Monday, February 28, 2011

Automobile market scan -2010 No. 4 (Jan. 26 -2 1 May)

 Key information from the National Federation of daily news
by automobile this week outlined:
1. 1   narrow
1 million passenger car sales break sales presentation 月 good start in the characteristics of manufacturers, the major manufacturers sales further climb to a new level .2010 manufacturers in January first week sales of 41,000 units, 12 in the first week sales of 28,000 units the main plant, with the diameter of the ring than a 46% increase in .1 second week of the manufacturers at the same caliber all sales to be 4.2 million units, compared with the second week of December 2009, 35% growth in sales, but in January the first 2 weeks of growth rings than the first week of reduced ability to produce pulled vertices. And manufacturers of the third week in January average daily sales of the same caliber should be maintained at 4.2 million units, compared with the third week of December 2009 sales growth of 7%. And the fourth week of January average daily sales of the same caliber manufacturers to reach 59,000 units, compared with sales in the third week 41% growth. the fourth week of the growth surge is mainly the end of the fourth week includes two days of rest days, after the production peak sales pulled high stability, and bring production at more than two days, nearly 40% of the increment. The Yaku is not the end result of growth, but caused an increase in production and marketing of natural day .1 incremental sales in January passenger car manufacturers are expected to be high, narrow passenger car sales in January exceeded a million.
2. January mutations not affect the macro environment macro environment for the automobile market is the recent
feel concern, appeared in late November overheating real estate has become clear, continue to unusually hot early December, and January is the drastic changes. high-profile liberal credit policies are also years ago, after years of rapid adjustment of contraction, this is obviously lagging behind the beat and rhythm of the market, so in January of macroeconomic adjustment on the impact of investment and consumption is not small.
Although environmental mutation, but by narrow Car pick-up the market trend is still stubborn. by the Spring Festival consumption stimulation, January retail sales have rebounded since mid to high level, the third is still in a small retail around the state of its own run. the stock market and housing market volatility is not the car City has a direct impact, but is out the tendency of the investment market to consumption on the rise. Although the future direction of economic policy uncertainty, consumer confidence is difficult to judge, but the desire to increase spending before the holiday.
3. to see the future market of hot and cold spring
business trip to Shanghai this week, train tickets well buy a motor car, plane ticket price is higher than the return ticket easily purchased on the day, no sense of the difficulties in traveling during Spring Festival. I was suddenly unable to keep back a new task , the provisions of the railway during the spring 改签 only 3 days, it can only refund. refund to 20% of the fees, refund fees over hundred real reluctant, but then not very easy to line up to buy high-priced tickets or very satisfied .
that brings me the contrast and Railway, the railway saw trillion in investment and said a number of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail lines in different sections within the building, really makes me worried about the development of the automotive industry. so many high-speed railway construction , capacity (transport capacity) of excess crisis should be much higher than the auto industry. And when the ticketing staff explained refund: 改签 Spring Festival travel season, deducting money the new policy is set by NDRC, really happy. such a large-scale railway high-cost investment, the huge investment in the interest of its trillion people have to pay, and high capacity utilization rate is low iron in vicious competition may be greater impact of highway passenger transportation. the next three years the share of China's high-speed rail will be far greater than the world World share of China's automobile. In special circumstances, the Chinese railway and automobile competition will further change the structure of the car industry, the development of passenger cars is better than commercial vehicles.
4. tax cuts and structural adjustment tax is the inevitable trend of China's tax revenue is not
light, resulting in information such as motor vehicle emissions tax attracted much attention and questioning. Beijing speech, the leadership of government departments, seems inconsistent with the policy of promoting consumption. China in reducing the overall tax burden on the basis of against the tax should be reflected in the environment, so also for exports and contribute to improving people's livelihood. car and keep the innocence of the vehicle will not cause congestion and environmental pollution, and vehicular use of the process will result in environmental and social pressure Therefore, the acquisition rumors, etc. levied unreasonable, it seems that the Beijing traffic restrictions and purchase new ideas. The current tax adjustment on the livelihood and stimulate domestic demand must be for the livelihood of the people tax cuts and tax structure of the system of adjustment can be harmonious.
5 . reduce vehicle emissions should learn from China's foreign tax model
the principle of taxation in regulating the tax increase seems to suppression, while the foreign tax is used to guide. such as Japan advanced to a higher emission standards for clean vehicles to tax cuts, tax relief for purchase of 15-30 million yen, while the motor vehicle tax (similar to China Travel Tax) on the reduction of 25% -50%. The lure of big tax cuts, which is to guide conscious consumers purchase of land pollution models.
our environment tax is a new tax, if the tax is inconsistent with the trend of a carbon tax, then it is suppressed for car consumption, the basis of its legislation with the national tax policy to stimulate consumption objectives are inconsistent.
6. own brands should lead the marketing trend of the
own brand on the product has inherent deficiencies, to learn foreign advanced experience repairer; but in marketing, brands must lead the trend. Chinese passenger car market, after all, the consumer goods market, while China's consumption of other sectors start earlier, cars are making up to learn. for the operation of the domestic market, joint venture brands and own brands are in the learning process, although the brand is a joint venture brands lead the 4S shop , but the rapid change is indeed the many forms of own-brand creation. own brand rooted in the local community, learning the operation of other channels for consumer goods industry concepts more effective, pre-simmering sub-net model has become more manufacturers of learning mode, Although rooted in the secondary and tertiary markets first advocated by the independent brands, but the joint venture brands are quickly followed. society has a lot of hardship and unfounded concern, the network model does not necessarily grow up in the commends, the road of its own brand will be difficult gradually recognized.
need to consider carefully the unified model of corporate strategy in different stages of development different from the current channel mode again to see some integration of multiple brands, and this is exploration, but need to ensure that energy. China's economic development so fast, competitive activity is the key. monopoly sector is being criticized for a lack of vitality and competitiveness, if it is sitting on a huge investment in railways, and to monopolize the market is certainly no problem. But the competition in the field of automobile dealerships very good, slightly inadvertently, its vitality and site in lost. year's swing-cylinder predecessors marketing strategy should be good, the better the current situation of industry profits, the manufacturers of the looting network was evident, several sets of model than the unified network model should be anti-risk ability, but there is space to contain the opponent's network.
one, new products, price scanning
1. Dongfeng Fengshen H30
1 million listed price of 7.58-9.98 27, DF H30 hatchback Fengshen officially listed in Chengdu. Dongfeng Motor Company vice president, general manager of Dongfeng Passenger Vehicle Company, Dongfeng Fengshen Shao H30 candle announced price: 1.6MT Zun Ya-type 75,800 yuan, 1.6MT distinguished type 83800 Yuan, 1.6AT respect elegant type of 83,800 yuan, 1.6AT distinguished type of 94,800 yuan, 1.6AT electronic navigation type 99,800 yuan. Fengshen H30 is a boutique hatchback, S30 Fengshen selling it said enhance the recognition event, while sales also can not have too high expectations on all one thousand of its more reasonable.
2. market activity
2010 年 14 January to 13 February, Guangzhou Toyota for the Han Miranda introduced before the Spring Festival, ..
2010 年 1 January to 31 March, KIA launched the discount car handling charges ..
2010 年 26 January to 31 March, MINI Chinese carry out the Unified model for government benefits, according to different models, offers a rate of 7,000 to 20,000.
Analysis:. This dynamic change requires effective interaction, good situation to ensure smooth progress.
Second, the macroeconomic environment and policies Information
1. Central first document released five new policy of benefiting the agriculture.
Central Document No. 31 January released by the Xinhua News Agency authorized. The item entitled and further consolidate the foundation of agriculture and rural development a number of opinions, policy of benefiting the agriculture system and improve the level of modern agricultural equipment to speed up the improvement of rural livelihood, coordinate and promote rural reform and strengthening of rural grassroots organizations 5, the focus on rural areas to promote the resource elements to the configuration, change the mode of agricultural development efforts to reduce urban and rural public gap between career development, enhance agricultural and rural development and reinforcing the ruling party's rural base.
document emphasizes that agricultural and rural work in 2010, must balance urban and rural development as the fundamental building a moderately prosperous society requires, to improve rural people's livelihood as adjust the distribution of national income important, to expand rural demand as a key initiative to stimulate domestic demand, the development of modern agriculture as a major change in the way of economic development tasks of building new socialist countryside and promoting urbanization as to maintain stable and rapid economic development lasting power, in accordance with the steady supply of food security, increase benefits people's livelihood and promote co-ordination of reform, strong growth potential of the basic ideas-based, agricultural and rural work tirelessly to do a good job and continue to reform, development and stability and make new contributions.
Analysis:. substantial increase in the price ceiling for home appliances and other specific policy on the car to the countryside and so have an indirect positive.
2. The central bank report: the future trend of economic stabilization and recovery will continue.
central bank report: 2009 China's economy has withstood the severe test of the international financial crisis, stabilizing the national economy to improve, rapid growth in investment, consumption, market activity, import and export in the second half of the rapid rebound in industrial production was restored. At the same time, rapidly rising real estate prices, inflation .2010 is expected to enhance macro-control of the situation facing more complicated to maintain price stability, optimize credit structure to prevent and defuse financial risks, and achieve balance of payments, promote the steady and rapid economic development of the task more difficult. < br> transfer system according to the Secretary for the central bank's economic climate index calculated, the current industrial added value of the coincident composite index, first composite index have a significant rebound, showing that the future economic stabilization and recovery will continue the trend. investment, stimulate the economy at the national series policies to promote growth, corporate willingness to invest, the consumer will continue to rise.
2009 CPI in the fourth quarter of coincident composite index has been bottoming out, with first synthetic index in 2009, echoing the first half of bottoming out. Externally, slow recovery of world economy in 2010, China's foreign trade growth will be turned back, but should also see the current global economic recovery of the foundation is not solid, frequent international trade protectionism, China's terms of trade deteriorated again, China's foreign trade situation is still relatively grim ..
Analysis:. recent monetary policy to control your rhythm of an important means of economic development, so the central bank is more important perspective.
3. IMF global growth forecast upward to 4%.
the International Monetary Fund Organization (IMF) 1 月 26 released the latest significantly raised the expected growth of 4%. compared to last October's previous report, the latest forecast by 0.75 percentage point increase. The report predicted China's economy will grow 10.0% this year, higher than the previous forecast of 1 percent next year, growth is expected to remain at 9.7%. IMF forecast average price of crude oil this year is still $ 76, $ 79 next year, forecast raised from $ 82 ..
Analysis:. the world is entering a policy-driven, multi-speed recovery mode. After several decades after the most serious global recession, economic growth has been strong down, and in the second half of 2009 extended to developed economies, so a larger increase in intensity. relative to the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs in January 20 release of ;.
the Ministry of Commerce this year will strengthen strategic planning, promote the key country, foreign investment in key industries, the introduction of collaborative planning, and encourage qualified enterprises to buy foreign brands. automobiles and household appliances will be pushing this year, the Ministry of Commerce Foreign investment in two important industries. will give enterprises more autonomy in foreign investment, industrial cooperation to develop improved guidance of foreign investment policy and national industry-oriented catalog, to encourage orderly and related industries to shift production capacity overseas, and encourage qualified enterprises acquisition of overseas brands, marketing network and research and development center ..
Analysis:. to avoid trade protection and construction of overseas system is an important economic boost, but the core of everything is to boost domestic exports and employment.
5. National Statistics Secretary Ma Jian Tong: The proposed pay close attention to regional GDP accounting program of national reunification.
present, the Chinese GDP accounting to the decentralized accounting system, accounting, respectively, state and local GDP, National Bureau of Statistics data on GDP of the province for review. Classification account the existence of regional GDP accounting system vulnerable to local interference and other defects. international practice, the regional GDP accounted for by the state. In recent years, the National Bureau of Statistics has been studying the provincial GDP, directly accounting methods ..
analysis: . due to regional differences between the measured way, so the comparability of regional GDP is poor, market analysis also have some impact.
6. National Energy Commission was established.
under the Eleventh National People's Congress at its first meeting approved by the State Council reform program and the the formulation of national energy development strategy, energy security and energy development consideration of major issues, coordinate domestic energy development and energy major issues of international cooperation. Vice Premier Li Keqiang, deputy director ..
Analysis:. According to statistics this is the seventh prime minister responsible for department heads, reflecting the energy status.
7. electric vehicle charging station interface standard will be the fastest 6 introduced in January.
interface standard of electric vehicle charging discussion paper has been submitted for review of national standards committees, the fastest will be introduced in June ..
Analysis:. interface standard conception involved a large, forward speed is not too fast. < br> 8. subsidies for new energy vehicles are expected to benefit public 42 car prices.
According to the Ministry of Industry revealed that the responsible person, the private purchase of new energy vehicles subsidy standard is expected to announce. It is understood that the short term may be to Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Changchun, Shenzhen, five cities as a pilot, the implementation of the private purchase of energy-saving and new energy car allowance policy. subsidy rate and the standard will be close to the field of public service vehicles to purchase new energy subsidy schemes. However, the final new energy automotive industry is also leaving the market of the road, initially to a certain amount of government subsidies, the future of this subsidy will continue to decline, and ultimately will reduce the cost of automobile production enterprises will be canceled after work ..
Analysis:. the city limits is difficult to determine. If this is it five cities, it is the capital of a large group +1 +3 pattern of private enterprises, which promote the three large groups and private enterprises. However, the city of Beijing is too large, require huge investment, but the volume is low, not the ideal choice. < br> 9. subsidies less attractive, said the Ministry of Industry TM is not effective.
Ministry of Industry has recently admitted that in 2009 the automobile industry in the revitalization plan and related policy fields full bloom, the results show, but alone little effect in the trade-in area, which is the recent efforts have also issued policies to increase trade-in reason. The data show that less attractive because of subsidies, capital subsidies to 50 billion only a 2% ..
decentralization Analysis:. is not a subsidy less attractive, after all, a continuous adjustment is to increase subsidies, the current subsidies are not bad money. The key is to trade-in exclusion of passenger cars, to suppress small-displacement cars, bad policy-oriented.
10. motor vehicle emissions will be greater the tax levy an environmental tax more.
, deputy director of Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission Zhang Yanyou revealed to the media, the state motor vehicles have begun to study environmental tax reform. Zhangyan You said motor vehicle emissions will be included within the scope of environmental tax levy. Once implemented, Beijing's motor vehicle owners have to pay for the exhaust emissions. motor vehicle environmental tax is levied, the owner will be in accordance with the motor vehicle emission pollution situation in different and pay different taxes and fees. the purchase of high emission vehicles owners, would surely be to buy low-emission vehicle motor vehicle owners to pay more environmental tax, similar to the vehicle purchase tax levied ..
Analysis:. Beijing statement seems to have led the concept of raising the threshold car, from the truth on a par with environmental taxes irrelevant.
11. Japan submitted the , while the fair to be effective, international framework, and have a positive desire for the reduction of the premise of ..
:. the Japanese call face more international pressure to reduce emissions.
Third, new car information
1. BYD M6 20 million sale price will be listed after the Spring Festival
first MPV model M6 has BYD officially off the assembly line, after the Spring Festival will be officially listed, the estimated price of 20 million, after the M6 will be listed on A1, A2, A3 three networks at the same time sales. BYD insiders said, trying to take advantage BYD Direct involvement in this high-end MPV market, and the Odyssey, GL8 and Refine lock for direct competitors. BYD owned 4808mmt1800mmt1756mm M6 and 2950mm wheelbase length width, shape things from the Toyota car Puri Via Type ..
Analysis:. The lock rival the price with a more broad, so a direct impact on M6 will refine the market, the market split Odyssey.
2. Dongfeng Honda will produce the 2010 Honda Step Wagon.
2010, Dongfeng Honda will introduce the new Honda Step Wagon models and mass production in March 2010, Wuhan Wantong origin. The car codenamed 2CP, the Chinese name take the environment very comfortable and similar control performance cars in general ..
Analysis:. as a serious shortage of production capacity of Dongfeng Honda to introduce new products of little significance. At present the sales of its Civic too low, so good A-class cars to be reflected Honda's position.
3. Huatai first car full exposure
B11 Huatai 4 engine with automatic transmission off the assembly line 2, Thailand's first independent car B11 to be formally listed in June this year, most important 2.0T manual and automatic transmission diesel cars. B11 vehicle will be more than 5 meters length, wheelbase than 2750mm, dynamic, will be equipped with 2.0T diesel engines, according to official said that the future will be equipped with 1.5T diesel engine, transmission will be equipped with 5-speed manual transmission and 4-factor automated manual transmission. which supercharged 2.0L inline four-cylinder diesel engine a maximum power of 110kW (149 hp) and maximum torque of inline three-cylinder diesel 310Nbm.1.5L supercharged engine, maximum power of 68kW (92 hp) and maximum torque of 200Nbm. exposure of a total of two models, a distribution of high and low points, and with models equipped with automatic air conditioning, GPS navigation, DVD changer; low with models equipped with air conditioning and CD drive only In addition, new car is also equipped with at least 6-speaker audio, automatic wipers, rear four-probe analysis of the radar ..
:. Huatai has the advantage of features of the introduction of Hyundai's products, while there are many areas of the current threshold of the car. < br> IV News
1. Geely formal marketing strategy specifically targets this year: 412,000
Geely Automobile has officially defined the objectives of the 2010 marketing strategies that further implementation of the overall strategy, and the simple image, beyond the self, to do the best brands, to achieve full-year sales goal of 412,000 ..
Analysis:. its a good marketing strategy. But the competition level in the A00 Geely has significantly lagged behind rivals in the core of its The reason is that prices are not low. A price war is beyond the effective competitive disadvantage or to change one of the weapons, new strategies should be accompanied by a reasonable choice this year.
2. hippocampal development of the issuance of shares in fund-raising announcement that 3.0 billion < br> The shares will be 10 within the hippocampus eligible target release not more than 5 million shares, issued to determine the reserve price was 6.31 yuan / share; net proceeds of not more than 30 billion yuan, will be used for business 150 000 hippocampus transformation projects and the hippocampus car auto new product development projects in Zhengzhou. These two projects total investment of about 3.479 billion yuan, are expected to use the funds raised 2.5 billion and 500 million yuan.
funds raised will be used for business 15 hippocampus vehicles transformation projects of new products and hippocampus Zhengzhou Auto R & D projects, the project company will be formed after the completion of an annual 50 million units of the vehicle passenger capacity of the scale ..
:.'s recent auto stocks bonds are redemption, which reflects increased concerns about the automobile industry, the stock market risks. But the success of its private placement should be easy.
3. Brilliance BMW Brilliance China 30 million equity holdings to 50%
Brilliance China announced 26 , with an independent third party entered into a share transfer agreement, according to the agreement, Brilliance China will spend a total of 3,000 million, 1% of holdings of shares of BMW Brilliance, holdings, after BMW Brilliance Brilliance China holds 49% of the real interest will be increased to 50% ..
Analysis:. This is the inter-company transactions within Brilliance on Brilliance also help improve performance.
4. Brilliance spend 12 billion yuan to expand capacity
Brilliance January 31 for the first time outside Disclosure of the next two years will gradually start including the BMW plant, including two of the four new projects, total investment will reach 120 billion yuan. more for the second phase of new projects, of which two factory BMW will invest 50 billion total million, including the old production line from the current capacity expansion to 100,000 units, the second phase of the new factory in Shenyang West District, will reach the maximum capacity of 20 million vehicles. In addition, the new project also includes the Chinese Brilliance own brand new car A-Class plant; and the base is located in Mianyang Brilliance two factories, vehicle production capacity will reach up to 25 million units, engine plant will also be relocated off-site, parts and components will also be the construction of Park County; and Brilliance's overseas factories in Egypt will build two factories and production BMW 7 Series, which will be the first overseas production of the BMW 7 series ..
Analysis: .120 billion, dismantled and then the investment is not large, but most of their investment is not the accumulation of their own Therefore, the burden of financing the cost of heavy risk in an uncertain market is not small.
5. Okazaki Qingmei: Zhengzhou Nissan, Dongfeng Nissan will foundry in Zhengzhou Nissan SUV
Business Conference 2010, Dongfeng Motor Company Limited (Dongfeng and Nissan's joint venture in China, including the Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle and Zhengzhou Nissan and other companies, hereinafter referred to as Nissan X-Trail sport utility vehicle and two QASHQAI production will be referred to the ZNA. At the same time, Zhengzhou Nissan commercial vehicles and passenger cars as the DFL base, its function will be further strengthened in the future will form the east at Zhengzhou Nissan wheel drive production and situation.
Analysis:. ZNA's capacity expansion plan to win a major opportunity for its own development, and production capacity of Dongfeng Nissan lead to sluggish growth carefully. Nissan launched two rounds in China drive Toyota and Honda to compete in favor of dual business model. and Zhengzhou Nissan's own brand is also getting better, this is a good many years of accumulated results of Zhengzhou Nissan.
6. Dongfeng Nissan capacity of 30 million units proposed new plant has nothing to do with the Renault Nissan
Toshiaki Otani, general manager, said recently that Nissan will continue to enhance the production capacity this year, in addition to tap the potential of existing capacity, the new second plant, but has already begun planning a capacity of about 300,000 The new plant ..
Analysis:. one million is only the base entry conditions for the main enterprise. new 30 million factory's production capacity was 100 million, even after the completion of its position in the market is still high.
7. Guangzhou Honda plans new plant to seek further capacity will reach 240,000
wide is planning to build the new factory site as its second plant in Guangzhou Zengcheng, the planning of new plant capacity is 24 million. At that time, plus the existing 36 million, Guangzhou will reach 60 million units of this capacity. Meanwhile, Honda's other joint venture in China, Dongfeng Honda on January 20 announced the construction of its second plant in Wuhan progress ..
Analysis:. as Guangzhou Honda's lack of A-Class product line, rapid decline in its market position, future with the new plant into Class A product. But the 60-million production is low, its production capacity in 2011, before the position is hard 8.
8. Universal plans to build a new factory in China to meet strong demand in the market
GM China President Kevin Wale (Kevin Wale) on Saturday said that General forecast that the company will in the near future to establish a new factory in China, to meet the world's largest auto market to strong demand, but will not begin construction this year.
Analysis:. is not a factory production and sales, the expansion remains robust. If 30 million plant built two years completed, then 3 years in China on behalf of GM's annual production capacity increase of less than 8% decline in market position is inevitable.
9. FAW-Mazda sales target of 150,000, Mazda made 8.
official FAW Mazda Published 2010 business plan: 2010 annual sales of FAW Mazda plans to 150,000; also released security official responsible mm brand vision to enjoy the driving pleasure. In addition, dealers will reach 160 or more, and cause for concern The Core-wing coupe will be imported in the first half, MPV Mazda vehicles in the second half will also be made 8 ..
Analysis:. Mazda's sales goal is not low. the face of changes in Japan's Mazda and Ford the opportunity, FAW Mazda good prospects for development.
V. News
1. Guangzhou Automobile, Changfeng CEO: two enhance the three transition + = new Guangzhou Automobile, Changfeng Changfeng Motor
to achieve three changes: enterprise level, from a single manufacturer to the full range of passenger SUV business transformation; product level, the SUV from a professional product to the average family car for the transition; ideological and conceptual transition from B2B to B2C. stage, can play an immediate effect, is the channel to enhance the enhanced services.
Analysis:. Changfeng is a feature of the SUV business, its traditional big customers must maintain a strong market, or the new start time and opportunity are not many.
2. Changan Changhe platform shared with the Hafei target 2.2 million
2010 2010 Changan Automobile target 2.2 million in the next Hafei, Changhe, and Chang will be sharing platforms, which means that R & D Changan Automobile Research Institute products will certainly be put to the Hafei, Changhe production ..
analysis:. This Hafei Changhe mixed, after all, thus weakening their own R & D system, and gradually become the factory.
3. inform the outside world. b After 5 years, with three different subjects, after a joint venture negotiations, PSA back on the talks, China's second joint venture away ..
Analysis:. PSA in 09 of the world performed well, China should upgrade, the site is reflected in the results.
4. Chang'an integrated development effort built large car supermarket
respect from the Changan Automotive Group was informed that since the beginning of the Suzuki, Changhe airborne two executives after the two companies, Chang channels will start next integration, the approach is the implementation of second and third tier markets, Hafei will be included in 100, Chang'an the model, but also the integration of dealers shuffle.
5. Qimao Lotus cars and huge strategic cooperation agreement signed
youth groups and large passenger cars Qimao Group jointly announced that they officially formed a strategic partnership Qimao Group officially Agent Lotus huge car series, and co-create the first standard Lotus Cars 4S 22 stores, area covers three provinces, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing and other major cities. Lotus Cars strengthen the Group's large automobile trade cooperation, and promote the rapid development of Lotus Cars, has since September 2009 and the Guangdong Materials Group and Chengdu Eastern Automotive Group to create the country's cooperation, the Lotus Cars and Automobile Group and Beijing signed the first strategic cooperation agreement, until this year with the huge automobile trade Group's strategic cooperation, Lotus Cars has many well-known domestic automobile trade groups have established a partnership network of Lotus car sales have been unprecedented since the development of ..
Analysis:. With the maturity of a large network of automobile trade groups and management experience, sales of Lotus cars and service quality improved, consumer satisfaction and word of mouth have been greatly improved. but the network control channel of the enterprise hub reflects the key.
six, multinational corporations and overseas markets
1. Russia's intention to set up two automobile industry alliance.
According to the Russian auto industry development plan, Russia intends to set up two car field in the auto industry alliances. has identified a major automotive industry alliance is Nissan - Volga

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Introduction - from

 Same age as the boy and his next to see him
the young, and very attentive to the body than that. Christophe did not pay attention. but after a moments, he felt that neighbors
Block the old man looked him in, they also take a look at him and saw him naked golden hair comb on one side, cheek and
red and fat, some faint mustache on his lips, though it is endeavoring to look like a gentleman is still not off the air of the older children. He is very particular about the dress
: flannel clothing, light-colored gloves, white shoes, light blue tie, also holding a thin stick. He
Yanshao in Touqu with Christophe, can not turn around, stiff neck, stiff straight as hens. as long as Christophe
a look at him, he blushed red ear, took out a newspaper from his pocket, loaded single-minded newspapers do. But a few minutes later, he
then rushing out to Christophe hat in the ground to pick up. Christophe polite and thoughtful to think it odd
strange, the He glanced at, he blushed; Christophe cold thank a cry, because he did not like it too
points hospitality, people do not want to control him to do. But by Zhefan flattery, strange, after all, his heart is comfortable.
moments, he forgot these, only pay attention to the scenery along the way. He failed to out of town a long time, so try Yinwei
with the wind blowing in his face, the bow sound of water, the mighty river, the shore always transform the landscape: the bland gray
Yaan, half submerged in the water Cong Liu, golden vines, there are many legends of the scarps, Costa Rica stands in town Typical
the bell tower, and factory smoke suddenly filled the smoke. He is himself a trance, but shy young neighbor,
husky voice, interspersed with a few words about those repairs complete the ivy covered ruins of the stories of the past. he said, as if speaking to myself like
. Christophe filed his interest, Bianxiang fuss of him. the other party immediately rushing to answer,
is He was obviously pleased to scholarship, his mouth is always the musician Christophe called Mr. Gong Ting Ti.
, Klee
Siduo Fu gave him the story even more impressive. He did not say this, but Christophe be realized, and also lends
and astonishment and joy. has never been his used the respectful tone that moved. He continued to inquire about a
Historic town road, the young man put the knowledge only recently come together to move out so much admiration for Christophe.
but This is their ulterior motive, however: the real interest lies in the two know each other people. They dare not mention in direct, straightforward
the text, only made one or two occasionally awkward questions. finally they made a commitment; Christophe
position to know this new friend called , then slowly increased noticeably. Christophe ship to the destination, they were talking non-
often fresh. Oddo also get off here. This coincidence, they think it is very strange. Cleveland Si Duofu proposed
before lunch to Nowhere, so they go out into the fields around. Christophe affectionate arm Otto's arm, told him that since
own plan, if small to know him. He as a companion of similar age did not, so and this has taught
support, knowledge and a good impression on the teenagers, he said together, feel inexpressible joy.
time is too quickly, do not think Christophe. Di Ai satisfied because the young musicians trust him so it was
Italy, did not dare remind him that the time has come to lunch. Finally, he said, not that non-time Christophe is
climbing hills in the woods look, answer his head and say to the high; and a hillock, he went, lie down on the grass, as if the prospective
prepared to stay there a day like . It was a quarter of an hour, Di sad to see that he is satisfied that the meaning of the whole did not leave, said the
very timid again: lay there, his hand looked on the head, unconcerned replied: Here too comfortable,
I'm not going. so that they and other strike! : Let's go to dinner together
. I know a village restaurant. To
difficult: he is very regular, and what had to have prepared in advance. But Christophe spoke as opposed to simply not allow people
, he had by his mercy. So the two talked longer.
to the hotel, he sent a little interest. They think about who made the host of the problem, and every owner should do face competition:
one is because of money, one is because there is no money. They talk not said, but when the order is satisfied Di sorrow, as if trying put on a
tone; Christophe came to a realization of his intention to order some more refined dishes that do grab the owner, was
have also deliberately attitude is very natural. Di Ai satisfied look like war, rushing to pick the wine, Christophe fiercely glared at him, picking the most expensive hotel with
to be a.
against those rich meals, they all feel timid, if not the moment: not only can not eat very much love,
move also become very stiff. They happen to think a person is a stranger, could not help but leave the God. two hard to find words,
always not go on. at the beginning of half an hour is really embarrassing extreme. Fortunately Sakamoriba played a role in each other's eyes that had
confidence. particularly rare that eating and drinking The Christophe, particularly if multiple. He speaks of his life difficult; the Austrian multi-
no longer restrained, saying that he was not happy. His delicate, timid, and often bullied by peers. They laugh at him, because
disdain for his actions and they hate him, juggle him. mm Christophe fist, that in if he saw,
they got to eat bitterness. mm Austria not get more understanding of their parents. the kind of depression Christophe know; he
they both have the same boat. satisfied that the prison house wanted him to be a sad business, then his father's things. he wanted to do, but Poet , even as to escape Hongo
like Schiller, tasted the hardships, or to do the poet! (and his father all his property in the future,
not a small number.) He Red face was said to have written some more poems on the life of anguish, but not read out,
Although Christophe repeated requests. Finally, he moved out of breath in the Poetry of the twenty-three . Chris flower
husband that fantastic. They tell each other plan in mind: in the future, they write scripts, write songs. They're both Chin Pei
. In addition to music, Christophe business card, his strength and also makes a bold move that great Otto. Chris
Christophe can admire Otto and gentle, graceful, mm in the world was originally all relative, mm also wear his erudition
services Tamon, it is not Christophe and very eager.
they dined drowsy, the elbows against the table, take turns speaking, listen, the eye is very gentle. < br> more than half of the afternoon passed, and the meal. Oddo made a final effort to grab the bill, but to Christophe gas
eyes stare angrily to not adhered to. Christophe only worried about one thing, fear of not enough money around to pay bills; that
he could never let Adobe know, prepared to take the table. But not at this point; that meal only took him nearly a
months of income.
two back down the hill.'s pine forests have already started the evening shadows; Shujian swing is still a solemn sunset, the sound waves made out of a
; covered with purple pine needles, as to not set foot on the carpet like a little sound.
the two of them do not say a word. Xinjing Christophe shook, there are shares of strange, sweet feeling, he was very happy, want to talk, tension to
pole. He paused, Adobe also followed to a halt. silent all around. a swarm of flies buzzing in a sun
ring. a black sheep off the ground. Oddo clutching Christophe hand, the sound shook Q:
, could not look at each other.
After a while, they look forward, a few steps between the two men separated, the wood is not to say the end of a sentence:
they were afraid of themselves, fear of heart the mysterious excitement, at the foot of going very fast, straight out of the shade tenor stop. to that
children, they set the state of inner peace, holding hands and enjoy the clear tranquil evening scene, on and off the spit out one word .
both of them to the boat, sitting in the bow, in the bright night barely talk about some irrelevant words, but not listening,
just feel very lazy happiness: neither talk, nor need to shake hands, or even do not need each other a look:
they do not have a heart to heart?
when approaching the shore, they promised to meet next Sunday. Christophe Adobe has been sent to his family gate.
gas lamp in the dark, another shy smile, is very moving, and murmured, and said few hours, they have the spirit of that nervous energy to talk directly to find a word to break the silence half
language, their raw exhausted.
Christophe dark one back, heart there singing: asleep, but woke up at night two or three times, as if there can not escape the idea of there scared
rope him. He repeatedly said:
next morning, he felt like everything had a dream. In order to prove that is not a dream, he tried to recall the next day all the little things
. teach the students when he was still recall; pm in the band is like absent-minded, or even of a home is
remember what just played.
home he saw a letter waiting for him. He did not want to use it is where you come from, and ran off with the door read.
light blue stationery, neat, slender, soft fonts, Duanlafenming's written:
friends do?
lunch! me because of the cost you so much money that hold
apology. Yesterday really flies great! we encounter this not out of heaven? I think this is meant to be. a
think of a date next week, I would appreciate! but hope you will not miss it with the court because of Mr. Long how unpleasant music,
Otherwise, I really feel bad about the!
I'll always be your faithful servant and friend
Otto. Di sad satisfied
Si Duofu tears reading the letter, kissed it and laughing, in bed upturned
body to the air, his legs held high in a moment, then immediately get on the table, picked up the pen to write the letter , can not wait even a minute. but he did not
have the habit of writing: do not know what is his full of enthusiasm. tip punctured the letter, ink stained fingers, he
anxious straight stamping. He shook his tongue for five or six times manuscript paper, and finally with a crooked, uneven wrote the words to the letter,
other words Lianpian is not to say:
I love you, say words of gratitude? I not tell you before I do not know how you
kind of lonely depression? You friendship to me is the most precious thing in the world. Yesterday I was fortunate < br> blessing, and happiness! That was my first time ever. I remembered your letter, happy tears. Yes, you do not doubt,
decide the fate of our acquaintance is: it wants us to forge friends, do some big business. friends how sweet the word!
in which I could even have a friend who wants that? Oh! You will not leave my stop? you are always faithful to my strike? forever!
forever! hh grew up together, working together, I put my musical fantasy, in my mind over and over again to the ancient
strange things, your wisdom and your amazing talent and learning, collaboration, and that only the United States it! you know what all! I have not seen from
to smart people like you. Sometimes I am very worried: not feel qualified to be your friend. you so noble,
so capable, actually love me a vulgarian, I really appreciate it! hh ah, no! I just said I did not appreciate the word should be mentioned
! friends can not talk about kindness. I am not someone's charity! We love, we are starting so
. I can not wait to see you sooner! good strike, you do not want me to go on your house, I will not go, although I do not quite understand what you Ganme Yao
This caution; mm smarter than me but you, you must not miss the hh
forces can also treat my friends; to friends out of all things is my pleasure. You will not like this
? I need, you are not will get you all heritage to me? mm, but this situation is never
have it! I have a hand in the head and will not face any food to eat. mm good, Sunday, see the strike! mm God! with you points < br> not a whole week! and two days ago, I did not know you! I do not understand, do not make friends when you told me,
how I could live always such years! mm our Command would like to blame me. I do not care, you better not need to worry about!
those people have told me what coherence? whether now is the future, I love how they would like to how Xiangba! my mind there is only
you. You have to love me, ah, my soul! you have to like me, love me like you love! I was you, you, from head to toe
are always yours.
Christophe His family has made him nervous to face moments, moments, white red.
to Thursday, and he could not resist and wrote a second letter, more lively than the first letter. Otto's reply is Invite
sentimental school of the air.
finally came Sunday, on time and to Adobe. But Christophe walkway in the park have been waiting for nearly an hour
, where impatient. He was afraid Oddo ill, as Adobe will not done it, he did not have this idea. He remembered the old
is gently: Take a stick tapping, secret and said,
vain if the attached knock three times, Adobe will not come knocking, then Adobe will immediately appear.
but although he was so careful and items can is also not difficult, he notice any loss of three. is that time, Otto'd calmly came to Austria for more than
in the most exciting time it was Guihangjubu of. Chris flower husband ran, husky voice greeted him: Hello.
Adobe has answered the cry: Hello. then they could not find, unless say the weather excellent, at the moment is ten
five or six minutes, or else the ten ten (because the Jazz House clock always goes slowly) for a class of words.
them to the nearby train station on a spot. the way they talk about less than ten words, is like the situation with eyes full of tables
to supplement, and no results. They said they would like from the eyes is what kind of friends, but not the table
said, just as there put on a show. Christophe hair saw this, I was very embarrassed. He did not understand: how a small
full of feelings when the previous, and now not only can not tell the truth, and feel anything anymore. Oddo may no body in this state
will be so clear, because he does not like Christophe so real, more to see their own weight; but he also was disappointed.
because of the feelings of two children in the separation achieved by the week peak, can not maintain in real life, and a
meet once again under the first impression is that everyone would like to find that all is illusory. The only way is to give up the illusion as
, but they can not concede it resolutely.
day they slipped in the countryside, can not always get rid of that unpleasant emotions. That is the feast day:
village inn, and the woods are full of tourists, mm all general small bourgeois family, Jiaojiao yell, and everywhere to eat East
West. They increasingly bad mood, that is, those annoying people so that they can not be the same as last time freely.
But they talked as usual, searching desperately to find words for fear of not saying. Oddo out the books of knowledge. g
Aires music Christophe mentioned technical problems with the violin. They teach each other suffering, their own words
also heard that suffer. they can still say go on, scary fear interruption: as a quiet, cold
of more than a hole in it? Adobe want to cry Christophe almost run away leaving friends, because he very angry,
very bored.
until an hour before the ride back, their spirit was loose. the voice of the forest depths of a dog; It
there chasing something. Christophe suggested hiding it after the way, look at the beast that was chasing the dog. They run around in the dense forest
. dived dog to run away, moments, approached. they or the left or right, followed suddenly after suddenly before it.
bark more fiercely, the kind of bloodthirsty snarling, furious that it has been anxious; it came running out to their side. There are some trails
wheel groove, covered with dead leaves, Christophe and Adobe fell on top of screen the air waiting. bark no; dog
lost its lead, far shouted far, the woods suddenly quiet. silence, only the numerous raw materials and never stops
bore the forest, destroying the forest, where the mysterious insects creep, mm that is round without rest The death of
atmosphere. two children listen, stay fixed. just want to stand up and say they discouraged say They dart from the jungle come to: they also saw, merry cried.
hare a vertical from the ground, jump to step aside, a somersault plummeted grove; leaves Fenpi fluctuations, like the water about < br> sub wrinkles disappear. They regretted that calls out, but have turned their small little amused. They want to plant somersault
the appearance of scared rabbits, laughter doubled up; Christophe very funny study of its kind, also came along with Otto
. And then the two of them a chase, an escape to play together. Austria to do more hare, Christophe make a dog, in the woods,
on the prairie, between riding through the Lei Tan, skip the earthen trenches. a redneck voice straight a lot of noises as they flee in
a wheat field; they ran as usual. Christophe bark like a dog study so realistic, Otto laughed in tears. Finally,
they roll down the slope, shouting frantically rushed to the way that they can not be said even one word came to sit
the ground, looked at each other smiling. Now they happy, do not get mad himself. because what they are no longer what
play the role of Damon and Pythias, frankly only the exposed their true colors, the two a child's face.
they go hand in hand, singing wonderful songs inexplicable film; but quickly into the city when they want to posturing, to
two initials, staggered forward at the last moment strains of the tree. Fortunately, they are jubilant, the set of sentimental items can
to forget the train home, as long as eyes met, and could not help laughing. Farewell on their side, a
The naive flies his mouth is wonders of the scattered memories, home
then put their friendship and their own constitute a beautiful picture, the two spent a week to the other side of the ideal
and then to the Sunday meeting; despite the fact far worse with the illusion, but they have not see that difference was.
they can and the other friends that are proud of. distinct personalities but to make them close. Cleveland
Siduo Fu did not see Biot much more beautiful than the characters. tiny hands, beautiful hair, bright skin color, shy about
spit, courtesy of the move, neat and clean clothes, all that Christophe looked like . Oddo is to Chris
Christophe abundant energy with independent scare the uninhibited character. radicular inherited hundreds of years, made him fear and trepidation for all the holding power are
respect. Now with a natural companions look down stereotypes mixed in together, he was surprised
can not help but listen to criticism of the city Christophe prestigious people learn to see the Grand Duke of his wanton act, Otto slightly trembling,
a kind of terror of pleasure. Christophe found himself such a magic show will be more and more fire in the
his satirical temper, like the old revolutionary party like the social customs, national laws, mercilessly. Otto
and listening pleasure and fear, echoed boldly on a few, but look around in advance somehow no one.
two with a walk, Christophe like to climb in family adopt the fruit wall, a fence to see what is written
the idler Mo into the words to mean to jump in the past. Otto frightened, for fear of being caught; but its own
a pleasure these feelings, and After returning home at night also thinks heroes. He gingerly admired Christophe.
only heard friends arranged everything: his instincts are not subject to being met it? Christophe has never seen it fit not to bother him: < br> He is everything for him assigned day, or even a whole lifetime, not arguing for the Otto set
future plans, as determined as his own. Otto hear Christophe dictate property, making an ingenious future
theater was somewhat resentful, but also in favor of the. his friend that the big merchants Otto. Mr. Di earn sad satisfied,
more noble than this purposes, the kind of dictatorial tone when speaking, did not dare express dissent Oddo scared, but the attitude that
convinced that Adobe is also believed his claims. Christophe never thought this would Funi Austria many will.
inherently arbitrary temper, he could not imagine another friend may have a choice. If Adobe want
expressed a different look, he would not hesitate to sacrifice himself. He also Some do not wait for more sacrifice. He very much hope to go to friends
adventure, there is a chance to show what the depth of his friendship. He longed to encounter any danger when walking, so he bravely went straight before
resistance. For Otto, die die happy he is. At present he can only take care of him carefully, met
difficult path, like the mix like a little girl took him; he was afraid he was tired, afraid He is hot, cold fear him; sitting under the tree,
to take off his coat draped over his shoulders; walked together, they took the coat for him, his friends just wanted to hold
the go away now. He was overwhelmed with love and affection of looked at him, like a move of love. He really love the move.
he do not know, he do not know what is love. but they are together in the time, sometimes he would make the day as the beginning of
as in the pine forest, feel the heart swing rapture, the body of a hot, blood is on the head and face. he was afraid.
about the two children are not the same, Huang Huang Chang Zhang suddenly on the road before suddenly after another to escape; they pretend I'm in the bushes, Sang Real, just do not understand why the heart will
this mess.
inside in their letter, which was particularly warm feelings but the fact need not be afraid and conflict, the illusion of self-deception of its people without the slightest prejudice
. They communicate two or three times a week, are warm and lyrical performance of real
talk about international things, textual only obscure some serious problems, often a change from the extreme excitement and to despair. They
each other as Abuse of the Christophe writes, have burst.)
if you pain, I where to find the courage to live it? want you happy, I will happy. Oh! you happy now!
gave me all the suffering, I am glad to bear that is! you have to think of me! love me! I need someone to love me.
love being with your heating unit, you can give me life. Well, you really do not know that I am cold too! as if my heart is cold and windy winter
. Oh! I embrace your soul. the head in his hand, , as warm as I love you. You see stop! ! dissipated! If you do not love me anymore, how do I do then? I am indignant that
. how can you ask I will not love you? for me to live is to love you. even the dead could not be eliminated also love my
. you have to destroy my love is impossible Even if you deceive me, my heart breaks heartbroken, and I die while still wish
while blessing you, take your sense of love for me to bless you. I'm sorry you are such a concern is people, never stop taking these
idea to make your own suffering, made me so sad! . I was shaking. You forgotten me yet? thought about this,
my blood is cold, hh yes, I forgot you hh day before yesterday, I think you gave me the cold. Do not you love me a!
you want to leave me! hh tell you: you have to forget me, cheat me, I will kill you the same as killing a dog! ; Otto groaned.
under a light to love you! I fell to the ground strike
! I deserve to die! I do not deserve by your love! ordinary people with
letter they wrote different. These items can childish as they do have a mysterious charm of love.
one day, Christophe returned to teach in a nearby street to see Adobe Youth with a similar age talking
affectionate smile. Christophe made a white face, stared at them and see them on the missing child in the corner. They
did not see him. He Back home, as if the clouds cover your sun, everything is black.
meet next Sunday when the first one not to mention Christophe. slip tap for half an hour, he cries hoarse voice of
said: it. ;
you also went over to him? trees, birds pecking at a mill refers to a friend to see. They have side-tracked by other things go.
ten minutes later, Christophe suddenly asked:

Yes. Why do you ask?
adding: Hello. The story, Christophe shrugged, as if saying: branch off, pointing to a target far
proposal ran.
the afternoon, they do not mention; but very cool with each other, put not too much that simple courtesy, especially
in this regard Christophe. His words and old in the throat. At last he could not resist, followed five or six times in front of the Austrian far more
turned, his hand clutching menacing , along with the words poured out:
Love me! I will not! you do not know you, you are my everything. You can not hh hh
you should not if I lost you, I just died! I do not know what to do to make . I will commit suicide, will kill you. Oh!
Sorry! hh Adobe has moved and horrified, and quickly swore,
said he is currently in the future, never the same as love Christophe love others, and that he did not put the Fa Langzi
in mind, if Christophe does not want him to meet with the cousin, he never met with the cousins.
Christophe swallow these words directly into the stomach, his heart alive. He calls the gas loud , loud laugh, sincere thanks filled the
Oddo. He himself was just a feeling ashamed; but mind is really a stone off the ground.
they stood face to face, shaking hands, a move not move. They are very happy, very embarrassed. They gave not the journey home,
followed to talk to, restore ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pan Shiyi Chuang Shanghai

 1 21, evening. The car had been going south from the West Nanjing Road, Huaihai Zhong Road stop across the road is the famous Xintiandi . sitting in the car of the Pan Shiyi hesitate to ask: clearly Shanghai Can . Although located in Shanghai's prime commercial area, this is a known as the the initial and the transaction to be announced on the eve of, respectively, he received a claim from the project company to block m Tianyi's had given him the company made a lawyer's letter, also disputes the details released to the outside world. but insisted on taking over Pan Shiyi this project, and insisted on the implementation of SOHO China in Beijing a decade-long copy the business model here.
he really likes to Shanghai, so willing to take the risk? Not necessarily so. in accordance with the chairman of SOHO China Pan Shiyi own account, in 1995, he served as the company's executives Wantong Shanghai, Hua Ting Hotel live in, looking at the city lights at night, nor are they do not intend to invest in Shanghai. Even in 2000, he had his own company Redstone Industrial (later renamed the SOHO China), he also thought Beijing was enough.
the first time to the idea of development in Shanghai in 2002, when Pan Shiyi bent on going public. With the idea of investment in Shanghai He walked the streets in Shanghai, the feeling is not related to the past, the same. It was with him, a person familiar with the street, said Pan Shiyi, love to go on the road question, What are the local residents a listing attempts. Since then the idea of Pan Shiyi, also in Shanghai when the strong weak .2005, he made a few company executives formed a land group, around for land resources, two main objectives of Shanghai and Tianjin. Land Group to Shanghai selling land to buy back the tender notice, also contacted the Shanghai local government, but in early 2007, Hongqiao Development Zone, Changning a land auction lost Stanley Ho. frustrated in Shanghai, won the Beijing Sanlitun turned Pan Shiyi project, and let it Shanghai also asked him to name m when a hanging word He worked in Hainan just for fun style to project a good nor bad, he had twice the sales team throughout the SOHO China pulled his good friend Di Yi Xiao, chairman of Sunshine 100 projects to m is hard to say they two who core areas, stylish spin offices and shops to sell the coal mine boss in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia cashmere business owners and professional managers of multinational corporations. In rare investment channels in China, this approach allows SOHO China has become the most profitable real estate companies. his approach different from the traditional past, this is a very few people qualified to play the game: the billions of funds will be easily to the heart of the bag, built skyscrapers, holding rent collection, make it a guarantee of steady income for decades. In Hong Kong, this is Swire Properties, Wharf and New Henderson and other veteran developers.
Pan Shiyi change the traditional rules of the game, listed in Hong Kong in 2007 further reduced after the game cycle. from outward SOHO, Beijing Chateau, Zhongguancun SOHO, East China Sea to the Nexus Center Plaza, is immediate, without exception, the project can be realized.
although the details have been released of view, occurred in Shanghai It was launched from the deal to end after six months from the time, but most of the time period of waiting, said Pan Shiyi, m, in order to avoid disputes and property tax issues, he not only asked his legal counsel, counterparties Morgan Stanley, to verify the relevant government departments in Shanghai many times, but also to legal counsel and accounting firm staff dedicated to a careful audit of tax issues. the rest of the amount of time, he bored waiting for him at home on Morgan Stanley m The audit multinationals m slow.
that most companies do in the inevitable red tape before the acquisition of market research? Pan Shiyi scorn: to ask how many people are willing to spend money to buy this building? often customers are asked to the feeling and the feeling when he wrote a check is different, so investigate what is the point? . , the entire sale of SOHO China, leaving only scattered sales model in this highly controversial m in just the past few months, built into a property scandal, SOHO, SOHO, and still have hundreds of Chaowai SOHO owners, but also face serious losses as investors set up shop rights working group, to financial capacity, this enterprise is how to accelerate the recovery of its investment, and maximizes efficient use of funds?
rely on the inherent Pan Shiyi 7,000 fans as customers, and you expect them to wander with it? The answer is very cruel. ready to Shanghai ago, Pan Shiyi and old customers of the past to do a thorough investigation, the result is that when you talk about a man from Shanxi, or Inner Mongolia, Beijing, his eyes light up, but when you talk to him, Shanghai, Nanjing, Shanghai or West road, have no idea he was.
He Yanan is a Inner Mongolia. He is SOHO China's current five one sales director, a person created in the sales accounted for 40% of annual sales In 2009 in late August, Pan Shiyi decided to send him to the Plaza Shanghai is responsible for the East China Sea.
the Inner Mongolia's first reaction is to carefully check the map on Baidu where Nanjing Road West.
He Yanan new first responsibilities is to form a management team stationed in Shanghai. In less than a week next time, the Beijing company to help him prepare a list, is also being done within a recruitment m not everyone eligible, candidates must be full-year sales in the top fifteen, or top five results for a single selling season.
in the initial selection and adjustment, this produces a list of 10 people. In addition to He Yanan, the other 9 people are: four vice president of sales, a leasing director, two deputy director of leasing, a marketing and a financial. Some of them are veteran, experienced entrepreneurs SOHO China, since all items someone a little shorter time, only two years, but this does not preclude him from understanding the spirit of SOHO China.
worrying is that the composition of this interim 10-man team, know almost in Shanghai zero m only two Little Shanghai dialect, most people come to one of the few times in Shanghai. When they learned to go to work in Shanghai, the first thing to do is find the one with the He Yanan Shanghai map to the same . First, where the Nanjing West Road, the second is to look at the East China Sea Place.
Obviously, they need to do to prepare much more. Assistant Director of Sales Gu Yuanyuan addition to busy view information, contact the number of peers and past clients, but also packed up her last order m, a large box and two large parcels are moved around the house in Shanghai. Wenjie, director of leasing go buy a dozen shirts, plus shirts before him m he thought, married a man from a sudden return to the bachelor life, no one helped the laundry, these shirts at least a guarantee that he put on clean clothes every day.
Wenjie said before, in his Life has never been the planning of Shanghai of the station. He was born in Hebei school, then went to the city of his dream to work in Beijing. But in August 2009, has established himself as the 30-year-old Beijing man, suddenly was told They were like a real hope that the people of Shanghai, like life, like problems.
However, differences still exist everywhere.
at the head of the Wenjie, be expected to improve within a short time the occupancy rate of the East China Sea Place, no matter what kind of way. Pan Shiyi said, rent. In the past, after the first lease sales routine will not work here. SOHO China's first model with both rental.
Despite mentally prepared, but the first time in Shanghai, Wen Jie in order Morgan Stanley Lee signed a contract with the tenants, they always feel shocked m actually spend millions or even tens of millions of tenants for the renovated offices, the Shanghai office market actually has 90% of the rental transaction is completed by the agent bank, to broker the return is actually up to two months rent!
It has been explained to him that the first Shanghai office owners always make great efforts to introduce the main tenant, and then through the main appeal of the tenants are willing to spend millions to attract tenants to its neighbors to make. etc. the first after the expiration of the lease contract (usually three years), the owner will be gradually upgraded, Amoy for tenants, maintaining offices in the pursuit of high-end positioning, while rental returns. but Wenjie said the former owners of Morgan Stanley to do some of the leasing decision, he was not so understanding at times. When the tenants to get the list before, he could not help but think, why is such a strange mix of m both multinational corporations, there are private enterprises, both IT companies, cosmetics companies, as well as clothing companies, the management company?
Pan Shiyi, meeting at a time in Shanghai, cut the Gordian knot of these problems had to do a break. one hand, he persuaded his team continue to do as the Romans, on the other hand also act to adjust the camera. For example, he agreed to pay two months rent as commission, in Beijing, only half of this commission. Subsequently, he found that the surface of Shanghai correspondent master lease 90% of client resources, the actual customer resources on these leases are firmly in the specific handling of the lease rental business on behalf of hands. So, this commission paid only 3 / 4 as the agency fee was written into the agency contract, the other 1 / 4 as the labor costs of private paid to the agents. In other important issues, Pan Shiyi, insisted on the usual practice is the only settled m the standard rent; for the enterprises, do not pay renovation costs, and for seeking more tax breaks. < br> This adjustment immediately. just 5 months, the occupancy rate of the East China Sea square added 30%, 90% of the tenants of transactions from the agency, Wenjie said the same occupancy rate, Morgan Stanley spent two years.
Some agents complained privately that they not willing to cooperate with the SOHO China, for fear that the line against the rules of cooperation will bring difficult to control the damage. but not in the office leasing market good, kind of transaction has its allure. One has been in contact with SOHO China's senior correspondent, said the high or low rent, not into the pockets of Pan Shiyi. who are willing to spend so much trouble in the lease on the energy, just because the lease of the property with sell.
lease is not an end, sales is. And this is precisely the competitive advantage of SOHO China's largest. In Pan Shiyi, the last one eliminated based system, the sales staff was in the different groups Each team set a vice president of sales for every five groups set a sales director. each of them 3 months into a season. Each season, ranking last in the group performance, if not completed initial sales target set, All team members out and bringing a vice president of sales can be downgraded to an ordinary salesman, but also resigned. end of the season, cleared all the results, even if the number one is no exception. because the loss is too large, basically every season, master the use of human rights should seize the time vice president of sales recruiting.
He Yanan are trying to bring Shanghai to m such a mechanism could help him, in addition to a white paper, is Assistant Director of Sales 4. The Assistant Director of Sales by m as a good way like-minded people through them into the company, the company's philosophy and with the team through their communication to the outside world.
Gu Yuanyuan said that some people come here especially, but more will need to find their own . For example, search, network, friends, and to identify himself to some choice real estate.
Grand Lapa is attracted by generous commission. In SOHO China, as long as customers settle down within a week, with sales of 9p scored as a commission salesman for the card. In Shanghai, the commission is usually only return sales 0.5p to 0.8p, to have no readily.
Grand Lapa, said she had never seen anything like the square of office .100 meters of the room, arrayed 6 platoon table, each row of the table is crowded 15 to 20 people. the side of the wall, ZHANG Dong-hai Square, close to the floor for a profile of each layer to sell, it will map the location of the corresponding red. she felt like a very terrible scene. But Yuanyuan Gu said in Beijing, the office of the people even leave together, often left the seat, the stool on the robbed. Then some people began to bring their own bench work.
into each new employee will receive a book entitled great lengths to render their story. It is very easy to find, ; I want to sell it to do! always serious recruitment to two three four criteria listed, but was recruited smiled and said, so-called standard is, naught. to the owner of the East China Sea have to become self-reliant Square. and the Shanghai real estate the usual period, all came to start selling.
all the items in the SOHO China, the East China Sea Place the highest priced, each transaction requires at least 80 to 100 million (January 2010 to allow a half layer reduced by half after the sale) . This means that the target customer groups more than 10 billion worth, is the pyramid's top consumer groups that part. He Yanan Pan Shiyi, who highly recommended an exception for this project set a storage period, because of their past customers can not afford the resources here to complete role. but this proposal was finally rejected.
originally envisaged by Pan Shiyi, the East China Sea to Shanghai Square is to prepare interested businessmen. these people are active in the Yangtze River Delta, especially in Wenzhou. their extraordinary worth the investment active, but the stability is poor. Gu Yuanyuan said 9 years ago, the Wenzhou-off is a large part of the source of her clients, but these people came and went. They always follow the hot run, Beijing's offer to withdraw from the Pan Shiyi, after These people went to Wuhan, Hainan and even Dubai.
This time, Pan Shiyi, Donghai Plaza, hoping to revive the enthusiasm of Wenzhou off. When the Shanxi coal mine set off the country back into the trend, it is difficult, said he has been with for 10 years Shanxi investors will continue to go with.
Wenzhou customer marketing for the division of labor closely. He Yanan said the sales staff to do the basic work, phone calls, strange visit, and some to the site to customers. to the scene, Assistant Director of Sales responsible for the Li Min said that when all the commercial real estate developers target customers are multinational corporations, as when, Pan Shiyi, turned, saw a larger market m hundreds of millions of small business owners.
order to attract these people the company from top to bottom are conscious packaging. and a lot of emphasis on steady sales of developers in different ways, SOHO China's real estate is like Apple's new product releases, the beginning is always not conceal it, so you can hear see to but not buy. Pan Shiyi and his wife Zhang Xin, in-house like a pair of clear division of understanding and cooperation partner m the Lord, grasp the project selection, development and construction. but in public, the couple has been a rich and fashionable circles of the regular cycle, they go to shows in the top luxury goods, but also on the various economic forum. and Pan Shiyi every word, has a precise considerations behind.
He Yanan compared to Pan Shiyi, the Air Force, while he led the team are ground forces. Sometimes, they went out, do forums, open lectures, or eat. Pan Shiyi said where the customer is nothing more than more than go.
Most recently, they went to the Wenzhou. 5 tables placed in the Shangri-La to the 30 Wenzhou boss. Pan Shiyi said, and Shanxi different, people want to hear Wenzhou off the total class, so he is not the exception. and so Pan Shiyi, the macroeconomic situation had finished, He Yanan, he took his team, one on one talks with these items off in Wenzhou, analyze return on investment. a meal down, there are 3 people signed a letter of intent.
amazing. the whole thing sounds like a group worth one billion, veteran traders are all in this incarnation as the dinner in the worship of Pan Shiyi fans. idol of a speaker, fans had to pay the bill.
Do not take it seriously. This early look great on the road in Beijing issuing leaflets to promote SOHO New Town, Shaanxi men, who have incredible tenacity others. Lucheng Greentown Square Wenzhou sales vice president, said Chen, Wenzhou, in recent years to promote particularly real estate company projects, such as Hutchison Whampoa, China Shipping, China Vanke, Shimao, etc., but can do it in person before the promotion of Pan Shiyi, the boss was only one person.
Ren Zhiqiang, chairman of real estate in the eyes of Huayuan , Pan Shiyi is able to sell potatoes as a man of gold. He obsessed with micromanaging every thing has a relationship with the sales, he will be directly accountable to a salesman to call it, will not miss any potential customers . Once, Pan Shiyi to do promotion in Yulin. with the past, as after a meal in the presence of people are looking for him pictured, except for one person. Pan Shiyi, who found the ability to walk is not convenient, sit on the sidelines, then ran over to squat down and took him one. A week later, the man in the sale of real estate in the Pan Shiyi, the 100 million yuan in investment.
such as football paid off, and dinner. Before, SOHO China needs to do a lot of preparation. dinner alone, the list prepared to spent a lot of trouble. Each group is only assigned to five places, Gu Yuanyuan said the sales staff who wish to have on the lot. So, a list of changed and changed.
and Pan Shiyi different appeal the north, in Shanghai, many people have heard of Pan Shiyi, but not for his bill. Pan Shiyi said, Shanxi look for you to follow, not fine afterwards, but different Wenzhou off their return on investment rate calculation clearly, and, if they listen to opinion leaders. Shanghai people are more sophisticated, they who would not listen, they just look at their analysis. in a large number of Shanghai people, some people think that those who followed him first The reason why customers buy property around Pan Shiyi, how well does not make money, but the entire real estate market caused the increase. Pan Shiyi, others worry about the East China Sea through the hands, and sped away after the square make a killing. an intention to Office moved from the outskirts of the city of Wenzhou in Pudong boss said he was concerned that the property in Beijing, Pan Shiyi, the door incident, he was worried that such events will occur in the East Plaza. He has recently been invited to visit the East China Sea Place project.
He Yanan said first, including Pan Shiyi, including, our idea is to fast track to finish the project. But now, they are hoping this project based in Shanghai.
this is not an easy task. Pan Shiyi said he was in Shanghai ; just arrived. is all the more controversial issues the greater the speculation, and products to enhance their visibility. However, this approach is difficult operating superstars moved to Shanghai. and Beijing follow the trend of habits to buy a house, buy a house do not look at the people of Shanghai known, they see lots more, the price, premium and value-added services space.
greater challenge is that Shanghai people like to buy houses, do not love to buy office space. Gu Yuanyuan said, Donghai Plaza, sold 65,000 yuan per square meter, but rather the quality of the floor next to one from the office building into apartments, each able to sell 10 million square meters.
more members have to rely on sales of network resources. He Yanan said already the case of transactions, at least 90% of the customers are the resources inherent salesman, very few newly developed customer transactions.
of Shanghai, Zhang is deputy director in sales just rose, he said, his hands at least 20 valid m these people to follow his clients for many years, and at least afford the East China Sea floor plaza level.
customers to develop such long years. by Zhang is up to the previous owner, Hutchison Whampoa, for example, they find the right 15 months ahead of schedule sales person, then spent 9 months of the time that they nurture their own m not only a way of life experts, enjoy cigars, understand the yacht, knowing collection, In addition, they have to in-depth study foreign exchange, stock market, at any time to tell customers how real estate investment in Shanghai than investment in securities or foreign currencies for higher returns. in the event of opening the first half, Hutchison Whampoa also this well-trained marketing team to provide conditions for small parties, receptions or a luxury development, to narrow the gap between sales staff and the relationship between potential customers.
here, everything was left out. Zhang is reached, said the same with the Flying Tigers, opened the door to get on the battlefield. However, Zhang was up to recognize that in here really like him have a valid client reserves are not many sales.
most people are still difficult to adapt. has been 5 years experience in sales, Lee Man, last December to SOHO China, for one day without a break. her every day at least 200 phone are always fighting to be rejected, whenever this time, she kept eating, or give yourself Read poems.
This poem is written like this: I hope that is the wings of birds, habitat living in the human soul, singing the tune without words, never stop.
He Yanan done a statistical square in the East China Sea, each transaction is at least 10,000 behind the strange phone call. It's hard, big so after a week most people begin to back off the phone. In order to give them encouraging, He Yanan to find ways to give them a variety of training arrangements, seminars and interactive activities. He even suggested a group of people to draw their own pie 70 m million set aside for each finish a phone call to remove from 70 yuan; other 10000 Phone finish, this 70 million is yours.
Grand Lapa said they always recommended people share in the commission out to do harm is obvious. Li Man said, a client told her, Donghai Plaza, a 6 salesman gave him a telephone call. She is the first 7.
Valley Yuanyuan specially reserved for the team in Shanghai buffer period, I hope this time they work to accept and adapt to the pressure SOHO. but there are some people left after some time.
ran excitedly preparing those who receive generous commission, and finally found that only 20% of people could be so lucky to be rewarded, while 80% of the people, and ultimately destined to leave empty-handed. there are some people to understand that this in mind, I left the group m in Li Man, the turnover rate of 30%. Every day new faces, old faces have disappeared. At that time, they are still 18 floor work, a lot of people joke that, 18th floor, well that heaven is hell do not.
This is not a suitable Shanghai people's position. Gu Yuanyuan left to the team most outsiders. grab every chance they are willing to work hard, on the contrary the people of Shanghai do not like, they are not used to working overtime, always thinking of a gathering of friends and family agreement.
There is no culture to speak of, let alone organize the feeling of belonging, and the rest is just nine to ten p.m., they see each other every day, but they know each other. their weekly payment of wages, they talk about a private matter, but do not ask each other's sales.
competition everywhere. There a salesperson in the first note of the paper write down a number, put it torn away. the other caring people will quickly tear off the second, by reducing the number of traces spell, then quickly to the number play host to the phone. Grand Lapa said here, grab the customer is not allowed to practice, but if your client was taken away, and can only say that you do not have ability.
cultural differences still exist .1 22, Wenjie filled dumpling shop to find, but how to be found. At that time, he knows, the original people of Shanghai, but Laba Festival. more problems are cultural differences in the management team of twelve SOHO Shanghai conducted more than one person. They can not help remind each other, not to come to Beijing to Shanghai habits. For example, the Shanghai team slowly, no need to rush.
Now it's time for acceptance of results In 2009 on sale Nov. 9, at the end of February 2010, with sales of 1.3 billion (2.45 billion purchase price), can be sold in 33% of area is sold out, which is still regarded as the Depression of the Shanghai office market a good result. But to come to Shanghai in the Pan Shiyi, the day before, another project in Beijing and opened Nexus Center, opened the first day put the cost of acquisition money back. such a ratio, but also some less performance in Shanghai.
view, from the SOHO com
Great Wall is located in Beijing Yanqing County, near the Great Wall
area of planning construction area of 30,500 square meters
took over the time the first phase of construction in 2001, the second in the third quarter of 2005, the construction of the Great Wall
characteristics of the project, 11 buildings designed by famous architects in Asia a unique villa set
Comments SOHO China, a high-end brand image projects. ; in 2005 by Business Week as the China hotel. Zhangxin also by virtue of the project won the 2002 Venice Biennale Special Award br> area of planned construction area of about 70 million square meters
took the time to start the construction
2002 sales of more than 9 billion yuan income characteristics of the project
project by 20 towers, four villas, composed of 16 street committed to build a large community
Comments SOHO China in Beijing CBD area's largest project, a total of seven. This is the sale of SOHO China fully demonstrated the strength of the project: The project is part of Zeng Yi shops more than 40,000 yuan per square meter record retail sales was the highest price of the Beijing market, selling the project is built in sharp contrast to the promotion of SOHO, costs (including advertising costs) of sales accounted for only 0.7%
SOHO New Town, Chaoyang District, Beijing Jianguo
location Road 88, located in Beijing CBD
area of planned construction area of about 480,000 square meters
time to take over the fourth quarter of 1998, construction completed in 2001
income: total sales of about 4 billion yuan
characteristics of the project for the first time in China, the introduction of words, m
took time in March 2007
income as the fourth quarter of 2009, has been pre-sold 91% of the available area (excluding parking), made the sale of approximately 15.5 billion yuan investment performance
characteristics of the project of about 3.0 billion
Sanlitun area of the After taking over three or four years will not appear Duandun the crisis. This is also the maximum amount of SOHO China, a project sales
Beijing's Tiananmen Square, Qianmen Avenue, located south of
Qianmen area
area construction area approximately 55,000 square meters
took time in May 2009 entered into a framework agreement and the supplemental agreement
return to August 31, 2009, SOHO China, an area held by about 80% completion of the signed lease contract. Merchants The average monthly rent of 1,082 yuan / square meter
invested 1.768 billion yuan
characteristics of the project the core commercial area of the front door the front door of Pan Shiyi Comments
dream for two years .2007, SOHO China listed in Hong Kong, the success Qianmen project to become involved in an important bargaining chip market. Qianmen project after the delays in approval due to lack of relevant below, Pan Shiyi, announced the first project held in the East China Sea Place
1486 Nanjing West Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, near Tongren Road
area of the project on the ground floor area of 71,700 square meters of total, total construction area of 08,800 underground square
took time in August 2009
sales gains of about 1.6 billion so far ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

History of DMD chip (DLP projector in the heart) after a close look at all understand

 As we all know, DMD is a Texas Instruments Digital Light Processing technology (DLP) as the core device. DMD concept first appeared in 1977, scientists from the Texas Instruments invented Larry J.Horn-beck. Interestingly, the original inventor of this technology is not to be used for the display device, but is prepared as a printing technology in the imager. Although it had been using the official name of DMD, but its English name and is not exactly the same. because when digital technology has not yet developed, the chip the micromirror or the use of simulation technology to drive, reflector is the use of a flexible material, so this technique was known as control technology, developed a new generation of DMD devices, and the name changed to , to 1992, Texas Instruments investors to set up digital imaging division, to explore the possibility of commercial application of DMD. Two years later, the first prototype to demonstrate the DLP projector was born in another two years in April 1996, the first commercial DLP projectors the official birth of .1997, Ti terminated in printing technology research and development, to research into digital imaging technology. Subsequently, DMD at an alarming pace in 2001, Ti 1996 announced No. 1,000,000 since the birth of DMD chip. DMDDMD under the electron microscope works must have our readers are familiar with, Figure 1 is a two DMD chip has been packaged, a small piece of a 848X600 resolution, large is 1280X1024 resolution. this looks like a piece of integrated circuit packaging substrate in the mirror kind of thing, in fact, is composed of a large number of micro-mirrors. Under a microscope, these tiny devices looks like this (Figure 2). Photos of the micromirror from the bottom of the micro-electronic mechanical device to drive, when the mirror reflecting the light to the lens, the pixel appears to be lit, if the mirror reflecting the light to the side of the screen display is a dark spot. Figure 3 we can see the lens after removing the exposed micro-electro-mechanical devices (MEMS). the secret of the color wheel DLP projector display colors in two ways, one is to use three DMD, each piece is responsible for a primary colors of the display, similar to the way as 3LCD. However, the cost of using three DMD is very high, so this program is only for the most high-end DLP projectors. Another is the so-called , circular color wheel is divided into R, G, B three transparent sections, white three-color filter through which to form a three-color light, and order has hit on the DMD. So, DLP projector color , is time-show, just because the color wheel turning very fast, based on persistence of vision mechanisms of the human eye, looking with all the colors are displayed. First generation of the color wheel speed is 120 rpm per second, so each color 60Hz monitor refresh rate is 2 times the standard, which is called two-speed color wheel color wheel. the same period, the projector's color wheel business, based on an increase in the tri-color with a white section, this can increase the brightness of the projector. But for home theater applications, high brightness but ineffective .2 Although the high-speed color wheel speed, but many people still feel that the color-sensitive than the same time show that this phenomenon is commonly known as has introduced RGBRGB section 6 color wheel, speed the same, but each color refresh rate up to 240Hz, so called 4-speed color wheel. If further speed up the speed, you can get 5-speed segment color wheel .6 The color wheel can also add a transparent section of a 7-segment color wheel, as can again increase the brightness. color wheel developed in the other direction, is to improve the performance of the color. Ti specially developed for the HD2 + chip, the DVE color wheel, that is, 6 nodes based on the color wheel to increase one or two dark green segments, used to reduce image noise, dark dark green. Recently, Ti and the RGB color wheel adds YCM three complementary color, a new 6-color color wheel, greatly expand the color gamut of DLP, known as the Computer Standards and 848x480 in 480p (16:9) video standards. This generation of DMD micromirror deflection angle of 1 (), contrast ratio ranging from 400:1 to 800:1, through appropriate optical design, the whole contrast ratio can improve to 1000:1. starting from the second generation of DMD, DLP regarded as the beginning of mass into the home theater projector market, this generation of DMD chip, called the HDl, not only the standard resolution to HDTV 1280X720, micromirror deflection angle is also increased to 12 degrees, so that light can be reflected to the more remote areas is absorbed, the impact of stray light is greatly reduced, so the black better performance, the contrast further. this generation of DLP's representative, has the famous Sharp IV-Z9000 and Marantz VPl2S1. After the HDl, Ti found that if the mirrors were all treated as the lower black metal, can greatly reduce the reflections from these metals out of the stray light, contrast consequent elevated to 2000:1, this technology is called as . This technology focuses on reducing the distance between the mirrors, reducing the possibility of stray light reflections, and more smooth surface mirrors to enhance reflectivity, so black and white two while improving the contrast once again increased. This is the generation of HD-class DMD HD2 +. DVE color wheel is introduced together with this generation of DMD. This generation of DLP projectors more representative, Sharp XV-Z12000, Marantz VPl2S3, Yamaha DPXll00, Optoma H77, evil is a lively, contrast, generally ranging from 3500:1 to 5500:1. HD2 + and later developed a smaller area of 0.65 inches DMD, improving the resolution to 1280x768, to further reduce costs, but still maintain the original level of performance. The famous Mitsubishi HC3000 and Optoma HD72 recent is the use of the chip. DC2 in the field of application of SD is 1024X576, and 800x480 resolution, two chips, corresponding to the W-PAL, and W-480p video. DC2 is a matter of course after the DC3, Based on the DC2, black more black, higher contrast ratio. DC3 chip direct result of one of the launch is the HD2 + chip prices, the Sharp XV-Z2000 and HD2 + BenQ PE7700 projector is a cheap representatives. DC3 chip and high-end representative of the projector, a Marantz VPl2S4, Yamaha DPXl200, Optoma H79, Infocus SP7210 and so on. this generation of projectors, with the optical system, and some manufacturers have been raised to a nominal contrast of 10000:1. DC3 after What is it? some people think is the HD3 and xHD3, but this is not more advanced than the next-generation technologies DC3, but two used in the back of the lower priced HD projector chip, the former is 720p resolution, which is 1080p resolution rate. true 1080p chip used in projection machines, is now imminent, pending issue.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Limitations of economics from Paul Samuelson

 Limitations of economics from Paul Samuelson
Xuezhao Feng
Samuelson (Paul A. Samuelson) passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace old!
I believe that few as one can claim to be as David Henderson has never been to the dumping of Samuelson's textbook (see here). The reason he must have had a better teacher Armen entry (Armen A. Alchian). I have read their own his Friedman (Milton Friedman) of the book, but that is beside the point of the.
Samuelson is intelligent (his textbook-clear water), of course, profound (Arnold Kling learned Austrian capital theory is that he taught himself in mm see here), of course, has the original (before the end of World War II to write his doctoral thesis laid the mathematical paradigm of modern economics), and of course, far-reaching (this paradigm to feed the millions of modern economists.) But I think his legacy at least two limitations. First, the misleading of the status of mathematics in economics; second, is to forget the real world.
first. Nobel Prize winner Lucas ( Bob Lucus) praised the impact of Samuelson said: a problem in economic theory mathematically, I didnrt know what I was doing. see here). mathematical form, but the mathematics itself can not launch any ideas. Economic development relies on the improvement points of view. On the mathematical heritage Samuelson implied misleading, Deirdre N. McCloskey wrote a happy fun booklet, The Vices of Economists; The Virtues of the Bourgeoisie, friends who are interested, see here.
second. Samuelson himself so powerful, worthy of all the scholars of the adjectives used to praise their create a scientific (or said mathematical) economics so dramatically, but he was a few decades to the economic strength of the Soviet Union made a mistake. The following three maps, is in its 1961,1967 and Samuelson 1970 version of . Although this forecast table in the follow-up version of the the socialist command economy is not only feasible but even thriving. ([T] he Soviet economy is proof that, contrary to what many skeptics had earlier believed, a socialist command economy can function and even thrive. mm see here).
Samuelson died, many praised the temporary emergence of wisdom and contributions to his blog post. I think that Samuelson praised for these well-deserved. but because of it, we have to also ask: how the economics actually ?
1961 years Communication, specifically requested the venue:

Monday, February 21, 2011

White radish decoration Diary - Episode radish steps for full renovation of God ...

 First like to say, so dear were waiting. See students encouraged to say work, taking time to building materials market, there is no time on the Internet. to the last weekend of March, when wild radish concentrate on building materials market shopping stroll, so feet are soaked wear ~ but still very rewarding. Oh, and today finally have time to write here to share. Continued literacy or two sets of long-winded articles connected back to the last words said the renovation of literacy, it appears that many of the early entry of the students are really want to have talk about those tedious building supplies in the end is used to doing. If the sub-materials, the students said that carrot will froth at the mouth, so the carrot will learn all of their recent renovation of the process by a little, in accordance with the division to share with you experience, where if there is something wrong, please enlighten a lot of old classmates ah ~:) fitting the first step: everyone says that before the renovation design of the first step is to do water and electricity, in fact, the design of particular importance. even as I and vegetables that most people who want simple, also found that the room layout and the whole idea of how important early in the decoration. So, students get the house at the moment to begin the layout of the house a good idea . If you have the money, please decoration designers, it is also better, as if to own equipment and radish, you have to think well: in the kitchen (especially the kitchen) What will the future home appliances? them on where the most easily used? Where to stay need to strip? on where easy access to the refrigerator? washing machine is on the balcony or the kitchen or bathroom? in the bathroom vanity How long width, shower appliances, which hopes on the corner? bedroom need dresser, the need for dual-control switch? bedside cabinet in the future how high it will block well in advance of the strip ... ... and so on. too much. even if your money enough, I hope what kind of house is decorated in the style to need prior to good. so that when water workers to help you see how to do when the water circuit, you can clearly tell him: Here I need 3 rows of sockets, because there are many appliances; here should remain in the ground socket 50 cm, as might be blocking the outlet bedside cabinet. and so on. This greatly facilitates the subsequent use, or, think about it, you spend so much money to buy the socket back to blocking the wardrobe behind the. crying crying 're in and not fitting the second step: water after a long period of negotiations and consultations, radish students chose renovation of knowledge, so that students grow up a lot of carrots. radish recommend students to choose a more reliable water and electricity workers, so you can rest assured that let him labor and materials, than to save a lot of material you buy a lot of things. radish basically decided to water droplets do, and Wei twice the amount of the master site, said that after the use of specific start until the number of tubes counted how much money, I hope we can cooperate happily ~ Oh. decoration third step: in fact, be given the cabinet and the cabinet so that water and electricity workers to to house survey should be conducted simultaneously. the journal articles are written by students eager to tell when I should have given the cabinet, so I at the same time. once again to thank the students enthusiastic, because it made me suddenly had the idea for the kitchen. radish family kitchen on the balcony, there is a wall are windows, flue side of the sink side is inconvenient. In a lot of shopping my head after the cabinet market, How the kitchen layout suddenly enlightened. the beginning is 3.15 in North Daming Palace visit, see a brand cabinets organized activities, 6888,4 meters to 1 meter cabinet wall cupboard, as long stroll disoriented, can not stand Miss boasts shopping guide , given a set of radish silly. Fortunately, the most critical moment in a telephone call to the vegetables, only to pay a 100 dollar deposit. come back after the lessons of some vegetables, radish wronged Baba had no choice but busy for a week quietly withdrew after ran. In fact, students secretly ashamed of radish, the nerve to say he is pretending to be a large stay there of it, do not understand anything, will be so expensive cabinets! So, radish students who had become, in the post where the students found a very, very swimming knowledge, such as: box board to Lushuihe, the panel to what brand, as well as back, liner, hinges, water details, etc., a very detailed list. radish while exciting, direct a copy, get the north city of Daming Palace of the cabinet door to door, asked, asked the Dream. Delin I installed a large, once told me the last time with the Central Purchasing Unit, seen so many cabinets radish, prompt and decisive decision: fixed Delin it! not because Miss shopping guide and more can be said, but it is very sure radish selection of students. sent money, the next day with Xiao Yang designers to come immediately measured, That evening gave me the design. and have read many posts, all of the Dream of the cabinet are good evaluation. well, very happy ~ It seems that radish students is absolutely nothing wrong. Here again about long-winded, scheduled to call cabinet when the radish students harassed father Tiger, Tiger Baba explained very patiently for the carrots, turnips bow to express my deep gratitude ~ ~ ~ ~ decoration fourth step: to do the following to say radish water not involved project. radish know the importance of water, but also asked a number of shops selling waterproof material, the final decision to use Central Purchasing given the price she may also lower and lower down, do not know Germany did not want to buy students with high waterproof coating? radish can send small window, we went to bargain, but also be cheaper. in a vat to 8-9 a square brush, brush twice. I see a high environmental protection between China and Germany, who brushed the waterproof baskets house reared fish, little fish also travel quite cheerful. Ha ha. I've got to do three water, two bathrooms and kitchen. If students have a laundry room at home, remember to also do, they said the place had to be done in water leakage. hey, I'm looking for the paving of the workers that he can do water, due to the shop Many brick, so waterproof 200 dollars he received help me to do. figured should also not expensive to. The master of the craft is also good ~ so right when the carrot a little cheaper it accounted for ~ Ha ha. decoration fifth Step three: When tile water began to brush the students begin to consider the cement and sand, etc. tiled materials related to the. strongly recommended: look at the investigation before the start of paving around your home more than 200 meters should not have sold within a radius of cement sand stores, and if so, then you can consider asking the kind of good but does not include accessories craft workers; If you do not sell cement sand, never, never looking for labor and materials to!!! Remember Remember, if your neighborhood did not sell cement, you will have fewer workers and a half bags of cement were called to fight back from Sinotrans 5 km, and then spend money to help workers in the back building, large hot day, the sweat on your face is black ... ... (tut tut, radish just about rendering scenes, do not panic) so it's important to you? remember investigation about!! radish students survey a bit today, it really does not exceed 200 meters of cement sold there. I told the boss talk about blowing fierce sea, he said to me by a bag of Qinling Cement 16 dollars count, to the house price is 18. because of my family, 5th Floor, workers back a layer of 5 cents; the sand at 50 dollars a square calculation, All the sand floor, one floor of 10 dollars back. do not know the fair price is not fair? students to help me out of ideas is to see ah ~ ~ down tiles. radish students want to shop antique bricks, tiles can be both good Guia ~ not yet optimistic, promising a talk to share with you. yes, forgot to say, use lots and lots of cement because the entire floor should be smooth ~ all with cement, which is equivalent to the entire family up the pad surface, 2 - 3 cm, if your home close to the door frame off the ground, you have to put up the door ... ... 5555, radish is one such home, or even the doors are not open. what developers ah! net to us look for a job! have .5555 spend hundreds of dollars there Oh, radish what students know there is a foot line, that is where contact with the ground and walls up to the point that part of the walls to tiling. It is said the price is 3 dollars one meter, have to buy this part of the brick. buy a good fee Boyd ~ tile not buy it to feel the carrots blowing pressure. decoration Step Six: woodworking shop at about the same time tile, carpentry will play 2 ~ ceiling, cabinets, and so do not be active. radish suggest you to do carpentry or as little as possible, first, because is very expensive, expensive sheets, good craftsmen of the more expensive labor charges; second, because it is difficult to achieve environmental protection. If Many carpentry home, the house does not go very long-established residents. radish for only a simple ceiling in the corridor, other places not and will not hang. money na ~ ~ decoration Step Seven: wall to wall, and carpentry while in fact the beginning, the first something to shovel out the original wall, and then grant putty, the best award three times, painting. I asked the workers lithopone and finished wall putty is much difference in the end, he said, some of product putty should be fine, but if Workers Manual, lithopone putty out of the effects and almost finished. radish in the end not sure what. the students know that? still paint. I think we all use Dulux. Dulux have a good variety, which is best to use and affordable but also needed investigation, I hope the students are also exhibitions Yup, the eighth step decoration: wooden floor wooden floor of the shop are friends ~ wood flooring, including material, as long as the bricklayer (that is paving the workers) to you to flatten out the room, (we say that leveling, chipping? I do not know which word in the end), wooden floor will soon be completed. radishes students spotted a clutch-patterned wood floors, brand is Roland and radish can be a small window, we can then try to talk a little lower his price. I looked at the market, grasping pattern of the wood about 100 dollars more than the actual. decoration Step Nine: ceiling mounted door are paved, and put on the interior doors are old school ~ proposed to buy the best products radish door, one green; the second is easy to use convenient. radish decided to follow the recommendations of the Central Purchasing if interior doors, the students remember notice should be in the Radish Yup, this time to the kitchen and the bathroom ceiling, right? radish not sure, but also get in front of the watch. Ha ha. decoration Step Ten: what should be installed at this time, right? radish Kazakhstan has not experienced, but think. almost fitting end, and to change to be a good cabinet ah, ah wash basin, all fitted with a ~ there is a place with you nagging about, that is, when the water is doing, must take the future installation of shower The two pipes installed in the full horizontal plane, from the side to be exactly the same high; protruding from the front to be exactly the same length. Otherwise, the installation of sprinkler pipes when the length of the level you will find two different, very annoyed headache. This is the carrot to listen to the conversation, hey, Study as ~ ~ Finally, cleaning the windows open air ~ la la la, we have to move into new home 2 ~ If the fitting speed radish students have to write this diary so fast, that nice ah ~ ~ ~ you do not know, turnip greens that will only cause trouble at home, any help is not help, a man loaded a carrot more than 140 levels of the house, tears, so called from the title : God, help me hug ~ 55555 ~ radish the students must report progress each day ~ because tomorrow is a carrot that auspicious day, to break ground 2 ~ hehe. ... ... Khan said that it was a few long-winded , said so much ... ... we will send a small window and see the discussion ~ ~