Sunday, February 13, 2011

Adult Jokes

 Results before and after marriage a woman mm

engagement before, such as swallows, love how to fly how to fly.
Engaged, like a dove can fly, but can not fly away.
Married, like a duck , want to fly, but he failed.
engagement before men, like grandson, docile and obedient.
engaged, like his son, learn to talk back.
married, like I, calling the shots.
best love in a seminar to discuss what kind of people considered the best husband. After a heated debate, the moderator for the conclusion: at home. place to deal with divorce proceedings, the judge said: grace an American professor of
three French scholars to ask what is grace. The first scholar replied: hat for the ceremony to them, say l am sorry to bother you r, that is grace. , I hat for the ceremony, and then say: I am sorry, please continue. r This is grace. home and found a man kissing his wife is, and I bow hat, and said l am sorry, please continue, r, and then watch them do continue, it is enough grace. > a biology teacher, a Animal r; married, with the scope of action to become a l plants r; until having children, more action is not free, it becomes r r a mineral. > have a foreign elderly people under a tree, said to himself:
courtship, marriage and regret, like the Scottish dance, walk, like dance and dance step: Start an offer, when, just as the same dance in Scotland hot, quick and full of fantasy; to get married, just as the walk, like dance, dance moments regulations; then regret it, dragging their weary steps and dances to the five-step dance, the more the faster jump, has been to jump exhausted into the grave so far.
let the cat out it has two unmarried lady
been close to the opposite sex will occur if concerns
terrible things, even they would only let female cats go out. < br> Finally one day, in which a woman married, and embarked on a honeymoon trip. A few days later, another woman received a postcard, where you only read: br> married to know
But then that is too late. married men; pessimists are those who are married men. electricity. people in the dark middle ten minutes. Tom: asked him how the taste? first to his neighbors replied:
Female; However, if I have quite the opponent, I can abandon the doctrine.
M: I did, I think, you'd rather my opponents.
Woman: I think so.
heavy loss
girls particularly wealthy, a no evening, a young lad mm poverty and honest, especially to her tenderness.
Yes. that is the case. the benefits of a college who
one of his disciples, said: , you will become a philosopher. . Only one is listed two ways: the husband.
order of Western society, a research psychologist asserted: home in, but also married, have children, but the order is inverted. br> friend, a friend asked him: satisfaction, I often comforted myself: In this world there is a woman somewhere, because my wife did not acquire happiness. yelling, the husband woke up. husband asked her how the matter in the end, she said her husband's dream of being a group of NPC to do the auction, some of which sold a million, and some sell for thousands of dollars. Then Her husband was surprised and asked: , a bundle of a dollar. and continue to live happily.

a customer to request a divorce law firm, he requested a lawyer, for his divorce settlement, the lawyer asked: ;
; What happened? the basis of marriage are you? contradictory trouble you? asked.
go hh ; that hh? said:
should let her hand into my pocket. wife, you will be happy, if you marry a flighty bitch, you'll become a philosopher. Is there any way to make a pursuit she no longer hates her pursuit. neighbors taught her method is: to marry him.
Look at him hanging mile. br> engaged in an engagement party, the young lady's friends and relatives want to give her fiance to leave a good impression. I saw her dignified way out, a smile, entertain guests and accidentally stumbled down the two feet on the table legs in the air .
his fiance anxious, and want to help her move forward, I saw her stand up and say: explain the Bible to believers: A believer stood up and said: . spring. without you, I can not live
I sincerely propose to you, be my wife. My dear Liuba. Sa. ; or for the marriage thing, hey, you talk about, when men get married exactly right in it? not busy getting married; if older, then do not get married. However, the recent start, I always fail when they vote. wronged husband said to his wife: her husband, before another woman came and said angrily: > the power of
feed his wife, the card out, you experience the power of the young wife do?
terrible. not smoking, not drinking, but also scolded.
This may be too depressed the.
depressed, she is also prohibited.
first wife asked her husband
speaker audience: contend, Bi Meier. Bruce more resourceful; than Tom. Selleck is more handsome then? Service
A: good husband. his wife: and the United States an elderly black chat.
you have been in war is not free you? ;
Do not be childish
our family sunbathing on the beach, a beautiful girl through the 14-year-old son, stared at her gone, and his wife touched my elbow, whispered: son grow up. ; Oh, do not be childish. almost drowned, but fortunately there was a young man quickly jumped into the water saved me. After two months, we married, lucky your father could swim. is said to me, do not learn to swim it? br> : ? not the lipstick, blood, driving home the trouble. forehead hit the steering wheel on the. A man was telling his friend that one thing:
thing, I asked her, said. Caesar.
has gone out. with the words, tone of voice with a very unhappy, said: a match. > The woman replied: corrected: Then you must say David, he was my daughter's first husband, is an excellent laboratory technician. much fun. the music. just looked rough, we signed agreed to After the idea from

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