Monday, February 14, 2011

Discussion on religious policy and policy recommendations 3

 5. On the causal
in most religions embody a law of karma, but modern society has become a bit of retribution reversed, many people's eyes not only did not cause and effect, but good by evil. That defamation of religions Happy people have got the upper hand is very, very uncomfortable contrary beliefs. As the saying goes: one good to be bullied, was riding a good horse. This has led many people to form a concept of cause and effect reversed, so here specifically to talk about the causal view eliminate some questions. First of all do not retribution in this life, many of retribution often to the afterlife, in fact, in such a Dharma Ending Age, this reversal of cause and effect should be a normal phenomenon, but also easy to use and the other reason to explain the Dharma: the Dharma Ending Age beings very grave sin, to perform good deeds, cultivation or monk, often ahead of the roost will be apparent, because you can practice and very quickly get rid of your sin, so that creditors who are anxious to collect debts Yuanjia, but As practice, you just get a very light desserts. Many people may feel intense pain, but do you not know the pain of hell to feel better than I do not know how many times, a practice, not only for external things do not go well, others bad for you, and many became his psychological troubles, there will be unknown physical pain, these are evil for advanced performance. Buddhism, although there are a lot of suffering in the world, but it leads to bad karma to eliminate quickly practice progress quickly, while indulging in the heavenly realm in that very happy in the progress is very slow. Some people will say this: If you do not sin, they encountered the bandits, he still is to grab your things, playing you, kill you. If someone with a knife cut you, you have pain ah. In fact, when you do not have bad karma, normally does not encounter bad guys, even if met, he was determined to have no chance, and he normally does not arise to harm. not bad karma, a knife cut, it will not hurt, no pain, a slight hurt industry can quickly heal. I do not have pure evil business people, but some find themselves After almost retribution by the many situations I think that place is not conducive to their own affairs, did not happen every time a clever, originally based on common sense is supposed to happen. It can be said that many of the previously common sense, the mindset, in the With practice experience, you find that they are not constant, there is an exception. This is the impermanence of Buddhist r l described in terms of common sense and the law of reflection, of course, is reflected in the Buddhist impermanence of all things and aspects of , whether in plain or esoteric, whether ordinary people can understand, or can not understand the terms. may not feel the beginning of repentance, good deeds, good practice are reported to the contrary, but rather that it so happened that What things do not go well fall on your head, but a long time, you will find is good when people repent and are very effective, many times, as long as I repent, others soon changed his mind, attitude change Well, on the human hair is true compassion. Of course I have an experience that you are always kind to help others, but others give you any trouble, or ungrateful, but I do feel things very smooth process, but often the result is unusually good, such as are so many exams. On the contrary the person who hurt me very bad results. One question: Is it through the practice of Qigong, or refraining from eating grain, gas discharged from the disease like, do not be evil for it? My feeling is not the case, those symptoms of illness or evil deeds were excluded out, you may encounter people at the time, headache, Health heavy disease, long-term discomfort, but he will your malicious and intended to harm you or bad for you.
Buddhists believe that everything is cause (conditions) together and formed, but as a result people tend to treat the outer edge, such as mice intrusive, mosquitoes bite because they have such a nature, do not you know, the most fundamental result of these disturbances is their own bad karma, bad karma if there is no such interference is not there. such as the Master of mosquitoes do not bite good practice, I also experience compared to their efforts to eliminate karma when the mice like to patronize, interfere with, but usually there is no mouse to patronize. secular people with a simple point of view, would think that the presence of rats is due, in fact, this is only the external the edge (conditions) it, the real reason is his deep-seated evil industry. secular people would say, you do not kill mosquitoes, it will come to bite you. this is just a small smart, to avoid previous bad karma, but also made Under the new bad karma, like a person is not hard to pay the debt, but avoiding the debt and further debt. Of course, from a convenient point of view, it is possible to avoid mosquito bites. Similarly escape when necessary it should be, so as to maintain personal continue to practice, because all though is the illusion, but illusion is still comply with certain rules, including the laity do not understand the true meaning of an immortal is generally comply with the law, of course, there are a few exceptions. of course, have to wait because there is an effect only when the outer edge of , such as people generally do not die for no reason, there are always diseases (such as a bad habit of disease), damage, etc. outsiders.
cite a simple example of karma: harm to the person making the The following pathogenic bad karma, bad karma (that is, cause) will lead to the outer edge of a variety of susceptibility to disease, such as infection, being hurt, experiencing a natural disaster or a weakness and, of course including the people themselves may also be due to errors, such as the Ming that is dangerous or unhealthy attachment, moths to flame, making unexpected errors, bad habits, etc., so that karma (that is, for) traction (induced) outer edge of the cause of his illness, but also in world view, is the outer edge and are therefore thought that the outer edge of the world is due, and to summarize these laws, part of a science, as part of a Western, and part of Chinese medicine practitioners. of course not the only factor the outer edge, and sometimes when bad karma heavier when someone just can not face the outer edge of disease, but he is still susceptible to illness or pain, or even unknown inexplicable pain or psychological pain, which led to the summary in front of traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine is often an exception in the law, strong law of karma may occur causing these exceptions. In fact, the reality is that many laws seem contradictory, each has its own reason, but also the facts can be verified. give you an example cause and geographical analogy: good nutrition can improve students results, good teachers can improve student achievement, students have good learning method or approach can improve the performance of the brain in the memory state of things and the brain also affect the results, but the first few seemed to enhance performance by affecting the brain, We can not raise the middle of a factor in a student performance to deny the other factors affecting student achievement, other parents may think they contributed to the outer edge of all students, so in this case, the efforts of parents, for example, as for meridians smooth, Yimushixing, memory, understanding, extraordinary, writing suddenly became very good. At first you may think incredible and puzzling, but a long time to think this is a normal. this time can be significantly Many feel that things are impermanent, the so-called science is a limited, but also know that in the past many conclusions from the reality simply is established under certain conditions. but a grave evil deeds, while there is strong ambition to practice, but also to retribution from the bad people, bad karma will be inspired by a later practice may appear without due retribution so smoothly. short-term practice to give up the rather, because they show the bad sector uncomfortable. At the same time many things can make you understand that the so-called stupid, bad writing, reading slowly, poor memory, poor comprehension, are caused by bad karma, not what we think is very simple genetic, nutritional , exercise, medical and other factors, they are not the cause, but fate, that condition. from the edge of general scientific point of view, so draw its own conclusions. Do you not know for causing the edge to form a result of relying on edge results. one last murder, murder because he killed the fruit will lead, but he was killed with a knife has to be cut, drug poisoning, car accidents, etc. to reflect the margin, which also to comply with the laws of science. According to I have observed, such as the operation according to the official character of a good person, even if in other respects is very stupid, but an officer on the set of very smart, even if unpopular in other areas, but that on the one hand it will win over the people. This is also a reflection of impermanence, most people think you are smart in this regard, it should also be smart on the one hand, not so. Of course there are exceptions, but it's also very good luck, the surface seems not promoted, and ultimately to do so. The same is true on the edge of the woman. It reflects a consistency of character and common sense, and its industrial strength and common sense is such a relationship. the evil for good, while the advent of newspapers, often gives a In fact, it is only now blessed, so the creditor can not close Yuanjia retaliation only, but is only a matter of retribution, but also amplified the same as usury. History shows many cases is the case, for example there is a monk past lives and official, Yuan Jia is not harmful, then the time when the monks, not Fan Jie, Yuan Jia creditor can not close, but when he Fanjie retribution came after. This is also the recognition of Buddhism, you reward people with big , doing bad things by the retribution is also small, not easy to be quick retribution, that is like you have many friends, your enemies will not easily come to harm you, but the good fortune to do when your enemies will come .
man good to be bullied, and one reason is that some people are willing to bear the evil for, or do not resist evil for, this is not a bad thing, to avoid the bad karma of the increase, reducing the load on their own, in fact, these bad karma all the time acting on the person. and resist evil for some people, this aspect is by virtue of their good fortune or advance their own reward (overdraft blessings are magnified by the roost is often many times, like usury interest Like compound interest), while not denying a good thing, but also easy to create an evil industry.
was very envious of other people to have so many one-night stands, in fact, this does not mean that the fate of this person very well, on the contrary he fate with the others only have one night, but he was exhausted all the blessings the afterlife, and even overdraft blessing, made an evil industry, fall to hell. Once the blessing is consumed, is limited by roost when the pain was to much weight. In society today, people are inciting lust, only to see the impotence, does not see Yang Kang, Yang Kang as a function of the strong to promote. Yang Kang for some patients, those who lust propaganda detrimental not only to life than good, even more harmful to the afterlife.
excited roost reflected in practice: practice enhanced vows strong when the roost there will be more concentrated, is called a double whammy, but also with their own people will focus appears destined. practice time there will be evil for the people around, but he will hate you for no reason, doing things that hurt you. and your popularity will be a variety of good reporting and more concentrated. of course, on the other hand, if you encounter many strange people, they often feel bad karma (symptoms of illness and the like) discharge soon.
practice a certain time, karma eliminated some of the time, some are not heavy or confession made by roost compassion can change. even if others will not harm you, your heart on his mercy, he will on your good attitude. In the beginning you will find other people harm themselves, not retribution, but very comfortable, but the bad karma to reduce After, you will find that they tend to be similar retribution, such as he wanted to harm you test unhappy, he will consider the special unsatisfactory, far below his usual performance level. experience the more you will find many classics can not speak Imagine what is true, of course, many things are indirectly confirmed by the scriptures of those theories. You will also find external things (including retribution) and is closely related to your mental. For example to others to interfere with you, if you are stable from the heart, not fear of interference, as things are going, you just keep this mentality, instant interference to stop, you will find that the world really is wonderful. Although each religion has many different versions, look as if contradictory, But the real experience and careful study, you will find that many are actually integrated, and there is a lot of consistency, of course, there are some contradictions in their place.
general, the rich, successful people in this world and afterlife does not mean he is bright, the opposite is often consumed a blessing (or even reward overdraft), enter the sign of evil for evil and enjoy. It was the envy of those heartless, evil people, but unaffected, do not you know it is a supernatural power, and in the moments before the fall just to enjoy the blessings, because for infinite robbery (infinite number of Big Bang) and reincarnation, the human life really is negligible. Another example is a good city life, while atheists more than rural people, and above are similar. If Jesus said to his disciples: there will be retribution, Xinchengzeling, the idea of not working are not sincere, indeed it is also some truth, but not the reality of psychological explanation, but I believe, sincere in advance can often be driven out to retribution. People are always optimistic that progress in science and technology in society, do you not know any errors you win often, and this progress is to bring the other hand is the denial of religion increases, they think science and religion are incompatible The. In fact, this misunderstanding and to bring the wealth of material conditions make people more able to cards and to understand the true meaning, into a huge and difficult to escape the trap.
is to make people believe that illness is caused by the bad karma difficulties, and we also give a lot of medical explanation, and we even do not believe in karma, and the formation of a series of thoughts, such as the pain does not improve immediately, medication to cure, but when you practice and understand the presence of symptoms of illness, will find that the exclusion of disease to reduce the pain of gas moments and sick gas discharge in various forms, you can finally understand a lot of your symptoms of illness (my experience).
believe in fate, I believe atheism religion or believe, the faith itself is a person's karma, if you should believe in atheism, naturally there are many facts to you to believe it, and those who support theistic fact that you often see, and someone wants to convince you to believe God, and often there is resistance, work very unfortunately. Of course there is a community of common fate, such as the rise and fall of religion is everyone's fate went to the faster, such as: love, deeper love, the easier it will often break up, this is the fate of certain circumstances, the fate of people may be life-long love deep. love and hate are often proportional to the number of people because of fate past lives and live longer, which has more than love and hate.
also bear in life are not aware of the suffering of some of their retribution, while we have to suffer as normal, the attachment is normal, the pain can not feel fine such as if no karma, people could Yimushixing, and there is no uncomfortable feeling reading, but most people will not work, can not Yimushixing, and there is a potential pain, if you do not enter the realm of Yimushihang, you might think that not painful, it is normal, once you enjoy the reading experience that Yimushixing, you can usually aware of their pain to read a fine.
look good is easy in the real disadvantage, pre-emptive, For example, you are humility, you are always eating other people's losses, there is bad karma for the average person is so, that in itself is bad karma to eliminate the debt, no bad karma for the person, even if there arise to harm others, and very cleverly will avoid the expense of things. there someone owes you, and you do not discuss, is not loss it? retribution is always also a matter of fact, do not you get back at him, his roost is often more important. My feeling is that your side people will go to to get back at him for no reason, or heavier to hell.
man evil for heavy now, after suffering the crime or the grave, and there is no report that the good cause, so do good, do not necessarily suffer obtained with good, evil is often the person will go to hell, so do not necessarily have now reported that, on the contrary he can mature some evil for evil people to continue, so this community to give people the illusion of cause and effect is not reversed contrary to the religious argument. disadvantage is a blessing, although in a hostile environment, practice and good deeds are often very difficult, but is quickly eliminating evil for the world itself is fair.
It is because of people's bad karma now heavy on the one hand by the roost, on the other hand industry committing evil himself easily, thus creating a means for others more than evil, even evil fashion, slogans, entertainment, games, or system, forced, encouraged or condoned people to evil, such as religious policy, the prevalence of fishing, burial to cremation (causing great suffering of the deceased), family planning, abortion causes abortion (killing the fetus than the average person to kill a lot of offense to weight), avant-garde, open, indulgence thinking, reversed Honor.
very difficult to truly understand cause and effect may be all in the eyes of ordinary people their own decisions and the opportunity to mix into the world, but actually dominate the world in the cause and effect. by practice, you will find that human intelligence is not stable, but can be changed, but eventually you can find, this is cause and effect at work. the same disease, inner pain, the suffering caused by external causes, others intentionally or unintentionally causing harm to you, these are the cause and effect at work, in practice, you will from a variety of angles, including the side and indirect point of view, slowly feel this is due to cause and effect and karma and their body can feel the karma from the presence and role of the content is not some religious experience of virtual manufacturing. Of course people are said to have eye in the sky to see the existence of karma and the role of karma, there Suming Tong's others can understand the relationship between cause and effect.
in religion, we may see the many inconsistencies of ordinary people, like their respective said, but in practice many problems are essentially the same. only but the average person can not understand nothing more. such as Buddhism, bear the roost, kind-hearted, revised, penance, confession, and even some Qimai on amending the law, can eliminate the crime industry. a genuine more people practice will found that these themselves are the same, such as are consistently related to Qimai, pain, etc.
an old saying: Sometimes life in the final to be there, life in no time it up. a little place, missed the opposite did not know. Man proposes, God disposes. These words seem very strange in general, seems to be nonsense, but who have experience will know, one thing to happen, a variety of external conditions must let it happen, and if not should, very clever does not occur.

6. religious criticism should be based on the understanding of religion based on an undeniable problem is
any criticism of religion should be established on the basis of a correct understanding of religion on, but as the religion said, were persistent in appearance, and the neglect to study the nature of things, and ultimately caused the error. the reality is like a dream, the dream, people are false, but the dreams you dream sense seem to be true, as though the walls of the dream is unreal, but you feel it in the dream is a solid, impassable, and dreams as well in the past, present and future, but that all this dreaming the feelings of the moment. Although the character is illusory dream, but they still like the real person and someone of, compliance with many laws, the dream is there is a pattern. dreams of , decide their own destiny, it may, as in the world as people, that their destiny is their own and the opportunity to decide to deny fate and karma, but in fact research now shows that dreamland by the dreamer or the effects of various conditions. unless the wake from a dream, you will believe in the dream the dream is real, and religious realities of life is a dream in the dream, is not so easy to wake up, unless reached a high state of cultivation, and the reality of the dream is still to comply with the laws of their own, a part of it is reflected as a scientific law, in addition to wide range of theories. the reality of this dream is the dream of many people together, have seen many are common, and not one person a dream, in essence, that all people are a whole, said the ancient man and nature, this common dream is our common karma and are therefore destined to meet people. To wake up from a dream, first of all my heart can not be confused, in the case of meditation to experience the dreamy feeling, of course, this is a gradual process, you may start feeling a little dream, This practice has a relationship with individuals, but to give up practice, often a sense of reality of the dream will disappear or reduce. of course when you observe the reality after the dream, if you practice well, you can manipulate the dream, to influence others and their own activities in the dream some supernatural powers (specific functions) is in itself because the reality is fantasy, so it can be changed, but not everyone is the same as real as a dream to manipulate, and manipulation of such karma can not be inconsistent with the because the supernatural power and Foli are not the enemy of karma (the power of karma). and in Buddhism, such a dream is a heavy weight, you unlock this veil, there is the next level, you from this dream wake up, do not you know you are still in a dream, because you dream for multiple (dream dream). religion dedication, with different levels, many look like there is no persistent state, or a persistent only minor or hidden Bale. the cause and effect, although all phenomena are empty, but for most people, the existence of causal laws, so they could not escape retribution, like the science is empty, but from the secular point for most people and most of the case, science has to a certain extent, correct.
our science is built on a lot of not suspected on the basis of, such as feeling is true, the reality is real, rather than the heart of the show, scientific laws are immutable, but they want to prove through science is to prove himself, a circular argument, also want the facts to prove impossible. then people will say, the reality of everything is such a self-consistent, harmonious line, if it is an illusion, or the heart of the show, there will be so incredible and no flaws to justify it? dream but we think the example, like in a dream everything is consistent, not the slightest flaws, but unless woke up from a dream, it is impossible to know its fiction, but a real person could have been drilled in the apparent fantasy of problem, but into the trap of fantasy escape. themselves living in a dream, have to study that he is not in the dream, this is a joke, can be described as living in the mountain, how can we know the true colors get it? often unknowingly used the assumption, but this assumption may be wrong, such as we consider ourselves as the top, but the other end of the earth's people also believe that, but in fact just the opposite the top two.
religion to explain the strange it? if reality itself is fantastic, nature and man, man I'm one, everything is the heart of the show, it all appears the result is the role of karma, in this theoretical framework, all the weird all good explanation. Of course, for why things in the general case of common sense, religion has given an explanation. As for why general, reflected the feelings of people: the reality itself is solid, real, Heaven separation, but the people I am not one separation, everything is external, not the people's will to appear, religion has also been given an explanation. religious idealism does not mean it that in any case, the heart can change the foreign objects, the definition of idealism are clearly not the case, but some people put the heart can change the material world and is equivalent to the idealist.
Although some religious talk about space, everything about dedication, but in fact, as an ordinary person or the practice is not very good are often attached too, that out of an obsession, in fact, in a separate attachment, the concept that everything is empty, but still not complete, so they can not get rid of the secular and the roost, such as people take a knife and cut your , the need to avoid or resist, because you can not really empty, and no persistent state. Wukong is a gradual process of body, date of loss for the road, when you more in-depth understanding of space, dedicated time to gradually get rid of, will gradually find Many laws are to make an exception, you will become not affect.
Buddhism says: Everything is bitter, empty, impermanent. That is because the reality that everything is permanent, human, real, real happy happy. But Buddhism can be recognized from the secular to some extent the comparisons. people usually do not seem bitter, but the great music and the kind of constant comparison, in itself is painful, but people are used to music that pain, do not think that suffering. This is also suffering from persistent, others the impermanence of things as permanent, and to empty as it is, such as the body (and even the soul) will lead to their own experience persistent physical pain. the same surface, everything is real, materialistic, but essentially It was empty, like the human dream is to see the illusion as real, but this dream of life, more real, more lasting, but also the common dream of many people, it is difficult to wake up, you need deep meditation state to wake up. Huineng master: things, if we ignore it, do not mind it, for us, do not mean that it does not exist. This is an attitude of evasion, of course, such as Buddhism, Hui Neng, said that as the master, all empty, the heart of our dedication as the illusion arises to treat it as real, but we are not able to escape the troubles, though like a nightmare fantasy, but still not a good thing, are not willing to nightmares . Buddhism, karma is not empty because of the connivance of evil, because for real people, when they can not face the illusion is not attached to them, resulting in pain. Most people think Huineng is subjective idealism, but here Huineng not the wind, not the banner to see action because he claims, that a person's idealism, Buddhism, since it is an illusion, in fact, a whole people and everything is a dream, and that this, like ancient views of Heaven, and the total industry, environmental and other external manifestation is the same illusion, for example, you see the mountain and I saw the mountain is the same as under normal circumstances, you see, I and others see me, and I see I are the same, and these hallucinations reflect the various laws, such as scientific laws, etc., is, and that led to a number of common people, the illusion that something is real. In fact, the same thing as the bubble, a surface phenomenon and little substance. and in not very good understanding of the case of Buddhism, and now the publicity led many people misunderstood, like Hui Neng is a big fool, do not you know it is great wisdom. As Hui Neng to really understand it, be sure to enter the deep in meditation, or attachment to out of almost the same. impermanence is very broad sense, Buddhism is the impermanence of all that is not fixed, such as a person to see the water is water, but water in the fish is all about the palace, some of the water as beings pus and blood. In addition law, too, may be the ordinary man, scientific laws are immutable, but in practice for some time to find that many of the shackles of the law have been broken, and gradually changed understanding of view, many can not be possible Many are not necessarily bound to become. I also said: a look at other people, always shorter than the other half, it is difficult to be objective. But the problem is religion itself is complex, and now criticism of religious scholars, the first can not really comprehend the intention of religion, such as Journey to the West is no word for the meaning of Scriptures Most people, including people who can not attend the Buddhist understanding, Buddhism is generally empty except enlightenment, is not well understood. Once can not comprehend is also easy to think that religion is self-contradictory. Second, they are not in-depth practice, lack of the experience of mystery, so the phenomenon of religion to explain any discrepancy lies. Third, they do not have in-depth investigation is why the masses of religious faith, to work behind closed doors to a lot of false charges made by ignorance, not scientific knowledge, deception, hallucinations, psychological, afraid of death, and the emptiness and so on. The problem is this is simply not realistic, but individual people are like that.
I said: If the deposit if the dead; the next World news channel, laughter, do not laugh enough for the Road. understand, do not laugh when pigs fly?
7. religious functions and religious significance of
religions teach that it is the truth, and to practice these truths, to be happy, go to heaven or of an immortal . Why should we practice? In some religious view, as people are very rare, very painful in the hell is impossible to practice, too happy in heaven, comfort, and no one hard practice, and only in the world, human wisdom, Bitter music can. practice is ultimately a misery, if people did not know the true meaning, often create evil, retribution will inevitably be greater, the pain deep in hell, not only heavy but also very long, so if you do not want to go to hell, should be practice. fact of life and death is a major event, but many scientists are using one-sided and very simple idea to deny something counter to scientific common sense, deny the afterlife, and cause and effect, made under the endless sin, are difficult to get out later Oliver. They like to catch some small phenomena to explain why the so-called superstition is superstition, dogmatic views on the use of scientific laws, not to science with the facts, but to meet the scientific facts. Of course there are many things people should be acknowledged and faith has always been a certain error and superstition. If such as religion that the people who has a soul, for the entire cycle of human life is concerned, is negligible, so the enjoyment of this life is negligible. This is a religious significance.
religion on society, help social stability, we do not say that it can bring people the truth after the later of its teachings are happy and to avoid the pain of hell (which in religion is the most important), from the perspective of secular life and also help Community ...

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