break up, do not try to
to answer this. Your letters are full of
confirmation I said all this, your letter is filled with
things that do not interest me. You have no
I lost most dull of some kind, you no
true love for me. ; Good-bye! Believe me,
of my true love. Bye! Believe me,
I do not care for you. Please do not think that
my heart is not in your body. Please do not as
I am still your boyfriend.
I am still your boyfriend.
girls to see this letter ... stop ... tears are flowing through the heart can not describe the pain ... it is ...
she thought she was dying to find a really love her Who knows who ...
his wife had at this time to write a letter like this to yourself ...
she could not support a lost love ... this time to mean the loss of spiritual support ...
dying in her ... kiss her tears in the boy's portrait ... Finally she fell ...
never wake up ... the sky is no longer suddenly clouded over, it began to drizzle ...
like ... like a girl's tears keep falling off ...
maybe people get it ... God did not read the original girl In that letter the letter behind ... ...
boy wrote the sentence: ... . One look back a few lines of this letter ... 1,3,5,7,9,11 ...
maybe she will not end with tears ...
boys know girls died news ... Xinrudaoge ...
one day the boy went to sit down before the girl's tombstone ... accompanied by the dead girl ... his only beloved boy girl ...
sitting on the gravestone do not take the girl, not into eating, without rest ... soon, boy dies eventually ...
hands clinging to his death, tombstone ...
girls because girls tombstone is in the mountains ... so no one found inside the boy's corpse ...
year later, the girl's tombstone for a tree beside the long,
the tree day and night for the girls Tombstone wind rain block sunlight, as in the girl's tombstone ...
guardian may be the boy has turned into this big tree ... life after life to protect his
this letter should be in your child received 96 forward, you will find 4 days, life has changed. This is not superstition.
transferred to 0-4 people: Your life will change
quietly transferred from 5-9 people: Your life as you wish
transferred to 9-14 people: the next three weeks you will The discovery has surprised more than 15 people
transferred: your dreams can come true.
a friend forwarded this letter to me. I often receive similar messages to forward, if called to do so would make a fortune and the like, usually I'd put myself as an endpoint, but the letter moved me because it said: , because it was in the silent blessing you because you love around you some of the people. With love, everything will be fulfilled.
^ _ ^ You see that? I silently bless you ^ _ ^

Thursday, May 26, 2011

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

100 million songs sad songs Daquan ※ ※ beauty tours

< br>


Accidentally deleted data recovery

accidentally deleted data recovery
accidentally , delete the wrong , also empty the Recycle Bin , the supposed ah ?
as long as three steps , you can delete and empty the Recycle Bin back your stuff

steps :

1, click the Enter regedit ( open registry )

2, expand : HEKEY--LOCAL--MACHIME/SOFTWARE/microsoft/WINDOWS / CURRENTVERSION / EXPLORER / DESKTOP / NAMESPACE outside the left margin click on
, select: Recycle Bin .

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yunnan Travel

Last month, with the opportunity and went to distant Yunnan, to experience some tropical scenes, and now to a brief introduction:
trip the first day, the afternoon flight from Pudong to Kunming, Kunming is already reached 21:00 more than rushing the second day stay at the hotel ...
a long time ago from Kunming to Lijiang, the way the path Kunming - Chuxiong - Dali - Lijiang, take the car for almost eight hours, better guide Nengkan, chat , does not feel way too tired

Tian Long Ba Bu in the city: the legendary Dali Dali
Tenryu-ji, but unfortunately no time to stop, the car shot
the evening, and finally to the Yunnan The most important tourist stop: Lijiang, stay at the hotel after 4:00 we set out for the Old Town of Lijiang ancient city, there is little

the atmosphere of the ancient city, the vast majority of business is full of modern atmosphere, bars, shops everywhere, against the current forward, sailing out into the city, do not worry about getting lost.

Lijiang during the day time is rather long, we started to play the ancient city of 5, have supper is 8 o'clock, the day is bright.
third day, the whole trip is the most important attractions: the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

cable car climbing for a while in the foggy, bright eyes suddenly, everyone was shocked, Yulong Snow Mountain to in front of

thin mountain air, the temperature is not high, but fortunately, all with a down jacket and oxygen bottles

down the mountain, that is, valley, melting the snow on the mountain valley of moisture, where the beautiful mountains, is really paradise

fourth day trip, we returned from Lijiang, Dali

majestic marble gates, as described by Jin Yong's teacher did not know the Dali Duan Yu, said that there DY history of this people, the original name of section and leave reputation

Dali, Chuxiong night stay. ...
fifth day back to Kunming, Yunnan Colorful morning, shopping, afternoon visit the Stone Forest

this place I've seen seem to Pilgrimage to the West, do not know this, Colorful Yunnan Yunnan Travel must dos shopping is the Yunnan provincial government to create a window sign, all of the specialty of Yunnan: tea, jade, handicrafts, herbs, snacks ... all, do not worry about quality, and absolutely are the best, but the price is the best (a little expensive)

in Ashima's hometown, in Ashima's stone before the

dress in national costume, and even distant could not help but have a dance

DAY: Jane Shao return
simple whole trip, in fact, the whole journey or another of our many, many attractive places of Yunnan minority culture, beautiful landscape, rich ....... property is helpless strapped themselves to the body of another money is spent ....
I hope you will have the opportunity to go to Yunnan to see, there really beautiful

Ambiguous close, love is very far

Read a book called Before writing this article, but also specifically checked the word interpretation. The above clearly indicate: ambiguous, refers to the bright when, as an act of unspeakable. Do not know since when, playing an ambiguous between men and women to become a popular sentiment. Ambiguous, and crush not the same. Peach is likely to fruition, but it is impossible to fruition ambiguous things. Ambiguity which must be pain, to be uneasy, to worry about the outcome; crush could be unrequited love, you can do put a very low profile, low dust, out of a flower, he will not see you. Ambiguous is different, ambiguous, must be two people. Often said that a number of tentative words, one party sent out, one party has the skills to bounce back. Quietly, the flash of light. Obviously have feelings, but refuses to face. Coming and going, guess to guess to go, full of fun. This is a chase game, the participants this way, more addictive. Some experts and more than one person can play ambiguous, but also play a heartbeat, it does not hurt. Obviously, he who does not love. Many people, I feel light. Ambiguous to ambiguous to such, but is suspected of sentimentality. The real one to one extreme or ambiguous, like two magnets, obviously about to breathe together and took it away. Can be students, can be colleagues, can be confidante, can be long-time friend ... ... appear to have inextricably linked, but each have their own sun, air, water. Ambiguous relationship between people said you, you complacent; people ask you are not in love, you quickly denied. You care far more than friends, but not to the extent of carrying out a relationship. Do you have a further impulse, but no further courage, had a moment into a moment back, to keep in a safe range. Confused woman accidentally fell into an ambiguous, stupid woman will be ambiguous as proof of its own charm, intelligent woman but never sink in the ambiguity of. Ambiguous is a sugar, sweet themselves, are hurt others; sweet to others, you hurt yourself. Ambiguous scale difficult to grasp, any mistakes will be out of balance, do not expect a long and ambiguous understanding. After all, ambiguous, but to escape the guilt of betrayal, behind only the irresponsible ambiguous sad. Ambiguous, not everyone can play in this game for. Have feelings, why should they waste. The company of a circle of people every day, the opportunity to imitate the love a person, get, can only be unhelpful comfort. How many people can remain calm attractive ambiguous? Before, they are invariably asked me a similar question: Do you think he likes me? He often sent me text messages, often called me out, invited me to dinner, make me happy. Why did I wait so long, he never said that like me, except to say I am very important. I do not know how important definition, did not dare give up the reserved tell the truth, just in case the situation with the wrong friends have done. The past two years, friends had asked these questions to get married early in the marriage, the boyfriend to find her boyfriend found out. Ambiguous too cruel, you can flirt appropriate, may be appropriately ambiguous, that is not love. Most men's emotions are divided into a small cell of a small grid. Each cell a label, put a woman. They only get from the woman who wants. A gentle and virtuous wife, a high-grade lover, there can play ambiguous objects. Strength is stronger, more lattice. Silly woman, the strength of another strong, emotion can not be subdivided. Admire a person to hope that these qualities are reflected in his one person. Initially ambiguous man, a long time, it is easy to give up the rules will fall in love with him.
do not sink in the ambiguity, at the right time, inadvertently statement: you're just friends.

Monday, May 16, 2011

It feels good to drive

colleagues took three days to practice for three days car, feeling pretty good , huh, huh , albeit stupid , thanks to coach but also have more patience, Ha ha! Shashi Hou can be on the road do not know , ah, huh, huh ! Be careful ah!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Point is the smoke, smoked lonely

When you're lonely , sitting in the corner no one , quietly place a cigarette and took a deep whiff of smoke , is a meet .!
perhaps ,!
I was lonely , So I'm not happy , and never talk to anyone . just one person ,!
only one person ,
smoking quietly , tears. I never cry in front of others , I never let the tears Betray my weakness . Although I do not really strong ,!
I never tell people what to . I do not think anyone can understand . I do not want people to fully understand me .
Therefore ,
I have all my homestay a little lonely cigarette .!
lit it, my heart will be one indescribable comfort. looking at a small flame flickering ,!
I feel a little unusual calm, when the ashes , the heart feels very satisfied .!
I know ,
I really love a bad thing. Sometimes I feel very weak .!
Sometimes it has an indescribable desire. feeling very dependent on it, in the absence of the night. in their own small room ,!
remove all camouflage. indulge yourself completely , it is so indulgent . any Eroded by its own ,!
do not care will not be harmful , I was so friends always said I was self-willed man .!
I think I was the . willfulness that what wrong with that? why wronged themselves?
look at Ashes to Ashes , I felt like a burst of smoke fly . to the language is not required ,
to bid farewell to whom when they do not . of people do not need many words , I fell in love with the pumping Smoke .
eyes of ordinary people made ​​a bad guy . But I find joy in this one ,
perhaps ,
love to smoke, not my fault . love alone , nor is my Intention .!
I believe that those who know , do not bear the responsibility. Life is Elsewhere ! There is no one to chase ?
only ,
I just can not catch .
So ,
I Do not believe forever. Who would believe that there will always be a cigarette do ?
when Ashes to Ashes after the heartache is still upset, and when alone still alone .!
Therefore ,
timeless luxury I never . Who has seen the passing become ever do ?
I'm just a scoop park of the soul, the soul has never been free forever ! !

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Execution of a prisoner confessed ancestral cancer three days before the odd side

execution of a prisoner confessed ancestral cancer three days before the odd side

first recipe:

prescription frying method and Directions: Red date large grain eight, ten pellets (shared eighteen), nosed pit viper grass twenty-two, cycads leaf, Scutellaria barbata one or two, a total of four herbs as one, can be fried twice, the first ten fried water five pounds (about fifteen bowls of water that is five pounds of bottle three bottles of water) boiling two hours, the second ten pounds (about five pounds ten bowls of water bottles that two bottles of water) boiling for two hours, then Yao Tang Jian Hao down together, day and night when taking tea.


one: the drug attending various types of cancer. According to the results regimens have cured cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, less effective than breast cancer, other cancers have served the good results, especially colon cancer, only served 4 to 6 hours that result from abnormal .

two: fried once a month usually take the drug to the organs of toxic heat and hemorrhoids, hot cough embolism, after the service is really effective and can completely cure.

Three: Note: banzhilian cool non-toxic, herbal medicine, sewage, after serving undrinkable water, fear of diluting its efficacy. If the cancer three flowers (that is, the surface can see the rotten), you can grow fresh herbs just smashed, whichever is the slag, the slag spreads in the affected area, whichever is when the tea juice hot water. The prescription of all ages, taking three to four months before being completely cured, often after taking Nongxue urine discharge, this reaction, poison cleared basis, can not alarmed.

IV: This recipe is a prisoner in the death penalty for the first three days out, Department of secret prescription, lost the public for fear of death. So far, cured many, saving lives is a strange side.

second recipe:

open (ancestral cancer secret) cancer more than a thousand cases, efficiency 100%

cancer raging around the world, several people died per second, increasing morbidity and mortality, but the medical profession do nothing!

agony for the rescues all beings, to shine, if they visit the family business, Li Qing Yan Lay selfless contribution to the traditional remedy, treatment of cancer / tumor more than a thousand cases, efficiency 100%

Lijia Zu Chuan cancer secret

Indications: Various cancer / tumor

formula: Health Wulingzhi 10 grams, 20 grams raw black cows, the Health and Cyperus rotundus 10 grams, 10 grams raw wood wide.

Usage: buy medicine when processed into flour, add vinegar transfer paste for the pills, dried. A 10 grams. Ginger juice delivery service, 3-4 times per day (children half dose). May not transfer paste, add some vinegar medication.

Caution: Do not eat ginseng. Pregnant women is not available.

Description: The General Case 30 minutes effective, after more than a thousand cases of clinical testing, efficacy 100%, known as the Party of God!

the drug before the shamisen is a traditional remedy side, the fourth herb is a contribution to the Institute of Canadian people.

offer countryman: Guangdong Raoping County Town Lane Rao Li Qing Yan, MD, head of civil

to tell the public who countryman traditional remedy, heal the sick, noble work!

initiates economic difficulties can be appropriate in giving medical treatment to recover costs to earn a living, but can not reap huge profits!

No person shall be advocates the revision of the private prescription, that would kill people! If you have been cursed, at your peril!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

13 must- see movie IQ

as director Christopher Nolan's The last time such a boom in Xiaobian the impression that the director Jiang Wen, or

about the movie how high end can get the box office in China the controversy continues, one point of view, the Chinese audience did not form such a complex plot to set the so-called IQ movie viewing habits, despite the Pirates of the dream of space excellent reputation, it is difficult to form the mainstream of cinema in China. The other view is that piracy in many number of art films and the influence of the film critic of the bombing, China has a number of mature movies with sizeable audience, so optimistic about the Pirates of the dream of space in the Chinese mainland box office.

no matter which side you are supporting the view of quality rice to recommend the real fans can watch this movie theater has risen to jump up in the IMDB top five movie masterpiece.

as a warm-up before viewing this weekend, high quality rice network specially prepared for the 13 people have long sought after by fans of the 13 IQ movies.


guide old Hollywood director Martin Scorsese, starring the handsome young male who is now stubble M: ​​Leonardo. DiCaprio.


Gerber rad Pitt VS acting sexy brother Edward Norton, not much to explain, you know.

Outcome far beyond people's expectations.

Gerber Ladd sexy Uncle Peter and Morgan Freeman partner.


Have little effect even if you lose feeling, I do not know the meaning. More use of the film suggests, bedding and other methods of expression. The end of the moment in the film all the answers have been lifted, and new mysteries and soon arrived.

director David Fincher's


show, the first two lines interspersed every few minutes, until the end credits seamlessly link together with the titles (note that when the viewer can link to the other). Film director: Christopher Nolan, to pay tribute!

horror story type of movie to see more, D ... certainly do not know who it is finally, finally the last thought is that in the end the final again last deeply shocked.


Narrative named East Ni Dake (Donnie Darko, the original title of the film the same) of the youth, in an anthropomorphic rabbit's instigation, to make some order to the end of the world's destruction. When the film released in the U.S. box office not ideal, but in the DVD rental market has been quite outstanding, is now considered a alternative classic (cult classic).

young girl Caroline (Kate Hudson Kate Hudson • ornaments) Violet employed woman (Gina • Rowlands Gena Rowlands), a visit to her house to take care of her bedridden husband, the (John Hurt John Hurt • decoration). Violet's big house is located in a mysterious area known for customs and religious rituals, Caroline first arrived here I felt strange dark. As the days passed, Caroline getting this big house and odd pieces of Violet suspicious. Chance, Violet, where she obtained a master key, use it to open all the rooms in this big house. When Caroline went into hiding in the attic room, she saw a thrilling sight, intuition told her, the bedridden and the Violet, and this room has a great relationship, she is determined to uncover the fans!


It is about magic have prevailed in the Victorian era, there have been two very talented young magician, two friends, Robert Angier and Alfred Borden. Two people because of mutual suspicion and jealousy, and became irreconcilable opponents, they use various methods to prove that he is the first time that the story of a magician.

In fact, many parts of the film reveals the ending, but it may be due to a lazy, did not think about. So you see, or think twice thriller.

is still a great director, Christopher Nolan, Bang Bang Bang, in worship.


Jessie yacht play, but she always had a kind of feeling bad things happen. Sure enough, the boat encountered a storm, so everyone had to transfer a large cruise ship passing car just to ensure safety. But Jessie convinced that she had rode Zheliang large cruise ships, ship's clock suddenly stopped, some terrorist was yet to come ... ...

The process of looking at it, your brain has to work fast in order to clarify the structure of the entire film.


to be on the outcome of the most shocking is that the The beginning I thought it was a horror film, but in fact this is not a horror film. Instead, we can see John as a Behind Several also good, but significantly worse than 1.

And a lot of suspense as the film has a very humble beginning the details of tips, but the details suggest the film can be regarded as the highest technological content - is the one who will not notice the details, even the whole film The most important place, this detail also reminds me of Albert Einstein once said the words: or feel weird on the outcome, it is a serious academic study, on the dream. This in my opinion, is indeed the best film David Lynch.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good attitude , luck is like

Mind that a person's mental state, with good attitude, you can maintain the full daily mood. Good attitude, luck like. The spirit of fight, good luck will come naturally. Remember to do anything must have a positive attitude, once losing him to jump out, to learn to adjust their mentality, a good attitude and work would have the direction, as long as not lose the direction to not lose yourself. The quality of mind, is the usual practice to adjust and to form habits. People living in the world, everything should be to understand, to see far point, bearish point, mind to more open-minded, more generous, I believe, Liu Buchu no water and not move the mountain, not to drill the hole and not the edge node fails. People live happy, must have a good mentality. A philosopher when he said,
how to adjust their mentality? I believe that there are three crucial.
one desire not to be too high. Endless desire, desire higher, if not met, the greater the contrast formation, state of mind more easily balance.
Second, comparisons can not be thinking too much. If the blind competition, it will
third is to learn to forget. Do not thing of the past to heart, what passed for it in the past, this will be less to a lot of headaches, mood can be comfortable.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Qiu had a motto, often according to a photo, take a look at whether to adjust their mentality better.
everyone has their own life is self-idea, some people live very happy lives, some who are not seized surprisingly disappointing, in the final Jiedi is the mentality of the problem. Life will always be a lot of sudden disaster, people will suddenly fall into a loss, anxiety, manic mood, worse, the despair of life. It is obvious that as society advances, intense competition, increased pressure for a variety of people, if and when this pressure exceeds a certain load capacity, when there will be people to extreme emotions, the consequences of such can not imagine, I personally feel that if people can give yourself at the appropriate stage to find an exit, will gradually eliminate this stress, you become a more glorious way.
how we should reduce such negative emotions?
First: learn to make their own quiet, immersion of thinking down, and slowly reduce the desire of things. The self-often zero, every day is a new starting point, there is no age limit, as long as you desire on the appropriate reduction of things, will win more opportunities to win. (So-called step back and natural width.)
Second: learn to love yourself, only more care for themselves, in order to have more energy to care for others, if you have enough capacity, it is necessary best to help you help people, so that you get is several happy, and more to help others, be kind to yourself, but also a way of decompression.
Third: the situation encountered are upset, you drink a glass of white water, put a soothing light music, eyes closed, memorable people and things around on a new future for Shuli slowly, that is, a rest and a cool forward thinking.
Fourth: more competition and their own, no need to envy others, there is no need to envy others. Because many people are envious of others, and always regard themselves as spectators, the more so, the more will fall into an abyss of their own. You have to believe, as long as you do, you can. For their own progress and be happy every time (regardless of big and small things, complex things simple and do simple things hard, repeatedly done things seriously and strive to do our best)
; Fifth: extensive reading, reading is actually a process of absorption of nutrients, the modern face intense competition, complex relationships, to make himself Buzhi Yu embarrassing in some cases, can be widely read, so that their enrich the mind is also a way of decompression, so sometimes, when empty stomach will naturally anxious, that's right, it is calling you in your thirst for knowledge, to live on the need for such nutrients.
Sixth: In any conditions, they can not look down on themselves, even if the world will never believe you, look down on you, you have to believe in yourself, because I believe that word, if you love yourself, then there will be more people like you, if you want to what kind of person he is, as long as you want, and strive to achieve, will it! (Why did not realize a lot of people is not perseverance)
VII: learn to adjust emotions, as far as possible to the benefit of the doubt, many people experience some things, like a wok on the urgent ants, could have solved the problem, it is because of emotional mishandled, make simple things complicated, so complicated things even more difficult. In fact, take a good thing as long as the key, to be affixed to every detail will be dealt with ease. Face difficult things, calm down, and then wondering how to do it well, the more you benefit of the doubt, the heart more open, more to the bad thought, the more narrow mind!
VIII: Cherish the people around terminology and try not to hurt, even if you do not like to meet people, you try to detour and find reason to leave and do not willfully harm, not only to their own bad mood, let scenes embarrassing. Cherish everything around.
IX: love life, daily absorption of new nutrients, have a different way of thinking every day. Learn more empathy, try to find new things to satisfy the curiosity of the world, mystery.
Tenth: Only true, with love, with the personality to face your life, your life will be more exciting!
to remember every day to maintain an optimistic attitude, if they are bothering to learn to coax them smile, make you strong, confident, so you want to keep a good attitude, the only possible solution is thankful to see the world, heart to see the world not to count the gains and losses, learn to identify all the moving things around, the decision state mentality, and only keep a good attitude, to make their own mood! Finally, I wish my friends were able to live each day happy ! !


Welcome to this Shengxi space, please leave your troubles, take away my best wishes, may you always be safe and healthy, always happy happy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nine gas atmosphere of life ---

 Ambition, moral integrity, harmony, domineering, talent, courage, loyalty, pride, integrity.
I put nine gas collectively, the Atmosphere like the sea, to accommodate hundreds of rivers; atmosphere, such as mountains, stand tall; atmosphere, such as Clouds, stretch easily; atmosphere like water, hardness with softness; atmosphere, such as sword, invincible; atmosphere like Changhong, beautiful radiance; atmosphere, such as hurricanes , badly; atmosphere such as rain, stirring; the atmosphere, such as the sky, and any birds fly; atmosphere like the earth, all accommodated; atmosphere --- is a gallant spirit!
must understand the kind of life, and the blind pursuit of harmony will be a bit weak, the domineering tyrant tyrants have the time, that you have to learn the body of a hawk in dove's wings, In the eagle's body of a pigeon's wings, flying wings would only be polite and friendly; but no gas will only be vested with the people, people will turn away from the. A talent, lack of courage is not. With loyalty, but can not forget the upright and upright is the life of the country. Of course, nine gas are available, more perfect.
selfless, can be said to air, light their own light to others, dedicated light and heat. Fearless, can be said to the atmosphere, distress pledge not to reclaim Notations, strong and brave. No requirements, can be said to the atmosphere, riches and honor superficial, and will not be forced. Regrets, can be said to the atmosphere, both afford to take on the fit, dare dare.
successful, it should be the atmosphere, to redouble their efforts beachhead; fails, it should be the atmosphere in order to regroup and strengthen the country cheer. Have, it should be the atmosphere in order to cherish the present and create the future; lost, it should be the atmosphere in order to composure no regrets. Suffering, it should be the atmosphere in order to defend the dignity of self-reliance; bit high, it should be the atmosphere in order to establish credibility Ningxinjuli. Man to be the atmosphere, to filling a hero; woman to be the atmosphere in order to radiate the beauty of Heroine.
Who lost the atmosphere, will be trivia yak fetters bound to be both good and bad, will be stuck with fame and fortune, and even the embattled deep vortex. Life is so lonely, sad, failed, meaningless life.
careers by ambition, by the backbone straight spine; gas developed by the prosperity created by the domineering brilliant; by the courage to climb the peak, by talent and write a chapter of; by upright image and loyalty by Make Yoshitomo; by and blow his confidence by the heroic open-minded and cheerful.
atmosphere can be Have a high state of the atmosphere, the spirit will have a pillar of action will have a goal, the pursuit will have confidence.
life, life in the long stream of water with the atmosphere of life will be flowing, the ideal boat to reach the other side.
----------------------------------------------- --------------
this thinking:
1, in which with a few gas?
2, you face your atmosphere: success and failure, happiness and love lost?
3, you Rongrubujing? I can have you take?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

After all, there are temperature, sunlight

 I think that time can wash away all memories of you and I found myself
but how could not escape the shadow of love in the end is what

leave me day and night of heartache in the

past all that lay in the diary in the drawer closed
closed sinking heart as you How can I forget the pain

Do not let me cry in the dark, secretly

do not ask do not want to say again do not listen to you to stay away it hurts

again why I stay strong

so what want to say what should have been asked what sober

sad sad what is my weakness.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mobile tips to make your phone will always have power !

 Mobile tips to make your phone will always have power! ! !
1, invisible backup battery power is low
your cell phone, in order to allow it to continue to use, press * 3370 # key, the phone will restart after boot, you will find that electricity consumption increased by 50% . This part of the hidden reserve capacity you have to run out of charge, and recharge time, invisible, also charge a spare battery, low power consumption when the next time they can use this method. Know that in case of emergency if the phone is running low very useful.
2, with a remote control car fell on a car?
your car by remote control to open it? If you can, you will one day fall in the car with a remote control car and the spare remote control and at home, you will find a cell phone really easy to use mobile phone to call people's cell phone at home, will take away from your cell phone the door a foot, while holding the remote control in the family his phone rang next to the lock button on the remote control, here you can open the door. This method is whether you drive too far away from home are working.
emergency phones around the world can call a common emergency number is 112, adding the area where you find yourself without cell phone coverage, and you have encountered an emergency situation, use your cell phone call 112, to be sure, because this time your phone will automatically search all available networks and establish an emergency call. Particularly interesting is that even if your phone is the state of the keypad is locked, you can also call 112. Try it!
4, cell phone stolen?
have a way to get the thief does not take too, hey! View mobile phone's serial number, just type * # 0 6 #, 15-bit serial number will appear on your screen, each world has a unique mobile phone serial number, serial number of this record and keep . One day, unfortunately, if your phone was stolen, call the phone provider, and provide the serial number of your phone, they will help you a mobile phone screen, so even if the thief changed the SIM card, still can not use your mobile phone thieves are becoming useless. If every cell phone holders around the world are doing, then there is no point in stealing mobile phones. In Australia, the police even set up a database of stolen mobile phone, if your phone is found to be returned to you.
routine maintenance must be used:
1, do not wait for dead cell phone battery was charging.
general idea is that we will have a cell phone's battery power to recharge all the better to put End is basically wrong, because we previously used in the majority of nickel-metal hydride rechargeable batteries (NiH) batteries, and nickel-metal hydride the so-called memory effect the battery and hold the electricity and then charge if the case will lead to the rapid decrease battery life. Therefore, we will use the last drop of power began to charge. But now, mobile phone and IA products, most of the general lithium (Li) batteries, and lithium batteries, then there is no memory effect problems. If we still wait for all the words run out of power but will then charge the internal lithium battery makes the reaction of chemicals life can not be reduced. The best way is nothing to charge it at any time to maintain the best full-cell state, so your battery can be a long, long time with Oh. This is the message received from the manufacturer that, and after the test itself is derived.
2, when the phone is charging, do not answer the phone! !
reason is that the phone is charging, incoming calls would be potentially dangerous. India has a 31-year-old business manager in the insurance company as young people, ten days ago in cell phone charger and then also answer the phone when, after a few seconds a lot of current through the phone, this young man has been dropped to the ground, When family members found, fingers burn with a weak heartbeat, and has lost consciousness. To the hospital by the emergency, the doctor announced the death to the hospital. Mobile phones are currently the most commonly used all the modern inventions. However, we also have to be alert to the danger of lethal instruments
3, left a cell phone when the recipient not to use
full grid with only one cell when compared to 1000-fold difference in emission intensity even more. So ... ... people often say mobile phones to pay attention ... ... ... ... ^ 0 ^ Oh, and yesterday obtained from a cell phone business where a very important message, that is, when you find the phone signal strength only when the next frame, would rather hang up or switch to public phone talk. Do not be in full flight, muck, My Sweetie, let them go, do endless ... WHY? We all know that electromagnetic waves mobile phones has been the people worry. but the design of mobile phone reception in order to retain areas are still very poor call quality, will enhance the emission intensity of mobile phone electromagnetic waves. When the recipient cell with only one cell over time compared to even a difference of emission intensity 1000 times. electromagnetic strength of up to 0.6W (Watt) .0.6 W Just how strong? I can not specifically describe it in your head will Shiyao adverse effects, but can be replaced by two examples to compare:
1) the Speaker of about 4 cm in diameter at maximum volume of small radio and then attached to the ear, so the noise energy is generally 0.25W, less than 0.5W.
2) 0.1W output intensity of the fingers on the front of the laser (equivalent to a fiber network? D Link energy) within a few seconds you will have the feeling of burning, you can put both of these conditions for a long time you?
How do you confirm 0.6W electromagnetic waves close to your ear will be fine then?
4.12593 + phone number = trap
Do you take friends from overseas phone number with 17951 + The format in the phone book? rather than individual call? then charges will be 0.39 yuan per minute from 1.3 yuan per minute into. I had to check their 1860 interpretation is that if stored in the phone number of the years? system will not be recognized. It is not possible to obtain tariff concessions, must be on the keyboard each time directly by the 12xxx. Shenzhouxing user so? M-Zone users, GSM is the same. If you are a user of China Mobile, China Mobile, when you know the trap you set the following, it will no longer be surprised why your calls as long as the fly wing. With 12593 + phone number for a discount, but if you advance the fight, rather the way of the direct dial billing. If you are roaming, the two billing methods can vary as much as 7 times! When I learned that this billing, I really do not know how to express my anger, then hit 10086 consultation, if not take the initiative to the rule of asking this question, the job number for the 6608 Miss did not tell me such a billing.
5, mobile phone charges somehow set-parasite
useless messages is strongly recommended that everyone have a look in his strokes, the easiest way to unsubscribe from the monthly fee of parasites to steal your phone! China Mobile was forced to launch a new service 315, if you are Chinese mobile phone users, type the number What SMS, which SMS service provider what is clearly the dark with a monthly fee deducted from your phone; type the number
6, do not hurry to scrape together just 1 minute
often when we called just in time for 1:00 before the end of glad, but in fact not the case, according to a staff member said China Mobile , in fact, when you talk to the 0:55 has been considered for a minute, so call time 0:55 ~ 1:00 is count your money in 2 minutes ~
7, a cell phone feed, please remember Do not make any keystrokes, especially off (one by any action, the water flow immediately follow the string board), the correct way to immediately open the cover and the battery directly to the win, directly forced off, the motherboard is not insurable attack by water.
this knowledge is very important, so tell you, so that we can phone a little longer. Learn a science now! After the rainy day ah!
8, how to make cell phone batteries back to life
when your phone battery time shorter (memory effect, or aging), you will buy a battery to replace it?
next time you encountered such a situation, please save your money, tell you a very effective way to give it a try:
1) the battery wrapped in newspaper before being placed in plastic bags, wrapping and put into a freezer for three days ( the newspaper to absorb excess moisture)
2) delegation of two days at room temperature after three days out
3) two days after charging the battery, fully charged cell phone wrapped put into the test (estimated to save 80% -90% )
the message revealed by the famous battery manufacturers engineers, according to friends that tested results have been very effective.
As there is no effect, anyway, useless battery faster, but everyone has refrigerator, friends may wish to try it !
9, to be CPR to your cell phone now!
phone is always off? Fully charged or obviously did not take long for the electric power of the powerless?
be doubted that life is not the end of the phone?
Do not worry, it's just temporary,
Remove the battery for later use eraser to the contacts on the battery (brass) clean, and then loaded back onto the phone, you will find really amazing! It is actually alive! Also like the stars of new ones!
really useful, providing you a reference!
10, teach you how to eliminate the cell phone screen scratches
we often encounter the phone screen is scratched but I do not know how to handle the situation?
tell you a nice recipe for a few days before ....( see on TV)
amount of squeezing toothpaste on a wet cloth after the force in the mobile phone screen scratches at the back and forth around, smooth evenly over force ..... .....
you will find the phone's screen scratches will disappear .... so amazing it even more amazing things ...!!
in use .... a clean cloth or clean toilet paper .. after the phone screen will become brighter Oh ....
Professor of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, said: Principles for the toothpaste it is just brushing the aids, with the friction effect (patch effect)
and remove plaque, clean and polish the tooth surface, the use of mobile phones will have the same effect as the above screen.

The way women feel bad man

 When you fall in love with a man, do not think about yourself is not it a little reserved. Love him to tell him that sometimes men also love vanity, your confession would make him self-confidence reached its peak.
2, when you do not love him, then also the most direct way to tell him. And do not think he will not be vulnerable, than the pain of a man's self-esteem important
3, when you have love, then we should trust him, what thoughts to tell him Whether he supports is not supported. Any man want his woman to rely on him.
4, in front of his friends, to give his full position. Face of a man, more than anything else, do not mind when the little woman in front of people, women are men to know that a small pet out.
5, when he was playing the game, no matter how anxious you do, do not go directly off his computer. It is best to hug him, whisper in his ear gently. Obsession with the game because of a man than you see a wonderful soap opera
6, men also have those few days each month, with women almost, and I feel depressed for no reason. Do not ask him how this time, as long as be with him. Make your own.
7, he and his friends go out drinking, playing cards, you do not ask why he does not take you a visit. Men are willing to do kite, as long as the line is still in your hands, then let him fly.
8, men are lazy and stupid, even though he loves you, but do not want to wire racking heart to please you, you can do is the appropriate time to give him a express. Sometimes men need a woman to give him a powerful blow.
9, a man no matter how strong he looks, but the bones were still a child. When he was not on his wayward yelling, which he can not afford to do with. The most effective way is to accompany him crazy. When he's calm and gently tell him you love him.
10, men are unwilling to admit, in the wrong when he knew he was a step to the next. He will Gratitude's. Understand a man, that is to him as your lover, lover, brother, friend, father, child. Love him, do not give him the burden of his freedom, to their own freedom. Do women want to know when to enter and when to retreat. When the block in front of him; when to hide behind him. Like him as your own to love, sake of his happiness, he will give you your happiness.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stock-operation is very simple to 4 MA

 Stock operation is very simple to 4 MA

stock operation is very simple, you will operate in accordance with these points, you can make money, consequently does not need to see, on average 4
1, 60-day moving average of stock are determined not to touch the next
2, the stock above the 30 day moving average and moving average is up
3,10-day moving average up, 5 down to cross 10-day moving average moving average, to buy
4, the date of the stock subject to purchase, purchase date plus the day before and the day after, whichever is lowest among those three days, broken to do stop
5, up more than 10% to the entry price to do stop-loss price, not up until sold, and then stop for every increase of 10% price rise 10%
to operate in strict accordance with the above criteria, the stock difficult it? is not difficult, and more simple a thing
you can always lose money, you can try, but this way, the first must be strict, and the second, he makes you sometimes earn less, loss of merit is also less! Under this method you can refer to kindergarten trick, do not laugh at me.

natural cycle of the stock market:
; Tozo (down) - spring (bottoms) - Summer Long (pulled up) - Harvest (do top)
spring (Jiancang), sowing the seed should spring on the land.
summer long (pulled up), Lele Hehe look at it long now!
harvest (do tip), to be received has been well done! Seeing to the number of money!
Tozo (rest), clutching his pockets full of rest, and so make a bag out again next year!

do not make money the stock is not only outdated operation!
choose the speculation, speculative trends, iron law of speculation!

remember: Bear hedge preservation is the key, no loss or less loss is to win the bull market is the real opportunity to get rich !
advice: do not participate in fall and consolidation; smart people know how to rest, steady stream of foolish!
graphics features: -
(1) 5-day moving average and 10 day moving average composition of short-term system. -
(2) 60-day moving average confirmed long-term trend. -
market implications: -
(1) 5, 10-day moving average shows short-term price trends. With a modest price fluctuation, 5, 10-day moving average will continue to produce golden cross and death cross. Which has the bottom of the significance of individual gold cross, cross with the top of the significance of individual death. The large number of cross-stock price changes can only be half-way state. To find out the meaning of which the bottom of the golden cross, or a sense that the death cross the top of the need to introduce on behalf of, the long-term trends in the 60-day moving average. -
(2) representatives, the 60-day moving average long-term trend changes slowly, when used alone is difficult to capture price-sensitive at the bottom and head. -
(3) When 5, 10-day moving average up golden cross, on behalf of people who buy an average of 10 days has been profitable, so you can attract short-term off the market. If the average time of 60 days under the cross of gold, representing an average of 60 days this time people have to buy profitable, then you can attract, the long-term customer market, which has fueled the role of the stock price, on the contrary help down effect. -
How: -
(1) 5 daily price average price average for the week, can sensitively reflect the short-term fluctuations in share price trend for short-term operation. -
(2) 10 daily price average price average of two weeks, the reaction can be more sensitive to stock price volatility of short-term trend for the short-term operation. -
(3) 60 day average price average price for the quarter, stable long-term fluctuations in stock prices reflect the trend for long-term operation. -
(4) In order to take into account the 5, 10, short-term price sensitivity and the 60-day moving average of the average long-term price stability, combine them into a short long with the average system. -
(5) 5, 10-day moving average of the direction of MACD up, at this time if the 60-day moving average can be upward, then fueled. -
(6) 5, 10-day moving average in the direction Sicha down, this time also if the 60-day moving average downward direction, the Assistant or . -
Figure 9-1 -
Figure 9-2 -
Figure 9-3 -
Figure 9-4 -
Figure 9-5 -
on line 60 5, 10-day moving average MACD there is such a stress that requires more than each can in front of a gold-Jin Cha the position of the fork high, the only way to maintain a stock MACD to let up the whole perspective was maintained, and not even slow down once rose high lows, then we should consider this car is not at your station ? Need to look for opportunities to get off? See (Figure 9-6) -
Figure 9-6 -
60 day average line direction going up the 5, 10 Jin Cha average line summary: -
1, when 5, 10, Jin Cha average price line, if the 60-day average line direction can also have fueled the upward effect of the words . -
2, pay attention here, especially after a strong three-Jin Cha. -
3, we must pay attention retreated as much as possible to increase superficial, retreated when the volume to shrink, 5, 10 and 60 day average line average price between the lines is best to ventilation. -
4, best to do every 5, 10, Jin Cha average line position can be raised than the previous one, only This rise in price in order to maintain good channels. -
5, there is a constant principle is 

5, 10-day moving average in the direction Sicha down, this time, if the direction of 60-day moving average can also be down, then help down. See (Figure 9-7) (Figure 9-8) 

Figure 9-7 

Figure 9-8 
60 days down the line direction when the average price of 5, 10, the average price line Sicha Summary: -
1, when 5, 10, the average price line Sicha, if the 60-day average price line can also be downward direction, then help down . -
2, to note here the last three Sicha to fall even more. -
3, if every 5, 10, can Sicha average line position than the previous low, then prices will continue to decline . -
4, there is a principle to note is this: when the three lines along the next is often the beginning of fall!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Love Transfer - Eason Chan

 How many windows hovering lived separation of the number of hotels will feel the feelings are not wrong or used for browsing collection day every day so memorable had survived much adversity
wet eyes to know how many sad love Double legacy
replaced a few times wandering faith before turning back to the ring exchange

the warmth of a person to another in the chest to the last reflect on my mistakes
Everybody does it refuse to experience the fear of the Lambs **** Guilt feelings are not caught in the moonlight memories
grip becomes dark background such as false
the sun fade into the day and all flow in the body Karma to keep love is to forgive
much courage to the end of time bound for the candlelight dinner

not an answer to love is not according to the cozy dinner party
sheets covered with petals embrace it Growth is too crowded to open to the emotional needs of other people take over the soil
expect close to return the vicious cycle of expectation, disappointment is always short-lived romance
always dissatisfied with the long burn bright for a young wife
< br> the warmth of a person to another in the chest to the last reflect on my mistakes
everyone to experience the fear that the situation was rejected **** memories scapegoat caught
Hold the moon becomes less dark background such as a false sun fade into the day
circulation in the body and all other industries have been forgiven
love non-stop to the end of time bound to need more brave

a Warm to another person 's chest to the last reflect on my mistakes
everyone to experience the fear that the situation was rejected **** scapegoat
memories are not caught in the moonlight Hold it just becomes dark background such as a false sun fade into the day
circulation in the body and all other industries have been forgiven
love non-stop to bound the end of time you do not need more brave
down to the most beautiful extraordinary soul-stirring

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Love To Kill

 Xinyou , strong enough , do not want to think about some trivial .
nothing very memorable , not many special ..
always been very plain , Has always been alternatives, has been a victim .
do not want to believe, do not want to believe, not believe , but in the end had to believe ...
like with their own war , like Straight , like emotional , like try to be brave , but always try to be brave mouth , tears in the surrender .
always very easy to believe that people are always very sympathetic to accept some things will always be confused Always .... seems that time is not able to test a man .....
tell me how to understand a people , how can we protect ourselves ?
< p> I admit , I surrender. Some things, extravagant , I can not afford to have . too flashy, I did not dare to imagine ..... only Yuecuoyueyong, only forced their Flames on the knife down the mountain , and only so that they can in the survivor , and not let myself so forgotten, so he is very sorry ..

Game makers who desire to capture

 These days, Fantasy, pleasure , pain, sadness, anger, allows you to achieve a variety of real life you can not . However, the reality is not allowed to provide sexual services , you can provide the same passion as 51 , ​​but do not satisfy the sexual desire, so Games to stay away from pornography , but also to keep away from children .
However , it seems that all the bigwigs by the psychological games fortune understand that in the end is who earned the money , in the end rely on to make money . go to second tier cities Take a look at Internet cafes to know about the result. which game operators do not want to smoke opium as the same user like his game? Thus, the game is the most difficult skills in the game director , how to arrange the role , if the inter- building role The emotions , how to guide the user into the drama, how to make the user experience and capture the desire ....< br> to do marketing health care products , why do many people like old market, because old people can easily be brainwashed ! Why do games To select the Brain, but to spend money sensibly , Take the recent good reputation happy circle net, do not really want to know if these white-collar pay to play games , there will be fascinated to pocket a few people .
It is said that the game industry Itself is a game , play a large big-name directors , directors do little drama, is engaged in the most unpromising farce .
If you want to develop a game , hands-on before , or think clearly , you want to meet who in the end For

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Breast of a mole move peach navel mole strong sexual desire

1, made in a mole: wealth. Hair of a mole, and his worry about food and clothing.

2, forehead seven moles: Large expensive. This is a very rare seven moles on his forehead, who will become rich.

3, Yintang a mole: Lord expensive. Yintang a mole male dignitaries, women were rich.

4, heaven of a mole: harm the body. Patio of a mole to note that, to a certain extent, harmful to health.

5, bridge of the nose of a mole: complaint. A mole on the bridge of the nose, will lead to physical discomfort, vulnerable.

6, eyes of a mole: demon chi. Eyes of a mole, are prone to confuse others, others less easy to identify its authenticity.

7, Erzhu a mole: the main financial. Erzhu of a mole are very lucky, but also made quick easy wealth faster. It was to wear earrings, the mole hit tune, the results also reveal a wealth.

8, the nose of a mole: Dr. villain. Nose of a mole often provoke the villain, leading to feelings of poor, disaster constantly

9, right cheek of a mole: Lord expensive. Right cheek of a mole are reflected in the expensive, if you do not show up, that to see what prevents you.

10, left face of a mole: Lord blessing. Left cheek of a mole should lucky, but often people will miss the opportunity, good fortune will diminish.

11, the left eyebrow of a mole: the main financial. There is actually more suitable for men. Women tend to reflect on the Vanves.

12, the right eyebrow of a mole: Lord life. There is actually more suitable for women. Males tend to reflect on the busy wife.

13, the ears of a mole: ill. Ears of a mole to be careful, but even to the point of useless, other areas need attention.

14, the ear of a mole: Lord life. Ear of a mole is the longevity, but it was also kept Taoer Duo, the result of dig bad health and longevity.

15, mouth of a mole: enrichment. Mouth of a mole is eating mole, indicating the person enough to live comfortably.

16, the lips of a mole: the main right and wrong. If the mole on his lips, then not a right and wrong, that trick the villain, but also chaos peach.

17, eyes of a mole: hard. Eyes of a mole who would be more difficult to work, often thankless work half the times.

18, before the neck of a mole: Dr. villain. Before the neck of a mole can be easily pinched, the issue likely to be heterosexual men and women carried away, easy Taohua Jie.

19, after the neck of a mole: a patron. After the neck of a mole that has the backing to do the work, business can have elegant aid.

20, the shoulder of a mole: burden. The shoulder of a mole often as important work, responsibility, hard life easy.

21, the breast of a mole: Dr. Peach. Breast of a mole who are easy to move Taohua Jie both men and women, rich and varied love life, but easy to break even bankruptcy color.

22, the arm of a mole: the main way of making money. Arm of a mole who can manage their own financial position, financial ability.

23, the palm of a mole: Lord wealth. The palm of a mole to manage others, if not easy to give a small tube shoes.

24, the legs of a mole: the servant. Legs of a mole often errands by others, more suitable for specific tasks.

25, the instep of a mole: Dr. villain. Feet of a mole who could easily be stepped on, provoke mischief villain, you need to prepare.

26, soles of the feet of a mole: step on others. Are just the soles of the feet of a mole on the contrary, from time to time to make trouble for others.

27, the navel of a mole: strong sexual desire. Around the navel or belly button in a mole who desire a strong, prone to Taohua Jie.

28, bottom of a mole: to power. Butt of a mole can work independently, manage work will be organized.

29, reproduction of a mole: Dr. Peach. *** Official strong desire on a mole, prone to Taohua Jie. Women vulnerable to sexual harassment or harassment of male initiative.

30, the chin of a mole: Lord of wealth. Mole near his chin, indicating with a lifetime of wealth, but the real majority, therefore suitable for investment or a legacy of ancestors.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Automobile market scan - Part 12

 Key information from the National Passenger Car Market Information Co on a daily overview of news,
automobile market this week:
this week is the traditional concept of the golden week, the holiday shortened and the time at the Beijing auto show, the market relatively stable. Since April retail manufacturers strong sales in previous years, the situation has changed, rather than the March decline, so the manufacturers pressure was significantly increased. now see manufacturers start in May but not yet revealed signs of intensifying competition, but some internal conflicts have intensified. own brand is the largest auto show highlights, but the speculation turned into purchasing power of the brand is still a long way to go. reflect on their own brand should be more difficult situation, in order to improve the environment. otherwise similar to the same warlords and domestic mobile phone, the final have a very painful adjustment.
one, new products, price scanning
1. Lifan 520i 4.968-7.88 million officially listed price.
520 hatchback equipped with a production for the 1.3L, 1.6L and the original three imported Tritec engine, which sold 49,680 yuan 1.3LDX economy, LX comfortable selling 55,680 yuan, EX Luxury sales 59,680 yuan; equipped with 1.6L engine Lifan produces economic sold 56,980 yuan DX, LX comfortable selling 59,980 yuan , EX Luxury sell 63,980 yuan, VIP sold 68,980 yuan top configuration; imported Tritec1.6LDX sell 65,800 yuan economy, LX comfortable selling 69,800 yuan, EX Luxury sell 73,800 yuan, VIP configuration sales top 78,800 yuan ..
Analysis: Lifan hatchback prices consistent with the sedan, it is estimated this section if the owner for the overseas market, against the backdrop of the sedan, hatchback development of the domestic market more difficult. Lifan models the introduction of too many, the future can measure what the average sales of each model is. the best introduction of simple to complex models and then simplified the advantage of own brand sales of large single model to meet the needs of the largest group, or the loss of the self and the distribution business energy and resources, and ultimately affect the development of enterprises.
2. Corolla Special Edition GL-i sunroof 144,800 and 154,800 yuan for sale.
COROLLA Corolla GL-i Special Edition is a skylight GL-i based on the model upgrade improvements, either in appearance or in the configuration are very unique. The GL-i roof and foundation special edition models will remain the same price, the manufacturer's suggested retail price maintenance manual and automatic files were 144,800 yuan and 154,800 yuan ..
analysis: high-end products Corolla force to strengthen its sales of higher-end is a large advantage.
3. Landwind substantial price cuts lift the main vehicle May offensive maximum discount of 2.3 million.
Landwind Motors announced, in order to repay consumers, its Landwind Fashion highest offer 23,000 yuan, only 74,800, the Landwind X6 maximum discount of 8,000 yuan, 82,800, the maximum discount of 10,000 yuan Landwind X9 , 88800 et seq. The benefits of these three products are all the main car models Landwind ..
Analysis: Landwind cars in recent years, this offer is the maximum price adjustment to make, a substantial jump in price of their products may grab some light passenger groups. SUV's always hot in the high-end, low-end can increase sales by marketing to be seen.
Second, the policy environment
1. the new over 10%.
and non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrian accidents, motor vehicle, such as no-fault, more than motor vehicle insurance liability limits to pay strong part of the compensation motor vehicles not more than 10%. traffic accident is the loss of Non-motor vehicle drivers, pedestrians intentionally caused motor vehicle collisions, motor vehicle shall not be liable for compensation.
analysis: the new requirements on the definition of the responsibilities and strengthen the sense of responsibility of both the larger sense.
2. Free new energy vehicle purchase tax incentives introduced in the second half.
relevant state ministries and commissions is expected to be introduced in the second half of the first to buy diesel, hybrid vehicles purchased free of tax policy. in accordance with existing national regulations, the purchase tax rate is 10% However, vehicle purchase tax in the amount of tax levied, VAT of 17% must first be removed, the vehicle purchase tax invoice price of taxable value = d1.17. The source said that overseas market, the intensity of the preferential 10% -13 %, of this policy and international standards ..
Analysis:. hybrid concept is very broad, and all enterprises have access to greater policy support. how low self-mixing brands, such as a breakthrough in the mix to obtain policy support is the key.
3. National Environmental Protection Ministry to step up to develop standards for vehicle air pollution limits.
Department of Environmental Protection Wu Xiaoqing, vice minister of the 30th, said to combat vehicle air pollution, protect human health, improve the car level of industrial technology, Department of Environmental Protection is now stepping up the development of automotive interior standard of air pollutants limit ..
Analysis: State sector management is unclear, vehicle management still continued to scattered situation. Each department can range in this sector the new standard for automotive design, and strengthen the administration.
4. Guangzhou, effective from May 1 to promote the use of standard oil country Ⅲ.
4 28, the Guangzhou Municipal Government recently issued a Notice of auto-fuel standards Based on the current average reduction of 9.7%, greatly reducing air pollution. price per liter of State Ⅱ Ⅲ standard oil than standard oil of your country -0.16 0.13 yuan RMB. At present, only Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou to promote the country overall Ⅲ standard oil.
Analysis:. crude oil prices and lower oil prices led to the promotion of oil country, three standards more difficult, oil prices and reasonable price is imperative. or refinery losses, fuel quality, technology enhance the power of small.
5. targeting new opportunities for environmental protection in China, Bosch intends to replenishment of expansion.
Bosch Group in the Chinese market by leaps and bounds thanks to China to strengthen environmental policies. With the introduction of European emission standards 三号, 2007 Bosch diesel motor has been profitable. State III product gross margin was 40%, net profit 17% or more. because Bosch is the only steam can produce diesel Euro III standard diesel injection system to 2010 Enterprise .2008 period, the Bosch Group will re-invest 850 million euros to expand production facilities and research and development facilities to support local customers in China.
Analysis: China's environmental policy should correspond with the strength of domestic enterprises, and should take the opportunity to support local enterprises, instead of being foreign control. PhD is with the development of China adopted the policy of the European emission standard benefit, and China's standards are not innovative?
three car scan
1. National Development and Reform Commission issued a public notice number of new energy vehicles approved for production.
164 grant is approved, including a number of hybrid and fuel cell power of new energy vehicles. The approval of new energy vehicles, including Shanghai Volkswagen's a fuel cell car , Shanghai GM, FAW Group and a hybrid of the cars, and Dongfeng, Chang'an and Foton 4 hybrid buses. allowed the production of these models, the Shanghai Volkswagen Passat fuel cell vehicles in the just concluded Beijing Auto Show over, the car will be the August opening of the official car of the Beijing Olympic Games. Shanghai GM, the hybrid code-named SGM7240 hybrid LaCrosse is expected. Shanghai GM released at the beginning of the ; program had announced in this year of the car production market. In addition, the FAW Group, code-named CA7130 hybrid models is the first time, specific information has not been announced.
analysis:. The seven production of new energy vehicles shall be granted, and can not represent the start of new energy vehicles in China, which listed seven vehicles in the context of the Beijing Olympics officially implemented this, because we must first of the directory, otherwise it can not get a license, not want to be the official Olympic Games, service vehicles. In this seven models inside, fuel cell cars in China is certainly not the market, Shanghai Volkswagen Passat fuel cell vehicles on the market if so, must be the need to advance in the local construction companies hydrogen refueling station, would be difficult to open up the situation. The FAW CA7130 hybrid, as well as from Dongfeng, Foton and Changan Automotive's four hybrid buses currently listed on the possibility of a small, A5 hybrid to be Bi Qirui car much later, in the seven car Chery A5 hybrid is expected to be only made some sales, because of its price compared to only 1-2 million higher than the normal version of A5. saving in terms of the domestic auto market The most pressing is to make the domestic market, the average passenger car emissions decreased emissions in the current rise in the domestic auto market situation, think of ways to make the average decline in emissions than the energy released several new vehicles more efficient and practical ..
2. the new generation will replace the FY 2009 Chery Cowin, or will become the strategic vehicle.
from How many changes, the current 2 high. Also 2575 mm wheelbase than the existing growth of 107 mm. FY-2 suspension system with front McPherson independent suspension, the latter half of the longitudinal drag arm independent suspension, this structure is not conducive to improve vehicle handling However, the cost and durability have significant advantages ..
Analysis:. I think Chery is the biggest highlight of the Beijing auto show situation, this is a brilliant new Chery to important strategic initiatives. own brand will continue to learn and upgrading, which is innovation. hope this product morning city, hoping to upgrade Chery to launch more products. Chery needs to improve digestion and absorption. so as to maintain the status flag of its own brand.
3. smart swept the global market Mercedes-Benz in China trying to take advantage of their back.
Mercedes Car Group announced, smart fortwo in the middle of next year to enter the Chinese market. This is the second in January of this year, after the successful listing in the United States, the impact of urban life once again another smart car a huge car market. Mercedes-Benz in the hope that the real purpose of the Chinese market to know what is the real smart ..
Analysis: Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi sales in the domestic and imported vehicles are mostly large displacement, high-profile luxury cars and SUVs, so the three of the competition is fierce, Mercedes-Benz smart decision at this time to introduce this car to the Chinese market is undoubtedly a wise move, first in the import of small cars is not much competition in the market model, to the current So far, only mini cooper, Beatles, Peugeot 206cc, it can be said after the listing of the impact smart and will not be great, on the other hand for the upcoming BMW 1 Series has played a significant restrictive effect, prevent and min mini cooper with exclusive import car market. but also smart for copying the best of small noble fight back, more importantly, smart official in the domestic market, the Mercedes-Benz and BMW for the narrowing, the gap in sales between Audi will also play a role.
4. 2011 Passat years will be updating a new generation of exposure scenario map.
Volkswagen will introduce a new generation Passat in 2011 (Passat), the new Passat also shows the imaginary map. New NMS will be the new Passat platform (New Midsize Sedan) for development, the 2011 Audi A6 will be using the same platform. The new Passat's power configuration in addition to the existing engine series, the public will also provide a full Hybrid new hybrid engine. DSG transmission will also feature a new generation of dual-clutch automated manual transmission. Another rumor, the public will be launched in 2011 a new SUV, will also be using the platform ..
analysis: starting point for next-generation Passat platform high but there is also hybrid configurations, some adjustments of its development, hybrid diesel technology may become popular choice after the other direction.
5. Mercedes-Benz B-Class finalized domestic supporting parts are starting preparation.
Mercedes - Benz B-Class Mercedes-Benz made introduction of Beijing has been initially finalized plans. B-Class Mercedes-Benz made the E-Class sedans in the new generation of home-made after the start, the current two preparation of projects have been carried out in the country. The second generation of Mercedes-Benz B-Class in 2011 to 2012 introduced a new generation of B-Class is expected to be more emphasis on car-based features in order and Audi, BMW mini products such as the Audi A3 car and the BMW 1 Series competition ..
analysis: low-key challenge Mercedes-Benz Audi BMW 1 Series A3, future international luxury manufacturers of small cars in China increased competition.
6. Geely Panda in the sea total investment of 600 million yuan put into operation.
Geely Panda May 1 production base in the sea off the assembly line production of Geely Automobile. The more than 600 million yuan investment, the Geely Group, the largest investment in technology projects to date. and it took about two years investment over 600 million yuan. The project plant, production lines, and a comprehensive transformation, the use of international advanced production technology and key technology, the annual output of 60,000 sets new engine production line, and the introduction of computer technology intelligence operations, a new current of the most advanced automatic welding production lines.
Analysis: Geely's production line of wheeled forward, Ningbo has transformation is completed, 98 years of construction of the oldest woodlands line transformation of signs of its production line of completed, rolling development effectiveness. < br> Five, News
1. Great Wall Motors 10 new products into the EU market to be next year.
Great Wall Motor to export the European Union. In order to avoid a established safe laboratory data, and be the first to eat crab brands auto companies in China, started and successfully passed the Great Wall Wizard, Jia Yu MPV facing the two vehicles touch test. early 2009, Great Wall Motor to export to EU market. then 10 new products will be listed in the domestic and the European Union simultaneously.
Analysis:. While some countries erected trade barriers to China car, but not give up the fight Great Wall Motor's auto market to mature. collisions and other standards can be adopted efforts to improve and increase their own accumulation of very many, this is a sign of maturity of Chinese enterprises.
2. Chery joint venture to break the multi-pronged way.
forced by rising raw material prices in China started car brand passenger car market suffered a widespread price advantage crunch, market segments, competition, foreign exports to raise the threshold, RMB appreciation, and many other problems, the Chery car in order to devote themselves mainly on the basis of the development of new products, while outside help auto financing and extend the area of components, and expanding overseas sales networks and product lines, and this combination of punching, multi-pronged approach, or will become a new independent brand of the Road ..
crack analysis: the development of the core Chery their products is strong, but not comprehensive. However, the expansion of its resolve that there is great pressure on real meaning.
3. Brilliance adjustment of marketing strategy in overseas markets back on the road.
Brilliance officially announced changes in high-level personnel changes, Brilliance Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd. will act as president of Brilliance Jinbei Zhigang, general manager of sales; of the original Yang Bo, general manager of sales Brilliance, Gold Cup will be a Renhua Chen, vice president, and is also the newly established post of general manager of international sales.
analysis: high-level relief of the CBA after the overseas marketing strategy will make adjustments, with Volkswagen, General Yang Bo work experience overseas strategy more effective implementation of Brilliance Auto. But the importance of overseas or small in China, after all, the main battlefield of Brilliance in the country, while the pre-export small cars Brilliance, unequal status at home and abroad.
4. Changhe other car firms will not be integrated.
Changhe Automobile Managing Director manager, recently said Shi-Ning Zhou, Changhe not like rumors, or Changan, as is Beiqi integration, but will with the and the China Aviation Industry Corporation II merged the new Aviation Industry Corporation is expected to set up in the near future. In the future, Changhe Automobile General Manager will be directly owned by Singapore Airlines, which has Hafei Motor and Dongfeng cooperation are indirectly attributable to the total Singapore Airlines . the next two years will be listed two vehicles, one is a joint venture brands, there is a Changhe own brand. the future of the new car will continue Changhe Changhe Auto, Changhe Suzuki's dual-brand strategy line .. < br> Analysis: Changhe can survive fierce competition in the market is still a big problem. not to be integrated is a good thing, but even more critical to long-term healthy development.
5. Chongqing Changan company win back the Right.
4 28, which lasted 3 years (Chongqing) and Jiangnan Alto Alto Chang trademark dispute was finally settled: Chang'an company eventually won. the two sides reached a settlement agreement: ; trademarks are the property of Chang'an company, the company awarded 2.88 million yuan Chang, and licensed companies use South, ..
analysis: .
6. Elysee four into the middle to give the new basic model does not play cheap gimmick.
Elysee capacity in the new plan, the standard price of 73,800 yuan up to 40% the proportion will be. Dongfeng Xue iron Deputy General Manager Wei Wenqing Long said with certainty: the new Elysee not cheap gimmicks to get consumers 忽悠, standard not only on sale, but will also become the main cars in the absolute.
Analysis:. Shenlong New Elysee is a high-end models to strengthen the major issue, otherwise the low-end models is difficult to balance the profits and sales.
7. Changan Mazda care services throughout the brand promotion activities for the first time.
4 26 to June 26, the theme of The new Mazda3 owners and users, will be personally experienced to , Mazda2 Jin Xiang, Mazda3 and other models, the Changan Mazda brand held in such a large scale service activities, for its sales network of dealers is undoubtedly a big challenge, in large measure to verify the service quality in the end How to. in the highly competitive Chinese auto market, for the Changan Mazda soon after the establishment of this new company, brand building services participate in market competition will become the key to success. And Changan Mazda also through the activities the process of continuous improvement in the service marketing system of hardware and services ..
8. 2012 Skoda China will become the world's largest market.
2010 years ago, the Skoda brand's three models the most important will come to the Chinese market, while Skoda in China, Russia, India, Ukraine and other countries have already put into construction, the layout of accelerating globalization. For the current production line in China, Skoda market share in China's long-term goal is to at least 3%, and Skoda in the Chinese market each year a new model. Last year listed Octavia Octavia, Fabia this year to meet with Chinese consumers, Superb will come to China next year. In this way, the layout of Skoda products in China, will cover small displacement to large displacement from the multiple levels of models, products, improve the initial layout. If we sold 100 million by 2012 if the Chinese market must be the Skoda cars in the world's largest market ..
Analysis: Shanghai Volkswagen technical team located in the China market and consumers according to the specific needs of the work done to improve localization. more fundamental R & D is difficult to obtain authorization.
six, the domestic market hot
1. Beijing Auto greatest achievement - the collective rise of local brands.
international attention nearly 10 world premiere models debut, the world's top ten auto manufacturers participating vehicles more than the average reached 30, the international auto industry giants in the top 10 6 to the scene. this show, exhibition area of the domestic vehicle manufacturers and joint ventures with multinational brands for the first time a considerable amount of exhibition cars for the first time beyond the joint and multinational brands. It should be noted that Geely and Great Wall of private enterprises in the past has been supporting role as the Geely Auto Show, this time look to the 23 models, not only a record exhibition area has reached more than 2000 square meters, and the other for the first time and SAIC squeezed into the International Hall.
Analysis:. promotional hype is enterprises must basic skills, the level of its own brand of speculation rising ..
2. new energy vehicles to seize the opportunities of foreign own-brand car prices slow production.
The idea that research and development of new energy vehicles in China and small gap between foreign enterprises, but this year's series of events run, multinational companies in promoting the production of new energy models and the pace of the market obviously go far bigger than their own brands. own brands in the new energy delay models for mass production, in addition to the development prospects of the market to determine the uncertainty, but also with the current business emphasis on the immediate return of the relevant ..
:. own brand in the mobile phone industry has also been rapid development of brilliant But a huge gap between the leading core technology development of China-made mobile phones are not smooth, self-brand vehicles have to upgrade their basic design level and the accumulation of unstable or difficult ground from high buildings.
3. domestic mobile phone remains in the doldrums.
Once upon a time, Bird, Amoi, TCL Communication, Konka, Soutec, China Kejian and other domestic mobile phone all the rage. Soutec now also be sold with trademarks, but also about to transform the real estate company Kejian. TCL Communication Konka communication through three years, and finally turn around, but whether to revive the domestic market is still unknown. Bird and Amoi are still struggling, weight-loss self-help, can comeback, it is not known. The phone Lenovo's new army after two years in the leading role, can not escape the domestic mobile phone development, share of approximately 36%. Shui Qing Mu Hua consulting firm is the survey shows the market share of foreign brands reached 85%, a total of only 15% of the domestic brands in the market space. Analysys International said that Nokia, Motorola and Samsung, three brands market share has reached about 60.3%, with 33% of Nokia is far ahead ..
absolute superiority analysis:. old and continued low market share brands, in addition to new products to market longer, the costs caused by consuming too large cash flow shortage is a common type of domestic mobile phone manufacturers a short board. automobile industry brands need to consider how to avoid the passive situation of mobile phones.
4. industrial enterprises and listed companies increase profits faster than sales growth. < br> In recent years, China has achieved sustained and rapid economic growth In 2003 large-scale industrial enterprises realized sales income of 14.3 trillion yuan, total profit of 833.7 billion yuan .2007 January to November, large-scale industrial enterprises realized profits of 2.2951 trillion yuan It is nearly 3 times in 2003. In industry insiders, most industries have also achieved rapid growth. In addition to oil and natural gas industry, other major industrial growth rate of industry sales average about 27% higher than also lower than 17%. In recent years business growth is characterized by a significant profit growth faster than sales growth.
Analysis:. the increase in prices is not a major factor in the profit. administrative expenses accounted for the proportion of sales revenue gradually reduced, is an important factor in corporate profit growth. financial costs represent the proportion of sales are dropping. But the rapid growth of corporate profits to some extent also due to labor remuneration in the enterprise reduces the share of income distribution caused.
seven, multinational corporations and overseas markets
1. Manzhouli Russian imports raise the threshold of a substantial decline in auto exports to Russia.
the first quarter of this year, the exports of automotive vehicle inspection Manzhouli port 1316, down 57%; trade the amount of $ 21,340,000, down 43%, domestic exports to Russia hit the cold car. These include the automobile passenger 149, the value of $ 5,420,000, mainly in Xiamen Golden Dragon, friendship, Hagrid, Shu Chi, and several other brands ; car 304, the value of $ 1,870,000, mainly in BYD, Hafei two independent brands; truck 863, the value of $ 14,050,000, mainly in Baoding, Hebei-based Great Wall pickup.
Analysis: Russia emissions standards do not prohibit the production and import cars, import of heavy trucks to improve certification standards and a series of measures to raise the threshold of imported vehicles, led to China's auto exports decline. but because of Russia's car production capacity can not meet domestic demand and the quality of Chinese cars continuous improvement and other factors, although China's exports of a temporary decline in the Russian car, but in the long run, China's car is still great room for development in Russia.
2. General Motors Corporation first quarter 2008 loss of 3.3 billion.
General Motors on the 30th reported that a loss in the first quarter of 3.3 billion. There is a one-time expenditure of $ 2,900,000,000. last year the company lost $ 62,000,000. Excluding one-time expenses, the first quarter of General Motors losses of $ 350,000,000. thanks China, Russia, Brazil and India, market growth, first quarter sales of GM cars rose 20% overseas, overseas sales accounted for 64% share of sales, a record high.
Analysis: China's general performance is slower growth of its overseas areas must be in the near future to improve the general competitiveness of the Chinese market, or global position can not be maintained.
3. Ford Motor swung the first quarter of 2008 net profit of 100 million U.S. dollars.
4 月 24 日 mm Ford Motor Company today announced first quarter 2008 net income of 1 million, or 5 cents per share, a year earlier net loss of $ 282,000,000 or earnings per 15 cents. Among them, Ford Europe and Ford South America, strong corporate profits; the performance of Ford North America rose by nearly 6 million. Ford Motor Asia Pacific and Africa operations recorded in the first quarter, got 100 million pre-tax profit, a year earlier loss of $ 26,000,000, profit improvement was mainly due to increased profit margins of Chinese business and excellent cost control. currently a joint venture of Ford Motor in China / investment company's annual production capacity to 41 million passenger cars , Ford commercial vehicles up to 5 million units, the engine is 35 million units.
Analysis: Ford Motor Company made significant progress in the revitalization plan, the plan mainly includes promoting positive restructuring, thus profitability; accelerate the development of consumers and recognized the value of new products; advance financing for the project to improve the financial situation; and all the staff to promote effective cooperation, make full use of the company's global assets.
4. Germany's Daimler Motor Company in 2008 first quarter profit dropped significantly.
to Mercedes-Benz as the main brand of the German Daimler Motor Company 29, said in a report, the company earnings in the first quarter of 1.33 billion euros, down 32%. the first quarter of this year sales of 235 billion euros, an increase of 0.4% ..
Analysis: shrinking overseas markets led the company to Daimler-Benz luxury car-based vehicle sales fall. by the rise in oil prices, a weaker dollar and the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and other factors, the United States such as the world's leading luxury car market, sales decreased ..
5. Germany's BMW's first-quarter profit fell more than expected.
Germany's BMW AG on the 29th issued financial report, as the global subprime mortgage crisis the demand for luxury cars, the company's first quarter profit there fell sharply than expected. The report said the first 3 months of this year net profit of 4.87 billion euros (1 euro or about $ 1.56), significantly lower than last year's 5.87 billion euros. but BMW sales are still maintained a rising momentum. The first quarter total sales of 13.3 billion euros, an increase of 11.2% ..
analysis: the global subprime crisis has affected the enthusiasm of consumers to buy luxury cars, particularly the U.S. economic slowdown on the company's overseas sales had a direct impact.
6. Hyundai Motor vehicle sales in April 2008 an increase of 17%.
Korea Hyundai Motor vehicle sales in April compared with same period in 2007 of 51,305 vehicles increased 11% to 56,915 vehicles, automobile exports in 2007 over the same period of 173,982 units over the same period rose 19% to 206,120 vehicles.
the company's April car sales of 258,715 units in March compared with 1.7% in April in Korea Automotive sales of 58,651 units in March compared with a decline of 3%, while auto exports in March to 200,064 vehicles, up 3% .2008 first 4 months, Hyundai Motor sold 975,884 vehicles in total, compared with 837,510 units same period in 2007 increased 17%. Among them, the South Korean domestic car sales in 2007 of 194,154 units over the same period increased 11% to 215,253 vehicles, compared with vehicle exports of 643,356 units over the same period in 2007 increased 18% to 760,631 vehicles.
Analysis:. modern cars in April growth was mainly the contribution of overseas markets.
7. U.S. auto sales fell in April.
4 月份 total U.S. auto sales annual rate of 14.7 million, for the 20th century, the lowest since the early 90's level. according to May 1 automobile manufacturers preliminary data released, in April the three major U.S. automobile manufacturers are lower than expected sales, including GM sales dropped 23%, Ford down 19%, Chrysler down 30%. Asian manufacturers weakening U.S. sales, April sales fell 5% of Toyota, Nissan dropped 2% ..
Analysis:. European car market will be moving in the direction of reducing emissions, the importance of small-displacement engine will continue to grow.
8. Sweden in April car sales record of environmental protection.
Swedish car industry association announced May 2 the statistical data show that environmentally friendly cars in Sweden in April sales record.
2008 In April, the Swedish national car sales reached 27,500, which accounted for 7,760 environmentally-friendly cars, which not only 103% surge over last year, and record sales of environmentally friendly cars, the highest single month. In Sweden, the environmental protection on the market cars, the use of new fuels Saab 9-3 Bio-Power, Volvo V70 Flexi-fuel and Volvo V50 Flexi-fuel 3 ..
of the most popular car models:. environmentally friendly cars of the So ...