Monday, May 30, 2011

Love is not blessed

Previously, in the UK has a poor farm boy and a girl falling in love royal family and nobles.
not a blessing of love ... then it started ...
finally found the girl's father and against, and that they love to an end. One day, the boy that the girl is suffering from terminal illness ... but he could not see her one last time ...
a Sunday morning, the boy finally, around the girl's father requested the hope of see the girls side,
for boys, as long as one is enough afar!
but the girl's father determined not to reject the boy's request ...
girl's mother was touched by the boy's sincere willingness to secretly smuggle a letter for the boy to the sick girl.
But the boy knew that if the letter is a girl's father found her father on the girl's mother must be negative,
so he ...... letter reads as follows:
The great love that I have for you
love I have for you
is gone, and I find my dislike for you
is no longer, and found that I hate you but
grows every day. When I see you,
growing. When looking at you,
I do not even like your face;
I do not like your looks;
the one thing that I want to do is to
I want to do One thing is
look at other girls. I never wanted to
look at other girls. I never thought
marry you. Our last conversation
marry your wife. Our last date
was very boring and has not
is so boring, and did not
made me look forward to seeing you again.
I look forward to meet you again.
You think only of yourself.
You only think about yourself.
If we were married, I know that I would find
If we get married, I believe I will feel
life very difficult, and I would have no
life is so sad, but No
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
pleasure to live with you, I want my heart
to give, but it is not something that
dedication to, but this heart are certainly not the
I want to give to you. No one is more
dedicated to you, no one more than you
foolish and selfish than you, and you are not < br> stupid and selfish, and you did not
able to care for me and help me.
will care for me and help me.
I sincerely want you to understand that
I sincerely hope you understand
I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
sentence from the bottom of my heart, I believe you do me a Busy is
if you think this the end. Do not try
If you think that is the time to break up, do not try to
to answer this. Your letters are full of
confirmation I said all this, your letter is filled with
things that do not interest me. You have no
I lost most dull of some kind, you no
true love for me. ; Good-bye! Believe me,
of my true love. Bye! Believe me,
I do not care for you. Please do not think that
my heart is not in your body. Please do not as
I am still your boyfriend.
I am still your boyfriend.
girls to see this letter ... stop ... tears are flowing through the heart can not describe the pain ... it is ...
she thought she was dying to find a really love her Who knows who ...
his wife had at this time to write a letter like this to yourself ...
she could not support a lost love ... this time to mean the loss of spiritual support ...
dying in her ... kiss her tears in the boy's portrait ... Finally she fell ...
never wake up ... the sky is no longer suddenly clouded over, it began to drizzle ...
like ... like a girl's tears keep falling off ...
maybe people get it ... God did not read the original girl In that letter the letter behind ... ...
boy wrote the sentence: ... . One look back a few lines of this letter ... 1,3,5,7,9,11 ...
maybe she will not end with tears ...
boys know girls died news ... Xinrudaoge ...
one day the boy went to sit down before the girl's tombstone ... accompanied by the dead girl ... his only beloved boy girl ...
sitting on the gravestone do not take the girl, not into eating, without rest ... soon, boy dies eventually ...
hands clinging to his death, tombstone ...
girls because girls tombstone is in the mountains ... so no one found inside the boy's corpse ...
year later, the girl's tombstone for a tree beside the long,
the tree day and night for the girls Tombstone wind rain block sunlight, as in the girl's tombstone ...
guardian may be the boy has turned into this big tree ... life after life to protect his
this letter should be in your child received 96 forward, you will find 4 days, life has changed. This is not superstition.
transferred to 0-4 people: Your life will change
quietly transferred from 5-9 people: Your life as you wish
transferred to 9-14 people: the next three weeks you will The discovery has surprised more than 15 people
transferred: your dreams can come true.
a friend forwarded this letter to me. I often receive similar messages to forward, if called to do so would make a fortune and the like, usually I'd put myself as an endpoint, but the letter moved me because it said: , because it was in the silent blessing you because you love around you some of the people. With love, everything will be fulfilled.
^ _ ^ You see that? I silently bless you ^ _ ^

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