Monday, February 28, 2011

Automobile market scan -2010 No. 4 (Jan. 26 -2 1 May)

 Key information from the National Federation of daily news
by automobile this week outlined:
1. 1   narrow
1 million passenger car sales break sales presentation 月 good start in the characteristics of manufacturers, the major manufacturers sales further climb to a new level .2010 manufacturers in January first week sales of 41,000 units, 12 in the first week sales of 28,000 units the main plant, with the diameter of the ring than a 46% increase in .1 second week of the manufacturers at the same caliber all sales to be 4.2 million units, compared with the second week of December 2009, 35% growth in sales, but in January the first 2 weeks of growth rings than the first week of reduced ability to produce pulled vertices. And manufacturers of the third week in January average daily sales of the same caliber should be maintained at 4.2 million units, compared with the third week of December 2009 sales growth of 7%. And the fourth week of January average daily sales of the same caliber manufacturers to reach 59,000 units, compared with sales in the third week 41% growth. the fourth week of the growth surge is mainly the end of the fourth week includes two days of rest days, after the production peak sales pulled high stability, and bring production at more than two days, nearly 40% of the increment. The Yaku is not the end result of growth, but caused an increase in production and marketing of natural day .1 incremental sales in January passenger car manufacturers are expected to be high, narrow passenger car sales in January exceeded a million.
2. January mutations not affect the macro environment macro environment for the automobile market is the recent
feel concern, appeared in late November overheating real estate has become clear, continue to unusually hot early December, and January is the drastic changes. high-profile liberal credit policies are also years ago, after years of rapid adjustment of contraction, this is obviously lagging behind the beat and rhythm of the market, so in January of macroeconomic adjustment on the impact of investment and consumption is not small.
Although environmental mutation, but by narrow Car pick-up the market trend is still stubborn. by the Spring Festival consumption stimulation, January retail sales have rebounded since mid to high level, the third is still in a small retail around the state of its own run. the stock market and housing market volatility is not the car City has a direct impact, but is out the tendency of the investment market to consumption on the rise. Although the future direction of economic policy uncertainty, consumer confidence is difficult to judge, but the desire to increase spending before the holiday.
3. to see the future market of hot and cold spring
business trip to Shanghai this week, train tickets well buy a motor car, plane ticket price is higher than the return ticket easily purchased on the day, no sense of the difficulties in traveling during Spring Festival. I was suddenly unable to keep back a new task , the provisions of the railway during the spring 改签 only 3 days, it can only refund. refund to 20% of the fees, refund fees over hundred real reluctant, but then not very easy to line up to buy high-priced tickets or very satisfied .
that brings me the contrast and Railway, the railway saw trillion in investment and said a number of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail lines in different sections within the building, really makes me worried about the development of the automotive industry. so many high-speed railway construction , capacity (transport capacity) of excess crisis should be much higher than the auto industry. And when the ticketing staff explained refund: 改签 Spring Festival travel season, deducting money the new policy is set by NDRC, really happy. such a large-scale railway high-cost investment, the huge investment in the interest of its trillion people have to pay, and high capacity utilization rate is low iron in vicious competition may be greater impact of highway passenger transportation. the next three years the share of China's high-speed rail will be far greater than the world World share of China's automobile. In special circumstances, the Chinese railway and automobile competition will further change the structure of the car industry, the development of passenger cars is better than commercial vehicles.
4. tax cuts and structural adjustment tax is the inevitable trend of China's tax revenue is not
light, resulting in information such as motor vehicle emissions tax attracted much attention and questioning. Beijing speech, the leadership of government departments, seems inconsistent with the policy of promoting consumption. China in reducing the overall tax burden on the basis of against the tax should be reflected in the environment, so also for exports and contribute to improving people's livelihood. car and keep the innocence of the vehicle will not cause congestion and environmental pollution, and vehicular use of the process will result in environmental and social pressure Therefore, the acquisition rumors, etc. levied unreasonable, it seems that the Beijing traffic restrictions and purchase new ideas. The current tax adjustment on the livelihood and stimulate domestic demand must be for the livelihood of the people tax cuts and tax structure of the system of adjustment can be harmonious.
5 . reduce vehicle emissions should learn from China's foreign tax model
the principle of taxation in regulating the tax increase seems to suppression, while the foreign tax is used to guide. such as Japan advanced to a higher emission standards for clean vehicles to tax cuts, tax relief for purchase of 15-30 million yen, while the motor vehicle tax (similar to China Travel Tax) on the reduction of 25% -50%. The lure of big tax cuts, which is to guide conscious consumers purchase of land pollution models.
our environment tax is a new tax, if the tax is inconsistent with the trend of a carbon tax, then it is suppressed for car consumption, the basis of its legislation with the national tax policy to stimulate consumption objectives are inconsistent.
6. own brands should lead the marketing trend of the
own brand on the product has inherent deficiencies, to learn foreign advanced experience repairer; but in marketing, brands must lead the trend. Chinese passenger car market, after all, the consumer goods market, while China's consumption of other sectors start earlier, cars are making up to learn. for the operation of the domestic market, joint venture brands and own brands are in the learning process, although the brand is a joint venture brands lead the 4S shop , but the rapid change is indeed the many forms of own-brand creation. own brand rooted in the local community, learning the operation of other channels for consumer goods industry concepts more effective, pre-simmering sub-net model has become more manufacturers of learning mode, Although rooted in the secondary and tertiary markets first advocated by the independent brands, but the joint venture brands are quickly followed. society has a lot of hardship and unfounded concern, the network model does not necessarily grow up in the commends, the road of its own brand will be difficult gradually recognized.
need to consider carefully the unified model of corporate strategy in different stages of development different from the current channel mode again to see some integration of multiple brands, and this is exploration, but need to ensure that energy. China's economic development so fast, competitive activity is the key. monopoly sector is being criticized for a lack of vitality and competitiveness, if it is sitting on a huge investment in railways, and to monopolize the market is certainly no problem. But the competition in the field of automobile dealerships very good, slightly inadvertently, its vitality and site in lost. year's swing-cylinder predecessors marketing strategy should be good, the better the current situation of industry profits, the manufacturers of the looting network was evident, several sets of model than the unified network model should be anti-risk ability, but there is space to contain the opponent's network.
one, new products, price scanning
1. Dongfeng Fengshen H30
1 million listed price of 7.58-9.98 27, DF H30 hatchback Fengshen officially listed in Chengdu. Dongfeng Motor Company vice president, general manager of Dongfeng Passenger Vehicle Company, Dongfeng Fengshen Shao H30 candle announced price: 1.6MT Zun Ya-type 75,800 yuan, 1.6MT distinguished type 83800 Yuan, 1.6AT respect elegant type of 83,800 yuan, 1.6AT distinguished type of 94,800 yuan, 1.6AT electronic navigation type 99,800 yuan. Fengshen H30 is a boutique hatchback, S30 Fengshen selling it said enhance the recognition event, while sales also can not have too high expectations on all one thousand of its more reasonable.
2. market activity
2010 年 14 January to 13 February, Guangzhou Toyota for the Han Miranda introduced before the Spring Festival, ..
2010 年 1 January to 31 March, KIA launched the discount car handling charges ..
2010 年 26 January to 31 March, MINI Chinese carry out the Unified model for government benefits, according to different models, offers a rate of 7,000 to 20,000.
Analysis:. This dynamic change requires effective interaction, good situation to ensure smooth progress.
Second, the macroeconomic environment and policies Information
1. Central first document released five new policy of benefiting the agriculture.
Central Document No. 31 January released by the Xinhua News Agency authorized. The item entitled and further consolidate the foundation of agriculture and rural development a number of opinions, policy of benefiting the agriculture system and improve the level of modern agricultural equipment to speed up the improvement of rural livelihood, coordinate and promote rural reform and strengthening of rural grassroots organizations 5, the focus on rural areas to promote the resource elements to the configuration, change the mode of agricultural development efforts to reduce urban and rural public gap between career development, enhance agricultural and rural development and reinforcing the ruling party's rural base.
document emphasizes that agricultural and rural work in 2010, must balance urban and rural development as the fundamental building a moderately prosperous society requires, to improve rural people's livelihood as adjust the distribution of national income important, to expand rural demand as a key initiative to stimulate domestic demand, the development of modern agriculture as a major change in the way of economic development tasks of building new socialist countryside and promoting urbanization as to maintain stable and rapid economic development lasting power, in accordance with the steady supply of food security, increase benefits people's livelihood and promote co-ordination of reform, strong growth potential of the basic ideas-based, agricultural and rural work tirelessly to do a good job and continue to reform, development and stability and make new contributions.
Analysis:. substantial increase in the price ceiling for home appliances and other specific policy on the car to the countryside and so have an indirect positive.
2. The central bank report: the future trend of economic stabilization and recovery will continue.
central bank report: 2009 China's economy has withstood the severe test of the international financial crisis, stabilizing the national economy to improve, rapid growth in investment, consumption, market activity, import and export in the second half of the rapid rebound in industrial production was restored. At the same time, rapidly rising real estate prices, inflation .2010 is expected to enhance macro-control of the situation facing more complicated to maintain price stability, optimize credit structure to prevent and defuse financial risks, and achieve balance of payments, promote the steady and rapid economic development of the task more difficult. < br> transfer system according to the Secretary for the central bank's economic climate index calculated, the current industrial added value of the coincident composite index, first composite index have a significant rebound, showing that the future economic stabilization and recovery will continue the trend. investment, stimulate the economy at the national series policies to promote growth, corporate willingness to invest, the consumer will continue to rise.
2009 CPI in the fourth quarter of coincident composite index has been bottoming out, with first synthetic index in 2009, echoing the first half of bottoming out. Externally, slow recovery of world economy in 2010, China's foreign trade growth will be turned back, but should also see the current global economic recovery of the foundation is not solid, frequent international trade protectionism, China's terms of trade deteriorated again, China's foreign trade situation is still relatively grim ..
Analysis:. recent monetary policy to control your rhythm of an important means of economic development, so the central bank is more important perspective.
3. IMF global growth forecast upward to 4%.
the International Monetary Fund Organization (IMF) 1 月 26 released the latest significantly raised the expected growth of 4%. compared to last October's previous report, the latest forecast by 0.75 percentage point increase. The report predicted China's economy will grow 10.0% this year, higher than the previous forecast of 1 percent next year, growth is expected to remain at 9.7%. IMF forecast average price of crude oil this year is still $ 76, $ 79 next year, forecast raised from $ 82 ..
Analysis:. the world is entering a policy-driven, multi-speed recovery mode. After several decades after the most serious global recession, economic growth has been strong down, and in the second half of 2009 extended to developed economies, so a larger increase in intensity. relative to the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs in January 20 release of ;.
the Ministry of Commerce this year will strengthen strategic planning, promote the key country, foreign investment in key industries, the introduction of collaborative planning, and encourage qualified enterprises to buy foreign brands. automobiles and household appliances will be pushing this year, the Ministry of Commerce Foreign investment in two important industries. will give enterprises more autonomy in foreign investment, industrial cooperation to develop improved guidance of foreign investment policy and national industry-oriented catalog, to encourage orderly and related industries to shift production capacity overseas, and encourage qualified enterprises acquisition of overseas brands, marketing network and research and development center ..
Analysis:. to avoid trade protection and construction of overseas system is an important economic boost, but the core of everything is to boost domestic exports and employment.
5. National Statistics Secretary Ma Jian Tong: The proposed pay close attention to regional GDP accounting program of national reunification.
present, the Chinese GDP accounting to the decentralized accounting system, accounting, respectively, state and local GDP, National Bureau of Statistics data on GDP of the province for review. Classification account the existence of regional GDP accounting system vulnerable to local interference and other defects. international practice, the regional GDP accounted for by the state. In recent years, the National Bureau of Statistics has been studying the provincial GDP, directly accounting methods ..
analysis: . due to regional differences between the measured way, so the comparability of regional GDP is poor, market analysis also have some impact.
6. National Energy Commission was established.
under the Eleventh National People's Congress at its first meeting approved by the State Council reform program and the the formulation of national energy development strategy, energy security and energy development consideration of major issues, coordinate domestic energy development and energy major issues of international cooperation. Vice Premier Li Keqiang, deputy director ..
Analysis:. According to statistics this is the seventh prime minister responsible for department heads, reflecting the energy status.
7. electric vehicle charging station interface standard will be the fastest 6 introduced in January.
interface standard of electric vehicle charging discussion paper has been submitted for review of national standards committees, the fastest will be introduced in June ..
Analysis:. interface standard conception involved a large, forward speed is not too fast. < br> 8. subsidies for new energy vehicles are expected to benefit public 42 car prices.
According to the Ministry of Industry revealed that the responsible person, the private purchase of new energy vehicles subsidy standard is expected to announce. It is understood that the short term may be to Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Changchun, Shenzhen, five cities as a pilot, the implementation of the private purchase of energy-saving and new energy car allowance policy. subsidy rate and the standard will be close to the field of public service vehicles to purchase new energy subsidy schemes. However, the final new energy automotive industry is also leaving the market of the road, initially to a certain amount of government subsidies, the future of this subsidy will continue to decline, and ultimately will reduce the cost of automobile production enterprises will be canceled after work ..
Analysis:. the city limits is difficult to determine. If this is it five cities, it is the capital of a large group +1 +3 pattern of private enterprises, which promote the three large groups and private enterprises. However, the city of Beijing is too large, require huge investment, but the volume is low, not the ideal choice. < br> 9. subsidies less attractive, said the Ministry of Industry TM is not effective.
Ministry of Industry has recently admitted that in 2009 the automobile industry in the revitalization plan and related policy fields full bloom, the results show, but alone little effect in the trade-in area, which is the recent efforts have also issued policies to increase trade-in reason. The data show that less attractive because of subsidies, capital subsidies to 50 billion only a 2% ..
decentralization Analysis:. is not a subsidy less attractive, after all, a continuous adjustment is to increase subsidies, the current subsidies are not bad money. The key is to trade-in exclusion of passenger cars, to suppress small-displacement cars, bad policy-oriented.
10. motor vehicle emissions will be greater the tax levy an environmental tax more.
, deputy director of Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission Zhang Yanyou revealed to the media, the state motor vehicles have begun to study environmental tax reform. Zhangyan You said motor vehicle emissions will be included within the scope of environmental tax levy. Once implemented, Beijing's motor vehicle owners have to pay for the exhaust emissions. motor vehicle environmental tax is levied, the owner will be in accordance with the motor vehicle emission pollution situation in different and pay different taxes and fees. the purchase of high emission vehicles owners, would surely be to buy low-emission vehicle motor vehicle owners to pay more environmental tax, similar to the vehicle purchase tax levied ..
Analysis:. Beijing statement seems to have led the concept of raising the threshold car, from the truth on a par with environmental taxes irrelevant.
11. Japan submitted the , while the fair to be effective, international framework, and have a positive desire for the reduction of the premise of ..
:. the Japanese call face more international pressure to reduce emissions.
Third, new car information
1. BYD M6 20 million sale price will be listed after the Spring Festival
first MPV model M6 has BYD officially off the assembly line, after the Spring Festival will be officially listed, the estimated price of 20 million, after the M6 will be listed on A1, A2, A3 three networks at the same time sales. BYD insiders said, trying to take advantage BYD Direct involvement in this high-end MPV market, and the Odyssey, GL8 and Refine lock for direct competitors. BYD owned 4808mmt1800mmt1756mm M6 and 2950mm wheelbase length width, shape things from the Toyota car Puri Via Type ..
Analysis:. The lock rival the price with a more broad, so a direct impact on M6 will refine the market, the market split Odyssey.
2. Dongfeng Honda will produce the 2010 Honda Step Wagon.
2010, Dongfeng Honda will introduce the new Honda Step Wagon models and mass production in March 2010, Wuhan Wantong origin. The car codenamed 2CP, the Chinese name take the environment very comfortable and similar control performance cars in general ..
Analysis:. as a serious shortage of production capacity of Dongfeng Honda to introduce new products of little significance. At present the sales of its Civic too low, so good A-class cars to be reflected Honda's position.
3. Huatai first car full exposure
B11 Huatai 4 engine with automatic transmission off the assembly line 2, Thailand's first independent car B11 to be formally listed in June this year, most important 2.0T manual and automatic transmission diesel cars. B11 vehicle will be more than 5 meters length, wheelbase than 2750mm, dynamic, will be equipped with 2.0T diesel engines, according to official said that the future will be equipped with 1.5T diesel engine, transmission will be equipped with 5-speed manual transmission and 4-factor automated manual transmission. which supercharged 2.0L inline four-cylinder diesel engine a maximum power of 110kW (149 hp) and maximum torque of inline three-cylinder diesel 310Nbm.1.5L supercharged engine, maximum power of 68kW (92 hp) and maximum torque of 200Nbm. exposure of a total of two models, a distribution of high and low points, and with models equipped with automatic air conditioning, GPS navigation, DVD changer; low with models equipped with air conditioning and CD drive only In addition, new car is also equipped with at least 6-speaker audio, automatic wipers, rear four-probe analysis of the radar ..
:. Huatai has the advantage of features of the introduction of Hyundai's products, while there are many areas of the current threshold of the car. < br> IV News
1. Geely formal marketing strategy specifically targets this year: 412,000
Geely Automobile has officially defined the objectives of the 2010 marketing strategies that further implementation of the overall strategy, and the simple image, beyond the self, to do the best brands, to achieve full-year sales goal of 412,000 ..
Analysis:. its a good marketing strategy. But the competition level in the A00 Geely has significantly lagged behind rivals in the core of its The reason is that prices are not low. A price war is beyond the effective competitive disadvantage or to change one of the weapons, new strategies should be accompanied by a reasonable choice this year.
2. hippocampal development of the issuance of shares in fund-raising announcement that 3.0 billion < br> The shares will be 10 within the hippocampus eligible target release not more than 5 million shares, issued to determine the reserve price was 6.31 yuan / share; net proceeds of not more than 30 billion yuan, will be used for business 150 000 hippocampus transformation projects and the hippocampus car auto new product development projects in Zhengzhou. These two projects total investment of about 3.479 billion yuan, are expected to use the funds raised 2.5 billion and 500 million yuan.
funds raised will be used for business 15 hippocampus vehicles transformation projects of new products and hippocampus Zhengzhou Auto R & D projects, the project company will be formed after the completion of an annual 50 million units of the vehicle passenger capacity of the scale ..
:.'s recent auto stocks bonds are redemption, which reflects increased concerns about the automobile industry, the stock market risks. But the success of its private placement should be easy.
3. Brilliance BMW Brilliance China 30 million equity holdings to 50%
Brilliance China announced 26 , with an independent third party entered into a share transfer agreement, according to the agreement, Brilliance China will spend a total of 3,000 million, 1% of holdings of shares of BMW Brilliance, holdings, after BMW Brilliance Brilliance China holds 49% of the real interest will be increased to 50% ..
Analysis:. This is the inter-company transactions within Brilliance on Brilliance also help improve performance.
4. Brilliance spend 12 billion yuan to expand capacity
Brilliance January 31 for the first time outside Disclosure of the next two years will gradually start including the BMW plant, including two of the four new projects, total investment will reach 120 billion yuan. more for the second phase of new projects, of which two factory BMW will invest 50 billion total million, including the old production line from the current capacity expansion to 100,000 units, the second phase of the new factory in Shenyang West District, will reach the maximum capacity of 20 million vehicles. In addition, the new project also includes the Chinese Brilliance own brand new car A-Class plant; and the base is located in Mianyang Brilliance two factories, vehicle production capacity will reach up to 25 million units, engine plant will also be relocated off-site, parts and components will also be the construction of Park County; and Brilliance's overseas factories in Egypt will build two factories and production BMW 7 Series, which will be the first overseas production of the BMW 7 series ..
Analysis: .120 billion, dismantled and then the investment is not large, but most of their investment is not the accumulation of their own Therefore, the burden of financing the cost of heavy risk in an uncertain market is not small.
5. Okazaki Qingmei: Zhengzhou Nissan, Dongfeng Nissan will foundry in Zhengzhou Nissan SUV
Business Conference 2010, Dongfeng Motor Company Limited (Dongfeng and Nissan's joint venture in China, including the Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle and Zhengzhou Nissan and other companies, hereinafter referred to as Nissan X-Trail sport utility vehicle and two QASHQAI production will be referred to the ZNA. At the same time, Zhengzhou Nissan commercial vehicles and passenger cars as the DFL base, its function will be further strengthened in the future will form the east at Zhengzhou Nissan wheel drive production and situation.
Analysis:. ZNA's capacity expansion plan to win a major opportunity for its own development, and production capacity of Dongfeng Nissan lead to sluggish growth carefully. Nissan launched two rounds in China drive Toyota and Honda to compete in favor of dual business model. and Zhengzhou Nissan's own brand is also getting better, this is a good many years of accumulated results of Zhengzhou Nissan.
6. Dongfeng Nissan capacity of 30 million units proposed new plant has nothing to do with the Renault Nissan
Toshiaki Otani, general manager, said recently that Nissan will continue to enhance the production capacity this year, in addition to tap the potential of existing capacity, the new second plant, but has already begun planning a capacity of about 300,000 The new plant ..
Analysis:. one million is only the base entry conditions for the main enterprise. new 30 million factory's production capacity was 100 million, even after the completion of its position in the market is still high.
7. Guangzhou Honda plans new plant to seek further capacity will reach 240,000
wide is planning to build the new factory site as its second plant in Guangzhou Zengcheng, the planning of new plant capacity is 24 million. At that time, plus the existing 36 million, Guangzhou will reach 60 million units of this capacity. Meanwhile, Honda's other joint venture in China, Dongfeng Honda on January 20 announced the construction of its second plant in Wuhan progress ..
Analysis:. as Guangzhou Honda's lack of A-Class product line, rapid decline in its market position, future with the new plant into Class A product. But the 60-million production is low, its production capacity in 2011, before the position is hard 8.
8. Universal plans to build a new factory in China to meet strong demand in the market
GM China President Kevin Wale (Kevin Wale) on Saturday said that General forecast that the company will in the near future to establish a new factory in China, to meet the world's largest auto market to strong demand, but will not begin construction this year.
Analysis:. is not a factory production and sales, the expansion remains robust. If 30 million plant built two years completed, then 3 years in China on behalf of GM's annual production capacity increase of less than 8% decline in market position is inevitable.
9. FAW-Mazda sales target of 150,000, Mazda made 8.
official FAW Mazda Published 2010 business plan: 2010 annual sales of FAW Mazda plans to 150,000; also released security official responsible mm brand vision to enjoy the driving pleasure. In addition, dealers will reach 160 or more, and cause for concern The Core-wing coupe will be imported in the first half, MPV Mazda vehicles in the second half will also be made 8 ..
Analysis:. Mazda's sales goal is not low. the face of changes in Japan's Mazda and Ford the opportunity, FAW Mazda good prospects for development.
V. News
1. Guangzhou Automobile, Changfeng CEO: two enhance the three transition + = new Guangzhou Automobile, Changfeng Changfeng Motor
to achieve three changes: enterprise level, from a single manufacturer to the full range of passenger SUV business transformation; product level, the SUV from a professional product to the average family car for the transition; ideological and conceptual transition from B2B to B2C. stage, can play an immediate effect, is the channel to enhance the enhanced services.
Analysis:. Changfeng is a feature of the SUV business, its traditional big customers must maintain a strong market, or the new start time and opportunity are not many.
2. Changan Changhe platform shared with the Hafei target 2.2 million
2010 2010 Changan Automobile target 2.2 million in the next Hafei, Changhe, and Chang will be sharing platforms, which means that R & D Changan Automobile Research Institute products will certainly be put to the Hafei, Changhe production ..
analysis:. This Hafei Changhe mixed, after all, thus weakening their own R & D system, and gradually become the factory.
3. inform the outside world. b After 5 years, with three different subjects, after a joint venture negotiations, PSA back on the talks, China's second joint venture away ..
Analysis:. PSA in 09 of the world performed well, China should upgrade, the site is reflected in the results.
4. Chang'an integrated development effort built large car supermarket
respect from the Changan Automotive Group was informed that since the beginning of the Suzuki, Changhe airborne two executives after the two companies, Chang channels will start next integration, the approach is the implementation of second and third tier markets, Hafei will be included in 100, Chang'an the model, but also the integration of dealers shuffle.
5. Qimao Lotus cars and huge strategic cooperation agreement signed
youth groups and large passenger cars Qimao Group jointly announced that they officially formed a strategic partnership Qimao Group officially Agent Lotus huge car series, and co-create the first standard Lotus Cars 4S 22 stores, area covers three provinces, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and other major cities. Lotus Cars strengthen the Group's large automobile trade cooperation, and promote the rapid development of Lotus Cars, has since September 2009 and the Guangdong Materials Group and Chengdu Eastern Automotive Group to create the country's cooperation, the Lotus Cars and Automobile Group and Beijing signed the first strategic cooperation agreement, until this year with the huge automobile trade Group's strategic cooperation, Lotus Cars has many well-known domestic automobile trade groups have established a partnership network of Lotus car sales have been unprecedented since the development of ..
Analysis:. With the maturity of a large network of automobile trade groups and management experience, sales of Lotus cars and service quality improved, consumer satisfaction and word of mouth have been greatly improved. but the network control channel of the enterprise hub reflects the key.
six, multinational corporations and overseas markets
1. Russia's intention to set up two automobile industry alliance.
According to the Russian auto industry development plan, Russia intends to set up two car field in the auto industry alliances. has identified a major automotive industry alliance is Nissan - Volga

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