Monday, May 30, 2011

Love is not blessed

Previously, in the UK has a poor farm boy and a girl falling in love royal family and nobles.
not a blessing of love ... then it started ...
finally found the girl's father and against, and that they love to an end. One day, the boy that the girl is suffering from terminal illness ... but he could not see her one last time ...
a Sunday morning, the boy finally, around the girl's father requested the hope of see the girls side,
for boys, as long as one is enough afar!
but the girl's father determined not to reject the boy's request ...
girl's mother was touched by the boy's sincere willingness to secretly smuggle a letter for the boy to the sick girl.
But the boy knew that if the letter is a girl's father found her father on the girl's mother must be negative,
so he ...... letter reads as follows:
The great love that I have for you
love I have for you
is gone, and I find my dislike for you
is no longer, and found that I hate you but
grows every day. When I see you,
growing. When looking at you,
I do not even like your face;
I do not like your looks;
the one thing that I want to do is to
I want to do One thing is
look at other girls. I never wanted to
look at other girls. I never thought
marry you. Our last conversation
marry your wife. Our last date
was very boring and has not
is so boring, and did not
made me look forward to seeing you again.
I look forward to meet you again.
You think only of yourself.
You only think about yourself.
If we were married, I know that I would find
If we get married, I believe I will feel
life very difficult, and I would have no
life is so sad, but No
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
pleasure to live with you, I want my heart
to give, but it is not something that
dedication to, but this heart are certainly not the
I want to give to you. No one is more
dedicated to you, no one more than you
foolish and selfish than you, and you are not < br> stupid and selfish, and you did not
able to care for me and help me.
will care for me and help me.
I sincerely want you to understand that
I sincerely hope you understand
I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
sentence from the bottom of my heart, I believe you do me a Busy is
if you think this the end. Do not try
If you think that is the time to break up, do not try to
to answer this. Your letters are full of
confirmation I said all this, your letter is filled with
things that do not interest me. You have no
I lost most dull of some kind, you no
true love for me. ; Good-bye! Believe me,
of my true love. Bye! Believe me,
I do not care for you. Please do not think that
my heart is not in your body. Please do not as
I am still your boyfriend.
I am still your boyfriend.
girls to see this letter ... stop ... tears are flowing through the heart can not describe the pain ... it is ...
she thought she was dying to find a really love her Who knows who ...
his wife had at this time to write a letter like this to yourself ...
she could not support a lost love ... this time to mean the loss of spiritual support ...
dying in her ... kiss her tears in the boy's portrait ... Finally she fell ...
never wake up ... the sky is no longer suddenly clouded over, it began to drizzle ...
like ... like a girl's tears keep falling off ...
maybe people get it ... God did not read the original girl In that letter the letter behind ... ...
boy wrote the sentence: ... . One look back a few lines of this letter ... 1,3,5,7,9,11 ...
maybe she will not end with tears ...
boys know girls died news ... Xinrudaoge ...
one day the boy went to sit down before the girl's tombstone ... accompanied by the dead girl ... his only beloved boy girl ...
sitting on the gravestone do not take the girl, not into eating, without rest ... soon, boy dies eventually ...
hands clinging to his death, tombstone ...
girls because girls tombstone is in the mountains ... so no one found inside the boy's corpse ...
year later, the girl's tombstone for a tree beside the long,
the tree day and night for the girls Tombstone wind rain block sunlight, as in the girl's tombstone ...
guardian may be the boy has turned into this big tree ... life after life to protect his
this letter should be in your child received 96 forward, you will find 4 days, life has changed. This is not superstition.
transferred to 0-4 people: Your life will change
quietly transferred from 5-9 people: Your life as you wish
transferred to 9-14 people: the next three weeks you will The discovery has surprised more than 15 people
transferred: your dreams can come true.
a friend forwarded this letter to me. I often receive similar messages to forward, if called to do so would make a fortune and the like, usually I'd put myself as an endpoint, but the letter moved me because it said: , because it was in the silent blessing you because you love around you some of the people. With love, everything will be fulfilled.
^ _ ^ You see that? I silently bless you ^ _ ^

Thursday, May 26, 2011

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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< br>


Accidentally deleted data recovery

accidentally deleted data recovery
accidentally , delete the wrong , also empty the Recycle Bin , the supposed ah ?
as long as three steps , you can delete and empty the Recycle Bin back your stuff

steps :

1, click the Enter regedit ( open registry )

2, expand : HEKEY--LOCAL--MACHIME/SOFTWARE/microsoft/WINDOWS / CURRENTVERSION / EXPLORER / DESKTOP / NAMESPACE outside the left margin click on
, select: Recycle Bin .

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yunnan Travel

Last month, with the opportunity and went to distant Yunnan, to experience some tropical scenes, and now to a brief introduction:
trip the first day, the afternoon flight from Pudong to Kunming, Kunming is already reached 21:00 more than rushing the second day stay at the hotel ...
a long time ago from Kunming to Lijiang, the way the path Kunming - Chuxiong - Dali - Lijiang, take the car for almost eight hours, better guide Nengkan, chat , does not feel way too tired

Tian Long Ba Bu in the city: the legendary Dali Dali
Tenryu-ji, but unfortunately no time to stop, the car shot
the evening, and finally to the Yunnan The most important tourist stop: Lijiang, stay at the hotel after 4:00 we set out for the Old Town of Lijiang ancient city, there is little

the atmosphere of the ancient city, the vast majority of business is full of modern atmosphere, bars, shops everywhere, against the current forward, sailing out into the city, do not worry about getting lost.

Lijiang during the day time is rather long, we started to play the ancient city of 5, have supper is 8 o'clock, the day is bright.
third day, the whole trip is the most important attractions: the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

cable car climbing for a while in the foggy, bright eyes suddenly, everyone was shocked, Yulong Snow Mountain to in front of

thin mountain air, the temperature is not high, but fortunately, all with a down jacket and oxygen bottles

down the mountain, that is, valley, melting the snow on the mountain valley of moisture, where the beautiful mountains, is really paradise

fourth day trip, we returned from Lijiang, Dali

majestic marble gates, as described by Jin Yong's teacher did not know the Dali Duan Yu, said that there DY history of this people, the original name of section and leave reputation

Dali, Chuxiong night stay. ...
fifth day back to Kunming, Yunnan Colorful morning, shopping, afternoon visit the Stone Forest

this place I've seen seem to Pilgrimage to the West, do not know this, Colorful Yunnan Yunnan Travel must dos shopping is the Yunnan provincial government to create a window sign, all of the specialty of Yunnan: tea, jade, handicrafts, herbs, snacks ... all, do not worry about quality, and absolutely are the best, but the price is the best (a little expensive)

in Ashima's hometown, in Ashima's stone before the

dress in national costume, and even distant could not help but have a dance

DAY: Jane Shao return
simple whole trip, in fact, the whole journey or another of our many, many attractive places of Yunnan minority culture, beautiful landscape, rich ....... property is helpless strapped themselves to the body of another money is spent ....
I hope you will have the opportunity to go to Yunnan to see, there really beautiful

Ambiguous close, love is very far

Read a book called Before writing this article, but also specifically checked the word interpretation. The above clearly indicate: ambiguous, refers to the bright when, as an act of unspeakable. Do not know since when, playing an ambiguous between men and women to become a popular sentiment. Ambiguous, and crush not the same. Peach is likely to fruition, but it is impossible to fruition ambiguous things. Ambiguity which must be pain, to be uneasy, to worry about the outcome; crush could be unrequited love, you can do put a very low profile, low dust, out of a flower, he will not see you. Ambiguous is different, ambiguous, must be two people. Often said that a number of tentative words, one party sent out, one party has the skills to bounce back. Quietly, the flash of light. Obviously have feelings, but refuses to face. Coming and going, guess to guess to go, full of fun. This is a chase game, the participants this way, more addictive. Some experts and more than one person can play ambiguous, but also play a heartbeat, it does not hurt. Obviously, he who does not love. Many people, I feel light. Ambiguous to ambiguous to such, but is suspected of sentimentality. The real one to one extreme or ambiguous, like two magnets, obviously about to breathe together and took it away. Can be students, can be colleagues, can be confidante, can be long-time friend ... ... appear to have inextricably linked, but each have their own sun, air, water. Ambiguous relationship between people said you, you complacent; people ask you are not in love, you quickly denied. You care far more than friends, but not to the extent of carrying out a relationship. Do you have a further impulse, but no further courage, had a moment into a moment back, to keep in a safe range. Confused woman accidentally fell into an ambiguous, stupid woman will be ambiguous as proof of its own charm, intelligent woman but never sink in the ambiguity of. Ambiguous is a sugar, sweet themselves, are hurt others; sweet to others, you hurt yourself. Ambiguous scale difficult to grasp, any mistakes will be out of balance, do not expect a long and ambiguous understanding. After all, ambiguous, but to escape the guilt of betrayal, behind only the irresponsible ambiguous sad. Ambiguous, not everyone can play in this game for. Have feelings, why should they waste. The company of a circle of people every day, the opportunity to imitate the love a person, get, can only be unhelpful comfort. How many people can remain calm attractive ambiguous? Before, they are invariably asked me a similar question: Do you think he likes me? He often sent me text messages, often called me out, invited me to dinner, make me happy. Why did I wait so long, he never said that like me, except to say I am very important. I do not know how important definition, did not dare give up the reserved tell the truth, just in case the situation with the wrong friends have done. The past two years, friends had asked these questions to get married early in the marriage, the boyfriend to find her boyfriend found out. Ambiguous too cruel, you can flirt appropriate, may be appropriately ambiguous, that is not love. Most men's emotions are divided into a small cell of a small grid. Each cell a label, put a woman. They only get from the woman who wants. A gentle and virtuous wife, a high-grade lover, there can play ambiguous objects. Strength is stronger, more lattice. Silly woman, the strength of another strong, emotion can not be subdivided. Admire a person to hope that these qualities are reflected in his one person. Initially ambiguous man, a long time, it is easy to give up the rules will fall in love with him.
do not sink in the ambiguity, at the right time, inadvertently statement: you're just friends.

Monday, May 16, 2011

It feels good to drive

colleagues took three days to practice for three days car, feeling pretty good , huh, huh , albeit stupid , thanks to coach but also have more patience, Ha ha! Shashi Hou can be on the road do not know , ah, huh, huh ! Be careful ah!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Point is the smoke, smoked lonely

When you're lonely , sitting in the corner no one , quietly place a cigarette and took a deep whiff of smoke , is a meet .!
perhaps ,!
I was lonely , So I'm not happy , and never talk to anyone . just one person ,!
only one person ,
smoking quietly , tears. I never cry in front of others , I never let the tears Betray my weakness . Although I do not really strong ,!
I never tell people what to . I do not think anyone can understand . I do not want people to fully understand me .
Therefore ,
I have all my homestay a little lonely cigarette .!
lit it, my heart will be one indescribable comfort. looking at a small flame flickering ,!
I feel a little unusual calm, when the ashes , the heart feels very satisfied .!
I know ,
I really love a bad thing. Sometimes I feel very weak .!
Sometimes it has an indescribable desire. feeling very dependent on it, in the absence of the night. in their own small room ,!
remove all camouflage. indulge yourself completely , it is so indulgent . any Eroded by its own ,!
do not care will not be harmful , I was so friends always said I was self-willed man .!
I think I was the . willfulness that what wrong with that? why wronged themselves?
look at Ashes to Ashes , I felt like a burst of smoke fly . to the language is not required ,
to bid farewell to whom when they do not . of people do not need many words , I fell in love with the pumping Smoke .
eyes of ordinary people made ​​a bad guy . But I find joy in this one ,
perhaps ,
love to smoke, not my fault . love alone , nor is my Intention .!
I believe that those who know , do not bear the responsibility. Life is Elsewhere ! There is no one to chase ?
only ,
I just can not catch .
So ,
I Do not believe forever. Who would believe that there will always be a cigarette do ?
when Ashes to Ashes after the heartache is still upset, and when alone still alone .!
Therefore ,
timeless luxury I never . Who has seen the passing become ever do ?
I'm just a scoop park of the soul, the soul has never been free forever ! !

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Execution of a prisoner confessed ancestral cancer three days before the odd side

execution of a prisoner confessed ancestral cancer three days before the odd side

first recipe:

prescription frying method and Directions: Red date large grain eight, ten pellets (shared eighteen), nosed pit viper grass twenty-two, cycads leaf, Scutellaria barbata one or two, a total of four herbs as one, can be fried twice, the first ten fried water five pounds (about fifteen bowls of water that is five pounds of bottle three bottles of water) boiling two hours, the second ten pounds (about five pounds ten bowls of water bottles that two bottles of water) boiling for two hours, then Yao Tang Jian Hao down together, day and night when taking tea.


one: the drug attending various types of cancer. According to the results regimens have cured cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, less effective than breast cancer, other cancers have served the good results, especially colon cancer, only served 4 to 6 hours that result from abnormal .

two: fried once a month usually take the drug to the organs of toxic heat and hemorrhoids, hot cough embolism, after the service is really effective and can completely cure.

Three: Note: banzhilian cool non-toxic, herbal medicine, sewage, after serving undrinkable water, fear of diluting its efficacy. If the cancer three flowers (that is, the surface can see the rotten), you can grow fresh herbs just smashed, whichever is the slag, the slag spreads in the affected area, whichever is when the tea juice hot water. The prescription of all ages, taking three to four months before being completely cured, often after taking Nongxue urine discharge, this reaction, poison cleared basis, can not alarmed.

IV: This recipe is a prisoner in the death penalty for the first three days out, Department of secret prescription, lost the public for fear of death. So far, cured many, saving lives is a strange side.

second recipe:

open (ancestral cancer secret) cancer more than a thousand cases, efficiency 100%

cancer raging around the world, several people died per second, increasing morbidity and mortality, but the medical profession do nothing!

agony for the rescues all beings, to shine, if they visit the family business, Li Qing Yan Lay selfless contribution to the traditional remedy, treatment of cancer / tumor more than a thousand cases, efficiency 100%

Lijia Zu Chuan cancer secret

Indications: Various cancer / tumor

formula: Health Wulingzhi 10 grams, 20 grams raw black cows, the Health and Cyperus rotundus 10 grams, 10 grams raw wood wide.

Usage: buy medicine when processed into flour, add vinegar transfer paste for the pills, dried. A 10 grams. Ginger juice delivery service, 3-4 times per day (children half dose). May not transfer paste, add some vinegar medication.

Caution: Do not eat ginseng. Pregnant women is not available.

Description: The General Case 30 minutes effective, after more than a thousand cases of clinical testing, efficacy 100%, known as the Party of God!

the drug before the shamisen is a traditional remedy side, the fourth herb is a contribution to the Institute of Canadian people.

offer countryman: Guangdong Raoping County Town Lane Rao Li Qing Yan, MD, head of civil

to tell the public who countryman traditional remedy, heal the sick, noble work!

initiates economic difficulties can be appropriate in giving medical treatment to recover costs to earn a living, but can not reap huge profits!

No person shall be advocates the revision of the private prescription, that would kill people! If you have been cursed, at your peril!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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